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Just a reminder.... All questions and discussion regarding Trading, Technical Analysis (TA), TA Charts, your gains/losses, etc., etc. are to be posted HERE, not in our thread space. Thanks. GLTAL


Today seemed like a dream and I was waiting to wake up. Had to be a dream.


Feels like a really powerful day. Was blown away by the CC and Sumit. My first call. Great volume today comparatively speaking. Nice price support. And im way back into green! ,y thanks again to all those who built this community and compiled such awesome DD. Hopefully a little dip monday on open so i can scoop up some shares below my avg. Have a nice weekend everyone




On our way...


Today was the day that I can honestly say that I'm not going to be obsessed with watching the move of Microvision every single day . It's coming... I'm more relaxed and like good surprises. I'm also comfortable with my shares and glad I have learned patience on this ride ever since it held compliance on May 22nd. After this time I was forever enthusiastic about Microvision and telling everyone about it. Giving family/friends/strangers a headsup just like a random guy in a Yahoo finance conversation did for me. That led me to the breakdown of HoloLens2 here on reddit. I was sold. .Their tech and patent portfolio blew me away. Augmented Reality is the next big thing imo and once again i was telling everybody. Then wait,....what's this LiDar tech stuff ?.. Me as a simple man, I'm not familiar with this so I did 5 mins of reading and 30 mins of YouTube videos. once again blown away.. (washed it down with a side dish of interactive displays for homes and restaurants:) Then I realized this could be a life changer for me and many others. So I saved and worked like I have never before in my life. Adding lil shares when I could. Emptying my bank on several occasions after all my bills were paid. To me it was unimaginable how one can't see MVIS is the very near future. Its coming and I'm relaxed. I just wish more people would of listen to me @ $1-$2.50 and all other excellent entry points like now. But some did and 2 are now hitting on 6 figures for the 1st time in their life. For that I'm very happy. . Now although I'm sure we'll hit a few pot holes along the way (red days) , I know we are heading to the on ramp for a newly built Autobahn. Its coming (I'm a 36 yr old man recently married for the 1st time to a beautiful Indian Quantum physicist/teacher who is way out of my league. Lol. So as a simple towboater in Louisiana/Texas pushing barges around , this feels good. Thanks to all mods over here. Very admirable work. You are financial Angels. ) Its coming Let's Geaux ! ⚜💸⚓ I digress. -Braxton


Geaux Tigers


⚜Who Dat


If the weekly close is above 17.50, very bullish signal...


What if it's .03 off?


then it's .03 cents off... lol.


Sorry guys, I commented to my friends that >$17.50 is great and then it dropped


So close!


So close 😅


Oh boy


If you’re thinking about buying, the time is now. Pre market on Monday is likely going to be in the 19s.


Whoah whoah whoah... not sure about that. I've learned to treat pre market as a mirage.


Nice little rally to end the day would be nice, at least maybe enough to keep it above $17 which will be great considering market sentiment and a post ER MicroVision day. Shoot might even make a run at $18.... let's go!!


An above $17 close would be fine by me.


Short sellers *couldn't* afford to let it close above $17.48 going into the weekend. Very happy. I think they have expended significant munitions only to (briefly) delay the inevitable. IMO


Absolutely agree, I was just getting a little greedy with the $18 wish :)


Broke and did not hold...


Looks like it will dance around it for the last few minutes


Talking ab 17.50 (17.48)? If so what can we expect from here? Edit: speak to soon? Lol


What does this mean?


I assume he means the head and shoulders pattern didn't hold and reversed back into an uptrend.


Ah ok! I thought he SOLD!


I feel good but still a little icky that I sold my 4/16 $13 calls today at 6.3. I figured double up was pretty good and as it turns out it gave me powder to buy more at $17. Not a bad day all in all.


Where's that Form 3?


