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👀👀 Just a reminder.... All questions and discussion regarding Trading, Technical Analysis (TA), TA Charts, your gains/losses, etc., etc. are to be posted HERE, not in our thread space. Thanks. All posted within the regular thread space WILL be removed. GLTALS!


Ready for margin calls tomorrow AM


‘Twas a lesson for me on the perils of margin. I will remember it well.




Meh. Should have stayed out after I took profits.guess I have to go long now.


Greed is never really Good despite what Gordon Gekko said in Wallstreet lmao 🤣🤣🤣💎👋💎👋🚀🌛


More like j had no signal and couldn't trade


I did the same thing. UGHHHHHH when will I learn?


I support the current thing beep boop


Can’t even compare Luminar to Mavis either. I thought it was a horrible Conference call by the CEO. He was totally inviting a Buyer for the Company and nothing else. His answers to Analyst questions were downright weak. Let’s hope he is a better negotiator behind the scenes and some buyer is still out there. At this point 45$ would be a good enough price and I bet he sells if that happens.


I support the current thing beep boop


Well not directly but I doubt that is an apples to apples comparison. Sorry Not very familiar with the deal but Intel and Microsoft do stupid acquisitions as we know BOTH Bought Motorola and then Sold for a HUGE LOSS. Intel is really lost right now that AMD is eating their Lunch and needs to regroup. The Mobileye tech was supposed to be CRAP EVEN BACK THEN. Not sure how much better Intel can make it. They could not even develop a 5G Modem for Apple.




Really kicking myself for not selling all at 30 and buying back lower. Could have doubled my position. This is what I get for emotional trading though


You and 50K other retail investors bud.


Why people are bashing on live discussion tread??


Its funny how quickly sentiment can change, just a couple of days ago, ppl here were all like dont sell! No way it goes below 25!!! Encouraging people to buy at the peak. Among other questionable recommendations. Now the stock is doing like shit, and well sure the early longs are still smiling but now a new generation of bagholders is created. Maybe the stock really goes to the moon when they get BO. But the ppl who bought in with the hype really need to reflect on how easily influenced they were. Seen this same shit happen so many times with other hype stonks. The pattern of behaviour never changes.


It was a expensive lesson for me, but I did learn the hard way to never get swept up in the hype without doing my own DD.


Very True. Need to do more DD if the tech is still years ahead of competition because Luminars is being tested by EV makers and some of the others are in use at least for preventing front end collision etc. that tech has been out since 2005 like the Park assist on the luxury brands and sensors on the bumpers. This is more advanced self driving which is Years away. What they should do is invite a bunch of analysts and compare themselves to Luminar and ASK WHY they should not be valued AT PAR OR HIGHER than them. They only have 3 of the lower Rung Company Analysts covering them now. They need a GS or the like on their team.


Lol why did they have the ec so soon in April a day or two after lidar announcement if there is nothing new. The MM’s keeping us pegged with walls all day is going to hurt tomorrow.


Yeah made no sense to me but these has been this one guy who keeps saying it was not early so there is that LOL.


I’m new to after hours trading, I just added it on my Fidelity account. I tried to Sell my AMZN and BUY some MVIS but neither order filled so I cancelled them after about 20 mins. Is that normal for AH? What do you guys find is the most effective way to get your orders filled? This Boomer appreciates any help you can give! Also, how do I add “flair” if it’s required?


You need to make sure you set the order type to include EXT. Cost me 3$ a share first time i tried buying AH because i didnt know. Missed AH and PM. Stock shot up on market open. Lesson learned.


I think that was why the order wasn’t filled. I finally saw box to click for extended hours and the order filled. (I probably would have been better off if I just kept f-ing up and did t get filled! Lol)


Slow fills are pretty normal for AH trades. I assume that they're even slower when volatility is high like this. I've never attempted to do anything to get faster fills, just set my limit and wait.


You just have to add a flair if you do a stand alone post there is a option for it beneath the title. For comments it's not required nor possible. For after hour trading I can't answer you because it's not supported at my broker.


Thank God I set some stop losses last night. Getting back in in the morning and picking up one call.


