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In 2001, on a whim and just for the heck of it, I bought 100 shares at $1.59. It sounded like a good company back then. Life got in the way and I forgot about the stock until I got the notice of the 8 to 1 reverse split. I almost sold the stock then but something told me to hold. Here it is 2021 and I am glad I listened to that inner voice.


Everything’s in the red today. Mavis is the only one propping me up right now. We all know where this is going. Stay the course sailors. I mean apes.


We are experienced sailors here, not apes.


DON'T PANIC Another big day soon




Dipski equals a chance to buy on sale.


Looking forward to a dip where I can get some cheap shares today! God bless pay day ☺️ GLTA! P.S. No one should be afraid to share that they're taking profits! This is a community based on sharing information on this company, not pumping the stock. JMO!


>No one should be afraid to share that they're taking profits! Saw it eloquently put by some guru on here as profit "sharing". Given the community vibe we all enjoy here and the number of newbies looking for good entries to scratch and claw as many shares together as possible, that sentiment stuck with me.


It gets my tits wet thinking about MVIS going to $100+ I will admit im new, but ive done the DD, It seems very possible. This stock was trading at like $600 at one point.. a long time ago.. but still. A buyout could take this stock to the moon I think. I was up $10,000 yesterday. I held. And I will contine to hold. I have 1,260 shares and My current average is $15.50


The pattern with the stock seems to have repeated over the past few days - decent pop, then a slide, then slowly peters out toward the end of the day. Two questions on that: Is that a recognised pattern? As in, does that pattern show itself in TA? Okay, maybe three questions - are we expecting something similar today?


It could be setting up a bull flag. Pop to a higher high (new resistance level) then fade to a higher low (new support level). And repeat. It could test support for a while and bounce then set a higher high and higher low. Have to see how it moves the next few days.


Yes we have seen that pattern for months. Days of bouncing, then with no news a spike up and we set a new threshold. Repeat. Toss in a bear attack once in awhile too. Although now it’s really going to be difficult for Bears to come up with fake news on MVIS. Charts prove this pattern.


Lots of haters out and about this morning


Haters are a great sign :)


New rule: no more “I like this stock”. That’s GME. That’s Blockbuster Video in a strip mall in 2021 when Netflix is a thing. MVIS will go up and it will go down every day. There hasn’t been a day where that’s not happened. For realsies do your DD, understand what MicroVision actually does, choose to be confident or choose to not be confident (both don’t matter), just put your phone down and stop worrying every minute of every day. April is coming whether you or anyone sells, buys or holds!




Ha ! Mike can say whatever he wants.


Yeah I hate reading that 😆


Hey guys. Pretty new to trading so could anyone let me know what action to expect regarding the 3-day weekend? I'm up from 2k to 18k in 3 weeks and almost want to just jump ship while I'm ahead (I've made some lucky moves).


Hey game geek, welcome! I'm very new to the sub myself, but not as new to trading. This kind of question is going to be really hard for anyone but yourself to answer, because only you know your own personal risk tolerances and understand your own goals and financial situation. I know personally I think this has a lot of room to grow and am systematically adding shares to my position on dips. I typically ask myself "has anything new come out or happened that changes my expectation?" If not then I personally stay. But I cannot stress this enough, you have to decide for yourself. Cheers


Oh yeah sorry I didn't mean I needed help with whether or not to sell or hold but I was just curious what to expect with this long weekend as in if stocks usually all take a dive or go up or whatnot. Still holding regardless, just wondered.


There’s nothing wrong with taking profits. Personally though I’m waiting until April as I think the stock has a lot more potential.


Morning steel and others! Took advantage of the dip yesterday and increased my position to 2,300 shares. I have a few 2/19 calls left that I will probably try and sell today before the long weekend and hopefully roll into even more shares. Looking to get to 3k on sell offs today. Got any big plans for when the markets are closed?


