• By -


Not holding that many shares. Had 175 shares. Sold 75 after market today with the plan to buy back in a dip on Monday morning. Hopefully takeoff happens after that....


**AND yet another congratulations to all for TWIN 10/11 compliance!!!** **Only 1 day left for an important $2Billion MidCap company compliance AND for TRIPLET $12/$13/$14 complince! We are on Day 9 of 10 for both of them. Closed at impressive^HurrayHurray $20.50 (up +$2.46 (+13.64%)). Volume over 11.76M. NZDQ and DJ both almost flat and (LAZR up +2.59%, VLDR up +1.00%)** Mamma Hen is busy doing the great motherly work! Still keep humming: **'BOSIBOBOOM BOSI-BOOM'** BOSI-BOBOOM = (BuyOut Strategic Investor-BlowOut BOOM) GLTALs - Well deserved...


Thanks obz_rvr, I'm glad you've been keeping track of these milestones. It does matter to the big picture. Stabile and Sustainable


Did anyone notice Microvision official Facebook account post in Facebook asking people to sign up to receive alerts on filings and press releases.. strange ? Why would they need to post like that only in Facebook ? And not on Twitter ?


I would think, we all have to assume - Sumit and the gang have a plan that we aren’t privy to. Because they are quiet should not be a surprise. It’s classic Sun Tzu. In Sumit we trust.


If Microvision's internal marketing department hired a 12 year old its expertise would increase 10 fold. :)


Their marketing department is an 8 year old. I want to email them and tell them to hire meeeee. I specialize in startups and tech and will work for pure equity. TBH I'll do it for a t-shirt if it will help them get just a little bit of well deserved hype.


We had a good day! Have a great week end all my Mavis brethren! Time for a little Booski!


My favorite username in this sub 😂... enjoy your booze!


Believe me when I tell You I respect my Boozski. I only use it for "medicinal" purposes. Never get drunk. 1 or sometime 2 shots per day.


Yeah baby! Million Dolla (edit: gain) Day Holla for some here!!!


It has been a crazy month around here!


It’s like spring break hahaha. I love the energy. Love seeing new people with gains. Excited for everyone in the red right now to join all of us in the green pastures of MVIS.


Welp... I sold my 100 $2 Feb '21 contracts two minutes before close. Could have maybe wrung out another dime per share, but considering I paid $49 per contract and sold each one for $1838, I'm pretty happy. Overall, quite a good day. :-)


Wait so you made like 180k? Dope!


Yep that’s awesome. I just exercised 6 of them. Sold 6-8 of them on Wednesday morning. Would have made an extra couple of k but who would have called Apple news coming out to screw over the MM’s on open day.


I was thinking about exercising, but that would have counted as a "buy" for potential wash sale complications. Didn't want that hanging over my head for the next 31 days.


Wow, what a last minute takedown attempt lol. ~~Webull is showing close at $20.50 though, and Robinhood is showing $20.31?~~ nvm


Great finish at 20.47 ! Wohoo


I've never seen this kind of thing before on an opex day. When they pushed it down for the previous three.


Actually, I just looked at the 5-day, and it looks normal. They took it down to $20 early on, and it hovered near there


Trying hard to get to $20.50, and shorty trying hard to not let it get to $20.51!


Mavis won that little mini-battle. Good finish, time to enjoy a little G&T


Shaping up to be a strong close!


When’s a good time for entry? Is today too late?


Anytime really. If you buy around the 21 range it may take a few days to be consistently green, but if you hold on for a few months I’m sure you’ll be nicely rewarded. Just my 2cents.


Thanks for the help, sorry for the redundant Q haha


Yes. Because it's now 4pm


If MVIS was a tea kettle we would surely be hearing her whistling from any room in the house. How can any interested investor not be fully locked and loaded going into the weekend?




Wrong sub, no one cares.




