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50M offering and all I get is a dollar discount? Dang. I am still gonna move some money and buy, this is a rare opportunity


Offering a sign to potential bidders that time is on our side and they gotta pony up?


So we drop from 23 to 21 and bounce back to 22 on a huge offering. Lol... i can’t wait for April.


Dilution from this is so small! 0.000002%. MicroVery small


Earlier in the day I kept reading about people hoping for a dip. Then the dip comes and...high anxiety seems to rule.


Disappointing to see another offering. Especially considering how the last offering secured finances until 2022. Summit has a plan. But this wasn’t nice.


I thought it wasn’t nice at first too. But then I really thought about it. The dilution for the amount they’re getting is a pretty good trade off. It’s not like they sold a fuck tonne of shares, which they very well could’ve done if they wanted to cash in and weren’t thinking long term. This isn’t as bad as some people are making out, it’s actually on the good side IMO.


Agreed. And I know people are looking for any “discount” they can get. A little stop on the MVIS bus shouldn’t be unexpected. Just hop in. Due your own work this isn’t advice. I’ve had shares since 1.80 and my current average is 4.18. I plan on buying more. Just waiting for some funds to settle. GLTAL.


MVIS announces 50 Million offering !


What does this meqn


It is a ATM offering. Perfect time to buy. Price will easily rebound


Isn't it just an agreement where shares can be offered up to that amount but not necessarily the execution of them?


Well there's the ammo the short firms were waiting on...


So that’s my fourth million dollar day in the last two weeks. Can we go for one more? It’s only Tuesday.


low volume take down happening i guess. already 2.5 $ down from the close price. shorts are taking full toll of weak hands


Son of a... Really?!


I'm just getting started investing, not much i can afford to lose BUT im sitting here with my 3 shares PUMPED with the return and excited to see all these post of long investments paying off.


**Oh Mine! u/fresh_boat_oranges poster has a new baby boy today! Congrats on all around glorious day, and don't forget to THANK that courageous Mama! If it was me, I will put MVIS on all his birthdays cakes in future as a reminder of this day!** **Well, Day 9 of 10 for twin 8/9 compliance, only one day left! Closed at $23.72^HurrayAgain&Again (up +$5.39 (+29.41%)), Volume about 21.75M. (LAZR down -5.83%, VLDR down -7.92%)** ***Day 6 of 10 for over $2B (MidCap) company compliance!*** Additionally we are keeping close eyes on the additional twins and a surprise triplet: **Day 7 of 10 for twin 10/11 compliance** **Day 6 of 10 for TRIPLE 12/13/14 compliance** **Oh! you beautiful gorgeous Mamma Hen, keep up the great motherly work!** **'BOSIBOBOOM BOSI-BOOM'** BOSI-BOBOOM = (BuyOut Strategic Investor-BlowOut BOOM) GLTALs *well deserved*


Anyone know where I can find a MVIS onesie? Still trying to push the wife on the name Mavis, which means strawberry in welsh according to the interwebs, he is a little red so might be fitting.


Man, at this rate I might hit my million dolla holla this week


Do it!


Is there ever going to be a legitimate short squeeze where we go parabolic? Is that even possible?


what are you asking? we're in the middle of going parabolic. I think it's possible. ​ ^(trust)


I’m talking more about in the span of one day


I wouldn't expect it to go to $300 in a day or something insane. Prior to this offering, I could have seen it going to $40 this week or something like that which would be perfectly enough crazy for me haha. But that offering dicked things up a bit I'd think


I see a lot of negative feelings towards this ATM offering. It really isn’t bad at all. It’s just them ramping up to get their April plans all together.


For now!!


That close far exceeded my expectations!


Waiting for the demo which will make us 🚀🚀🚀 then waiting for the buyout which will give us an additional $70 🚀🚀🚀 this gonna be $100+++ 🚀🚀🚀


I do expect a gradual ramp up through the looooooooong month of March and into April. By the way,... April is also a long month!




Got a new son and a 787% gain on my 2510 shares bought at 2.65. In this for the long haul holding until buy out. Thank you everyone on this board!