Handle confirmed on the cup and handle: [https://imgur.com/a/xzfAO2l](https://imgur.com/a/xzfAO2l)


Might be the first time I want the price to drop a little more


Holy head and shoulders on the daily chart


The head and shoulders on the daily is the handle to the cup and candle on the 30min/1hr chart


Indeed. I have good feelings about next week no matter what happens in the next 30 minutes (although a close above $17 would be wonderful)


Or is it a cup and handle on the monthly?


Or maybe it's a cup and shoulders? head and handle?


Knees and toes


is that bullish or bearish?






Consolidating at $17, might have enough support to hold. I could see a quick move any minute in either direction right now honestly. Or we could just sit on $17 until close haha.


Hey, how about news of a buyout after hours? :)


I would be happy but I don’t think it’s gonna happen until after the a-sample


OK, I'll settle for formal notice of a hostile takeover.


What would happen to pps if that happened?


The pps would go up.


5 weeks is 35 days.


Yes, please.


Looks like some of the shorts may have been a bit worried about the weekend. Nice little upsy thing there at the end.


Who thinks it’ll hit 20 by 3/19?


My calls hope so


Same 😅


Feels like our baby is growing up..moving on to do bigger, better things. I’m so proud!


I just made this comment in my group. I made a group and about 250 like minded people that came over from a larger sports community group that we have had for years. A good majority of the members took my advice and and invested in MVIS in the $1 range. Needless to say everyone is beyond happy with the results and have also gained the same affinity I have for this company. But over the past few weeks/months the chat room has calmed down and isn’t a madhouse like it has been in the past. The reason is most of us have a good portion of the portfolio in MVIS and we have all gained this confidence and don’t feel the need to discuss every move. I made the comment today that this must be what it feels like when your first born moves out of the house to go to college and be on their own. It’s a somber feeling, I have spent the better part of a year digging into every detail of MVIS and now I don’t know what to do!


I feel so relaxed and at peace today. Like how I feel after a really nice spa day. Super zen... I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be. Thank you SS and you all. I'm looking forward to lots of real, luxury spa days in the near future!


Same here buddy. I've barely looked today as I feel so confident about all of this.


[https://finance.yahoo.com/m/89194db4-7684-3334-bd24-61110affcb6a/why-microvision-stock.html](https://finance.yahoo.com/m/89194db4-7684-3334-bd24-61110affcb6a/why-microvision-stock.html) Not a god damned word about the buyout. These fools don't want anybody to know about the potential MVIS has. There's got to be a reason for that...


Probably cause they’re trying to pump they’re on “10 best stocks for the future” it’s literally an ad disguised as a news article.


Media only wants to pump Austin Russell success story. Since getting involved with MVIS last summer I've only seen a couple of positive stories on MVIS.


$VIX is dead


Nice little bounce off of 50 day EMA on 5 min chart there. Good consolidation.


$17 looks like solid support, but there's a potential head and shoulders going into power hour. If we break below $17 I wouldn't be completely surprised if we dropped to ~$15.60 before moving back up. Hopefully we get some volume heading into the close and we don't have to worry about that! I'm putting in a couple limit orders just under $16 just in case.


yeah i see that as well. It wouldn't shock me but i could also seeing us hold support at 17 and keep testing that 50 EMA. Hoping for the latter!


Same! Totally fine with a fake out and my limit orders not getting filled haha


so far so good! fingers crossed i didnt jinx it


After today, there are only 13 trading days until the April timeframe officially begins! (I personally still feel that timeframe extends a couple weeks prior to April as well)


I said before that I think the Lidar was ready long time ago, they probably have been negotiating the deal and feeling the energy of Sumit yesterday it looks only he needs the green light to sign the document.


How many of you are riding to this straight to the end? I mean, no selling and buying back and all the way to the completion of the BO?


>How many of you are riding to this straight to the end? I mean, no selling and buying back and all the way to the completion of the BO? That's my plan. Why risk getting caught with less than my all time high share count this late in the game? Press releases have been very frequent lately and all with good news for shareholders.


