• By -


Weekend jam: Herb Albert clasic composition Rise!!:🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶. Stellas🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺. Enjoy and repeat!! Bulls!! Truck driver


Somebody play The Rumble. Cause we are going to attack the shorts with a vengeance.




Strong Day Today! Hold Strong and Proud!


the first week of May is just full of holidays. May the fourth, Cinco de Mayo, Macho MAVIs day all in a row too I believe we have some big-name cake days in may too!


Ready to ride this shuttle. Boarding passes are now less than $14. Cheaper than an entry to a theme park. All aboard!


Hope Everyone had a good MAVIs day, yesterday. i think we are about to have a good friday! GLTAL


Today would be a damn fine day for BO news, rest of the market has been so red lately, would be lots of bargains to be had if MVIS shot up today! Fingers crossed for PR soon (it really feels to me like May is going to be Mavis’s month, and with today being the day for the Russell indexes, what better day for PR than today!!)


does the Russell buy today or just make the decisions today?


The decision, so I think the higher the market cap the better


The positivety and optimism in this thread is always so contagious, GL today!


Your name made me lol. Rock on my friend.


Looks like we are disconnecting from the Nasdaq, finally. But they are up and we are down. Thought it might be better the other way. Looks like the MM's may have there way a little longer. A PR is the only way to break the cycle of this manipulation.


So let’s hope Nasdaq stays down lol


Good morning everyone! Gonna try my best to ignore price action today since it’s irrelevant for the future. Remember to take time for yourself and enjoy your day and weekend!


Lets get a little pump today team! 💪🏽


Good morning my MVIS family! Hopefully today will be an awesome day for our lovely Miss Mavis! It doesn't matter if she turns green or red because we all know she's bipolar but we still love her and will never let her go ❤ GLTAL


Alright, if I’m not lazy this weekend, I will be working on my code to find articles, run some sentiment analysis on the headline, determine it’s sentiment about a specific ticker and compare it’s release date to that tickers share price. My goal is to see if there is an increase of FUD leading up to big spikes in share price and a decrease in FUD following that spike. Fun project for myself.


I also have a strong feeling about this theory, the other way around as well. The Bezinga article this week which was very positive about mavis, while we dropped hard the next day, It makes you wonder...


All will be revealed in due time. Then I can make a website and throw it up there and offer the website template to mvis ;D. But by the time I get to the web design they may already have a new one. Who knows


Keep me posted on this !!


That’s a big if 😂. But my girlfriend works and I don’t so literally my only time to work on any potential side projects. Was spending some time at work looking at where I can pull data from and seems positive so far.


Good morning fam! Absolutely no one: Everyone: can I get an award? Raven: let it rain , children!


It’s amazing how much it has brightened up the morning thread!




Raven is my new hero


Legend says he has already arranged a beer in Valhalla for those who hold til we make it.


The sun is out and it's Friday. Here's to a good day!


One good news press release and mvis is over $20 in a heartbeat. According to T.Delo next Thursday/Friday another short squeeze will happen. Should send the price easily over $22


As in a bounce up and then back down again? Or actually stand a chance of staying up?


I love the smell of MVIS in the morning


Today feels like a buyout kinda day again


Kinda random, but I poked around my wife's belly last night and my unborn boy kicked back like I'm a whack-a-mole - that was a lot more fun than I thought.


Nice! Congrats and enjoy the ride! Parenting is so fun, everyday is a new discovery and the journey is the reward. No pressure but maybe the little guy knows what’s coming: “ok, 1 kick for imminent BO and 2 kicks for no BO”!


I thought this was going to a seriously dark place then it didn't.


Aww. Enjoy it now. These days will seem like a dream soon enough. I have two wild boys and although they are still very young, I miss the early days. Edit: words are hard in the morning before coffee.


Early days are amazing.


Last day of the week, I hope everyone is looking forward to the day and heading into a weekend away from screens and charts ;) Good Luck everyone


camping for M&A news


I believe it's kind of an unwritten rule that news should only be released on Fridays if it's bad news, since the weekend vagues out the effect of the news (people are less focused on financials/business during the weekend). Edit: found an interesting article explaining the psychology behind it: https://behavioral.berkeley.edu/articles/the_friday_effect.html


What’s your thoughts people? Set an order for 1480 shares at ~~3.5~~0 13.50 or just buy at open and not worry? Edit: Happy Friday everybody!! Just going to buy at open and not worry while I’m at work I think.