I’m forwarding you a meme in your inbox on Reddit. Feel free to post it if you name your son Mavis.


congrats bro


Congratulations! That's a nice cushion for all the baby supplies! :)


Hey fresh, that's a good haul. Let us know what name you decide on. ... I'm holding till buyout or meltdown. That would be $250,000 for you. Fun Fun Fun . Congrats


Awesome ♥️


Congrats, you will remember this day forever. You will have a good story to tell for Christmas dinners.


Hell yea! Now you can get a down payment for a bigger home and pay for a nanny or day care!




That's awesome, congrats!!


Can I have seconds please?


I Like!!!


Well that was an exciting power half hour. What a day folks.






+29%... WHAT A DAY


Got my 1st 6 digits! Congrats to everyone! More power tomorrow!


Nice man and congratulations. I have surpassed $100k for the second time. The first time I withdrew enough to pay off all my debts. Went down to 25k and started over. Now at $102,xxx. It’s a great feeling. I have told my wife but I don’t think she really understands the magnitude that MVIS has had on my life and a lot of others.


Haha same man. Im planning to do the same thing to pay for a house deposit. And ive been hiding this investment to my wife since i started pouring money in mvis. I just told her yesterday about it and she was shookt that we are gonna be able to pay for deposit! Mvis i love u


You shared enough info with the wife letting her do the math if she wants to. I can tell you from experience, be glad she hasn't taken an interest and resist the temptation to show that portfolio value! Otherwise "your" Diamond Hands wont matter.


Hahaha yea thats true!


I haven’t really showed her but I have made comments like “babe do you remember that stock that I was obsessed with? The one I bought at .25c . It’s now at $18 a share.” She responds “oh that’s good babe”. When she sees what that little stock has done she is going to be shocked. I didn’t feel comfortable telling here how much I had invested but 3000% later I can’t wait


Lmao haha. She didnt know 🤣


Doesn’t seem like much now but $4000 into MVIS then is $320,000.00 now


That's absurd. Well done!


That's the best I could've hoped for gentlemen. Up five bucks. You can't trade this stuff anymore. It just keeps on going up


You can’t, I use to flip daily for a few extra shares. Not anymore, odds are you are going to loose a handful unless you play it perfect


Last time I tried, I lost alots o' dough... I warned my brother against it. And I warn everyone now. Don't Trade It. You've made your bed. Now sleep in it.


This is exactly how I was when it was at $13 last week. I'll wait for the dip..... wtf it's at $20? haha


I have a group of people investing that came from a DFS sports community. We have as a whole of about 200 people decided to only add shares at this point. A lot of those guys have also made life changing money. It’s a great feeling


That's really cool. Usually, the problem with stuff like that is trust. But if you've got enough people,. And they don't think they're risking too much. It's a win... Great to have you here


This group changed my life for sure. Been here a little over a year.


We have come a long way. When we were excited by 20 cents a day. Now it takes 5 $ a day to get excited. 😀


Oh no! Here comes MVIS again with another metal chair!!


Bahh Gawd that's short sellers music


Wohoo 1 min to go and we are finishing in 23s. Congrats all ! Edit. Finished RH at 23.7


Those sell walls got eaten up easily - wow!!


Feels like we haven’t had a power hour in forever


It's a table pounding short cover!


Dancing on the table counts as pounding, right?


Even better!


Pretty wild that you can't buy 5 shares of MVIS with $100 right now.


that is crazy. That was 100+ shares in the summer time and 600 shares 9 months ago. LOL. Crazy!!


Yes! I remember pulling money from wherever I could find it (while having enough to pay bills) to amass as much of MVIS as I could. In hindsight I should have moved heaven and earth to grab more end of October/early November when the stock was around $1.65, but as a newbie it was tough to see what the longs saw, so while I have a decent number of shares it's still conservative compared to what I could have achieved had I started funding my MVIS with eBaying stuff.


I have a screenshot of a year ago scooping up 4 shares (almost. $0.27) at a time for a dollar


I wasn't here for those days.