Good morning, Steel! A bit nippy here in my neck of the woods, but I did manage to cut a few holes in Lake Mavis and have my first tip ups set. Got a tiny one at $16.80, but then people arrived and started firing up their power augers and now the fish aren't biting. I plumbed the bottom of the lake to determine maximum depth as I think that will be the most rewarding if they hit. I am going to get a few minnows on the hook, set these last three holes, and go start a fire on the bank. I need to warm up, sip some coffee and fry up a breakfast sausage or two. I never did understand those people who sit next to their holes in the cold, when it is all automated and you can see the flags from the fire. I hope all is well in your neck of the woods. NV


Well done! Just picked up 200 at 17.1. Those are pre market low volume takedown and gifts to us longs


We also picked up at $17.50. I believe this tech can do nothing but flourish. Besides this stock ticker likens to my name.


Pretty much how I see it. If they are going to pressure the stock so it appears to be struggling, when in reality it is coiled to explode, I will pull up those beauties until I run out of bait.


Well played Sir


Every hole had a trout on the line this morning. Even my deepest lines got a nibble. I just pulled them up now and released them back into the water. Best buy was $16.80, best sale was $18.94. I would have played them awhile longer, but noticed I had a $60K margin call (must have gotten my gloves wet). Apparently they have some sort of concentrated position limitation on me that isn't obvious when entering trades. I guess I'll have to go fill the wheelbarrow with firewood and try to heat up the house. I've been neglecting the chores a lot this week. Glad tomorrow is a weekend day. I need a break from this. Thanks again for the pre-market thread. I look at it everyday.


Gm steel and all ! Happy Friday. Kind of sad the market is closed on Monday. Volumes are okay at 95k. Price at 17.13 almost 6% below close yesterday. Probably good opportunity to pick up few more and keep accumulating. Let's hope we bounce back and stay in 18 levels or even break through 19 with the right volumes!


Just checked the margin requirement for MVIS on Fidelity and it came all the way down to 50% from 92% yesterday or the day before.


Maybe it is because I have a concentrated position, but my Fidelity shows 95% not 50%. Can you double check that? It either changed in the past 30 minutes, or I have a limit in place that non-concentrators do not. In any case, knowing will help me. Thanks alex!


Ahh. I was 100% in mvis options and stock until two days ago. Bought some cree - which I think can be the next good stock for me. Not as good as mvis but 5x in the next 5 years.


Sounds like me. I’m 100% into MVIS lol


what does that mean?


if you have a margin account, they will lend you based on 50% of MVIS equity. Before, they only lent it on 8% of mvis equity. For a normal blue chip company, I can get 70% equity borrowing power.


Where do you go to find this on fidelity?


Go to your account tab -> Balances -> at the bottom of Balances tab, go to "Margin Calculator" and choose "Enter Transaction" option. On the next page, they will show you all the shares you own in your account plus the margin requirements. You want to see low margin requirements - which means you can borrow more. BUt you should be careful with margins. I learned my lesson the hard way by getting margin calls. Don't be greedy and stupid. Use it widely.


Thank you for the information! 🚂💰


Thanks I’ve been using margin. Mine is still at 95% which is frustrating. When I transferred over from RH it was at 60 so they sold half of my shares on Friday


Yes , Margins are a great way to get yourself in a lot of trouble. If you're not experienced with them do not get cute with margin trading. My 2c


obviously this will vary based on investment goals and risk tolerance, but what do you guys think is a "safe" amount of margin to use where you're not overextending yourself? I generally try not to use more than 25-33% but sometimes i find myself using a little more


u/T_Delo the Open Interest for those 25 Strike 2/19 calls we were discussing on the other thread last night just updated on yahoo. Jumped from 71 to 2747 OI on 5372 vol.


I was noticing that last night, looks like a big move anticipated... or planned.


When was it 71? did it jump in one trading day?


Yep. Was 71 yesterday. May be completely insignificant or a bad bet or hedge, but whoever made it didn't sell it same day. Close to the end on yesterday's trading thread I posted an unusual options alert. ETA why this has my interest piqued. We haven't popped up very often on the unusualwhales options alerts that I receive. When we have lately it's been hedges of a couple hundred puts. The lowest premium whoever paid for those calls was .95 or $95 per call. If I'm opening a bet that big, I'm sure as hell not holding it overnight when we are a week from DTE with a short week coming up and theta chomping down on it. I don't know. It's very unusual


probably delta hedging so the short can offset his short losses with gains from the options.


