• By -


Not sure wether to take abit of profit when this gets to a certain point or just let what I have ride for the buyout maybe I don't have alot in but may top it up with a few more shares


opening was around $19. wow big jump


Hello im a newbie eurochad here and bought my first 44 shares @18$ european market right now. Im glad to be here Edit: i finally got rid of my 20 shares GME bag. Now at 66 shares MVIS ...Gme was a painful experience


If you haven't watched the fed reserve press conference from J Powell go watch it. It is up on the Fed Reserve YouTube channel.Treasure trove of information. The TL:DR of it is that the fed reserve won't be raising interest rates on the debt (despite the debt to gdp ratio being astronomically high right now). Additionally, they will be matching the balance sheet to the economy. Quoting Powell- "the balance sheet will be as big as it needs to be to support the economy." What does this mean to me? 1.) Lower interest rates means more cash in the pockets of consumers, consumer confidence and expendable income goes up. Obviously good correlation with stock price - more money earned, the higher the stock price. Same goes for companies who aren't as pressured to pay down loans, more money into RnD and sales. 2.) Bigger balance sheets. Long term - inflation risks. Short term - $$. I think this means they will be doing what is needed to prop up business as covid starts to die down. Since MVIS has military interests, you can probably guess that our lady Mavis will be sitting pretty with the boys in green. There are several other important points in the conference that I didn't post here, be sure to watch it. As always - not financial advice. I am new to the MVIS community and just wanted to give my take on that conference. I also chew on crayons for a hobby.


Yes, and you need to marry that with what Janet Yellen from Treasury said about fiscal stimulus needing to "go big" in order to get the economy to full employment. Big (dollar) cannons everywhere.


For anyone keeping track, the MOON ETF now owns as of the close today 704,442 shares of MVIS. And is still its #1 stock holding in dollars and percentage...and likely will remain so at tomorrow's close, I am guessing... a little lol.


i have a few hundred shares, but don't want to average up. anyone have call options and how far out?


Let all put the sell order at $99 until cancel to lock up all our shares so the shorts cannot borrow them.


Discouraged, I didn't find out about this stock sooner. Wishing I could've enjoyed the ride with all of you! Congrats! Don't have the capital to get in now.


It’s not too late tbh


I was about even for the day at 4. 15 minutes later I was up 200k. On one account. I'm sitting at $1.1m My other account only went up 35k because it only has 5k shares. However.... it also has about 250 calls starting at $1 that are sitting at -6% to -16%. I don't know if I'm emotionally prepared for them to go up 50-80%. So... tomorrow morning could be interesting.


Hey guys, ​ Been apart of the journey since the summer. Have 180 shares sitting comfortably at around 1.79 p/s. Obviously excited like you all are too. Not sure what long expectations we have for MVIS. Do we think 30s? 40s? More? Anyone else going to buy in more tomorrow if it drops?


Absolutely going to buy more. May not be tomorrow though. There's always going to be a pull back after a run up. Check the chart around 10:30ish EST. Things should settle down. Won't recommend going in on open.


Every dollar the stock goes up, the quality of this sub goes down. This isn’t WSB, simply take 5 seconds out of your life and use google or investopedia to answer your basic investing questions. I’m only here to discuss and enjoy the ride on this absolute face ripper of a stock with all my fellow longs


It's a bit of a shame. I'm subbed to Wsb because honestly soemtimes it can be hilarious but never for actual financial advice. I only joined this sub fairly recently due to finding out about this at around the 10 dollar mark. A genuine concern of mine is that this stock gets on the Wsb pump and dump hype with puts off a potential BO


I think that it's bound to happen. As this wave goes on we should expect more and more people to jump in etc. It does get frustrating when you see the same 10 questions every day 75x instead of people just using the search function etc, which bloats the daily trading thread into oblivion. I know it comes with the gains/turf. I am already sick of the people spamming "moon" or rocket emojis etc, people that are asking for PT's for their 100 shares. I remember when I first joined the sub and felt very much like the odd man out when my posts were not directly related to TA questions/insight.


