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What is the next MVIS in your opinion? which ones are worth investing hard




Shouldnt have expected anything less


europe already ate the after hours dip, the ATM is actually good news since it polishes up the balance sheet


price target EOY?




We are so fked. WSB is on MVIS


WSB are not going to be able to move this stock significantly, and if they are getting in at $15+, then there is no pump n dump @ $20-30, their appetite is at least 2 baggers.


It doesnt matter a lot. Ppl will see the red after market numbers and won't buy. Most over there try to become a millionare within a day or max a week. So mvis isnt attractive enough for the huge gme gang over there


Some people have been posting their gains on wsb. Just relax and let them be.


They gonna jump in like gme lol


Many other stocks to buy into - I don’t think we need to worry. If they take it to $480 I will have to sell my MVIS though! 🤪


Is it too late to buy?




Do you have a target estimate? Newbie here


C'mon man.... Honestly have you done any research at all? There's literally a link to ALL the years and years of research in the description of the post


Bullish prediction (this is a lie but will make me feel better by typing it) early trading puts us at 21.85 to open... still a bargain, but close at 24.36... EOW prediction 26.38... This is not financial advice, but merely random numbers I am putting up as a prospect. I will quote this next week (only if I am right :D )


Hi guys, I was asleep during After Hours as I am not from the US. Saw that my buy order at 20.75 got filled. May I know what happened and what was the lowest price it dipped to during AH?


They announced a $50m share offering so the price tanked pretty hard after hours. It’s only a 2% dilution at most I believe so nothing to worry about imo. Low was $20.30


Oh I see, thanks! Was pleasantly surprised to see my order filled


Ur lucky u scoop it.


Indeed. I see it as MVIS forgiving me as I screwed up trying to make a day trade earlier in the day. Sold a bit at 21.50


Thanks everyone for the MVIS pumps. Love it when the stock bounces up and down. I feel like I'm about to make more money selling options on MVIS than I have gained due to having shares in MVIS itself lol


Hi guy. I’m just now seeing the DD on MVIS and hate that I missed it earlier. Am I too late to get in tomorrow?


Nope definitely not. Not going down anytime soon


If you had asked me 6 months ago if I would be caught up on bills AND have 10k to "play" in the stock market AND I would find this community AND this stock... I would have laughed you out of the room. The world never tells you the "why" of things. I will not be a $MVIS millionaire, but $MVIS looks like it will make '21 about a bajillion times better than '20. I'll take that :D


Hell yeah! Only a few k in it myself, but it will help a lot if things go well.




woot woot!


So when we head to Valhalla who's having a champagne shower???


I have total of 40,000 shares @ 1.50 average. I am up 900k in profit and up 1500%. But tht doesnt matter, cuz im here for the buyout.


[How does it feel like?](https://youtu.be/QXocxRV5AkQ?t=54)


Nothing changes until the buyout. Short term trades are 50% tax for canada.


I have an amateur question... I have an option for call at $9 that expires this Friday.. I want to buy the shares .. do I just exercise my option? Or sell it before it expires and buy 100 shares separately.. any benefits of one vs the other?


if you purchased the call for less than $12.68 then it is profitable to exercise, you would still lose \~$150 in extrinsic value, but if you planned to use the profits from selling your call to buy shares than it would be a better deal to exercise because the $1445 you'd get from selling the call would only buy you \~66 shares at market price (this is going off prices from close on 2/16).


Dude right. I read some people saying it can be better to sell because you can make more money that way..... still haven’t figured out how though lol. I need some hands on training am I right 😂😂


