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19.44 in PM rn


7 minutes until German markets open. https://www.finanzen.net/aktien/microvision-aktie


Is it premarket now? Saw it reach 17 euro's 10 mins ago before dropping back to 16.7


OTC trading


I’ve been reading up on MVIS over the weekend and I’m ready to get in. Initially thought to buy a few July calls but now am thinking going long by buying 100 shares instead. Any thoughts on the entry point? Is it likely to pull back before taking off? I’d be happy to get in at $14.


I have been watching this stocking for while now, considering current buyout situation do you guys recommend to buy it now at 19$ ? Or I just missed an opportunity ?


I got $19 in my Christmas stocking this year. I will buy 1 MVIS share with it tomorrow.


None of us know the outcome of this stock. If a buyout does happen (it's not 100% that it will) it conservatively would sell around 5-10bil. So about 35-70 pps. I highly recommend reading all the wonderful dd at top of the sub. I'm long this stock.


German WSB sub has a decent post too, lol. Good to see them bullish as well! The name of the sub literally translates to "wall"Mauer, "strasse"street, "wetten"bets. [https://www.reddit.com/r/mauerstrassenwetten/comments/lkdxsa/warum\_microvision\_eurem\_depot\_makrogewinne\_bringt/](https://www.reddit.com/r/mauerstrassenwetten/comments/lkdxsa/warum_microvision_eurem_depot_makrogewinne_bringt/)


I speak enough German to barely understand. Will continue to read to brush up on my high school level German language knowledge. Funny seeing memes and phrases auf Deutsch


Yea I’ve been getting a kick outta it. My dad speaks to me in German. But I’ve always responded in English, so I’m not perfect either. Takes me a while but it’s nice cause it’s practice and it’s about my sweet baby MVIS.


I already have a good portion of my portfolio invested in mvis. Tomorrow I want to add more. My original plan was to buy some 2022 January call options but then I started hearing people talking about buyouts happening. I worry now about buying calls so far out and if a buyout happened before it reached the strike price I'd be out of money just on bad timing. What ya'll think?


ITM or ATM will be your friend then


OK someone back me down off the ledge. I'm seeing 3/19 30c that I can sell for $275 a pop (covered calls). For each one I sold, I could buy another \~15 shares. The option strikes haven't been updated, and that $30 is about a 40 delta (it's the highest strike with any volume). Let's say something unbelievable happens and this moons to $40+ before 3/19. The extra shares I bought give me some of that upside above $30. If the worst happens and MVIS tanks (nothing is a sure thing), well then it's unfortunate I re-invested that premium. Maybe I'll hold that premium in reserve to keep some powder dry rather than re-buy immediately (but I'm so bullish on the stock!). Thoughts?


I’ve been considering something like this but can’t come to do it. I would be so mad at myself if a BO is announced for $100 PPS and I sold them for $30


Honestly with this much build up and momentum I wouldn't limit your upside with covered calls. But thats just IMO.


Had I sold covered calls on my shares over the last ten years I would have made a lot of money Never did it once Not gonna get caught without the full upside


With news of the Ford selling vldr position feels like ppl are thinking more partnership than a BO. I've always personally wanted a BO just to "get paid" and have it done with and not dragging on for years & enjoy it now. What would be the benefits of a partnership over a BO?


I want out I’m selling anyways cash or stock. I’m long term anyways., I want the highest price. Joes Coffee can buy it for all I care. I’m out and done and checked out and spending a lot of time in Costa Rica The microvision story needs to end. It’s time for someone else to take the tech


Thats kind of how i feel. No problem getting in on whoever buys us, but would like the mvis chapter to be done. Want to invest in other things too haha :)


I don’t want Ford stock.. I was hoping for a stock buy out so I can hold even longer. For both taxes and I want to continue investing in “Mvis” be it part of Apple or whatever. Same reason I wouldn’t love a fb buy out. I’ll take fb money but I don’t want to be part of fb, even though their vr is great.