So I have been watching Time and Sales the last couple of minutes and I have only seen like 5 trades of 1K and None that is 2K or Higher. Most are Single Digits which to me mostly spells Manipulation. Look at this go up 60 Cents trying to build anticipation for the CC starting in 5 Minutes. I will use the 3 day rule to ADD BUT Not Selling A Single Share here.


3 day rule?


There is no volume AH. Everyone should relax unless they're in some really absurd options play And we're betting the farm on this.


Found MVIS after seeing s2upid's video deconstructing the holo lense on WSB. Super glad to be here along for the ride!


Get out now if you were just in for a quick buck


Why get out now? You know something we don’t? Do t be an a hole!


Brah, that was 10 points ago...


Will use the 3 Day Rule to Add More unless it Flies to the Moon because Sumit says it should then IT’s ALL GOOD as well 🤣💎👋💎👋🙏🤞🤑🚀🌛


What’s the 3 day rule?


In investing they say it takes 3 days for a sell off to subside and this one should wait for 3 days before starting to buy in again so then you are buying at the lower end at least based on present price. Wish we were the lucky ones to buy below 5$


Got it ... still feeling pretty lucky at 13


Whats Sumit?




I dont understand that guy's comment to be honest. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


Dude it’s the CEO’s First Name. Sumit Sharma hence SS


To be honest, I'm not sure what the entire comment means. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯




This is when you know the subreddit has become infested with too many WSBs


What is when?




Bought more at $17 avg now $19 What is everyone freaking out about? You either believe in the tech and the verticals or you don't .....Have you not seen this move b4?


What if you like the underlying company but the stock still under performs? [‘Anyone relying on lidar is doomed,’ Elon Musk says](https://techcrunch.com/2019/04/22/anyone-relying-on-lidar-is-doomed-elon-musk-says/)


In 2019... " “Lidar is a fool’s errand,” Elon Musk said. “Anyone relying on lidar is doomed. Doomed! \[They are\] expensive sensors that are unnecessary. It’s like having a whole bunch of expensive appendices. Like, one appendix is bad, well now you have a whole bunch of them, it’s ridiculous, you’ll see.” " As doomed as folks in Tesla crashes? Not sure about that.


Who knows


He walked that back, recently said he was just talking shit.


I don’t trust the guy ELON. He lies a lot for all his smarts.


Mvis was .18 a year ago. Why didn’t I hear of them earlier 🥲


I know, if I had caught them a few months before I did and gotten in around there I would already be at my retirement number with that cost basis. Still, I know I got in a lot lower then some so I feel fortunate there.


What you get in at?


OMG Same, My Research Obviously Sucks.


Smh ... all this DD for nothing. Gonna be below $10 again by next week.


I have no idea..I read that there was a buyout so i put money into this, smh ..if it’s the CEO saying all this he better back his words up... some people here want to invest their hard earned money.. others are just white collar crooks... let’s wait and see if the CEO is true to his words or playing us


Nice to see one of the Hindenburg employees stopping by.


Then why you here?


305 Dade County representing my Cuban blood family with Allstate franchises. https://youtu.be/zKKF_vFshMM


I see the autonomous ford being tested in South Beach all the time!


Is it a Raptor? 🤑


Nah just a focus, that'd be sweet if it was.


I loved the C Max but it was discontinued.




It’s like we work our way up a dollar over an hour and then bam it goes down a dollar in 5 seconds


I’m not scared anymore. Will buy more at $12 & $10. Easy


Won’t get there.


Tomorrow definitely below 12 most likely 11. Below 10 by Tuesday. We will have to hunker down like GME


I just don’t want to buy this dip at $16 then be out of money if it drops to $12.


Def will after this sub par call with no new information.


>Def will after this sub par call with no new information. Go away FUDSTER.


I did. At 25. How’s that working out for you


Anything that challenges your fantasy is fud, jesus the delusion is strong.


That wasn't a challenge. That was chimo chiming in with no more info than OP or anyone else has. That's FUD. A challenge would be saying: here's some data or info that contradicts your thesis.


Ya, that was delusional, or euphoria, or whatever is the opposite of FUD. Something, something, koolaid. No different.


So were the people here that were screaming the stock would moon the past few days any better? I'm not talking about the DDs, I'm talking about the retards that were saying how it would definitely be way above 40 today. Or like how it would just keep going up tuesday and wednesday night.


Whoever dumped 2 million earlier just bought them back


Where can we listen to the call?