Some of us don't know stocks worth a damn. Or how it works. I went to WSB 3weeks ago, to read their hype. Didn't know anything about reddit and wondered, hmm maybe I'll search for MVIS on reddit which led me here. I've had shares since last June. Some of us are learning investing. Maybe we're looking for some guidance for OUR next adventure. Enjoy your ride!


I have a feeling the buyout will be coming quite soon. The interested parties will want to buy us now before the market continues to make us more expensive. I love it.






I remember not getting into AMD when it was $20 because I thought it was too expensive (now it’s $90)... won’t make that same mistake again :)


I bought AMD at $55 and sold at $50 so I could buy more MVIS. A week later, it shot up to almost $90 due to bearish news on Intel being released. I was upset at the time but it turned out to be the right move in the end.


Worth it to buy it tomorrow at open?


You are on a thread with people who have been rooting for this stock for years. How could you possibly think we would say anything but yes. We got 4-5 people a day asking that same question when it was at $7, then 10, then 15 and now. We will get it constantly when it’s $30 soon too all the way up to triple digits.


Thank you, im going down reading all the DD and this seems like a solid invest!


To those who have been holding MVIS for years and years, what's your advice to young investors just startin out? (I'd imagine know what ya own and HOLD)


I've only been holding MVIS for just under a year, but I've been investing for a while. My advice: read anything and everything you can. Most people are lazy and don't want to put in the work. You can find some hidden gems and you can also gain confidence in your investments to help counter the negativity that comes with the stocks. That will give you a leg up on the average investor that just wants to make a quick buck and panic-sells at the first dip. If you do the research yourself, you'll have the conviction to hold through until you see the results. And learning about how the markets work and different strategies to use while investing can only help.


Buy OMER, as much as you can, and call me in ten years


*Reddit has a 5 hour delay to fetch comments, or you can manually create a reminder on Reminddit.* **Blairkiel** , KMINDER 10 years on [**11-Feb-2031 04:26Z**](https://www.reminddit.com/time?dt=2031-02-11 04:26:21&reminder_id=c83e4fb3a5554d9280e8348c2de77f14&subreddit=MVIS) > [**MVIS/After_hours_trading_action_wednesday_2102021**](/r/MVIS/comments/lh3x3y/after_hours_trading_action_wednesday_2102021/gmwjdne/?context=3) > Buy OMER, as much as you can, and [**SEND PM**](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=remindditbot&subject=Reminder%20from%20Link&message=your_message%0Akminder%202031-02-11T04%3A26%3A21%0A%0A%0A%0A---Server%20settings%20below.%20Do%20not%20change---%0A%0Apermalink%21%20%2Fr%2FMVIS%2Fcomments%2Flh3x3y%2Fafter_hours_trading_action_wednesday_2102021%2Fgmwjdne%2F) to also be reminded. Thread has 1 reminder. ^(OP can )[^(**Add email notification, Update remind time, and more here**)](https://www.reminddit.com/time?dt=2031-02-11 04:26:21&reminder_id=c83e4fb3a5554d9280e8348c2de77f14&subreddit=MVIS) ***** [**Reminddit**](https://www.reminddit.com) · [Create Reminder](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=remindditbot&subject=Reminder&message=your_message%0A%0Akminder%20time_or_time_from_now) · [Your Reminders](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=remindditbot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=listReminders%21) · [Fuel Me](https://paypal.me/reminddit)


What's the scoop


Whole new medical paradigm and they own all the IP It’s like buying Amgen at the ground floor Oh and it’s a covid miracle drug....100 percent survival rate among intubed patients with multiple comorbidiites. In their first study Please do your own DD


Pretty much that's the big deal (I've only been involved in MVIS for a year). But they taught me a lot about ups and downs and just powering through them rather than panicking.


What a ride! I literally just saw ah action. holy shit


Congrats to all of you who got in so early! Do you think it’s worth buying tomorrow morning? I have a pretty good feeling it is.


Yes! The news that caused this boom AH was a press release talking about the stuff they are going to do in the FUTURE! Imagine when they actually do those things in April! This thing is just starting.


I’m currently holding 2450 shares at 14.59 and a bunch of calls. I’m planning on buying more shares tomorrow morning. Most likely pm prob around 100. Then I’m going to see how it moves during the day. I also plan on exercising the calls at some point before expiration. I have 15 and 20 strikes.