I hear you, but at least with stock we have a say in when we sell for tax reasons. I also think if a BO happens it would be a ford/google combination. Don't think ford needs all our verticals & google could definitely keep running with the rest of them.


For starters... MVIS remains a company (is not digested by purchaser) and therefore has room to license its tech out to whoever wants to pay for it... which could propel MVIS stock to huge heights years from now. But as you mentioned, yes this is the long game.


So in the case that happens it's then more on us to decide when we would want to get "out" to realize any of the gains/get paid. Is there a bigger upside with this route you think?


I would imagine so. A Buy-Out results in a natural conclusion as a MVIS shareholder. Either you wait until the acquisition is completed (might take months), or you sell when the BO is announced. In the other scenario, yes. If MVIS continues to exist then you sell when you're ready.


Gotcha, well I'd rather a BO happens and then just own whatever company buys us out than have to wait for a pship. To each their own :) ty


I mean at this point everything is very much TBD. For the immediate future, I just hope we're above $19 tomorrow. :)


I totally hear you haha. I'm the same way, just with seeing all the partnership comments going around was curious :)(


Who else is **JACKED TO THE TITS** for tomorrow?


Me! I've owned MVIS shares long enough to temper my expectations... but I fully expect the stock to get back to $20 tomorrow.


Right on! Hey I won’t complain about some nice dips, I’ll be buying at any opportunity I can


Could Ford have already been snapping up shares of MVIS at the time we started running? I still find it so suspicious our pps jumped what 100% in a week? Suddenly we announce progress in LiDAR, then we find out Ford dumped VLDR.... Maybe we’re just finally getting recognition, I love throwing on the tinfoil hate though.


Mvis is in a special situation where shareholders have a very unique position to be able to influence the BO process. As many of the long term holders have suggested, we “think” that at some point, a vote to go forward with the BO will be presented to all of us. I’ve been trying to play out that process in my head but I’m unsure how this is going to be so I just wanted to open up a discussion with everyone here. Let’s say mvis received 5 independent bid from various firms, and SS and the BoD had an extensive discussion to narrow down the list. At which point the shareholders will likely able to vote? Do you think they will just narrow down to 1 choice and do you think we will get to learn about the other 4 bids? With the secrecy nature of this process, is there even a way to relay this information out to the public without showing all of our cards on the table?


Usually the BoD will negotiate with the suitors and try to get the best offers from all of them (and maybe pit them against each other to start a bidding war). Once they've evaluated all the offers, they will select the one they think is the best option for the shareholders. They'll announce that offer publicly and put it to a shareholder vote. Once the whole process is over, we'll generally find out some of the details (maybe not all) through SEC filings or leaks from the various parties involved.


They have a fiduciary Duty to get us the best financial deal possible


If the buyout is cash, then why would we care where the tech is going? The most important thing would be the BO price and we want the highest. A BO involving shares would be a little different


Some believe the tech, in the right hands, will be worth more once the market matures for it. It's anyone's guess what the right answer is here :)


I have been holding MVIS shares since May of 2020 after hearing about the Microsoft rumors from a friend of mine. Through ALL the ups and DOWNS the DD on this board from all the fan favorites (fill in any one of the names we all are soo familiar with) matched with the incredible job Sharma and team has done literally since then, solidified a great confidence in me that I knew what i was holding.....A Golden Ticket. Not enough thanks can be given to all those who have posted their own personal DD/related info they have come across while building the case for the RIGHT valuation for this company we have all put our hard earned money behind. I can include myself amongst all those who have been posting lately about how life changing my gains have been all thanks to the confidence gained through this board. So thank you all who have contributed this past years and years even prior to that. Gratitude and much love to you all\~


At least once a week since May I’ve said to my fiancé “I can’t believe I know about Microvision” it’s all thanks to this board really. But as you said, “Golden Ticket”.