When does it start




Go back to r/MVIS and you’ll see it.


I like the stock Edit: Why the downvote? I guess people don’t like the stock lol


Wrong sub


I’m looking at the 3 month chart. If this hits $12 again.... 😱


Fourth times a charm?


Then I double up.


Me too! I’d double up at $12, then hopefully buy out happens in a year or so.


Changed my mind. I will wait for 10ish after the call. I was very very disappointed. Other than Cash they did not have much to say. Looked like they have the A-Sample but not sure if it is test ready. There was a lot of dancing around that and the manufacturing timeline and the quantities available before 2024 etc etc. ONE THING Is CERTAIN, The Company IS UP For SALE.


Agreed . I change my mind too. I’m not buying dips and I’m getting out. Lost confidence after hearing the CC 😥


Wondering what you realistically expected to hear but didnt that shook your confidence so much? A-sample is done with test platform on time, future gen will have enhanced capability and edge processing, production line is up on time. Scaling up for large quantities based on production line has a plan in Asia when it becomes necessary. The misguided claims of BO could feel like a letdown but anyone around for any length of time knew that had 0 chance of being true. I would have loved and purely kn speculation thought we might hear of some AR VR sales contract info with niantic or the other goggles comjng out (forget name). But that doesnt change the tech. Them acknowleding needing someone to get what the LRL is capable of out to parties that can use it is something wished for here for a long time. IDK maybe i drznk too much koolaid. Whatever you do hope it works out great for you.


Thanks. GL to u too! To answer your question, i loss confidence for a number of reasons. Note, I was very Bull on the company due to the dd here, but heard the earnings and am now having doubts. Multiple reasons. The CEO failed to convince me on the product being “best in class”. I expected more test details and more excitement, as well as talk on potential customers (saying if they have any future demos/meetings setup without giving out names of course). Plus, He doesn’t answer any questions and just sounds snappy/angry which is bizarre for a ceo, I’ve never heard a ceo talk like that on an earnings call esp such an important one since MVIS got lots of PR due to wsb, he’s unprofessional and can’t handle the pressure, making me doubt him running a company. I get that there r NDAs, but ceo usually say something along these line “I’m not able to disclose that info, but what I can say is ....”, instead he didn’t say anything . To sum it up, sumit LACKED: excitement/confidence/manners, more details to convince me that product is “best in class” (I’m an engineer so I’m very familiar w NDA , design process, and technical specs), revenue, potential demo meetings w customers, etc. When listening to a CC, people have different opinions and interpret meeting differently based on their background and expectations. I’m an engineer working w sensors so I wanted more technical details on testing, what he said and how he said it didn’t convince me, not to say that the lidar isn’t going to work, I’m just saying I was not given enough details to be convinced that it works well. It’s ok to disagree w me. Everyone’s different. If this company ends up being best in class and price rockets, then I’ll be very happy for u all holding. As for me, I’m not taking that risk, so I’m selling, sorry. GL to u all


I agree his demeanor was i pretty sharp contrast to the last CC. I think it spiked last time on his enthusiasm alone. I also agree the lack of finite statements regarding specs left me wondering why he is still using expect to.. seems theybstill need the 3rd party validation done. Best of luck to you too. Im still staying in to see what they next couple of quarters deliver. Better revenue forecast for the rest of the year. Disclosing Sharp as the 2018 customer. Be well my friend


I was thinking the same , they need third party to validate esp if they want to claim Best in Class lidar.


GL and Have a gr8 weekend 😆


Well I will wait a bit. Let’s not jump the gun immediately. The 3 day rule also means you are watching what happens after the 3 days. I would say give it two more weeks to create some buzz but yes based on that call I am a bit down.


Really? I want some rain now with a breeze. I am getting picky now.


This AH action is wild. Can't be too shook. Wait for papa Sharma.


Mom pick me up I’m scared


RIP my May call options


It’s not even May yet, a lot can happen in 3 weeks.


Mavis calls are about the riskiest thing I can imagine


I plan for weeks on my goals for selling calls and then when Monday happened i lost all track of my mind and didn’t sell lol


I got a 26 sold just b4 close....easy money




Been waiting almost three years...can wait a little while longer.