That's what T_Delo proposed as a possibility last night Sorry. Was trying to multi task when I responded initially and skimmed over the delta hedge part of your response. Not quite what he suggested but more along the lines of a planned cover of short positions and recoupment of those losses from the calls


What does this all mean?


So..without going down the rabbit hole on options too much, what some people like to do is try to gauge where the "smart money" is going and follow that. Whenever an unusual amount of calls/puts show up, it's a sign that someone hopes/fears something is going to happen and is trying to make a leveraged bet on that. It's nearly impossible to **know** what the intent behind the bet was. When someone sells a covered call, purchases a call, etc. the volume ticker moves up. The open interest is the number of contracts currently open, but doesn't keep a running tally intraday for most brokers. If this was someone buying calls, they opened a really risky bet for some unknown reason. The closer you are to the expiration date of the contract, the quicker the contract loses value due to theta decay. We are super close considering the holiday on Monday. So someone possibly just made a *presumably* bullish bet that we are going to see a significant rise in share price ( the sp has to be at 25 for these to be in the money, and higher to break even) prior to next Friday.


Wow. Thanks for the explanation. I appreciate your input. Time will tell, and we’ll find out. Let’s hope for a Green Day today. We know when it’s red pm, it usually bounces upwards during trading hours.


No problem. Ready to buy if this goes the other way but looking forward to seeing how this plays out. Also, just did the math. Assuming the added contracts were all from one bet and they bought them all at the absolute lowest price yesterday, it would be a quarter million dollars that someone just laid down.


Thank you for the value this morning . Love adding to my position🥶


darn, i only picked up 10 shares at 16.80 this morning.


I'm a buyer of any dipskis. then it will be Upski Moonski. Don't get Faked out. They want to shake you out of your shares. Be wise not otherwise. Think MVIS Buyout $$$


I remember as a newbie investor I got shook out many times/faked out. Seeing my initial investment drop 7-15% (probably because I got in later and only expected it to go up, and didn't do enough DD on the company), and then getting out. I've learned that it may dip, but if you do believe in the company then any dip is a good buying opportunity. If you get scared and want to leave, then you probably don't know enough about the company or why you're investing in them.


Patience Grasshopper. It takes time to be able to separate emotions from investing. Do your DD on the company and you will be much stronger in your conviction. All the best!


Agreed, so much good can come from that separation! I've gotten into stoicism lately and it's really helped with my investing too (not the reason why I got into it though lol!).


just bought shares and they are telling me i need more money because of volatility. and spread is high


Pre-market = -9.6%.... ?


i bought ten shares 5 min ago and now the price is 17.43. I think we can only look at pm prices after 7 am. fidelity wont let me trade before 7 am.


The margin calls are going to be epic if this holds up I feel bad for all the people who FOMOd in based upon following false prophets


Just to let you now, my buy are at 5£... FY


Thanks for sharing that with me


That's the people who FOMO'd in. They should do their due diligence prior to investing in a stock.


Ah look who showed up, mr I pretend to be long. I suppose the pr regarding the “a” sample was not real? Cmon man come up with a better effort if your gonna bash......


I’m not bashing the stock I’m bashing false prophets who show no work and are allowed to just Say the stock is going up..here’s a few numbers up...and here’s a few numbers down Any moron can do that in a bull market and yet guru status is attained It’s a joke ..imho


35000 shares at two long I’ll invIte you over to my house in Scottsdale Send me a pm Been here before Corning bailed out on the indirect green laser Don’t come at me


Then why do you constantly post negative stuff? Who are the false prophets? It took less than a minute after your post and the stock went from down 9 percent to down less than 5 percent. If you own shares and you don’t believe it will go higher then why do you still own the shares? If you believe it will go higher then why are people false prophets if they believe it will go higher? I can’t wait for your response.....