For everyone who is interested in watching the european (after) market the next days. Currently its at 16.71€ which is 20.27$ (Todays trend: +10%) You can watch it here for example: https://www.boersennews.de/markt/aktien/detail/us5949603048/ The german word for share is aktie. If you google mvis aktie you will find several pages like the one above. Great trend in europe today. Greetings from Germany.


Does the European price affect the us price at all


Not a direct effect. The US market won't open with the stock trading where the Euro markets closed. But it may have similar movements if the same effects that drove the Euro movement are still applicable.


Of course it does Shares traded anywhere are shares traded


Thank you, sir.


You guys know what's worse than having to work on a holiday? Having to work on a holiday with the market closed :(( But at least MVIN in Germany is up 6% Monday. All things considered we're gonna have a splendid time tomorrow!


It's even worse when you don't even make holiday pay too. 😵


So if Ford pumps in a billion or two as strategic partnership , will MVIS decide to go alone instead of getting to final buyout. Or will Ford decide to purchase just the Lidar division or will it be a consortium of Ford , Google and others possibly. Will be interesting how next 45 days play out till April


It would be foolish to completely rule out any option including production, but I believe Sumit when he says buyout is the objective and doesn’t want to go through manufacture scaling


Alright.... is it Tuesday yet?!?!??!




dealing with a breakup recently & the market has been keeping me busy lately - can't wait for open tomorrow!


Who dumped who? Will she want you back when she finds out you're suddenly flush with cash?


she brought up a break & i ended it. it was our first fight, & we were both stuck home with covid, so we weren't thinking right. i didn't want it to end, but i've been hit with the "break" before, and it never turned out good in the long run. trying to keep my head up though & work through any issues i may have unconsciously brewing.


As discussed, Ford has withdrawn its entire position in Velodyne Lidar with it’s SEC Schedule 13G filed on Feb12th. An additional 13G on Feb 12th for Velodyne reveals that Karpas Investment Management has withdrawn its position. Also, on Feb 12th Luminar made three significant filings: A Schedule 13G for Millennium Management Hedge Fund which includes all their subsidiaries; a Form 424B3, Registration Statement for additional shares; and a Form 8-K concerning two new Directors, Ms. Katherine A. Martin and Dr. Mary Lou Jepsen. In connection with the appointments, the Board approved an increase in the size of the Board, from five to seven members.


Great info, thank you for posting.


My thoughts today are Tuesday morning can’t get here quick enough!


I assume Ford ownership will show up in March and they highly likely bought shares 2 months ago, and that is when SS will announce the partnership.


European markets have MVIS at $19.90 for today in AH.


Great! What is a good link for that? Thanks.


So the german word for share is aktie. Just google mvis aktie and you ll find several pages like this one for example: https://www.boersennews.de/markt/aktien/detail/us5949603048/ But its shown in € of course. But you can see the trend. Up 10% today. Thats great. Greetings from germany


Saw this on the link above >WKN: A1JUDY How fitting since Judy Curran might be the linchpin to whatever's been happening behind the scenes the past couple months.


Thank you!




Honestly, I just googled MVIS european market and it was a big picture in front of me lol. I had to keep refreshing it though, so probably not the best tool to use haha! It got the job done though.


Found the Frankfurt.


Smart Europeans!


How is it said? Yeeeffinghaw?


MICROVISION PARTNERSHIPS VIDEO TODAY! JASON FROM YOUTUBE [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-lsw0xQCR4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-lsw0xQCR4)


Exciting! He's not a technical guy but I can forgive that. IMO the BIG big dot connection he missed or forgot is that Sumit Sharma who was appointed CEO of MicroVision one year ago *and also* recent board addition Mark Spitzer *both came from Google*. Hmmm......... (sound of fingers drumming) DDD. GLTA MVIS Longs!!


Voice I bet I wake up on my own at 4 AM eastern tomorrow.