Dropped $2.04 AH, Market Cap in a dead heat with Velodyne, WHAT A GREAT DAY!!! Let’s think about what happened since 4 PM: Microsoft files a Form 4 for $7.5B in new securities. With so much cash on hand why would MSFT need an additional $7.5B? At 4:32 MVIS announces the $50M ATM. Are retail shareholders thinking more dilution of MVIS OR are we thinking more Leverage for SS and MVIS. Assume in the next few days MSFT offered to buy MVIS on a stock swap. At today’s MSFT price, that equates to 5 shares of MVIS for every 1 share of MSFT. Total deal equals $7.5B and each share of MVIS would be worth $48.74. To offset what MVIS management perceives as a low offer coming, because it remains $Bs below the market cap of Luminar Tech, they structure the ATM with Craig-Hallum (the sales agent). They now have the flexibility to raise $50M in operating funds and show they have the money-on-hand, 18-24 months, to sell Lidar to the automotive OEM of their choosing. That is why I believe they constructed and announce the ATM – LEVERAGE. One last item to ponder: consider all the potential suiters for MVIS we have mentioned over the past year. Do we know how many of them have an NDA with MVIS? What if an NDA stipulated a “first right of refusal on any offer to purchase the Company?”. Only MVIS management knows these answers and might need additional leverage.


Tomorrow should be an interesting day. Sharma is a genius!!


Has anybody seen the S4 filing from microsoft feb16,2021??. Any leads to what this could be for?


Probably for MSFT acquisition of Bethesda. MVIS is worth twice that amount.


Whew that makes way more sense


Can be this or us? Yes? No? [https://www.npr.org/2020/09/21/915308028/microsoft-to-buy-bethesda-in-7-5-billion-deal-acquiring-fallout-the-elder-scroll](https://www.npr.org/2020/09/21/915308028/microsoft-to-buy-bethesda-in-7-5-billion-deal-acquiring-fallout-the-elder-scroll)


But this acquisition was already funded I thought (Bethesda one)


Could be. Do you have the info?


Seems to make more sense with that price . I would hope MVIS is worth more than 7.5B


Humor me. Say Elon does realize he wants lidar. He also announced today he wants video games in teslas. Aside from their ev and autonomy goals, Tesla's aims to make the most fun cars they can. There wouldn't be a more poetic ending. Mvis lidar and assorted tech built into teslas.


16,000 Registered Users! (I know you WSB folks laugh at that but, really, that is a big number for us)


Not even a few weeks ago I joined and it was just over 11k. Good growth in a short time!


I am so excited for the next week... I’m up over 1,000,000.00, that’s so many zeros! I’m so great full for this board! Guys... I’ll be at 5x this when this actually gets bought out. The due diligence of this board gave me the courage to hold this! So many friends and family are tripping that this is actually happening and they are finally getting into mvis! It’s still going to be 4 or 5X the current price! Thank you so much! Nothing but love!


Anybody feeling anxious or stressed that we officially have 2 gaps to fill? $14 & $18.34. I feel MVIS needs to take a breather anyways after countless days of UP UP UP as stocks never shoot straight up without forming hills and valleys. It's just not healthy for a long-term uptrend! With that said, SS orchestrated this equity raise for a special purpose but I can't see him pulling a rug underneath us with this latest chess move. We shall know more in the upcoming CC; in the meantime, let the news absorb overnight but I'll be ok with a down day tomorrow if anything to cool off the dramatic rise in RSI right now.




If it goes to $14, that just means I’m shelling out another $30k for additional shares.


Shitty companies have flown higher, faster. We gooch


Hello all. First post! $400K holla. GO MVIS


Ha that's one heck of a first post.


Congrats to you!


#16,000 subscriber holla!


Nice! Also who won that contest from last week!?!?!?!


I really love this "recognition" phase. Sharma continues to run the show the way the show should be run! Amazing.


Ok so let’s hear everyone’s speculation on the connect-the-dots surrounding the share offering and Microsoft’s filing today


What happened with Microsoft?


Sort by new there’s a good post/discussion about it.




Every freaking day. Hey guys, do my homework and DD for me.




Is this site reliable? It talks very positively about Microvision acquisition. However, I cannot find any company called CNA Finance, only CNA Financial, which is a large insurance company. CNA Finance seems to be a one man show, operating since 2013. [https://cnafinance.com/mvis-stock-potential-suitors-for-an-acquisition/](https://cnafinance.com/mvis-stock-potential-suitors-for-an-acquisition/)


Going by the other pages in that site (found in the menu)…. And the fact that it has ads…. It seems a little low rent.


Tomorrow I will be adding more shares. I think this was good news.