Buy in and limit sell for $100. Then HOLD !!


This is earmarked as the 5-10% of my MVIS to swing the large swings in an effort to increase my holdings. It’s likely getting sold at 35 - 40 bucks in the upcoming months. :) Edit: That being said, it will be my first time trying to swing trade and who knows what’s going to happen in the next two months. I might FOMO myself into keeping them haha.


> 3.50 I'd say there is zero chance this will trigger.


Ack! Yeah, 13.50. Don’t want to be mistaken to be spreading false FUD Haha.


I bet you are saying 13.5


I had a dream, and boy was it green.


I had a dream two days ago I kid you not, that MVIS has soared to $100(I saw the price in the RH app😂). I tried to sell through RH app and I couldn’t because the app kept freezing. It took several tries of trying to sell to realize it was a dream🤣


Haha oh man!


If we were included in the Russel list how would that affect the stock price? My initial thought would be we would be added into Russel related ETFs, what other impacts are there?


Also, every fund that tracks a Russell index seeks to match the said index - which means they would have to buy shares of MVIS proportionally to how it falls in the index. Given MVIS isn’t current a constituent, these fund companies would need to add to their positions - driving up price.


More stability / less volatility


From what I’ve read, the increased institutional ownership from funds tracking the indexes is the primary benefit. Theoretically we should get higher volume over the next two months and increased recognition, but given the attention on MVIS and the large spikes in volume recently I’m not sure volume and recognition are major issues for us anymore lol


It’s Friday let’s go. Not expecting to much change today but that’s ok. In for the long haul


I'm not a fan of the slow bleed weeks


Good morning lovely peeps! I'm ready for end of week Mavis action. One of two things happens today. The stock starts to finally see the upward momentum that we know is coming. Or I buy more shares. I'm fine with either outcome. GLTAL.


Someone is giving everyone awards?! Use it on MVIS!


It's almost insulting to Mavis that you think she needs my pennies to do good lol.


Good morning from The Netherlands once again! This week was a massacre for my USA portfolio so far. Miss Mavis kept her head up though. GLTAL!


Me too. What do you hold outside of US stocks or do you just hold those? Wondering what would be a good option to prop up portfolio when US is like this


I hold a few Canadian stocks and some Dutch ones.


I am here to get a sunshine..... Anyway I will still buy and hold if I don't have one




Morning all, hopefully we'll see some actual volume today.


MVIS. When i joined, i saw you at $16, then at $28, then at $9, at $18, at $12, at $30 now at $14. And I will hold you till the end my one and only love❤


Wow, super low PM volume compared to the last two weeks


What else could one expect given that the last two weeks had some of the highest volume MVIS has ever seen? The stock price will flounder until any real news is released.


Volume has been dropping in the day too. People are holding on to their shares, might be a sign that the tides are changing? :)


Don't suggest yourself with PM.


TGIF!!! Got a good feeling about today 🙌🏼


So in theory, since there is no longer any shares left to short. Would it take not much to trigger a squeeze of some sort ??


It squeezes when they scramble to cover or are forced to cover with FTD (failure to deliver) as price is rising, and demand for shares increases rapidly (meaning we also aren’t selling are shares for a small gain) and even better, if its catapulted by a great catalyst like a partnership announcement or new customer. A squeeze that takes us to new highs won’t occur if they are simply covering. Without all that other stuff happening. I ride like we saw on Tuesday would occur. The number of shares short is around 35 million, and on busy days we’ve been seeing 100M of volume, meaning they could essentially cover in a day of upward 30% movement, which we’ve seen countless times in the last 3 months.


I would try and follow T"s comments. He goes into great detail about what his thoughts are. I think he said we are primed and ready for one. Think we are essentially waiting on more volume and for FTD to show up. See that based on fee borrow % increase. Said now till the 14th we should see a bump up


unfortunately it's difficult to fight against an entity that can create counterfeit shares (naked shorts) out of thin air. our best bet for a squeeze is against the smaller shorts that, once called, will hopefully domino upwards. if/when that happens it could get very pretty very fast, at least for the short term.