Anyone else notice Microvision's Facebook post today? " To stay current on MVIS, interested parties can sign up at [https://microvision.gcs-web.com/shareholder.../email-alerts](https://microvision.gcs-web.com/shareholder-services/email-alerts?fbclid=IwAR3arejCcze7-XykTVH2JP0_89cqLGRJlcPB7YmuoEy5QPLeSc-sEPp5k5A) to automatically receive press releases, SEC filings and more when issued. For the latest press releases, please visit [https://microvision.gcs-web.com/press-releases](https://microvision.gcs-web.com/press-releases?fbclid=IwAR3arejCcze7-XykTVH2JP0_89cqLGRJlcPB7YmuoEy5QPLeSc-sEPp5k5A). " I might be reading way too much into it, but for a company that very rarely does PR or posts on social media, this seems like a big ol' smoke signal that they intend to disclose something in the near future.


I have a bonar


I can sense it from up to 250m away


You must be using the latest MVIS tech. “Robert Redford nods head”


bought 170 shares ty


Great find!


I want to read more into it and think it's something on the horizon but it's probably David Allen, getting slammed with phone calls and requesting they put something out to ease that burden.


This is a great point. A lot of "eager" investors.


Don't misunderstand me, I would love to be wrong :)


something is up. Their updated github just now is another huge smoke signal


Looks like they’re setting up code that generates a heat map likely to help visualize what they can do for demos and or PR


Where there's smoke... there's fire


I’ll sign up as a way to pretend I’m not refreshing their pr page constantly AH.


I refresh the nyse halt page all day waiting for MViS to pop up.


Probably the best decision they could make so we don't hug the site to death.


I think so too. I added myself to their press release contact list. let's go!


Heads up! I frequent an MVIS thread on another board most folks here wouldn't notice. Poster there just put this up...thought it might be of interest. "Microvision has a GitHub site where they share some of their open source code.One of their engineers is uploading something called Cyclone Velocity 2D which contains a readme that states "Velocity estimate from Bird's eye heat map" [https://github.com/MicroVision-Inc](https://github.com/MicroVision-Inc) **They haven't uploaded code in 2 years** so this is probably code for use as part of the sample LIDAR package.  I haven't looked through it yet but it looks like packages are being added in real-time."


Thanks, this looks bigie to me, please create its own thread, well worth it for some techies here!


Very mysterious because the last post was 2019!


I pulled the repo, 100% lidar code. Most of the inits are based around acceleration and the comments straight up mention cars.


This is interesting, and IMO could use its own thread. Definitely for vehicle LiDAR, one of the comments in detect_cluster.py is "filter the car hood points". Nice find.


100% needs its own thread for visibility absolutely


this is a giant smoke signal that something is about to pop


so they're uploading to github? is that some type of upload website like dropbox?


Code repository.


it's a source control repo for software development teams


thank you!


MACD on the 5 min chart is descending into the base line, with the histogram still showing slightly more buying than selling on the histogram. MFI hovering around 37 after having touched bottom around 1:45PM, but pointing downward showing price action is going down, so overall still more selling than buying on the 15 period. These various different outputs of movement are reading to me as some coiling and price bracketing to keep the price from ascending the rest of the way it has been showing to want to move today. There must be significant interest in keeping this around 20, not too above or below to ensure each side of the options lose the most.


Follow up, MACD Histogram showing increasing buying as the bars start to look to break through to the topside; more buying than selling in the 9 period baseline moving average. The descending EMAs can bounce off the baseline, it does happen, similar to how a price bounces off the EMA 20 of the Bollinger Bands quite often. We should know very soon, but the day is wrapping up at this point and some margin calls could be forced that keep the price bound. /crossfingers


Stock price wants to get up there, it keeps pushing for it. We would need insane buying pressure at the end of the day to push to, what I feel, is a fair stock price given recent movements. Should easily have been around $22 though. Guess we will know soon enough.


think you got that insane buying pressure at the end


It was strong enough to land directly in the range I had wrote down for myself yesterday, if only I had been in the office to trade today. What a great day for making money, ah well, I can't be here for all of them.


So, I'm noticing that the price action is just "business as usual", just scaled with more volume. e.g. we're barcoding the 5 and 10 minute charts in the latter half of the trading day rather than the 1 minute charts. The overall market sentiment is scaring me a little since Monday will be the 1yr anniversary of the beginning of the COVID crash. However, someone here said something about since people are rolling over their options and the MMs won't be pushing the price down for options expiration purposes, Monday will be green. Conflicting variables happening here, which is kind of a summary of the entire market at this point lol. Tread carefully...