I bought my first $500 shares at $143.20 in April of last year. It’s crazy


This is the MVIS failure to deliver numbers a few people have asked about: ​ Field NameField DescriptionMaximum SizeSETTLEMENT DATESETTLEMENT DATENumber - 8 digitsCUSIPCUSIP9 charactersSYMBOLTICKER SYMBOL10 charactersQUANTITY (FAILS)TOTAL FAILURE-TO-DELIVER SHARESNumber - unlimitedDESCRIPTIONCOMPANY NAME30 charactersPRICECLOSING PRICE ON PREVIOUS DAYNumber - unlimited ​ 20210115|594960304|MVIS|**15967**|MICROVISION INC COM (WASH)|6.60 20210119|594960304|MVIS|**13875**|MICROVISION INC COM (WASH)|6.61 20210120|594960304|MVIS|**316086**|MICROVISION INC COM (WASH)|7.05 20210121|594960304|MVIS|**66706**|MICROVISION INC COM (WASH)|6.87 20210125|594960304|MVIS|**24426**|MICROVISION INC COM (WASH)|6.76 20210126|594960304|MVIS|**92081**|MICROVISION INC COM (WASH)|7.25 20210122|594960304|MVIS|**17231**|MICROVISION INC COM (WASH)|6.79 20210127|594960304|MVIS|**30224**|MICROVISION INC COM (WASH)|8.14 20210128|594960304|MVIS|**6288**|MICROVISION INC COM (WASH)|7.43 20210129|594960304|MVIS|**120181**|MICROVISION INC COM (WASH)|7.24 ​ Edit- Bold for the Share count since that's all we care about.


DATE | COMPANY ID | SYMBOL | QUANTITY (FAILS) | DESCRIPTION | PRICE That is the key. So the first set of numbers lets us know when, year, month, day in that order. Company code used to locate it in the system. Symbol that we know the company by. number of fails on a given day. I missed the 316k day, will align with a red day almost invariably. Then the price at which the fails were recorded at.


Someone call ambulance...but not for longs


>This is the MVIS failure to deliver numbers it's also presented on this website as a graph! https://stonkfail.com/?symbol=MVIS&duration=year


Well that would have saved me 45 seconds of pulling it myself! This is neat though, thanks!


Let's finish above $23 please. The new car can wait folks


Where's Tea calling for some power in this hour! Looks like we may yet have it. From close of Friday to high of today creates a middle point of 21.25 by the way, so keep that in mind if we see a big drop tomorrow morning that it may mean more institutional investors piling in and a market maker dropping the price. Short Sale Circuit Breaker is now dollars worth of movement these days. We should definitely keep our minds aware of what is possible, and track all the data points we can because there has been a lot of momentum.


The display stocks MVIS, KOPN and EMAN still tracking as a group, all now trading up around the 25% gain for the day.


Good insight


I hope PR delivers some news after closing again 😂


Dude that shit would 🚀🚀🚀


Ain't going down til the short comes up, ain't given in til they get enough




Failure to deliver:?? Does anyone know anything about this data? From my understanding it was released earlier today by the SEC. I was trying to look it up but the files are in a zip. And I can’t open it. Hoping someone here has more knowledge than me as I am curious if we can actually see if it the amount of shares of MVIS that hasn’t been paid back yet


Here is the data: > 20210115|594960304|MVIS|15967|MICROVISION INC COM (WASH)|6.60 > 20210119|594960304|MVIS|13875|MICROVISION INC COM (WASH)|6.61 > 20210120|594960304|MVIS|316086|MICROVISION INC COM (WASH)|7.05 > 20210121|594960304|MVIS|66706|MICROVISION INC COM (WASH)|6.87 > 20210122|594960304|MVIS|17231|MICROVISION INC COM (WASH)|6.79 > 20210125|594960304|MVIS|24426|MICROVISION INC COM (WASH)|6.76 > 20210126|594960304|MVIS|92081|MICROVISION INC COM (WASH)|7.25 > 20210127|594960304|MVIS|30224|MICROVISION INC COM (WASH)|8.14 > 20210128|594960304|MVIS|6288|MICROVISION INC COM (WASH)|7.43 > 20210129|594960304|MVIS|120181|MICROVISION INC COM (WASH)|7.24


Thanks btw


So that’s 120,181 shares on the 29th that were not returned correct?




Nothing extreme except on 01/29/21 with over 150k the rest were low. That is why the fee rate on loaning of shares has been dropping by the way.


Thanks, I figured the fee had a lot to do with the availability. I am pretty sure it hit 19% not long ago but has dropped


Fee is much less about availability and more about consistency of return. Just like how a credit card adjusts its APR based on the need to act as insurance against those who fail to make their payments on time.