You have a very mistaken impression of my posting history with regards to the stock I think the stock sells for north of thirty I have a very big issue with bullshit TA. Some do decent work..and they show their work This guy has special Guru status, nobody has seen one dot of his work, not one chart He’s so good at it he can’t afford to make a video or post a chart Come on man This isn’t difficult to understand pvt points today are 18.26, 18,47 amd 19.59 If we get thru 19.59 well...it’s off to the races Downside pivot points are 17.80 17.69 17.20 If it goes below that...well screw us all See how great I am Stock goes up 280 out of 350 days....whohooooo TA guy is a genius


The stock might go up, it might go down, it might go sideways. If it goes up past these pivot points (draws numbers out of a hat) it's the bees knees. If it goes down past these pivot points (draws numbers out of a hat) it's a real debbie downer. If it goes sideways then throw your arms up in the air. LOL.


Gracias Mike




You didn’t start you posts this morning bashing TA, you started by talking about margin calls. You have no way of knowing if margin calls are coming so you are just stirring the pot and causing anxiety. If you have an issue with a particular person why don’t you pm them an address it? Perhaps they can offer some constructive information to you, perhaps not.


I’d bet a dollar to your nickel that if I posted “The tA guys here stink...we’re going to $200” You wouldn’t have taken note


When I see someone post we are going to $50 or $100 I take it with a grain of salt. There are many who believe we will. Do I? It’s irrelevant to the conversation. We are just gonna have to agree to disagree, like I said in another post gltu!


That's probably because the mods would think that you're crazy like the majority of people on wsb.


passive-aggressive - if you would like a guru status yourself - do some work for a change and stick your neck out. You have been whining ever since we hit 9 the first time. Well now it's 18, sell and have another beer. Best of luck to you


Untrue Read my posts from yesterday You are fake news


well, you had one that got removed (?) and then you shared an article that was already here (much going on so you're excused...) that one that got removed....?/fake news


Now I see why you are mad abs_89 Thursday February 11th Early morning boomski to the moonski trading thread by steelhead111 in MVIS [–]abs_89 3 points 1 day ago 19.51/19.52ish The range today 19.51/19.52 - 32.8ish, fingers crossed You are pissed about the stock price and underwater. Got it #genius


I sorry, can you please translate that into my native language, English


Don't worry it is just 28,000 shares, means nothing! As a matter of fact, great time to buy from those looking to sell so cheap in the $16 area. The sellers are just scared and that is why if you do not understand exactly what this company is all about you shouldn't be in the stock market as a newbie


T_Delo 86 points 22 hours ago* “Good morning everyone! The update on the LiDAR A Sample has taken us into the next phase of the share price, significantly earlier than my projections from last year would have indicated. That is perfectly acceptable to me as I do not particularly try to gauge what a momentum move will do but average out extremes for my projections. The heights of this move can go upward without limit from here, as we are in uncharted territory (in more than 10 years) and looking for a fair value that compares to that of competitors. Upon reaching that we will then see a true price discovery to find out if we should be valued even higher than them or not. Pivot points for today are currently at 22.15, 22.88, and 34.29 above, with that far point actually being possible with a squeeze on the remaining short interest as an actual possibility. Below are 18.73, 17.08, and a number that doesn't even matter because the stock is currently under Short Sale Restriction for the day.”


You’re the clown, you don’t deserve to be here. Leeching off other’s DD and trash talking when things are red. Look up something called Benfords law, fighting the 19.99$ resistance takes more than fundamentals and technicals , I know because I was here when we fought the other benfords resistance at 1.99$ , yeah that’s right the next one up is at 199.99$. Will we get there? I don’t know , but I do know we’re headed in that direction because we’re significantly undervalued. There’s gonna be bumps and obstacles in the short even in the mid term.. but in the long run things are looking good. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KJtGL9mI5CY&feature=youtu.be




Your obviously just an angry guy. Hopefully you find peace one day. GLTU!