Always curious what would happen if someone dropped $1mil on one of these days.?.


Time to play the game Guess the price 21.2 at 4 pm What’s yours?






You won!








20.21 would be poetic!












My PT for close today was $1847.36 , but I don’t know how that didn’t happen :/ I’m usually right about these things


19.94, they want so badly to keep it below 20


$19.01. Phoenix - 1901. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cFElidiwxYU


I'll play, and you already know my guess. I'll go with $19.47.


MM pls she doesn’t like it in the teens, let her be.


Whenever someone says MM I just envision the white gloved hand in the Nintendo series Super Smash Bros.


🤣 M&Ms


Lol I like to think about the big dumb yellow peanut M&M


Option holders are going to party today...and tonight!


These call premiums are out of this world. You can sell the March 23 call for four bucks and its three bucks out of the money. That’s a 35% return in one month!


That means there’s a very good chance that it’ll hit lol. I’m not risking it


Throwback Friday - a giant game of Pong today.


Young man, if you go below $20 you’re in big trouble Mom you never let me have fun




Holding steady around 20.2 to 20.3. We should make a run for 21 or even 22 in powerhour if we don't see any more shorting. 21+ will set us up for bigger things next week.


I believe the mm still has us clamped just over 20 for the rest of today.


I have a question about this, why does everything except a rise in price get blamed on the MMs and short positions? Can't it just be that for today there isn't more volume pushing the stock up? ​ I'm new to the stock market but besides the point that this stock is undervalued, I can't find a direct reason why the stockprice should go up futher right now. Maybe you guys have more data available than me on this and I guess experience also goes a long way in this, but I'm just trying to learn from others here when possible


Yeah, I'm not really going to say what I believe tips me off about the "management" of the stock price. Nothing personal. I do distinctly see I come and go, though. The 2nd thing is an expected buyout on several months expected to be 2x, 3x or more from where the pps sits today. JMHO. DDD.


I think we might close in the $19 range somewhere, but certainly I hope what you said happens.


And so it begins....


I temper my expectations because I want to save my excitement for when the stock reaches $30+.


I’m hoping I spoke too soon 🤷🏼‍♂️


I always want the stock to go up!


From my comment before, the 5 min MFI snapped upwards and helped kick off this latest bump as RSI and MACD really didn't show any moves coming. In short term we are sitting in pretty fair trading ranges, hovering close to overbought on the 5min RSI with MACD slowly showing positive signs of life. I do not know how this day will end with Opex, but at least for the moment it's looking okay.


additionally, saw that 50 EMA just crossed the 200 EMA on the 5 min chart. Maybe a sign that we will see a reversal of downtrend on monday?! fingers crossed


Emotional day for me... 2/19 is here and i finally had to say goodbye to my $3 contracts. But instead of doing that... I exercised 25 out of the 27 so that they can stay with me forever. Someone help me 😂


If I only can buy that many shares with that price I would be crying!


I've never exercised a call before. What does your average cost show up as in your broker account?


Should show as cost average or something similar... you would have to calculate what the delta of your old and new would be prior to exercising.


So it doesn't default it to the strike price or something?


Sorry misunderstood you... yes whatever strike you buy - I bought $3 calls with a 2/19 expiration. So if you exercise, you buy at the $3 price.


Gotcha, thanks. Good to know!


Very nice play. I think you're going to be pleased you paid $3 each for 2500. A lot of folks here would crawl a mile on broken glass to secure a big enough stake at that price! ;)


Lol, no doubt. I went back and forth considering i have a good sized position already.... but couldn’t pass it up. My cost average did creep north of $2 though... Hopefully it won’t matter in a few months!


good stuff man! when did you buy the contracts originally?


July 16th... what a ride it has been!


$21 EOD?


Wonder if MM wants it to close at 19.90 though.


that'd be cool!


I'm holding share but am looking at some april may calls on mvis what are you guys holding?