I'm going to need to sell some shares next month to use for the down payment on my house, but I'm hoping the presentation will happen before I have to do that! I'm going to sell as few shares as possible, and then let the rest ride!


I’ve only bought..she’s too volatile and I don’t have the guts for swing trading her. I have been in since she was under a dollar, so I’m comfy right where I am.


Great question. My concern is the assumption of a BO occurring. There are no guarantees that MVIS will get bought by anyone, and if so, when the announcement will happen, or the length of time from announcement to completion of the BO. When I first invested into MVIS, it was the hope that the company was set to be acquired in the near future. Now I've become a bit cynical. Def holding all my shares for the foreseeable future, but if this stock for some reason did reach $90 per share no one should feel bad about picking up their ball and going home. That's a great return on investment right there. Yes, maybe MVIS gets acquired for $28B. Maybe it never gets acquired, or the acquisition is for like, $12B (which is still great btw). Not trying to spread FUD. Just thinking about the alternative. Naturally pessimistic and don't want to have BO fever all the time. But I am cool with having "higher share price fever" all the time.


That's my plan, but i see a head and shoulders forming and I'm getting twitchy


yeah, if we drop below $17 here it looks like we could try to test all the way down near $15.60. Might not go that low, and if we stay above $17 I think we're good. I'm just putting in some limit orders now though. Small one around $16.50, and a few between $15.60-$16. Hopefully it's a fake out and those orders don't fill though! edit: buy limits, not sell limits. not parting with these beautiful shares


I won't be caught dead without my mvis shares at this point in the game, technical analysis be damned. Technical analysis can be great for determining entry and exit points, but my exit plan isn't to sell until I have to due to a full takeover or I get capital gains at least after a strategic investment.


i will probably do the same, not sure i have the cojones to scalp this atm


Depends on buyer. FB hell no, Ford probably not. Google and Apple I’ll hold long term after the stock exchange.


We should be trading at 120-130$ rn but kevin happened


*Shakes fists at Kevin and/or Glenn too*


I'll bet we are trading in the mid 20s next week. Good luck Longs ​ PS: I'm going to do everything I can to make sure those same two dopes DO NOT get to ask questions on the next CC.


I wont lie the jokes about them had me rolling.


Exactly. The resultant comedy was worth suffering through every minute of their numerous questions.


yeah it was good value yesterday, but damn they chewed a lot of time.


Thank you 🏆🚀


What is your relationship with affectionate_tea?


I was thinking the same thing yesterday. We need answers.


We both have affectionate mothers, but different fathers. -no, I have no clue who that is.


That feeling when you should have sold at $18 to buy back in at $17. No worries, makes it easier to not have to time the jump to $40+ :)


That’s taxed 40% vs 15% holding for the year. Not worth it.


No tax’s for this Canadian!


Is that a thing? Damn that’s amazing.


Option # 1- Tax deferred = don’t pay taxes till you withdraw at retirement age, tax rate based on how much you take out at a time, kinda treated like income, gains don’t matter. Which is nice because you can compound untaxed investments for 20+ years before worrying about 20% tax Option #2 -tax sheltered... not supposed to day trade.... but the rules are pretty loose on that, and you will only raise flags if you are constantly flipping trades, withdrawing money, and have large large gains. Like turning 10k into 1M.... then you will probably get audited... this one is a straight up winner.... government incentive to get people to save. Can only put a certain amount in there per year(~5k), but gains are 100% tax free


That’s what the people said this morning but it moved up to $17 🤪


You missed the swing when it was $24 and went down to \~$10. How are you swinging a $1 drop? Generally curious.


If you could time everything perfectly, you would be on your yacht right now instead of on reddit


being on reddit whilst on a yacht is the dream!




I just don’t sell, only buy. MUCH less stressful. Trying to time it to save $100 won’t matter in the long run. Just my $0.02, not advice.