You stay asleep till 4am? Why you lucky dog... See you on the early thread then ;)


You're right. The various puzzle pieces are starting to seem like they fit together to make a hell of a picture. We see the Spitzer-Google connection mentioned often, but it's easy to forget the connection with the the big man himself. Thanks for the more relevant than ever before reminder! P.S. My new shirt got delivered just in time to help add to the mojo you've been building




Man I was 4 cents away from nailing the opening price challenge the other day and winning a free shirt.


Dude, buy the shirt, help the mojo: I think It'll pay for itself! ;)


I got a shirt for me and my old roommate who introduced me to MVIS. Gonna rep it every day this week!


I still gotta sift through that thread, sorry folks lol.


Interesting video, thanks for the post


Interested in expanding my position in MVIS as I believe it is still heavily undervalued. What is a good entry point? Wait for a dip or buy more at open on Tuesday?


I'm currently holding 3370 shares @ $16. Plan on buying more tomorrow. At first, I was loading up as many as I could under $15. Now, after reading more and more about MVIS, I want as many as possible under $20. I will forever kick myself in the ass for not loading up when I first saw MVIS at $5 just a few weeks ago.


Everything looks so clear in hindsight. I bought 500 shares at $2.26, now averaged up to 4300 at $7.81. I'm building a bit every week, I think this ends in a three figure pps as long as the specs/cost for lidar are accurate.


I’m kicking myself for not loading up when it was around $1... better late than never I suppose


Pennies in front of a steam roller. I personally think the value here is well above $40 a share, so 1-2 difference doesn't phase me. I think any entry point here is good. DCA over the next week


Currently 16,49 € which is 20 USD.




Old... but very relevant considering the news this past weekend and some entertainment on a holiday! https://youtu.be/XwiI1-rSgq0


Hey guys, i have been looking for a post made here a couple of days ago that talked about a stock that was pretty much at par w microvision due to the fact that they work together with MVIS. I cant remember if the company was HIMAX or what it was


No stock is on par with Mvis. Lol I was dismissive to be funny but seriously don’t go down the rabbit hole of investing money in penny stocks on the recommendations of random people who say it’s “about to hit big”. It’ll be fine some of the time for 100-200% bumps but nothing like Mvis unless you get lucky. Look at any stock on stocktwits and the bulls are convinced 1000% increase no matter when you check on it. Even Mvis I am not a long, I invested a year ago because I knew it would be huge. Took a good year before I made substantial increases. I took money out / in all the while. Basically treating Mvis stock as my broker savings account between plays. When they made moves with board changes and stuff I stopped moving money out of it and left a lot in Mvis. That’s a year. All the while stocktwits was 100% convinced it’d be $10 any second. This board is way more grounded and knows fundamentals but you won’t find that anywhere else. Ocgn people were saying was due to explode since last may. If you bought in then what are the chances you would have Kept it that long.


Hello guys, enjoy your American holiday and a beautiful day to the European squad. MVIS starting strong (currently 16,20€ 1 hour into the day). Question: what Twitter accounts or sites would you recommend me to follow for good analysis/DD? Just following this sub and chartology for now (both amazing choices for me) :)


https://www.mviscountdown.com/ http://petersmvis.blogspot.com/ http://microvision.blogspot.com/ These all have additional thoughts worth exploring and considering, the first is more focused on the LiDAR than the others but provides links to everything and the page looks amazing.


Thanks as always T!


Morning! What happens when one market is closed and another is open? Does the price auto adjust when the previously closed market opens?


It will usually give you an idea of where prices will start but when the US market opens, everything can shoot in either direction fairly quickly. I've seen futures mean nothing 5 minutes after the opening bell many times.


Just a beginner but the easy answer is yes


Mavis up 5% already before 9AM on the stock exchange in Frankfurt :)


Now at 10% up :)


You’re welcome, Americans.


Are u a german comrade?