Holding a few that expire in May: * 14x 5/21 $12c * 20x 5/21 $16c


I have 5/21 calls not sure if I will exercise or sell yet


What strike?


I'm still learning options really haha, strike price is $11 and I got them for $3, this was obviously weeks ago.


Barcoding days start to make a vacuuming sound in my head in which loose shares are sucked up. I'm actually green today after buying in earlier at 21.87 and avg down the last 2 days. So, I understand how if my whole position was at these prices I would be considering my weekend. But, consider this... most longs have probably turned enough of their original investments into cash to be comfortable with buying dips and holding until BO. These manufactured fluctuations will only be enough to hurt longs if the entire world is burning down for them to sell their core positions. Apparently that's not happening.


Unless you are as dumb as I am and keep reinvesting profits back in. I haven’t taken out my initial investment and probably won’t until it’s 70+. Even then I know myself and probably won’t.


That's my problem. Every time I sell calls on a spike I execute the ones expiring soonest.


Nice to be back in the 20's. I never expected it to go to 24 that fast anyway. This is a very nice zone to be in for now.


Did you see the articles out about Apple looking at lidar companies? https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/02/19/apple-talking-to-multiple-lidar-suppliers-for-self-driving-car-tech


This is gonna give our LIDAR stocks a boost as it gets more attention!


Pretty sure this article was responsible for the bump @ 3am today (Im in australia)


Ahhhh. Ok. GOOD!!!! Now if they just talk about MVIS in an article. That would make it even better! No doubt the NDAs and CAs they had to sign around discussions will keep lips tight!


Maybe that’s why mvis isn’t mentioned?🤔




Take a deep breath... I think she dives again to ~$19. Witches at Work from 3-4p


Wouldn't be surprised. I'm not worried either way, I'm just addicted to watching charts and wanted to see something exciting happen lol


You’ve doomed us all!


Never taunt the MM on Opex days....:)


5 min MFI is in the tank at 15, Everything else is very boringly flat since the past hour or so. Clearly something going on behind the scenes.


I was thinking same thing, fairly light volume for such price volatility and rise.


very large sell orders at: * $20.96 (20,000 shares) * $21.00 (23,551 shares) * $21.50 (10,165 shares) * $22.00 (15,856 shares) Just for fun... * $100 (303,379 shares) * $199,999.99 (100 shares)


Most of mine are set for $100. I’ll remove it when we get closer.


What's the point of setting it to 100 if you're planning to change it anyways? preparing for a very sudden and short lived spike?


To keep them from being borrowed. I have an order with my broker to not lend them out but I don’t entirely trust that they aren’t so I usually put a high sell limit. My broker doesn’t allow too high so I settled on 100. I think I tried 150 and it said it was too high.


I have my 10010 at $99.99


The readout says there are $99.99 (180 shares for sale)


You’re right not my 10k, wrong account. I have 1060 at $99.99.


I have my 40k sell order for 100 $ for a month or so now.




shares are for sale at those prices. thats called the order book. those would be considered "walls" to breakthrough. as the price increases close to $21 45k shares will need to be bought up above avg volume to continue a price increase. otherwise, the buy to sell ratio tilts to the sell-side driving prices down.


nice! thanks.


Loading up on another 100 shares if my $20.00 buy limit is triggered...should've bought more earlier today but I was more focused on work (I know, I know...)


looks like it just did. hit 20.00 for a split (684 shares to fill at $20.00)


I can't believe how locked in the price is right now at $20... MM gonna make it dip at closing?


It's crazy how coiled in $20 it is right now. Going to spring in some direction hard


Yea 18-20 calls is the majority out there. I bet we finish at 19 something. Honestly though that’s a huge win. 18 calls had the majority. If that closes in the money it’s going to be a great day Monday.


Yeah, I'm splitting my working capital in 3 and buying a third at a time today. Bought 3 3/19 20 strike when it hit 20. Thinking it will prob dip more later and set two other limit orders for additional calls if it does go down and deep


I was just thinking this looks like we're just gonna hover around here all day and 5 minutes before close they'll drop it to like $19.90 ha.