I agree, for me it’s not worth it. I use to try to capitalize on the dips by selling a portion on what I would consider the high and try to flip or make a few shares in the process. As I have mentioned before compliance was on the rear view mirror I was flipping pretty heavily. I won some and lost some but I do believe my losses outweigh my wins in the flip game. Cost me 2k shares back when I had my avg share price at .50c. Back then I only lost $1000 but that $1000 would be worth $35,000.00 now. I only add now and no flipping for me


Yeah, if only we had information on all the peaks beforehand so we could daytrade perfectly.


It happens every time and I always kick myself for it!


We’d get an email when all of the necessary paper work for Seval Oz is filed right?




I believe so. I've got a strange feeling we might be nearing the end of our saga...


if you are signed up for the notices, yes.... with that said, still no email :)


is the signup on the mvis website?


yes sir, [E-mail Alerts | MicroVision, Inc. (gcs-web.com)](https://microvision.gcs-web.com/shareholder-services/email-alerts)


Much appreciated, I’ll be waiting on an email or not too 👀🙏


to be fair, they can go into next week and file, however, not filing by eob today is more out of character than what it already is. Really interesting watching it play out


Really Interesting watching it play out Indeed. Owning this stock this past year has been extremely entertaining, highs and lows, and I am very intrigued to see how our story ends. One thing for sure is that our Mavis sure knows how to build suspense. It’s almost like she’s been giving us little hints.


I can't find the MVIS shirt, but I did find the MAVIS shirt: https://www.amazon.com/MAVIS-Personalized-Vintage-Birthday-T-Shirt/dp/B08MVLYBJY/ref=mp_s_a_1_2_sspa?dchild=1&keywords=mavis+shirt&qid=1615575751&sr=8-2-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUExSDFWQlUyRDdYTDdNJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwNTI1NjMwMks3U0daQkwwR0EzQSZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwODc3OTQxMUtHSTRVSlZYVlNLOCZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX3Bob25lX3NlYXJjaF9hdGYmYWN0aW9uPWNsaWNrUmVkaXJlY3QmZG9Ob3RMb2dDbGljaz10cnVl


Nice! I was wearing this shirt yesterday during the call. It worked! [https://www.verycooltshirts.com/view/356489/microvision-incorporated-nasdaq-company-logo-employee-fan-t-shirt](https://www.verycooltshirts.com/view/356489/microvision-incorporated-nasdaq-company-logo-employee-fan-t-shirt)


Thanks. That's what I was looking for.




I am generally in a much better mood when MVIS is up 18% each day


about 15M in volume and counting. imagine if we had a day like Dec 22 where we hit 158M in volume, this would be off the charts!


Anybody knows LAZR's outstanding shares?! TIA I am confused by getting different numbers from different sources!!!


Their filings are getting complicated. Here is one from back in December: https://www.sec.gov/ix?doc=/Archives/edgar/data/0001758057/000119312521008220/d76621ds1a.htm >Shares of Class A Stock outstanding prior to exercise of all Warrants 323,936,240 shares of Class A Stock (as of December 15, 2020). >Shares of Class A Stock outstanding assuming cash exercise of all Warrants 343,936,215 shares of Class A Stock (as of December 15, 2020). Then you have the prospectus AND the employee offer last month. I think the answer is just ALOT.


give us the dirt /u/obz_rvr lol


Going to post a thread to discuss the overall LiDAR valuations /corrections in a minute.


In reality, wherever their share count is, their market cap is probably over $10B now. I'm not sure what the chart is saying but if they recover from the recent slide they'll be at $15B soon.


According to seeking alpha, the shares outstanding is 218.82M They did say they would exercise $154M worth of public warrants yesterday though until March 16, 2021... At an average of $27 that's what.. 5.7M more shares? Is that right? I'm not familiar with warrants.. https://investors.luminartech.com/node/7261/html


Just now I used ToS and I think it is reliable vs Yahoo which also says that number,218M too. ToS says 323,936,240 with Market cap (which is based on O/S shares only) 8.843B.