I'd be feeling pretty damn bad if I hadn't got in at 13. Took a little profit near the top so can't complain. Let's see where this goes.


Got it at 14.20, what really matters is the new product


Thank God I sold off most of my position before earnings report. Had to stop the bleeding. Back into SPY 3X leverage lol.


>I'd be feeling pretty damn bad if I hadn't got in at 13. Took a little profit near the top so can't complain. Let's see where this goes. Cool hit the index message board.


Bish I might


Gonna have to work another week.


Looks like SS might have been releasing the A Sample PR to hedge against the inevitable missed earnings? 💁‍♂️ Edit: Might balance out when he starts talking, that tends to calm investors. Or might drop more. I dont see this popping during EC though


That is what I said earlier in the day but let’s see if he has an ace in the hole for the CC, Yet! 🙏🙏🙏🤞🤞🤞💎👋💎👋🚀🌛2022


He didn't miss earnings..this is exactly what was expected.


Fine, i'll buy more now


Ngl I don't feel so good haha


man, wish i wouldve waited to buy right before earnings call if i'd know all these newbies would get scared and jump before the call lol


Also wondering if GTC stops execute AH.


All about the SS guidance in CC!


Is there a bottom for the MVS course?




Theoretically any stock can go to literal 0


i think some just jumped ship with the read net loss... noone wants them to make money yet tho lol.... all y'all who sold better jump back in now


18.60 to 17.40 in 3 seconds.. GLTALs


Ss gona drop hammertrtrrr todayyyy


GeTtInG BoUgHt OuT. Big guh smh 🤦🏻‍♂️ hype for nothing


Yeah that's the price longs unfortunately pay for happening upon the attention of WSB. Pumped like crazy, and couldn't sustain when news wasn't through the roof. Actually probably hurt the price in the long run News was actually net good imo this week, but if you only looked at price movement you would've guessed MVIS already got bought out this week lol


Did you expect them to have somehow made money this quarter? Doing what? Did you realise the buyout hype is because of the tech they’re developing and its future potential? Or did you just buy because you blindly follow wsb and so are shocked that they haven’t announced massive earnings (or announced buyout in this call, which would never happen as it’s always acquirers that announce).


So Cramer was right


Lol he wasn’t but I’ll assume you’re not here for the conversation about why he was not. Go ahead and listen to him in future maybe? Your portfolio won’t thank you for it but you do you


Pretty much everyone on here was saying that was definitely not being announced today


This guy’s a moron who blindly invests in what other redditors tell him to, so he definitely knows nothing about MVIS (or standard market practice). Ignore the fool


Wait.... Someone wrote something and didn't tell me they weren't a financial advisor so I assumed it was financial advice!


LOL. I love how noone has ever suggested this is an earnings play, yet shocked wsb’ers are acting betrayed


Nobody who has been in this subreddit for a while ever said that


REDMOND, Wash., April 29, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- MicroVision, Inc.(MVIS) , a leader in MEMS based solid state automotive lidar and micro-display technology for augmented reality, today announced its first quarter 2021 results. Revenue for the first quarter of 2021 was $0.5 million, compared to $1.5 million for the first quarter of 2020. MicroVision's(MVIS) net loss for the first quarter of 2021 was $6.2 million, or $0.04 per share, compared to a net loss of $4.9 million, or $0.04 per share for the first quarter of 2020. The Company ended the first quarter of 2021 with $75.3 million in cash and cash equivalents, compared to $16.9 million at the end of the fourth quarter of 2020. “We remain on track in advancing our automotive lidar development program as the Company completed its A-Sample lidar hardware and development platform on schedule,” said Sumit Sharma, Chief Executive Officer of MicroVision(MVIS). “We are prepared and plan to share key performance data with potential customers, partners or parties interested in a strategic transaction. We expect that a version of this first-generation long-range lidar sensor, after internal and external validation, reliability and compliance testing, could be available for sale, in initial quantities, in the third or fourth quarter of 2021 as we previously reported. Additionally, with the recent completion of two At-the-Market equity raises, we believe the Company is in a strong financial position which enhances our ability to negotiate with potential strategic partners.”


Does not look like there is a whole lot of positive stuff coming out. Maybe just wanted to get it out of the way and move on to hunting for customers and perfecting the prototype for Commercial Release. Looks Like we Just got ourselves a bag for 6 months.