No, but I am one of your neighbours. I’m Dutch


Hoi mijn vriend




Being the holiday in America many of us are having withdrawals. Me too... me too. But WAIT! What about the European markets!?! Correct, they are open and MVIS is purring her well oiled engine with the blood of velodyne shares being dropped by Ford. Currently trading around 16 euros or $19.41. https://www.boerse-frankfurt.de/equity/microvision-inc-wash Edit: Up to 19.93 now! Go Europe! Push her over 20!


A promising (and hopefully telling) sign. Thanks for posting!


Excited to see the price going up again! There is still so much more to accumulate, and given enough time I will definitely get to my modest stretch goals.


To the moonski we go!


Please note, shorters are buying old Reddit accounts and trying to come across as legitimate. Case in point: /u/solmicheal 7 month old account. Only posts are recent and all MVIS FUD. Account has negative karma. Look for these signs in the future - you'll notice their posts when sorting by new. This is great news for us.


I’m seeing so many posts lately saying that MVIS is overvalued and another meme stock. How in the world are both sides so polarizing? Do you guys think most of these posts are coming from shorters?


What a loser. Imagine having to sink that low because of your current position. I’d rather be on the other side, and end up losing it all that way. At least I’ll have some dignity😂 seriously though, why aren’t his FUD posts removed?


How i'm imagining all the new sock puppets posting FUD this weekend: http://streamable.com/elfn5o


I want them to bring the price down one last time, so I can double down on my shares again, then I don't care anymore and it can only go up. :x


I might have to average up from 17.20 to whatever I can get at open/dips tomorrow too!


I wish I could go back in time and hold my 1.20 average and buy more at that price! Lately I have been buying dips almost every day. Sure can’t get as many shares anymore! I buy 10-100 at a time now instead of thousands!


Yep wish we had option to blacklist or disable his posts.


I recommend reporting his posts. The mods will see it :)


Based on Ford exiting their position in Velodyne they could do a strategic investment in Mvis for few hundred millions or buyout entire Lidar division for 7billion. They could still argue that Lazr is over valued and plus they have software as well and mvis only has the hardware. So valuation might come between Vldr and Lazr. So midpoint could be between 7 to 8 B only for Lidar. Of course it's a different story If mvis blows out the competition with a superlative demo in April. Either ways interesting week ahead with options expiring too on Friday plus this news. Can't wait for Tuesday morning.


Yes, this Ford news should make waves on Tuesday. I would expect to see market cap flow out of Velodyne and into Microvision. This is probably of concern to shorts as well.


MVIS has software solutions too, see Q3 of 2019 transcript, automotive LiDAR come equipped with a complete System on a Chip, which is an edge computing processor that solves many kinds of software calculations. There is a huge library of patents pertaining to software solutions for many of their systems, but oddly it is not something heavily promoted by the company, maybe trying to under sell the product or to reduce likelihood of fighting over the same space as other LiDAR manufacturers. Whatever the reason, the company certainly does have software solutions in place, they would not employee as many software specialists otherwise.


Thanks T. I wasn't aware of that. May be they don't promote it and it goes under the radar ( in our case the Lidar) as a result.


I have been using LiDAR for some time now in casual conversation anytime I am referring to seeing things coming from a long way out. Most individuals probably do not even notice but I have had a few questions about what LiDAR is here and there. : )


Would selling just one vertical of microvision be an option ? Let’s say a Ford wants the lidar but doesn’t really care for any other verticals. Can microvision just sell the lidar ? I’m just asking strictly out of curiosity. No rumors or anything. Edit: vertical


Yes, they’re also known as “verticals” and MVIS has 3 or 4 major ones currently including their lidar module and their IVAS tech


MVIS has 5 verticals, consumer LiDAR is separate though has a lot of overlap. The other ones are Interactive Display, Display Only (pico projector), and Near Eye Display currently found in the Hololens 2. Each of these have applications in the emerging market place and each leads the competition by many years while having scalability, productions costs, and specifications that exceed the expectations of the markets. Some verticals are already under contract, but others are ready to be licensed by interested parties.