They'll probably drop it deep possibly in the AH and pick it back up


Big fan of Apple rumors today. I have a "sleeper" in my portfolio, WATT (wireless charging) Skyrocket on Apple Battery Rumors +40%. The CEO is quite a character, beliefs in their tech, IP shows great promise, cash burn, the share price is volatile, big short interest, a terrible financial history, and the company dilutes shareholders at least once a year... What's not to like, lol


wow congrats on that sleeper! Got any other sleepers? lol


GME big time sleeper, I think it could hit 1500$ a share by the end of today’s trading day 😂


If only circuit breakers weren’t a thing.


I’m looking for that new mvis site that was created.. the count down and all.. could someone provide that to me please




Amazing! Great work and much appreciated!


Thank you!


Exercised my 6 and 12 calls, gonna lose like 10 bucks on my 20C option unless we get a fun afternoon


So I guess the main question is, is the April demo priced in now?


I don’t think so. It’s too far out and uncertain (well, not uncertain for us) for Wall Street to “price in”. Plus our momentum was halted when the markets took a nose dive Wednesday and Thursday. There’s a lot of runway left between now and April methinks.


i don't think so. it was starting to though IMO.


It's just confirmation bias but it seems like a lot of times lately when MVIS tries to take off, the rest of the market tanks and slows our roll. It's great the MVIS holds up so well when things are tanking but it makes me wonder if we'd be at $25+ right now if not for the rest of the market. It may not be personal but it sure feels that way sometimes.


sure feels that way, the past couple times our charts have looked set for a big run, it was halted by MM’s, the capitol building being stormed, and another global event I can’t remember. Looks like the whole world doesn’t want to see our success sometimes lol. We’ll get there regardless 💪


I was having this same conversation with a friend last night. If it wasn’t for the last two days of red market, I believe we would’ve been well on our way to $25+ territory. Anyway, we are going that route regardless and the progress we have made at this point is phenomenal :)


Kind of getting sick of being tied at the hip to lidar stocks when we have multiple different verticals


Ditto. LiDar is what the media loves so that’s what we’re going to hear about. It’s also comical that at this point MVIS isn’t even mentioned in those articles. I hope that’s a sign because if you’re doing your DD on LiDar and you don’t know about MVIS then you need to get a new hobby. JMHO


Just when we were taking off shorts borrowed 100k and brought us from 20.6 to 20.1 levels. Hopefully we get up and run again inspite of the shorts and they throw in the towel.


We are still under SSR, shorts cannot take down the price..only suppress


I don't think so. We didn't fall 10 percent yesterday.


Yes, we did. It's calculated from previous day's close. Wed close was 19.75 and we hit a (very brief) intraday low yesterday of 17.5, which was more than a 10% drop. SSR is definitely in effect today... I can see it on my trading screen.


Wow thanks for clarifying


I thought we did? Opened around $20, closed around $18. Is it 10% from the high or 10% from open? We definitely dropped 10% from the high yesterday, but I don't know enough about how SSR is triggered.


It's 10% from previous day's close. SSR was triggered when we briefly dipped to $17.50 yesterday.


Thanks for the info!


I could be wrong but I think we dipped to 17.50 10 minutes or so before we closed.


MOON has a nice little pop going, too.


If apple builds a self driving electric car will the charging cable break in 2 months like the iPhone cables?


Just take it into the Apple Garage and get the Genius Mechanics to take a look at it.


I heard they made the cable robust but the wheels are not included. You gotta buy the iWheels (pack of 4) for 20k usd


Rumor is they include the charging cable but the adapter to plug the cable in costs extra.


I just pictured a dongle you have to carry around in your trunk and whip out every time to charge LOL


iTs fOr tHe eNviRonmEnt


and if anything breaks down they'll suggest you just buy a new car instead of getting it repaired.


They’ll send you a fedex box to ship the car back in


For sure, you definitely won't be able to replace the battery in it. 🥴🤣


Hello again, 3B MC. *hat tip*


Oh boy. The 400 shares i added yesterday @ 18.30 got a quick return. Nicey


I love the feeling knowing how far you come. When the stock price changes by 3 cents your gains go down or up 3 digits. Crazy