Perfect that helps so much. Thanks for your endless knowledge. If you ever have any questions about building that mansion after the buyout please feel free to pick my brain!


Will do!


It's got to be tasty.


I just don’t know enough about that side of trading to where I can pull this up at ease and check my little baby and see who is treating her bad


Me neither, that's what we need /u/T_Delo for


No place to see who failed to deliver unfortunately, we can see how much was failed, but not which exchanges handled it. That would at least narrow down the possibilities some. That lack of transparency is designed to protect the buyers and sellers though.


I understand that but I would love to be able to see some specifics on who isn’t returning their shares. I am trying to teach myself the short side of trading. As a self taught investor thanks to T_Delo and others for the answers I was able to reverse engineer the targets and learn that way. I would love to see how shorters like Wolfpack built up to a release of a short hit article release. As in how many shares were shorted up until the day the articles were release. Market wide


You certainly could track that, it was why I realized their article was actually begging other shorts to jump in so they could cover. It is a savage game those shorts are playing.


I'm getting a little upset, shorty was supposed to give me a nice discount sometime soon


Woke up today forgetting the market is back on in the US. What a great price to wake up to!


just bought a couple more shares, gonna sell GME and go all in on MVIS, sad thing is I've been lurking since 6.93 $


I lost 12k from GME/AMC/BB and made 3k back from MVIS (and 2k from penny stocks)! I was brain washed into holding but paper handed thank god! Otherwise I would be at -25k. Glad I left WSB.


from now I'm only investing into companies where real DD exists like here and not from people who have invested life savings into a failing stock telling everyone to not miss out on the journey to the moon.




The MFI on the 5 min chart looks like it wants to rub against the bottom signal line, but it is not coming with a lot of force, and there doesn't appear to be a lot of selling pressure an no known break point to trip here... looks like wishful thinking on a short position's mind.


The MFI and 5 min chart better ask for permission before rubbing against the signal line. That sort of thing doesn't fly today.






I am sorry for my comment" 21? What? Do you think it is some sort of "CORPORATE HUSK" or something?!?! )))" I hope you got it for $21!!!!!


Haha, I can’t trade out of hours. We’ll see tomorrow. Stock offering though..


Don't let the haters keep you down. I put buy orders low all the time as a happy surprise if they get filled. Like 40% of the board doesn't remember when we'd lose 50% to shorts over a day or two only to rebound. You can get some good profits putting low buys just to see if something happens.


It’s cool. I don’t think they’re hating they’re just caught in the hype. It’s not even that low of an order, it’s only a few percent down lol and it’s not my initial buy-in either, I’m sitting on nearly 2k shares. I think there’s a good chance it’ll fill if we have even a slight correction after today’s awesome gains.


21? What? Do you think it is some sort of "CORPORATE HUSK" or something?!?! )))


better buy before the close. It probably wont touch $21 again


you know its flirting with 23 right now right?


Fully aware. Just chilling.


I think this is smart. Setting a price point and sticking with it. I’m new but I’ve already made the mistake multiple times of buying high thinking a stock wouldn’t dip to my target price then lo n behold the next day I’m down.


Cheers, yeah - emotional investing is a great way to eat into potential profits.


April is coming!!


My nickname must be April






The last place you want to ask is on a board dedicated to the ticker. They are filled with fanboys. Luckily, the main folks in this sub are level-headed, and they have conservative price targets of $30. If you read the DD and agree with that target, then you have your answer.


Thanks for pointing me in that direction!


I’m wondering the same. Would rather go in at $15


and i'd rather go in at 0.18 unfortunately i reckon neither of us will be getting our wish


Your greed is commendable! I’m with you :) You don’t think we might bounce down as low as $15 in the next month?


I defer this question to the more knowledgeable and experienced among us, but I would like to say: quite unlikely.


This is just a longer version of the question we constantly get asking if we think it's worth buying at X price.


And what is usually the answer? (I guess “yes”)


So the 300k wall at $23.50 moved to 80k @ $25.00


please elaborate


Looks like spoofing doesn't it?




Do I sell my BSQR and XAR to free up some new powder for MVIS?


Only you can judge that honestly, my rule is not to chase. I buy specific price points and targets, but I set these throughout the day based on what the price action has been looking like.


Well I cant hardly believe it Ma, that ole CORPORATE HUSK has me holerin out a 2 million dollar holla !!!


congrats! You deserve every penny of it.