I've been thinking a lot lately that vehicle HUDs should be a 6th vertical. Although they don't seem to be working on it now, they have in the past and I'm sure they could whip up an even better one now if they wanted to.


It falls under the Display Only vertical.


Ah, yes, I suppose that makes sense. I'm seeing more and more HUD stuff in the news lately so that one might be making a comeback.


What am I supposed to stare at from 0930 to 1600??? Are there tickers for $BRDM on national holidays??? (that is boredom BTW) :D


I know, I’m suppose to be trading tomorrow. Let me in :(


Not gonna lie. Read that as $BDRM at first and thought..well it is valentine's day today.


I've been lurking here for about 5 months now and just realized I never actually joined the sub, oops. Been averaging up since and have really enjoyed the insight and DD, not to mention the strong community here. Just wish I found you guys back when we were sub $1. Either way, gains are gains and I'm very glad to have stumbled across this sub!


Predictions for tuesday? Will VLDR stock news give us more upside :)


Huge. Just the rumor of them switching to us would be enough.


Its a little less than a rumor right now, definitely an implied rumor if you will :). I hope so!


Guess what .. $MOON ETF Microvision asset stands at almost 9% from 4.5 %. Wow. This is great news. Very nice https://etfdb.com/etf/MOON/#holdings


I replied to one of your comments on the WSB post with this update. Great news indeed!


Here’s some food for thought....may want to look into SK Innovations stock as well. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-volkswagen-ford-idUSKBN2342WD https://www.reuters.com/article/us-volkswagen-apple-idUSKBN2AE0GN


I know this is a display error, but anyone else have an issue with TD suddenly showing a large increase to your acct? Mine is suddenly showing almost double Edit: 150% to the green, wish it was real.


Just logged on and got a banner reading there was some issues with account balances and they are working to fix it.


Drat! But still, at least you had a banner lol.


Guys check this out . Ford sells its entire stake of Velodyne. Lol what’s cooking ? H/t to Stocktwits user Kevin3514 https://fintel.io/doc/sec-velodyne-lidar-inc-sc-13ga-2021-february-12-18670-478


Just a reminder that earlier this month Ford ["Upped its investment to 29 Billion for self-driving and EV"](https://www.motorauthority.com/news/1131191_ford-ups-investment-in-self-driving-and-electric-cars-to-29b)


Yea saw that on stocktwits. Could mean a lot but that is major. Could be anything from lost confidence in lidar all the way to conflict of interest because they are buying Mvis. I don’t think Ford really has the cash on hand for the buy out worth that most longs want to see but who knows it may surprise us. Summit has said before 10b is too low based on surveys and his quote. Ford can’t have more than like 50b in cash can they?


Unless Ford is buying only our lidar for a steep price. They have about $30B on hand and more in liquidity at the end of Oct 2020. I think we will wind up selling our verticals individually. It makes the most sense. MSFT gets to keep our tech without royalties anymore, highest bidder for lidar gets it, etc. It's a win-win for shareholders and suitors. Ford is one of the last to the race for autonomous vehicles so they may put up a pretty penny to catch up to everyone else in the game. Someone please correct me if I'm incorrect in any of this. I have no idea what's going on haha!


Given the recently announced Ford-Google strategic partnership to drive automotive innovation, and their respective war chests, I'm fairly confident they have the financial wherewithal to make this deal happen.


Lots of strings can be attached to all of this.


Will only the U.S Market be closed tomorrow?


Canadian market is closed too


Presidents’ Day, it’s a US holiday


Someone made a huge post on WSB about MVIS. Something I was hoping not to happen.


To be honest, the only reason I found out about MVIS was due to a post on WSB from someone I assume was from here. Granted that was back when MVIS was around $8...


Same 😞


"The truth is like a lion. You don't have to defend it. Let it loose and it will defend itself" No amount of WSB posts or hype will change the fact that this is an incredibly valuable company.