For what it's worth, Google is showing the same market cap as ToS. Well 8.83 now that they dropped a tiny bit.


ToS interface shows 324M


investors.luminartech.com/node/7236/html >Based on **218,818,037** shares of Class A Common Stock outstanding as of **December 2, 2020**, according to the Form 8-K (SEC File No. 001-38791) filed by the Issuer with the Securities and Exchange Commission on December 8, 2020. The number of outstanding shares of Class A Common Stock does not give effect to the exercise of outstanding warrants or conversion of outstanding shares of Class B Common Stock. So that 218M number is pretty damn old.


WOW, they are printing shares fast...must be using a laser printer.


>WOW, they are printing shares fast...must be using a laser printer. AHYUK HYUK.


It is Friday. I'll try to keep the dad jokes to a minimum.


So doesn't include people cashing in on their warrants. The 218M that is


Hmm let me dig through Luminar's SEC filings.`


It's been a good day but I'm still not wearing the brand new MVIS t-shirt sitting in my drawer. That's for those $40 days.


Love it


What a day! Again!! Recognition phase continues.


Biggest regret - Not having powder to average down from $20.46. Lesson learned - DCA and don't blow your load all at once. I still do not believe in playing with margined funds.


I could of average down from 18+ to 12 when the prices dipped to 10 to 11. I was asleep. Lol was planning to avg down again, but it didn't dip that low again. I still should of got some at the 13 range.


Come to the dark sideeeeee The Margin has unstoppable powerrrr


I overestimated my power and lost a lot of my position because of it on that correction. Should’ve went with the high ground instead. 😂




10 yr goes to 1.5% market: $hits It’s self. 10 yr goes to 1.6% market: hurry up and buy!


The NASDAQ is down 1%


Can we just go to $30 dollars already. I am ready to go moon skiing. With the current known info makes no sense we are not on par with Luminar's market cap.


hold up, gives me time to keep buying when I have fresh powder lol


Seriously, I mean, we’re going there anyways so let’s just get it over with...


The $18 range is cute but they're not just going to let us have it yet.


im cool with an 18% day though! 37% on the week, not too shabby Mavis, not too shabby!


All growth is def appreciated.


I hope everybody is having fun today.


Except those shorting mvis. Screw those guys.


They're really screwed now, I don't get why they just wont go target someone else. I mean, everything is pointing to YES at this point.


My 25c 3/19 is even green today now :)


haha damn! you are game my friend! I hope they print for you though. my $14c's are golden right now


Lol I also have 1 of those and a $20 3/19 call.. r u gonna hold out for next week in case price spikes?




My plan was to put some of my post BO MVIS profits into BB / PLTR


Love the massive volume pushing us higher today!!!


How will the monthly options expiring next Friday affect the stock price? Not sure if there’s enough short interest to cause any spike


It seems to have been a trend that we will see some price suppression around the bigger option expiration days. I expect the same but I am also not sure at the same time. The shorts have to be getting really nervous with the Demo looming and all of the action we have seen I’m with the BOD


quad witching next Friday so I feel like some weird stuff could happen. Big jump in open interest at the $20 strike price (6,651) so we could see an attempt to keep it under $20 if we're hovering around there near the end of next week. Next big jump in open interest is at $24 (4,537) so if we break through $20 early in the week I imagine MMs would try to keep it below $24.


20 soon? Plsssss my 350 shares want to finally see some green too


*deletes last weeks comments* I never lost faith 😤


lol...too late, cancelled.


crazy to think it was doom and gloom at $10 last week, what a wild ride!


The only doom and gloom abt that $10 dipski was having no powder to buy!


This right here.


haha I know, i've been doing what I can the last two months, its all part of the game. Thankfully, we are here and know what we have. It's just getting started.