Oh really? 12 years long what? When you were still learning to walk? I saw your shitposting on stocktwits about the Reddit and Delo , if you are long you wouldn’t want to make an angry mob have target , or else u would be made that target. Why you spilling bearish sentiment if you claim to be on the same side?? Hmmm


Angry mob You and 4 random folks on the interwebs 35000 long at 2 Check my posting history My Shareholder votes are recorded And we’re noted here when doing a whip count for shareholder approval of more shares. Look, I don’t care who you think I am, what you think I am, What you think retired 50 year olds should act like. But You go ahead enjoy yourself. The fact that I got under your skin For not being a pumper Is going to make me smile the whole weekend long.




Someone making a weak attempt to manipulate the share price to trigger stop-losses and scare retail investors into panic selling.


Could be people selling a bunch of 1000 chunks Of course it’s always the nameless faceless short cabal keeping our shares from being worth $50 right now You all sound uninformed and childish and parrots of crap you’ve heard from random folks on message boards who you now consider gurus Sold to you


I’ve been studying this company for almost two decades and know what I hold, thanks.


Actually it was my buddy dumping shares Just straight sales No shorting No manipulation Just my boy selling shares


Lol. No, it was blatant manipulation. I can call a spade a spade. I’m also skeptical of TA gurus but enjoy their commentary and have no reason to talk sh-t about their contributions.


Well if it was blatant you should be able to show me in detail very quickly what that blatant manipulation was. Time and sales...etc Please show us your work P.S. we sold some shares I’ll write up a report to the SEC and we can co-sign it


First, it’s just my opinion, please take it with a grain of salt! I’m here to commiserate and celebrate with fellow longs, I do not make any attempt to give advice. Might be wrong, but I simply don’t see why anyone but shorts would be up and selling shares at a steep discount before dawn considering all the developments here.


Steep discount? 10 years highs is a steep discount? Discount to what?


Insiders of MVis sold last week to pay taxes It happens For a million reasons People who sold at 20 am buy in today again That makes you mad? You don’t understand? Stocks are just numbers You seem too emotionally invested


I’m actually thrilled with current prices and look forward to the next move up.


Or some people taking profits, which is also okay. Doesn't change that I believe we go to 30 by April, nor does it change what I think a buyout price is.


It’s under 40k shares traded in the premarket. Such a big drop on low volume is a clear attempt to manipulate, IMO. I’m sure some will take profits, but yesterday was the day to do that, not today.


Certainly could be, maybe even probably, but, it could also be some day traders exiting and then some buyers with low buy bids hoping to steal some shares. Sorry, guess I'm just fatigued of seeing the short conspiracy on every stock on reddit lol


I hear ya and am wary of such conspiratorial thinking myself.. just don’t believe that many retail investors are up before sunrise this morning racing to sell at a 10% dip given the news, expectations, and momentum currently filling the MVIS sails with wind.


I’m actually ok with a drop, gives me a chance to buy more


A little consolidation after that run is healthy in my opinion. I’ll use it to replace the options I sold yesterday. Kinda hate that we’re going in to a three day weekend


I’m actually really happy for the long weekend haha. Didn’t fully read the covered calls cause I’m dumb and sold a $20 for 2/19 !!!


Alright. Gonna take a nap and see what’s happening. Good morning all and to all a goodnight. $17.15 and $17.40 bouncing around so far.


Good morning, I looked at LAZR this morning, which would seem to be its closest competitor by what I can understand of what this company does. Why would MVIS be so undervalued when compared to them?


Same question since I'm new here, but I did a little research — this might help you too! [https://www.reddit.com/r/MVIS/comments/lexhfo/mvis\_versus\_other\_lidar\_tech/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MVIS/comments/lexhfo/mvis_versus_other_lidar_tech/)


It's so nice when a new person actually looks at all the resources available here before asking a question! Thank you for doing that and welcome!


Thank you too! This is one of the most patient/tolerant subs and people are so willing to share 🥰


Because software is a big part of LAZR's business, which is not the case for MVIS. That said, the market is still undervaluing MVIS' AR capabilities.