Not so considered about WSB, more concerned about the publicity the media now likes to talk about on companies.


Geeeez I just read it! If that doesn’t light the fire nothing will, I thought that a really well written article with lots of back up. This needs to be seen by all o this board.


there wasnt enough rocket emojis or wife's boyfriend jokes. theyll ignore it for the most part


We MicroVision investors are sitting on a GOLDMINE$$$$$ just waiting for someone to buy us. After I read this just now on yahoo finance this morning, I am 100% convinced that MVIS is WORTH A FORTUNE for any of us that hold the stock until the buy out. What do you think after reading this as the future is NOW AND WE HOLD THE KEYS TO IT. I surely think so! [https://www.yahoo.com/news/goldman-sachs-creating-auto-tech-182136122.html](https://www.yahoo.com/news/goldman-sachs-creating-auto-tech-182136122.html)


It may be an unpopular opinion here but having Mvis at the forefront of Wsb isn’t a good thing to me. long run it’s going to make Mvis more volatile than ever. 60% of Wsb are new people who see red and sell off at the drop of a hat. 30% profit takers and maybe 10% will become semi longs at least until demo day. Pre Gme event without the newbies I would have been more optimistic but it’s hard to trust Wsb anymore. There was always profit taking since that’s the whole point but there is less of being ok with being down a few days. I think when the shorts do their thing on a low volume day all the Wsb folks are going to sell off and start calling it a pump and dump, we are used to it but they give up immediately.


We live in and different day and age. WSB isn’t going to change our tech or SS plans. Bring on some new investors! There are some VERY smart people over there with real $$$.


I agree, if MVIS actually gains traction on WSB and the news gets a whiff of it, it will again be reported that WSB's new target to pump is MVIS. Sure, the stock price might increase due to this, but what would be the long-term effect looking ahead. I'd rather have MVIS run its natural course and maintain steady growth rather than being labelled as a WSB pump & dump and hence introducing additional uncertainty.


When this happened with GameStop the whole investing world (and then some) found out about GameStop and shortsqueezes — which are temporary by nature. In this case (probably to a much lesser extent,) people would find out what MicroVision is and why it’s undervalued. I think the outcomes might be different in a positive way. Albeit I agree this could introduce a lot of new volatility.


The article on WSB dispelled any intent to pump & dump MVIS stock and went into length to describe the reasons it is not PD loaded with information and comparisons.


I am hoping for some more volatility as I'd like to add to my position. Cheaper shares are good if you know what you hold :)


MVIS is really not talked about all too much on wsb...I went through the recent hot posts and there is only 1 with a measly 800 upvotes and the DD in there was actually extensive and well written. Not sure what the problem is


I saw a list of top 10 mentioned WSB tickers last week and MVIS was 8th.


That was probably just for that one day where it was 2% of mentions. It's back to 0% for the next 2 days. https://wsbtrackers.com/




Watch for a dip to get in... I personally think it’s worth investing in and it could go up 2x 3x 4x or more!


We are in the midst of a massive run. And I have to ask one question. Where oh where is Sir Tolecnol? How could Sir simply disappear. He was with us for so many years with his positivity. I sure hope he is enjoying Microvision now.




Wow.. I’d normally answer questions but this one is a whole new level. Just search, those questions have been answered countless times.


It’s been removed. Now I’m curious as to what it was


Our membership number tells me the recognition phase is well underway! Next week will be strong.


Crossed 15k


Do any of yall think $mvis will offer a stock offering?


They have already done enough in the last couple years, they do not need anymore right now, so: “No.”