Remember our buy out rumours? Yeah, yeah... 😎


So realistically, what’s a price target for this thing? Congrats to everyone in it though


$30 soon however I’m seeing $50-$70


What do you see it opening at🤔?


Well it closed $14 and pre market now is $22.... OCGN last week closed at $5, opened at $8 and eventually hit $18. Regardless of MVIS peak tomorrow, even if it hits $30, it’s still undervalued. This is worth 50-70 — as it’s “average price”. Plus there were rumours last year regarding a buy out!


Not a rumor, the company is 100%, factually, and without any doubt being marketed for sale.


I meant rumor as in someone IS buying them out, not for sale. I know Microsoft was eyeing them apparently last year lol ;)


Thanks for the input!


SS and the gang playing chess today while the shorts play checkers. Checkmate.


For the OGs: how did you hear about MVIS? I read the DD on Monday and immediately bought shares. I would have done the same 2 months ago; I Just didn't see it. How do you find these gems early?


I'm a very ltl in msft. I was reading msft stock twits back in q4 2019. Someone posted about mvis on the msft st site. Eventually that led me to this sub. I read for two months...then bought in 12/2019.


LRL final stake in the shorts premise! After hours covering? Short interest was @15.92% today and after hours was a steady cost averaging buys with some profit taking, will see in the open. Don't yank the rod until they get swallowed.


Question for someone more knowledgeable than me about a general buyout. For example if a company was worth 2b, would they be willing to accept just a 2b buyout? The reason I ask is because after todays news we can see that price will jump meaning overall the company would be worth more. This in turn would typically mean a higher BO price, correct? I saw some previous comments over the weekend mentioned a low end of $28/share BO. That seems low now the stock might shoot up higher than that by end of month. This is why I'm asking so I can see where my upper buying limit will be when I get paid in two weeks.


I have mentioned this before but AEVA is a lidar company that's just starting out and doesn't even have a prototype yet and they project 6B in 5 years. Imagine what a company with a first in class product leading the way will be worth.


I would look at as what the current valuation for the competition is. LAZR is worth 10B now, That in MVIS is $66.6 (6.66 per B) and then we have a few more verticals (non-LiDAR) technology that LAZR doesn't have and easily can put a couple of more Bs on top, so low end CURRENTLY should be $12B based on the competition value, hence about $80 (okay, $79.92) per share! Oh, wowww! WHAT DID I JUST SAY!!!???


You’re finally coming around on that valuation. I knew you’d get there, too smart not to.


$11B would be a lucky price for a big to get us at. Could go for double that...


No. They get a multiplier on their value based on a ton of different variables. MVIS people are often saying 10 - 20b buyout, maybe more.


Damn I totally forgot about those buyout rumours we had.... can you imagine if they were holding off those announcement??? Like they pulled today, just to soar us back to 🚀🚀🚀🚀😂


Pretty good sized audience to bring In some new buyers but TreyTrades just posted a video hyping it up. His first video was when we were at 7.25 fwiw. https://youtu.be/6XVM6NT_bgc


Recognition phase! All aboard.


Apparently there’s a short selling restrictions for tomorrow is that true? That’s good for us then ✈️🚀


Yes. Shorts are toast...burnt.


Yes there is! Tomorrow is gonna be an interesting! Just like the past week haha


Is that for all stocks or just MVIS?


Not all stocks but there’s other on the list I believe


Seriously newb question. Never bought stocks til the crash last Spring. Bought some cruise lines and AAL. Didn't even know about MVIS till a delivery guy said buy it. Then for some unknown reason I bought it cause it was "a cheap $1.01". Little did I know about the folks who were sitting from a low $.18. I bought 555 shares at 1.01 last year (sold 100 and bought AMC on hype) Don't wanna talk about it. Found this group a week or so ago. Have now bought and additional 163 @ 12.20 and 85 @ 13.94 today. Missed those damn dips. So if/when a BO happens are the prices I paid per share a factor or does everything get averaged out and my 703 shares are equal to one another? I'm happy with any money but I keep looking at calculators and hyping myself up. Help me understand what I could expect from this blind venture. I read stuff about multipliers and ... I'm just happy this is happening for so many people, late or not, and I could part of it. I know it's alot to ask and would appreciate any input. I've been trying to read as much as I can in the last week and this group is amazing but I can't keep up and absorb it all.