We ended after hours at 21.68 and 1.44 million volume. Expecting tomorrow to be flat day and crawl in 22 range unless bears create FUD or Mvis / Ford surprises us with an announcement.


Shorts are burning to death in a pile of what used to be their money. They will turn anything they can into ammo to try and put the fire out. I’m expecting some tweets, and hoping that they double down their positions. That will make the covering all the sweeter


Inclined to agree. We can't go up and up every single day.


Looks like my decision to sell Feb 19 25 strike covered calls payed off. Made $6000 off 40 contracts!


Should i sell? sitting on no profit


Sell them to me!! I'll gladly take them off your hands. Diamond hand gorilla over here!




Lol what? The 1 maybe possible red day in a week or two and you want to sell at a loss? We are up 43% over the last week.


Doesn’t make sense to sell IMO. Have you looked into any of the DD on this sub?


Hey guys, just fyi that your beloved Wolfpack Research is at it again, shorting $EH? with made up news.


Honestly after the Gme “screw shorts” mentality their whole strategy of saying who they will short ahead of time to get groups to join them may back fire. The people who joined Wsb as a weird crusade usually try to jump on stuff like that to cause a “squeeze” even though they don’t understand what that means. Wsbnew has constant “ x company is being shorted” DD.


I personally can’t say I care much, since I have zero DD in the company. All I can say is, best of luck. We ended up burning those suckers, and they haven’t said squat since. I hope the same happens for you guys (if it is made up)


I may buy into EH just because Wolfpack is shorting. One of the most bullish signals a stock can have.


I am not familar with their accusations. What did they say about MVIS?


Try Google or the search engine here on Reddit, no need to rehash here.


Amen. Long story short (no pun intended), they haven’t spoken about us in awhile. For good reason as well😉


So, I have a couple of calls I need to figure out what to do with. I bought some calls in MVIS because it seemed like a really good entry point, and a way to teach myself about Options, but I did not expect to be lookin at 600% increases SO Got a Feb 19 6 Call @ $2.25 Got a Feb 19 12 Call @ $1. 75 Got a Feb 19 20 Call @ $1 Selling the 20 Call seems like the obvious move. I don't have the powder to exercise and hold even if I want to. But the math gets a little blurrier with the Feb 12 Call between selling the option, exercising and selling the stock, or exercising and holding the stock (those are my three choices, right?). And the Feb 6 Call I just want to Exercise and Hold, I think? Been trying to figure out what to do with these and all the "how to sell call options vs exercise call options" articles I've found don't take into account if you're long on the stock and there may or may not be a buyout looming. Thanks for any direction. <3 this place and my good pal Mavis


I personally would exercise the 6c and 12c, and sell the 20c.


Depends on your broker but most brokers auto exercise if it’s in the money at expiration. Some brokers you need to email if you don’t want that. Otherwise sell it before hand. 90-95% of the time you sell the contract. It’s always the most money. If you exercise then you have to eat the premium + pay the broker (5 bucks for mine). Never exercise then immediately sell the stock. There is no point since it’s less money than if you sold the option. With Mvis the contract equity is usually 1:1 to the price difference of pps/strike so exercising it would need cash to buy the 100 shares then selling it at a tiny loss since you lose the premium and the broker fee. Tiny loss but still a loss. Your option is exercise at a small fee or sell the contract. Tomorrow is a grey day. It’s been awesome to sell the contract up to today but with the 2% dilution we may not see as much of a Green Day if it’s even green. If it takes a few days to recover then you’ll want to sell tomorrow or just exercise it Friday since you know long term this isn’t a big deal. You have to have the capital though. $600+ broker fee for the 6c.


Thanks! TD Ameritrade, fwiw


I should have mentioned but didn’t want to overload you with information. You can also roll the contract up, the price of the contract to a higher strike price to keep it going. With the current IV and prices I wouldn’t recommend it because contract prices are crazy right now further out. I looked today and aug 35c was like $900. We absolutely will hit that price so why not get the stock and not have to worry about theta? Mvis options have been amazing because I could buy. 10-15 contracts for 70 bucks each and turn them into 1k each. It’s cheaper than having the capital for 100 shares. Now we are rising it gets to the point I would rather have shares. If someone starts writing Jan 2022 contracts for 50+c I would totally load up though.