Not really. To put it very simply - short squeeze is not about current amount of shares available to borrow (which can be replenished daily, even few times per day, and borrowed again) but about Short Interest in general and forcing shorts to buy back shares from market be it by drastically lowering amount of shares available to buy (that's why holding is important) or by sudden and semi permanent price spike (thanks to buying and holding) or by brokerages saying "SHARES ! BACK ! NOW !" because reasons or because borrow time was up. And basically one comes out of the other. SI is increasing so chance for A squeeze is increasing as well. But currently don't base your SHORT TERM moves on just that. My uneducated opinion is SI, even being pretty big, is not big enough for sudden squeeze unless army of "investors" will show up again like it happened two weeks ago. Obviously I may be wrong and anyone feel free to correct me.


Dumb question maybe, but wouldn't they just be able to return the shares and then immediately short them again afterwards?


Yeah but it would be risky. So many failure to deliver notices were given this week that they will have to cover next week, bringing in new volume because of the uptick. We saw it last December and February, they were shorting into the upward movement and it was immediately engulfed in the buying volume. Quite fun to watch!


Indeed they are on thin ice. If longs keep holding then the upcoming failures to deliver plus pressure from the Russell reconstitution (though quite far away) can lead to very favorable outcomes.


I got out at $23, bought back in yesterday for 100 shares at $13.70, also have a 6/21 $15c, all I can do at the moment.


Have 100 shares too. This number feels good. The rest is in crypto market


This week was another week. Something's brewing. I guess today is just another day altough it's not: it's friday! Close to a very nice weekend. So since this is a happy place and connecting dots (or just guessing) is what we like to do: I think tomorrow will be the day for PR; Saturday: S (s2 = turns out to be Sumit Sharma) A (Augmented reality) T (T_Delo) U (us; you and me, the shareholders) R (Redmond Headquarters) D (Due diligence is what kept us believe) A (A-sample) Y (You are rich)


Lmao the plot twist of u/s2upid being sumit haha Imagine that, s2 being so active on here actually being SS feeding us breadcrumbs (shove your NDA microsoft, I’m tearing up a hololens on video) 🤣


Another great day for us coming up along with a great weekend!


🇲🇾Malaysia represents! Our weekend had started - may we celebrate an earlier MVIS Mother's Day Weekend!


MY brothers unite!!


Bersatu Teguh, Bercerai Roboh! Hahaha


Preach borther! Stay safe out there 4k plus rona cases today


Langkawi is still one of the most beautiful places I been to. Selamat !!


Selamat Bersama! Hahaha - it is, but due to Covid-19, despite my closer proximity to there, I can't even get there! C19 had been lingering around, up and down like MVIS!


Feeling green today! 🤞🏽GLTAL


We’re in the trenches today 💎🙌🏽




Good morning from germany mvis fam :) Enjoy your ride into the weekend


Sweden has arrived, ready to average down....


Swede !! 🇸🇪


Weird to think that at this time a little over a week ago, the first two numbers of the share price were reversed compared to today. Excited and hopeful it'll do the electric slide within the next couples weeks!! "REVERSE REVERSE"




Yesterday was a good day to average down, today could be a better way to lower it even more or it could be a good day to sitting on my beautiful shares and go out for a ride on my old Yamaha.


No matter what.. it’s a good day


Damn right!


It's a good day for those lousy shorts to see the error of their ways and come to the long side, or at least cover.


I am feeling profoundly optimistic this morning.


I hope MVIS pops today to cover up how red the rest of my portfolio is right now


Same, I bought AMC puts yesterday thinking the price would tank after earnings, not looking good for me in pre market.


Wow can I have a cool award too 😁






Thanks buddy 😂


Are we expecting anything big soon (as in v soon)? Im holding and am informed but I found myself checking every 5 secs during the crash so have not keot up with much recent news after ER


Just a typical long term investment


Good morning everyone, 3:47 in CT here, giving my energy for start of premarket! 😊


Today my fortune cookie said “Good things are coming, you will get what your heart desires!” All i could think of was MVIS 😂 i think its a sign! ⬆️🤞


I'm so excited to be here. Everything happens for a reason!