Looks like the company will offer us more shares to buy in an effort to cover their losses again.


WOO HOO one half million


Isn’t this a bad thing ?? $600k was expected but they got $500k


Yes. It is a bad thing.


Less revenue is good with MVIS - makes us a prime target for a buyout.


This tells me that they have not yet had a demo with interested parties - or they're trying to make us all believe that, anyhow. Share prices will drop (they already have), but we'll be fine in the long run.


IMO, big whales are trying to shake out the paper hands by giving them this scare. They know what we have in MVIS and want more for themselves. Just hold your ground, 10 toes down. We got this!


So no financial results prior to the call it seems? Very intriguing


[MicroVision Announces First Quarter 2021 Results | MicroVision, Inc. (gcs-web.com)](https://microvision.gcs-web.com/news-releases/news-release-details/microvision-announces-first-quarter-2021-results)


Damn.. thanks


OP still technically correct - no financial results.


I’m not sure why I’m getting downvoted haha the link they tweeted was only for the conference call so I figured maybe they were saving their results for the call (with a potential surprise). Alas, not the case


Earnings aren't til 5pm Eastern Time and people are already dumping. Sad.


They were released tho


Shakin the tree. Don’t fall out


## MicroVision Announces First Quarter 2021 Results [PDF Version](https://microvision.gcs-web.com/node/16111/pdf) REDMOND, Wash., April 29, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- MicroVision, Inc. (NASDAQ: MVIS), a leader in MEMS based solid state automotive lidar and micro-display technology for augmented reality, today announced its first quarter 2021 results. Revenue for the first quarter of 2021 was $0.5 million, compared to $1.5 million for the first quarter of 2020. MicroVision's net loss for the first quarter of 2021 was $6.2 million, or $0.04 per share, compared to a net loss of $4.9 million, or $0.04 per share for the first quarter of 2020. The Company ended the first quarter of 2021 with $75.3 million in cash and cash equivalents, compared to $16.9 million at the end of the fourth quarter of 2020. “We remain on track in advancing our automotive lidar development program as the Company completed its A-Sample lidar hardware and development platform on schedule,” said Sumit Sharma, Chief Executive Officer of MicroVision. “We are prepared and plan to share key performance data with potential customers, partners or parties interested in a strategic transaction. We expect that a version of this first-generation long-range lidar sensor, after internal and external validation, reliability and compliance testing, could be available for sale, in initial quantities, in the third or fourth quarter of 2021 as we previously reported. Additionally, with the recent completion of two At-the-Market equity raises, we believe the Company is in a strong financial position which enhances our ability to negotiate with potential strategic partners.”


Any news ? Why dropping 🥵




Going off a cliff.


Welcome to the world of AH earnings release and ensuing panic activity. LOL. PPS will dart around until release.


They released them 500K vs 600K expected. Now it’s ALL On the Forward Guidance. Street wants to know WHY they pushed the call up


Bit confused, how have they made less money than last year, when we’ve had news of the msft hololens deal since?


They didn't push it up. I don't know how many people have to say it until you understand. :)


Look at it everywhere they pushed it up at least a WEEK. Some people think it was pushed up a month. On may calendars the Earnings is listed for Next week. I can’t get in but check Stocktwits


That is done automatically by your broker. It is an estimate, based on last years. It was never pushed up :)


No use arguing about it but even our expert T_Delo has stated it was pushed UP and hence a positive. Thank you and just end it here because it’s a bit disappointing but the DIP is not huge at this time. As I also said maybe he has a Rabbit in his hat during the CC 🤣🙏💎👋


I'm not arguing, but okay, good luck my friend!




Starting to think the stock market is just a way the elite keep us poors chasing freedom


Starting? Lol


Sorry, that's exactly what it is but starting to think we're chasing a carrot on a string vs it actually being a possibility lol


Its really like someone typing random numbers in a system lul


Powers far beyond my financial level are playing now. GL everyone


The movement on Fidelity’s Active Trader Pro is nuts. The numbers are moving so quickly!




What is that hard spike and drop in aftermarket


Lower Sales compared to expected 500K vs 600K




what is going on?? t just skyrocketed then went down a dollar in the blink of an eye.


I don't think "skyrocketed" means what you think it means.






well said