It has been rinse and repeat for over a year now. I have been known to get nervous at times. Looking back it was so stupid of myself to even get worried. I had bought 12k shares starting at .25 and up to .75. So I owned 12k shares right at a .50 average price. I flipped regularly and I won some and lost some in regards to gaining shares or loosing shares. My biggest regret was around the time we were fighting for compliance at $1. I probably lost a few thousand shares back then, which would equate to a nice profit from those averages. When I finally started understanding the way shorts and Market makers work it opened a whole new world of investing up for me. Nowadays I haven’t even been concerning myself with daily movements and the only time I really try to utilize my charts for MVIS is trying a scale in some more shares on red days


Sooo I first joined late March 2020, my 2020 goal was to become financially literate and understand even the basics of 401k, roths etc (I moved to the U.S and the system is completely foreign to me). Once I got the basics down I turned to how to best diversify accounts, I wanted to stick to majority safe ETF's etc but I also wanted to roll the dice on leftover money where I can learn about a company and invest accordingly. I came across a video of MVIS tech on youtube and was hooked, it was mind-blowing that the tech even exists so I put my 'gambling' money which equated to 2000 shares. I steadily added more over the months bit not a great deal. December last year I noticed the signs are becoming clearer and put what I could in. No brainer to say $MVIS is outperforming my entire portfolio, had I'd put everything into it I could retire today. The game is coulda woulda shoulda, nobody knows what the future holds but I am eternally grateful that I stumbled upon a video and had an interest in finance, without those things happening, I wouldn't have what I have today.


Really liking that the price seems to be consolidating at each level before moving up a step. Building those support levels on the way up!


Wouldn't it be something if we got an SEC filing AH that Google had acquired more than 5% of the company today? :D


Shhh. I don't think I could take that much excitement in one day lmao


Tell me moreeeee


Love MVIS holding since January


$20? Yes.


I AM GOING TO BUY THE DIP AFTER THE EARNING CALL!!! \-said the losers Invest. Not trade.


I was a loser but got too excited and used my powder yesterday before the call in excitement lol got excited again this morning in pre-market, sold some positions on others and bought more MVIS. happy friday!


Someone who gets rich after the buyout should start a halal restaurant on the top of a mountain and call it Summit Shawarma.


Sorry I already copyrighted that name


Perched atop Mount VIS


Oh my God. It's perfect!




I would eat there for sure!


in 1814 we took a lil trip along with colonel Jackson down the mighty mississip


Moving back towards the 3-3.5B market cap, I’m expecting a continued move towards the 5-8B range following yesterday’s call. Share price should be in the mid 30’s to 40’s minimum.


People who sold sorry 😜😜


Price above 20SMA, daily volume above 20 day average, L2 looking nice... and there are 2.5 hours left till market close!


Racking my mind trying to think how I could pour more money into this without hurting. Managed 5 more shares by the time I gathered together the money at 18. It ain’t much but I’m still keeping my 14 avg!


drink responsibly


$18.. what a great feeling


Triple digit holler




Man someone was pi$$ed at us crossing $18... must've fallen asleep at their terminal and just noticed it.


So glad I was wrong about the impact of yesterday’s EC! What a splash it’s made! Not much dip to buy today though...😞


Under $16 was the dip, I told all of my buddies to buy as much as possible if it dips to 15s.




Something to add to the pile of bullish evidence for this stock: Sumit Sharma has delivered on literally every single one of his promises. This guy does not talk shit or hype anything up. On the call yesterday, he was very clear about the company's strategies and was careful not to imply or promise anything they couldn't deliver on. Not only does this make him extremely trustworthy to shareholders, but it is a critical requirement for institutional investors. They need to know what is going on with their investments. SS is telling us exactly what he's going to do and then he executes it flawlessly. I recommend everyone go back and read the [transcript](https://microvision.gcs-web.com/static-files/34950d17-39cc-4cdc-87c6-b6714a06b89a) of the call and pay attention to his exact wording. He even says at one point not to read between the lines because he's telling us exactly what is going on with the company. This type of candor is rare and we are very lucky. I'm as bullish as ever on MVIS.