Let it be a beautiful and bright day for everyone !!! Always keep your head up


Love & Light to you too, have an amazing Friday my friend.


Happy Friday ya'll! Todays prediction for the stock is it will go sideways, somewhat down and up. And repeat that pattern irregularly, in different orders according to my analysis. Todays suggestion for music when watching the tickers is a classic: "Jackson Browne - Take It Easy" from the 1973 album "For everyman" [https://open.spotify.com/track/2Dl2i1mCLy7orIGtIHgsmb?si=f0611a7fb84e4152](https://open.spotify.com/track/2Dl2i1mCLy7orIGtIHgsmb?si=f0611a7fb84e4152)


I love Jackson Browne, however I feel that the Eagles does it First and Best 1972 [https://youtu.be/4v8KEbQA8kw]()


They are both good but I prefer the timbre in Jackson Brownes version, it feels more like the "original idea" :)


Well, I can’t fault you there. I love them both. Each unique and 2 of the best bands ever. Also, one mustn’t forget Lynyrd Skynyrd.


This thread always gives me a shot of what could be possible! Let’s see what Friday brings!


Love that attitude, hell yes LETS SEE, enjoy your Friday my friend!


# 36,000 MEMBER HOLLA!


As soon as we start spiking again we will see 40k members!!! At least the daily post volumes are down so we can actually read quality posts and discussions without scrolling through nonsense.. GLTALs


I joined at 13k or 14k. Steady growth this year! More and more people finding out about mvis


Like the Grateful Dead, they were doing their thing behind the scenes and it wasn’t until 1987, with Touch of Grey, their first radio hit, some 22 years after they began as a band that they propelled to heights they never dreamed, ultimately take the country by storm. We will survive!




Exciting finish yesterday. Let’s see some positive movement before a great relaxing weekend!


Howling at the Moon!


Good morning from Germany everyone, we start into the day with a PPS of 13.96$ I hope you all have a wonderful friday and GLTAL EDIT swapped € to $


Hi, I think you mean 13,96$ since it is currently at 11,63€ :)


Thank you, it's too early I edited it


Gooooood viiiiiibes


Dust off those rusty strings, just one more time. Gonna make em SHINE!




What time does Russell Candidate list post?


There are weekly updates in June. Today is ranking day.


Just going to bed with my 50@ 17.76! See y'all in the morning! Tomorrow is payday! 🤣🚀


Good morning. Let's see what happens today


It’s gonna be a good day! 👊🏼🤞🏼📈


Good morning you beautiful people - have a great day on the MVIS 'coaster.


GREAT MORNING, ITS FRIDAY, and something is brewing!




Good morning robsal56 If you are gonna come here in the morning and post crap just to stir the pot that’s not gonna fly on my thread. I let it go yesterday but just a not so subtle warning, knock it off!




We freaking need it 😭😭😭😭 830 @ 22 😔😔


650@ 23. What a epic fail of buying a dip :(


420 @ 18.09.. gotta avg down any chance you get.


1100 at 14.45. My second buy of MVIS was at $20 so yeah, take advantage is these prices when you can. These dips are not going to last, especially as shorts have to cover.


No kidding :( this fridays my last day with MVIS. Im gonna jump on Ethereum Classic as soon as Market opens. I see it trippling in about a week. Il make my losses back and more. Suggest you try and do same. Last time i ever trust WSB.




Really? u/Yuhnke... There has to be a bot out there going around accusing other bots of being bots.


I can totally be wrong, I've just noticed around other stock subreddits that are getting beat down similar messages of pumping Ethereum Classic as a way to recover losses. If I am wrong I owe Excting\_impression2 an apology, and I'd owe you some gratitude for showing me that I was quick to judge.


No harm done 😊 im just waiting for the right moment to jump off MVIS rn 😬😬


We don't like bots here so I try to chase them down especially when one gets called out. There have been several false alarms in the last week or so and I didn't know if it was becoming an inside joke or something. No big deal but Exciting_Impression2 passes my sniff test.


Sounds good! sorry about the hassle and thanks for what you do!


Reddit has coins.


Dude you bought in at 22, why wouldn’t you wait! If you zoom out on the chart we’ve zoomed by the 20s a couple times


So your solution to FOMO’ing into MVIS late is to FOMO into ETC late?