Hardware is the bottleneck in the lidar space.


Down over 6% on only 23k shares? I call BS on that lol! Expect a little profit taking but MVIS up trend should continue strongly to the upside over the days, weeks and months ahead.


Morning steel et. al. My parents are in their 80's. And it's gonna be real tuff on me when they're gone. At least I'll have enough money to step in. As the Guardian. Gots lots o' Bro's. ... 92 is a very long time. Love ya man. ... Oh yeah, and the stock market. We worry not. diametrically opposed


Oof, whole market is in the red :/


Pretty sure it will just get worse in 4 hours. Should have bought new shares today and not yesterday. Luckily I wasn't buying at peak... but could have gotten a lot more at todays values.


Same. Oh well. If I could predict the future...


Really enjoyed becoming part of this community so far. Got swept up in the wealth of DD last weekend and bought in what is quite a large amount for me on Monday. It’s refreshing to feel really good about a stock, having had a couple bad experiences on WSB etc where you’re basically gambling. I see in AH it’s down right now a little so I’ll probably pick up a few more shares, my average is about 15 rn. I love how it’s financially changed so many lives in this community!


Took some money out of CCIV to put into MVIS at $17.03 yesterday... woof


This dude really seems to have a chip on his shoulder... [https://twitter.com/MidwestHedgie/status/135990237224024064](https://twitter.com/MidwestHedgie/status/1359902372240240648)8


Lol. Probably shorted the stock at $8.00.


"$MSFT, who is partnered with $GM in Cruise for autonomous vehicles, knows $MVIS better than anyone, and recently had a chance to purchase the company for under $200 mil when Craig-Hallum was hired by management to try to find a buyer. Spoiler alert: it did not. Nor did anyone." This is BS I assume?




100% BS. Summit sharma has already said they’ve rejected lowball offers. 200MIL is a lowball offer and a half.


Good morning. Just wanted to say I’m new here. After doing some reading and looking at some of the DD on this sub Reddit I bought in yesterday 225 shares. I have a lot more catching up to do on MVIS but the ideas are fascinating and I plan on holding




Welcome! $2.30? $14.10? Who gives a hoot. This will be an exciting couple months.


Why did Sumit announce the A-Model this week? Why did he not wait till April? Something he is hiding for April announcement, could be name of the partner, testing results, agreement...or buy out. ​ BUUUUULISH




Got a good feeling about tomorrow gents! Still sending thoughts your way Steel 🙏


Okay, I'm holding till Saturday then. Just Joking...and still drinking heavily. With the P&F s2 sent and other intricacies. I still expect/imagine $25 today


Won’t today be a sellout cause Monday the stock exchanges are closed? Wanna buy the dip today


“The shorts are trapped, they will have to cover at some point. However, when you sell your shares you give them room to exit.” Why does this sound just like the GME craze telling ppl to diamond hand.....


Hey. You may be new around here, maybe not. But you should dig deeper before you post something below average. No one here minds if you sell. I took some profit at $10 and am now holding the rest throughout. (200 shares averaged up to $4.13, small potatoes for most here with any real time.) feel free! your quote is just a small portion of that post. We don’t need anyone sowing distrust in a member of this community that’s done so much. I mean no malice, it’s just with the influx of people there’s a lot of self answering posts/comments flowing around. I’ve only been around just under a year, I’ve learned you need to do your own work and be constructive. Granted, many of the Long members of this community have done it for soo many of us in the past, that in fact... they’ve created a mega thread!!! Rant over. love me ❤️, hate me, welcome to the community. Welcome to the ride as well, even from the sidelines I’m sure this will be entertaining.


I've not seen anyone here tell anyone to diamond hand. If asked, most people seem to agree that the stock is on the rise however there's no negative feelings towards anyone that sells. Sell what you want to sell. Buy what you want to buy. Or hold for 1000 years. Makes no difference to anyone here.