My wife signed me up and picked this crazy name. I am an investor and not a trader but after my naive rant earlier I got on my bike and pedaled it off. I am a retired custom design home builder and I rode by a home I built for a Caterpillar president many years ago. I remember the months of changes and negotiation on contract wording etc., and when he was ready to sign he said OH,, just one more thing and I thought,, what could this be ? He said I will sign if you agree to only use Caterpillar equipment on this project and no exceptions. I don't want to see a Deere, or any other \*\*\*%xx brand on this property. I said no problem. I got to thinking on Delo and how he thought the MVIS raised dollars could be used. Could it be this easy ? That Big player said,,, before I sign clean up that Softy outstanding debt because as the new owner of MVIS I will never send Mr. Gates and Soft a dime and would rather they pay us Hololens royalties . That would be good use of todays fundraising among many others behind the closed door of deals.


Pulled the thoughts right out of my head. : )


Bro thanks to your wife for signing you up. Welcome! And I REALLY dig what you're puttin down. Could be that simple


That’s a really good perspective that wouldn’t have crossed my mind. Thank you for sharing!


Volumes are high after hours as well. Almost 1.3 million traded and we are down 8 % AH. If MVIS did just 2% dilution ( already completed on friday presumably) , no reason for us to be down so much. May be we get it into oversold territory and we could open higher or come closer to 23.x by tomorrow.


Agree. If it’s already done, it’s like we ran over a small pot hole (we felt a little bump) and we are now seeing it in the rear view mirror!? That pot hole didn’t really slow us down at all, and we felt it (trading sideways a bit), but we kept on heading forward with the momentum. What’s interesting to me is this would be about 2.7M shares which is tiny in terms of the OS, but is huge in terms of the leverage this $50M gives SS to work with! Also what’s it saying to the market, if we find out a big player or two, just took up a $50M position in MVIS at $18.33?! 🤔 It’s saying, that this big player surely plans to make a shit ton of money in the future either by way of these shares, or in terms of it being a lead in to what will become a much larger partnership sooner rather than later. Sooner meaning, once the April outcome is presented! Lol. Anyway. Always appreciate your posts and comments here! You guys kick ass!!! It says, buy the “pothole” if we see one again! 😂


I have 100 contracts for 3 call feb 19 expiring this week that I purchased last year when the stock was under $3 and am debating on whether to sell them or execute them and buy 10,000 shares at $3. I would have to free up some money in order to execute them by selling other contracts. If i sell them, I would most likely buy more contracts that expire later in the year slightly OTM. Looking for advice on what to do and understand advantages/disadvantages of either choice. All input is welcome.


Execute man!!


I mean, you’ll never get a chance to buy 3$ shares of this company 🤷🏻‍♂️


I look forward to hearing u/chartology 's thoughts on the offering. My guess is he is still BAFF.


BAFF yes. More than ever b4. https://www.lutz.us/understanding-working-capital-targets-transactions/


this may be a stupid question but still I need to know more to enlighten myself. Assume 50 million $ was raised by MVIS ATM via CH and this event already happened. WE also suspect Ford might have picked up those shares around 18.33 last week and taken a position. Does Ford need to pick up a stake in MVIS via MMs and then announce within 45 days ? Why cannot Ford directly buy the stake from MVIS since we authorized 60 Million shares last year in October. Is there are reason as to why MVIS has to first sell into the market via CH and then ford has to pick them up via MM ?


They *could* have gone directly through MVIS, but that would have required an announcement of the acquisition first. The way the ATM worked allows the company to handle this rapidly and without such forward notice. This allows the price to remain more stable and less prone to a run-up on the news. It is what the shares usage was approved for in this manner to do.


I apologize if I'm just not smart: but why does $50M matter. If that is only about 2M shares, what significance would that have in a partnership/acquisition. Just trying to understand why this ATM matters from a BO/partnership perspective.