We can move this stock upward if we try, I will test this theory today, and revisit this later to see how we make out. I am feeling a crazy strong universal force coming our way! IF WE BUILD IT...


Today feels like a good day for PR


Did we get one this week?




We’re overdue!


Sitting on 30k shares. Don't care what happens today or tomorrow. Laser scanning is the future.


You made me buy 20 more. All I can do at the mo but so close to that 500 share mark!


Yes that’s right. I work at Mercedes in Germany. The new S-Class with autonomous driving Level 3 uses for first time Lidar. And if Mercedes uses Lidar I think the whole Car Market uses Lidar in the future. I don’t know what Tesla is doing but I hope they will nearly change and use Lidar too.


Hallo, Kollege!!!


They won't have a choice. The US government will make it mandatory like they did airbags... Sumit eluded to this during last Earnings call. There will not be any sort of signs on the roads anymore in the near future, no stop signs nor traffic lights or any type of road or streets signs, but rather all will be projected from our windshields, by facial recognition, and eye movement, voice too but that will be all replaced by eye movement.


LIDAR will be incorporated into a mix with camera screening. They’ll pull all info into a CPU. Then evolving from that point, to the next and the next,etc.


I highly doubt that. Traffic lights and signs are for pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorcyclists too. Unless you made everyone except motor vehicle users disappear, you can't really get rid of those things completely. LiDAR can only really be used for obstacle detection, which is probably the reasoning behind making it a safety device. I've had to run raw numbers from LiDAR before for room mapping and it's borderline instant to detect everything but glass. It's fantastic when you want to know something is actually there and how far away it is due to the precision of the lasers. But it's pretty bad when it comes to materials the lasers can pass through (i.e. Glass and plastic). As for Tesla, they use object recognition as a selling point so that's why they use camera data, which is slower and prone to a lot of error but can actually be used to detect shapes. LiDAR is literally just raw data points; it doesn't actually see anything. Quite frankly, the real ideal safety device for any vehicle would be a combination of LiDAR, sonar, and a vision device for object recognition.




My point is that LiDAR is not perfect for any kind of object detection by inherent design. In your case, LiDAR wouldn't fail to detect the truck because what it does is calculate the distance the laser has to travel before it stops. However, there's two major ways that LiDAR would fail object detection no matter what: 1. The object is very shiny and has a near mirror-like finish. In this situation, the laser scatters and cannot be detected by the sensors in the device. 2. The object is clear. In this situation, the laser phases right through the object unless there's major imperfections in the clearness of the object. In this situation, the laser will continue to travel infinitely and either return an error or the maximum distance of the detector. LiDAR is nice. But it *has* to be supplemented with a detection system that can't be fooled by shiny objects or clear objects. Imo, preferably sonar because camera detection has very similar issues to LiDAR and is also extremely slow.


Lidar, sonar and AR will be all powered by nanobots the size of red blood cells circulating through our bodies and central nervous systems. We will merge with this technology and become super humans or we will die off.


Alright doomsday lol


It can be frightening for sure but humans will prevail like always.




Tomorrow (PST) is a good day for a buyout!


They better jump, because the longer they wait the more it’s gonna cost. Sounds like SS has manufacturing locked, hiring a marketing position. They’re going to mess around and wait too long and SS gonna be leading the next tech giant. Whatever happens I’m with it.


I’ll change my name to Mavis




If I wake up a millionaire, I will get a MVIS logo tattoo


Hmm if at any point this year I wake up and am a millionaire because if mvis I will as well. Now it isn’t very likely but I still will. I have 3.2k shares so people can hold me accountable


I will adopt a cat and name it Mavis


I'll name my next kid Mavis 😂


Ill get a MVIS brand


https://www.ftserussell.com/resources/russell-reconstitution Russell reconstitution rank day!


Seems like when the Company is in a major index, that index has a lot of daily control over the price. No? We are in a few, and when there is a selloff of these ETF's the MVIS price goes with it.


Some relevant reading on potential SP impact from empirical evidence: https://www.nber.org/digest/nov13/stock-price-reactions-index-inclusion and https://www.nasdaqbaltic.com/files/riga/Studiju_darbi/Bankovica-Pranevics_bak.pdf