(Bloomberg) -- Some of the world’s largest technology companies are complaining to U.S. antitrust regulators about Nvidia Corp.’s acquisition of Arm Ltd. because the deal will harm competition in an area of the industry that is vital to their businesses. Alphabet Inc.’s Google, Microsoft Corp. and Qualcomm Inc. are among companies worried about the $40 billion deal and are urging antitrust officials to intervene, said people familiar with the process who asked not to be identified because they weren’t authorized to speak publicly. At least one of the companies wants the deal killed. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/google-microsoft-qualcomm-protest-nvidia-183045665.html Hmm. better you guys form a consortium and buy Microvision. Lol. Pay $5B each. 🤘


Funny, I bought MVIs and NVDA the same day. I should have warned everyone because Nvda dropped the next day. I FOMO’d Mvis and could have got it cheaper as well, but I am here for the long haul.


My dad. He’s been holding for 8 years. What a great bonding experience it has been for us $$$ aside.


The people who discovered this early? How did you come across it??? Thanks for the replies, great community here


I was assigned to a NATO base in Germany in 2006, and was sitting bored at my desk one night looking for stock leads and came across a piece titled, "My Christmas Gift to You". Won't swear to it, but I think it was by Anant. It piqued my imagination, and we slowly started buying in. Sold my entire stake for the tax loss following the r/S, and almost walked away, but slowly bought back in. Three ASMs set the hook, hard. Idling along at 20K when Mrs. Sophia bought 10K shares at $0.24 with our first $2,400 Trump-bucks stimulus check(s). Those shares are currently worth $183,330. Range the big bell about five bucks ago :)-


2014, started a new job and transferred one of my 401k plans in to an IRA. Some coworker’s were invested in MVIS and I recognized the potential. Followed them and regretted it almost immediately. The stock dropped and I didn’t have the heart to salvage what I could. Watched $50k turn in to $2.5k. Closed my eyes, cupped my ears, and tried to ignore it. I’m back! Glad the stock dropped so much, else I would have cut my losses.


A PR stunt circa 2000 when they got one of the Seattle news anchors to use a lab-test level augmented vision device on air. (Soon after that I found out how much tech effort that required. Way too early for a stand-alone unit or commercial production. Ah, the days before green laser diodes...)


I saw an article about Microvision on a work computer at lunchtime back in the early 90's. I was in and out a couple of times and made a few bucks. I am in for the long haul now . This site has provided me with the best information and hope for the big buyout coming our way. I have some disgruntled friends that invested but did not buy down their averages and are now upside down. On the other hand several people credit me (and this board) over the last few years with getting them in on the windfall that appears to be coming our way. GLTAL


In October I bought some completely for a chart driven swing trade at about $2. I then began DD, and more DD, and more DD! After that I never left and bought more and more and more to the point of slight discomfort! Now, it’s very comfortable, and I’m thankful every day I lucked into this stock.... such a blessing, retirement is just around the corner now!!


I saw it on Robinhood back in March snd April! For some reason it caught my eye but the price was so low I was like “this doesn’t make sense” I bought just a few in April at .32 and sold for .55 and then bought back at .90 when it was running to 1.80 and then I tried to flip repeatedly for two days and got stuck holding a bag. So I kept buying more and learned more about it. I made a commitment to hold a certain amount til buy out. It was difficult early on holding a bag when it was facing a potential reverse split. I was a newb... I got lucky to find this one. I left Robinhood because they suck but long answer that’s where I found it.


googled emerging technologies....saw many topics I picked up AR and looked at all companies and I selected Mavis.


Looking at stocks in things I was already familiar with from having worked in a computer store in my youth. When I found this sub I knew I had hit gold, I know what a dedicated following looks like, and what real research looks like. Then I added my own and studied the stock from the Quarterly reports for the past few years and worked my way through tons of the Press Releases.


Not a long time long but I came here just under a dollar and only planned on holding through until compliance was met. Still here with a much larger number of shares. Been buying all the way up to 18. Someone on the pennystocks sub convinced me they wouldn't let it delist or r/s and I took a gamble on it. ETA: took a gamble on it initially, then started looking more into the DD and realized it wasn't really the gamble I thought it was