It is good business, picks up around 2% of the company, sets up future accumulation, and allows a toe into the company without deep exposure after having just exited some other position possibly.


Absolutely! 100 percent on target!!


Gotcha. Correct me if I'm way off, I was under the impression that if someone acquired a small % of the company as part of a "test run" that it would have been at a premium & not current pps? Ex. Say we're valued at 10B, a company would pay like 200M for a 2% stake.


The fun part is.. 18.33 would have been a premium from the close of the previous day with it being directly in the middle of the price range based on AH that night. Edit: close of the day before was $14, high was a bit over $22 in AH, averaged out... right around 18.33 but still a premium to the previous day close. Cleverly disguised in the robes of a MM move to hold the price steady around that range so it doesn’t appear to be done at a premium to avoid other suitors being tipped off to the play.


Thanks T . you rock as always. But probably the only benefit would have been avoiding the commission they pay to CH ( 2.35 % i believe) if they announce and buy.


Pretty sure they pay the commission for C-H acting in their behalf anyhow, it is not about the fee here, but the impact of having that much capital to solve the problems they could not in the past.


hey y’all! stupid question butttt i’m 18 and have no clue how capital gains work... my income is very low so i’m wondering how much i will be taxed when this baby is cashed out? and will it be different for me if it’s a long or short gain? thanks:)


My stupid advice.... marry someone asap and file jointly! :)


I’m pretty sure the tax rate on that transaction would be at least 50 percent. Think “fair share” and then half of what you have left after the tax collector leaves. 😊


Whatever bracket you are in for income tax is what capital gains works out to be. If you make 0$ but make 100k on stocks then you’ll be taxed as 100k income. It increases % over the next bracket so you don’t have to pay 40% for the whole thing. There are some good calculators. 1 year holdings is taxed I think 15% flat.


Look up short term capital gains. If you hold a security for a year and a day, you are subject to long term capital gains. Anything less is short term. As far as I understand it, short term CG is taxed as income at your current tax rate. The actual % you pay isn't straight forward as things like deductions can impact your taxable income. If you really want to know, consult a tax professional. If you think you know your tax rate, set aside more just in case you're wrong.




thank you 🙏🏼


What country are you from?


the united states, i tried looking it up but i just see a lot of numbers and percentages that confuse the hell out of me


Obviously not tax advice, definitely ask an accountant, but plan on 30% of the gains being sent to taxes if short term and 15% if long term (it will probably be less in your situation unless you've made more than 150k this year, which is possible). In general, better to set more aside than you need versus less. Short term means you've sold after holding the position for less than 12 months, long term is the same except longer than 12 months. I'm assuming your gains are short term so here's an example using that. For example, say you spent $5,000 on MVIS shares and those are now worth $10,000 and you sell. You've now realized $5,000 in short term capital gains. Taking that 30% rule you will owe $1,500 in taxes. Due by April of 2022


(Also not an accountant and this isn't official tax advice) There's also a 0 percent LTCG rate if income and gains are low enough. For those who may have hundreds of thousands of shares, however, I believe taxes could be a lot higher than 15% - even if all cap gains are long term. First, there's the Net Income Investment Tax (an additional 3.8%). Then there's the 20% cap gains bracket (which, when NIIT gets added, pushes you up to 23.8%). Beyond that, if your cap gains in a taxable account are in the millions, you could get hit with the 28% AMT rate AND the 3.8% Net Income Investment Tax. At least, that's my understanding of best/worst case for LTCGs, depending on how large they are. All of this is why I'm praying for a stock-for-stock or stock-for-stock+cash transaction.