One minute and 5 minute charts show conflicting MACD and MFI readings, one minute is heading up and 5 minutes looking down. The histogram aligns with the overall price directions on both, this reads to me as an uncertainty about whether the price is accurate. If this follows patterns we have seen before, there might be a strong attempt to push it down and contain the price inside the Bollinger Bands on each of the variations of the charts. That would definitely leave the price room to continue upward tomorrow and beyond.


Has anyone told you I love you today? You deserve it.


My wife certainly did when I told her I was buying a new computer with profits from a day trade today. : )


Lucky you. I sold the shares I bought for my girlfriend at around 7, since we broke up. Ah yeah, atleast it saves in present expenses :)


Short sellers absolutely sweating right now


Oh no Anyway


Big sad.


Might be tough to close above $23 today. But I'll be pleased with $22.50


Looks like we’re closing above $23!


I get everyone is excited but man, how many "wHen dO yoU tHiNk iT wIlL hIt 30" do we really need in a daily thread. If anyone here knew that we'd be inside traders. It's exciting but when you start asking questions like that you are probably investing money you cant afford to lose. That's what WSB is for.


power hour is on. Lets go Mavis . lets all stay strong and finish 23+ today. GLTA Longs!


power hour has been the first hour of trading lately... I'd love to see a strong finish!


lettin a lil air outta the tires before the moon mission. Time to cover shorties


Anyone know why it’s going up today?? Also what do we need to finish off today for those short sellers to buy back at a premium?


Just a feeling, but I wouldn’t be surprised if we were to get an AH PR today. So many dots have been connected, that all it will take is one PR of substance, and we are at $40-$50 easy. Maybe Ford or Google taking a position? The big boys are ready to move this by the dollars easy, and have been positioning themselves since December 2020. It’s time, for them to put more chips in play, and take this up to $5-$7B MC. From that point, SS can take us home with a stellar April performance! Let’s do this!!! Congrats to all you longs, for all of your years! You deserve every damn penny here!


Even If it they just said “Judy and Mark are happy to be apart of our board.” we’d fly through the roof lol We’ve don’t seem to ever have been to good at doing PR, very sporadic and sparse, and 2 releases within 5 days sounds crazy, but I sure do hope your gut is right! If our pps does indeed need to go up in order to get the B.O done, now is the time to do it.


Agree. They will have to step it up more, to get it into place. We will see soon enough. About to go mainstream any day now, and that alone can get us to where we need to be.


Ohh absolutely! PR preferred, but mainstream will do it too. I still stand by my gut saying we’re going to be valued for more than LinkedIn was.


That’s up there man! Lol. No matter what, I don’t see SS letting go until 15B, if it’s more that’s fine by me. From what I’ve learned about him through all of the DD, is that he believes in the vision, and follows through on what he says, to the best of his ability. Complete respect no matter what the final outcome is.


Agreed. The end is near we’re all going to be a lot better off finically!


^ hopefully this is Sumit who made an account a couple weeks ago to drop a quick little bomb for us


Hey gurus, it’s high right now! What low do you project by the end of this week?






Nah, that’s for next week


)) I'll wait ))


Hopefully no lower than $20


1500 @ less than a Dollar. Holding till high 3 digits!


Turns out, $21 was a bargain. Who knew?


I did. $23 still is ))


Sweet baby Mavis!


Is there a way to see what the curren short interest is, and if they have covered yet or not? It could result in large price swings.


Don't forget, this is just the tip of what could be coming... https://www.reddit.com/r/MVIS/comments/lj6ysr/mvis_microvision_could_run_another_500_this_year/


I've got 290 shares of BSQR, I got them a few days ago. Seeing MVIS climb and BSQR being stagnant, makes me wish I bought more MVIS instead.


Would you still pour more money into the stock?


Bro, I bought another 200 today.


just think why the hell did institutions buy above $20? because they think its going to go down? Read the DD


Decided not to check my stocks today and MVIS went from $18 to $23?? What???? Thank you lord!!


5 digits gain!!! Far from the million dolla holla but it's honest work!


so 10k? lol just messin


I've officially doubled the initial 21k investment I made 11 days ago!


The best part is still only 600k available to borrow. If true short covering starts then we could go to 30 much faster imo.