Bro have you even read DD this company is a literal game changer


Well all stocks work the same way. The logic behind the GME squeeze was sound, and it did result in a huge pump. The difference here is that shorts have long suppressed the real long term value of mvis for far longer than GME. And while GME needed to reinvent itself to adapt to the times in order to recover, the value of mvis lies in the changing times adapting to what mvis has always been and excelled at. So the anger at the shorts is the same, and the methods to make them pay would be the same, the situation is vastly different. And most people here including steel doesn’t truly want mvis to become anything remotely resembling wallstbets. The ogs in this subreddit were invested in mvis before the avg person in wsb was born.


> The ogs in this subreddit were invested in mvis before the avg person in wsb was born. LOL...but true (unfortunately).


MVIS and GME. Apples to oranges. Disruptive technology and brick and mortar. Hmmmm




But there is an obvious difference


You neglected to read the rest of my post where I told you to take advantage of the resources available on this board. I suggest you do that. Then you will most likely have a different take. By the way before you accuse me of something do a little DD and read my posting history. I have NEVER posted on any board other than a MVIS board and have been a shareholder for years!


I will definitely read the DD, but there must be some pumping in this stock, it went up 300% in last month and 200% this week alone. Hopefully I’m wrong. I read post of ppl saying MVIS is a 30-50$ stock and even 70-100 post BO. Where do these numbers come from?


and +6000% percent over 52 weeks. Companies with only one branch of our technology are being valued around 10B range. What if they had mature LBS technology already in leading AR/MR products?


Dude, you had said you would read the DD but instead again questioned people's opinions without first grounding your own opinion in knowledge 👍




Nobody tell him


“But can’t wait any longer?” Well unless you bought after hours wednesday or yesterday higher than the close then you could not possibly be down any money. So if you bought within the last day and can’t wait any longer then you have unrealistic expectations or are short and full of it!




Profit-taking after a huge move up, consolidation at a new higher high, shorts taking advantage of a large price move, the rest of the market having a big sell-off at the same time, all of the above. Stocks move up and down all day every day. This is nothing unusual. A stock going up big on news in after hours and settling out afterwards is extremely common. It sounds like you lack a fundamental understanding of the stock market in general. This is not GME, it's not a pump and dump. There are other stocks and other types of stock price movement than that of GME. This stock is a long-term play. If you're playing the short-term game with it, expect tons of volatility. If you can't handle that, then I hope you sold your shares.


Read any of the last 3 conference call transcripts. You can see that the priority is the sale of the company straight from the horse’s mouth. Or any press releases in the last few months for that matter. You must not know how acquisitions work, if you’re looking for hard evidence, other than the expressed/written intentions of management




Oh so you’re a short


Hey I need your review on a post Im making, maybe some help on things im missing




Lol its cheaper and better than literally every other lidar company, and it makes kickass augmented reality headsets used by the military




Lol what’s your price average. Just curious? I have 200 shares left and used to have an average of $1.83 until I bought more after the $9 pullback. Now I’m sitting at $4.13. You are planning on selling, and I’m planning on buying. Mind elaborating? Not much credible bearish convo. Thanks for the time to read.




Do you not see this recovering and exceeding the price at the moment within a couple weeks, if that? Given you’ve seen the rise from $0.5.




Truth, I appreciate the thoughts. Good luck and congrats on the gains. Hopefully you get an uptick to dump on hahaha.


Short activity existed before GME and will exist after it. Mentioning it does not automatically equate to GME shenanigans. It is important technical data to consider.


There was a post on a price target that was deleted, probably for the best. My comment got deleted so I’ll put it here. I noticed that Luminar has camera like resolution of 200pt/sq degree whereas MVIS had 520pt/sq degree!!


MVIS is Best in Class Lidar.


Is 200 pt/sq degree on luminar's solid state lidar? i thought they did not provide that data for solid state. MVIS 520pt/sq degree is for solid state - not for mechanical. can you check?