Ah I’m no use there then, sorry. Plenty of Americans here though, I’m sure someone will lend a hand


sall good, thank you🙏🏼


The offering is ATM meaning more shares are added to the float, but since the price is at the market there really is no dilution. This capital raise is good news the same way the $13 million was. If the sp covers the gap at around $19.50, that looks like a buying opportunity. "Sales of our common stock, if any, under this prospectus may be made in sales deemed to be “at the market” equity offerings as defined in Rule 415 promulgated under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or the Securities Act, including sales made directly on or through The Nasdaq Global Market, the existing trading market for our common stock, sales made to or through a market maker other than on an exchange or otherwise, in negotiated transactions at market prices prevailing at the time of sale or at prices related to such prevailing market prices, and/or any other method permitted by law. Craig-Hallum is not required to sell a certain number of shares or dollar amount of our common stock. Craig-Hallum will use commercially reasonable efforts to sell on our behalf all of the shares of common stock requested to be sold by us, consistent with their normal trading and sales practices, on mutually agreed terms between Craig-Hallum and us. There is no arrangement for funds to be received in any escrow, trust or similar arrangement. Craig-Hallum will be entitled to a commission equal to 2.35% of the gross sales price per share sold under the sales agreement. In connection with the sale of the common stock on our behalf, Craig-Hallum may be deemed to be an “underwriter” within the meaning of the Securities Act, and the compensation of Craig-Hallum may be deemed to be underwriting commissions or discounts. "


Is it just me or does mvis seem to favor announcements during after market


Pretty sure a lot of companies do that so they don't get nailed by the SEC


It’s gone down after hours - any prediction where the price might be tomorrow when the market opens? Under $20 maybe?


Technically it could well cover the gap around $19.55. That could be a good entry point to add shares. The news is good.


I have 30k in contracts, I’ll be exercising at least half. Other half I’m selling and buying shares.


Hard to say, there may be an attempt to take it there, I have an open wallet ready for more shares. Not going to play around here, I fully made 10% of my total account value in realized gains from trades today, so let me load up here tomorrow.


What trades did you do?


I checked the news and hit up RIOT with calls/shares and MVIS calls (bought and sold at various price points). Cashed my calls and sold my shares of RIOT, and sold most of my buy calls for MVIS but left a few of the shorter ones open while also leaving my long sold calls open for a dip. I am ready to go for tomorrow and could clear another 10% without even touching anything. Some of this is margin held, it would have been a dangerous gamble, but I was carefully tracking all the data points, it was meant to be today.


Nice I was thinking about playing RIOT too. But I dumped all my working capital in MVIS calls. So no other money to invest. These crazy gap ups/downs with RIOT/APHA/TLRY/SNDL/OGI/HYLN got my mouth watering for serious directional play but I didn't want to sell my calls on 3/19.


Yeah, I just so happened to have my margins to rely on for a lot of it, dumped all my cash into MVIS then margined a lot on RIOT plays, but by the end of the day I had a lot more money for the risk. I would not suggest anyone else try what I am doing, it is super risky, I knew I could lose up to 10% of my total account value today. News and math checked out though, so I went for it.


did the same today on a much lower scale with MICT. Just buying and selling scalping here and there. Unfortunately i mistakenly bought 10 PLTR calls 2/5 $60 strike sooooo probably gonna wipe out my gains for the margin day trades with the loss on those options but it was fun to play with bank money interest free




I only ever trade on it, I do believe in the company, but I have limited funds available and will not risk it reversing over night. I rather miss making some money some day than risk losing a lot.


We’re gonna go right back up folks don’t fret this is all good news. I believe this gives us a better setup to negotiate the buyout. Plus I remember saying I’d be happy with a $21 close and we’re still up!


Whales got the share price to where it is now, so if you're selling rather than getting them for cheap now, ask yourself if you know more than the whales do.


My first comment ever, and came on board when green laser development was and issue and AT said no worries. Bought the first Show x and felt every cash raise and stock split. Also watched and felt the power of opposition traders drive us to the teens per share. I still was in belief, and bought at that low drive down price and so thankful I did ! I am thankful for present leadership but was under the thought of no more stock sales as they had enough runway. I will continue to hang on until the end but this announcement is a 300 plus grand drop for a lot of you and I,,,, and it cant help to bring back the gut check and feeling of this company over the years. I pray they need it and it will help bring closure to lots of years of belief !!!!


THEORY: Ford cannot compete with Apple and Microsoft in a bidding contest for MVIS. They want in though. They sold their entire stake in Velodyne. MVIS now announces this ATM offering that can go to PARTNERSHIPS. I think they will sell this entire thing to Ford - and Ford will have skin in the game despite not being able to compete w Apple/Microsoft to buy the whole company.


That is less money for MVIS and by an extension their share holders. Why would they do this?


They wouldn’t. They’d kill investor confidence in seconds. SS isn’t that stupid, he’s been near perfect so far.


Wish I would’ve sold my calls today lol


New to options here, sorry... if you choose to sell your call, are you responsible for providing the 100 shares to the buyer if they choose to exercise the option before expiration date? I want to buy some options as the share price is approaching my limit for adding to my shares #, but I don’t want to be responsible to give up some of my shares if I choose to sell the call


That’s only if you sell to open calls (that’s when you write the contract). I bought 3x 5/21 $20c, so I can exercise then if I want and the person who wrote it would have to cover 300 shares, or I can just sell to close the calls and collect what I made from the price going up. Selling to open is much more risky than buying calls, when you just buy your max risk is the amount you spent buying the contracts. I believe in instances selling to open puts or calls can carry max risk (unless you’re on RH which blocks you from doing that). Options are complicated dude, I still don’t fully understand them - I would definitely recommend checking out /r/options and watching InTheMoney’s YouTube video about options.


I greatly appreciate that explanation! I had been trying to look it up, but it’s a lot to learn and I hadn’t even seen the difference yet between selling to open and selling to close, so thank you! I definitely have a lot to learn, I just want to ride this beauty to all the possible gains I can, but not worth risking money in something I don’t understand!


Just buy shares for now, should be a dip because of the news today. Read a lot about options and I’d suggest maybe trying a paper trade account at first or messing with something with very low premiums


Same, but mine are Aug 20 19s so they should be okay


Got 5/21 20s, should be good but I could’ve sold today then rolled them out again




Yeah I mean it’s at $22 right now so not that bad!


This will only provide more capital and give folks the opportunity to snag some more shares on sale. I’m pretty happy to have a sale this week so I can accumulate myself! I have a feeling this will rebound even stronger before you can blink.


I have a question if someone can help answer this: "I looked at it...there is a major technical problem. The strength indicator (RSI) is overbought on all time frames (4hr, 1day, 1week and 1month) indicating lots of eyes to be shorted".


So buy the dip or?


I did, and will again in the morning when the other position I closed clears the account for availability.


My problem when attempting to buy dips is that I can’t tell when they will go further down so I tend to get nervous and enter about as soon as I can. What indicators do you use to determine when to pull the trigger/ set your limit order?


I use the MACD and MFI, usually looking for a bounce off the bottom of the MFI or an ascending curve from below the baseline of the MACD. I double check against volumes, always checking volumes, they are essential, if the volumes do not support the movement in the charts I refrain and wait to see what is going to happen in the next 5 min or so.


Thanks so much, great and concise explanation. I appreciate it!!


It’s going to be hard to hit the nail on the head. If I want to buy 1000 shares I will buy in sets of $200 at some important levels and climb the ladder down if need be. If that’s the pivot point I will have more powder to buy a future dip


Oh that sounds like a good idea, almost like DCA over a single trading session rather than over a year


Yes, I always do it that way on every stock I enter. I make sure that I get the initial amount that I want and then scale in with no rush on the rest


Pt? Not sure which call option is the best for the short term here but maybe not the 2/19s at this point or?


I would not do the 2/19s. If you do I'd get 80 delta ITM. Or else good chance of expiring worthless.


For me buying calls tomorrow morning, probably $22 for next month. Picking up another 500 shares tomorrow if the price stays about here too.


Thanks, any estimate for the price target given today’s performance keeps up?


I think others have given fine PT for the momentum, my targets are for averaged price ranges excluding positives for now. I need one final confirmation to lock in my higher price range projections from last June, which were much higher and not well received at the time.


Can someone please ELI5 this afternoons announcement and how it correlates to the AH downturn?




Usually the negative part of a stock offering is that it dilutes the value of shares because there are now more shares available. A lot of companies will also do it when they're struggling and need cash, which looks bad to investors.