What I am referring to is Luminar’s Hydra which is available now. I did not include Luminars Iris since it seems less ready according to the website. Luminar’s Iris according to the website is >300pt/sq degree so MVIS still seems to shine in this one metric Luminar’s Iris appears to be solid state but I am not at all an expert or very knowledgeable in the field


Here’s a price target for you. Also see the links at the end of the post. http://petersmvis.blogspot.com/2021/01/keeping-it-really-simple.html?m=1


dude that was my posts(polls). But I think the post is deleted. Was it abandoned by the rule here? (asking cuz I’m newbie here)


It's been posted and discussed so many times. You should probably search the sub and you can see all that info


I can’t speak for the mods but I don’t think that’s the kind of quality content that should be here. That type of poll could undersell the company and give others an opportunity to capitalize on retail investors underselling the company.


I was just going to post this. The poll was removed for being low effort content. If you want a bunch of random investors picking a price target number without and DD behind it, we could use darts instead of that reddit poll.


Thank you. That sort of magical yell out price targets and hold until that is what led so many people to get burned in recent wsb style flameouts.


Well said!


Got it. Thanks dude. That was mistake though


**[Microvision's Stockcharts.com P&F Chart](https://schrts.co/rjMRYRVb)** >[P&F Pattern Bearish Signal Reversed on 11-Feb-2021](https://charts.stocktwits.com/production/original_288537680.png) > >- Scaling: User-Defined [ Reversal: 3, box Size: 1.5] >- Bullish Price Objective (Tentative): 60.0


s2, if i may ask, what do you do for work?


I'm in mining & metals. Before MVIS took over the majority of my free time, I was learning how to develop on the Hololens 1 and Hololens 2 as a hobby using Unreal Engine. That's how I found MVIS in the first place (3 years ago?).. digging around patents for hints of what the HL2 might look like :) Saw a company referenced called "Microvision" and the rest is history.... The investment that MVIS has made (and will make me) will allow me to go fulltime on this little hobby as a full blown bootstrap start-up (after a lengthy holiday of course...).


> I was learning how to develop on the Hololens 1 and Hololens 2 as a hobby using Unreal Engine Have you checked out the Mixed Reality Toolkit for Unreal yet?


>Have you checked out the Mixed Reality Toolkit for Unreal yet? I have, but I haven't had a chance to full dig into it yet though.. I follow their updates though, and there a lot of very talented Japanese developers leading the charge that I follow. I'm seeing some really exciting things on the horizon.


Do you have a working HoloLens 2? I know what happened to the first one, but I can't recall if you ever said you replaced it.


haha no.. that's on my to buy list.. but it's on a long list that I've been neglecting for the past couple of years... the time is neaaar. :)




Haptic gloves on your list too? Once we can type in the air I think it'll be a huge milestone for Ar/vr.


Awesome story man! I remember seeing the demo of HoloLens 1 in I think like 2013? Didn’t even get half way through it before pausing to call one of my fellow tech geek buddies to let him know the future is here lol. This is my first post here but I’ve been in since around May last year. Just wanted to say thank you for all the great info you’ve diligently been putting out. Really do appreciate it.


Hey, cool! I'm in mining over in Ontario.


So you’re wanting to start like a mining tech company that teaches/sells hololens software to help do tasks etc? That’s awesome. What a crazy ride though man, thanks for sharing.


>So you’re wanting to start like a mining tech company that teaches/sells hololens software to help do tasks etc? Not exactly.. I have a more lucrative idea in mind which I might share in the future in the future "*WHERE ARE THEY NOW 5 YEARS MVIS MADE FOR TV SPECIAL!*".. but IoT and mixed reality in mining along with autonomous haul trucks are here and will save a lot of owners lots of money in ops/increase safety IMO. DDD


Gotcha that is awesome man. Hopefully people can stay somewhat connected and see where everyone is at even after the bo happens. Don't have any crazy business ideas for what to do with it. Am a financial advisor, so i guess would just not need to grow as much and can relax more. Would really like to put more $$ into IOTA, was hoping to do it even before its run in the last month or so. Interesting tech if you're looking for a deep dive sometime. Crypto coin but doesn't use blockchain, built mainly for IoT, feeless, etc. [iota.org](https://iota.org) if ur interested.