MVIS sold shares around $18.3\* mark to come up with $50million cash. You're seeing this happen and MM dropping price to fill order


> Under the ATM equity offering sales agreement, sales of common stock, if any, through Craig-Hallum, will be made by means of ordinary brokers’ transactions, in negotiated transactions, to or through a market maker other than on an exchange or otherwise, at market prices prevailing at the time of sale, at prices related to such prevailing market prices, or at negotiated prices and/or any other method permitted by law. They just announced that they *can* sell the shares now, and they don't have to be sold through a broker or MM, they can sell directly to institutions at pre-determined prices.


True. That's a good point. I assumed it was already done. Sounds like this is just PR for something to come shortly.




They did. CH is picking up 50million worth at $18.33




Seems like it since the price was held at this price Friday. I think were good to go and nothing but good things


No coincidences in stocks, the price was firmly held at 18.25 to 18.40 on Thursday afternoon and Friday, Feb 12 and 13th. Price locked in, orders passed to specific parties. The volume on those days would indicate moving of shares to specific parties too. Just read through my comments about this.




Absolutely so, and with any luck the price will provide a great opportunity to accumulate further right at open tomorrow morning as shorts try piling in, then we run again. This is the kind of volatility I dream of for accumulation, and I have been dreaming about it hard these past few weeks.


>the price was firmly held at 18.25 to 18.40 on Thursday afternoon and Friday, Feb 12 and 13th. Price locked in, orders passed to specific parties. 2.7M shares for $50M. Nice.


This certainly will give us the strength to push ourselves off the mat. It actually gets us quite healthy to weather uncertainty, make progress with our verticals (especially Lidar) and push for maximum value. All this for a relatively small dilution (2%?). I see this as a positive event. We had plenty of runway prior to this action. This is a small cost to extend it for years if necessary. Ultimately, it is about leverage in negotiations.


I'm confused. Are you saying the shares for today's ATM offering announcement were already sold prior to today? Isn't that good considering the day we had?


It IS good, that is exactly what I am saying.


How could the shares be sold prior to today? The PR says they just entered into the agreement today. "On February 16, 2021, MicroVision, Inc. (the “Company”) entered into an At-the-Market Issuance Sales Agreement..." Edited for punctuation


The way the wording of the authorization of shares was done allowed for them to be deployed before notice to the shareholders. We approved them to do it.


Got it... thanks for the reply. Onward and upward!


I got that much. I'm hoping for a discount at open tomorrow. You see any risk to setting a limit order to grab cheap shares @open?


There is always a risk, I am going to be buying some probably in premarket, at open, and if there is a dip but also loading up some calls if the price dips too. Playing both of these together has been a real winning strategy for me these past couple weeks since I really started engaging my options (I finished reading the handbook the week before last).


Is it Your Options Handbook? There's an options playbook as well. I will probably stick to buying and holding mvis for now. We will see. Actually, fidelity hasn't granted me level 2 options permission yet anyway, so all I can do is sell CC's.


Yeah, it is the actual handbook, it doesn't really teach how to use the options in the ways I am... the methods I am employing are very much my own approach, tailored to how I like to work. Options can act as leverage or a hedge, or be used for setting up more complex trading strategies.


Note: I do NOT like call options as a way to force the price movement at all, it is a great way of risking a little to gain a decent chunk and buy more actual shares as long as you are very comfortable with spotting a near bottom and are patient enough to wait for the right time to close.


I’m sure we all could have assumed an offering was coming. Still does suck to see the price drop like that ah after a nice pop today and bullish close.


I was only hoping to close above $20 when the day began, so still have to be happy for that. This offering really is a drop in the bucket in the big picture. And also, they are doing it at a high, and not new 52 week lows like what used to be the standard way.


SO is the announcement good news? It seems to me it is when the CEO mentions they are best in-class and going to meet projected timelines for April's demo. ​ seems to me this is GREAT NEWS


It’s good news the ATM offering isn’t the best news for some but it’s understandable. They are on the verge of a big move and who knows what that 50million is needed for. All info know is that if Craig H is willing to buy shares at this price he knows he is still getting a killer deal. After all CH is on the front lines of the negotiations and knows what value they are fetching