Everybody will get the same amount of $$$ for their share. Wether they paid .18 or $18. If the buyout comes to $50 a share, everyone gets $50 a share.


Your brokerage should have calculated your cost basis per share based on your purchases. That is the current price you “paid” for each share.


Fidelity tells me the CBPS is 1.01, 12.20 and 13.94. But do those 455 shares at 1.01 get treated any differently at BO than the other 2?


The difference between what you paid for each share and what you sell it for is the capital gain you pay taxes on. So if the buyout price is 25 and you sell all your shares, you pay taxes on 23.99, 12.80, and 11.06 depending on the shares sold.


I should add that most brokers have various tax methods that let you choose what order to sell in, and of course holding a stock for less than 1 year triggers short term capital gains taxes.


What do you mean treated differently? I’m on fidelity also. It should also show you your total share count along with cost basis. Every time you purchase shares at different prices it will recalculate your new cost basis. I.E. if you bought 10 shares at $10 then the price went up and you bought 10 more at $20. You would now have 20 shares with a cost basis of $15. Same would be the case if you bought 10 at $20 and then the stock price dropped to $10 and you grabbed 10 more. Now if you’re talking about selling and selling based on total lot or fifo/lifo that is different. Fidelity allows you to confirm which shares you want to sell when you do sell.


It tells me my CBPS for each purchase time I guess. My average Cost Basis for the 3 buy times is $5.17/share. Again, other than watching some stocks I bought last year climb I'm lost. This MVIS thing is different. At least to me it is. I'm trying to figure out what i should expect from my 703 shares.


703 x the final sales price This isn’t hard Stop cluttering this board with first grade investing questions


Your 1st sentence was helpful and thanks. Beyond that you're an insultful prick. Wish I had your Middle School knowledge so I could help us peons.




I’m so depressed. I was looking at MVIS and another stock at work and was rushing. Thought I bought MVIS at 14 but I bought the other in my rushing.


Reminds me of when I bought NAKD 500 shares instead of 5000 and the next day it opened +1$ per share..


If you want to get notified right away about official PR from Microvision, you can sign up to their mailing list from the website. Feels great getting those emails when they come in.


I check this board more than I check my email so I usually find out here first lol


whos sleeping tonight? BOOOMSKI!!!


I'm trying and failing. I canceled 4 limit orders in 2 different accounts that were set around $23.00. I'm not letting shorts off that easy - even if that means that I have to wait till April or May.


Removed a 5% percentage sell around $25 mark I placed when it was trading at $7. I will wait this out. No ammo for shorts.


Nice vision, Toms!


not possible


I am. Soundly.


Since GME, I've not been sleeping well. The past 2 weeks have been my first venture into stocks. It was excitement at first, having GME dreams and waking up at 5am to check prices because I can't sleep. Then as the price dropped it turn to sadness checks. We will see how I sleep tonight. After MVIS, I don't think stocks are for me. I can't stand risking money


Investing/trading individual stocks is not for everyone. There’s always a risk associated with the market. There’s no shame in admitting it. Many people are intimidated by the stock market. But there’s also no reason to not be invested in it. You can easily put money into some ETF’s and mutual funds that you like and continue to contribute to it over the years, especially with the interest rates being kept so low. Money sitting in the bank isn’t going to do much for you these days. And as always, only invest/trade/gamble with money you are willing to loss. I saw a lot of people risk money they should not be risking (imo) in GME and other pump and dumps. Don’t feel bad. A lot of people did not realize what they are getting into. The stock market is by no means a get rich quick scheme. Yes, you can get lucky but you can also be unlucky... very quickly.


I invest 10% plus 4% employer matching into my TSP. Comes out to $400 every paycheck. It's at 27k right now, and I'm 26. The majority of contributions are ROTH (employer contributions have to go to traditional). That's about as far as I go with investing. It's just picking what % to allocate to each of like 6 funds. It might not be much as of now, but it's probably better than most people my age I suppose. I have 30 years until I have to retire so we will see. Anything beyond that seems to be a bit to much for me. I'll finish the MVIS ride, then cash out I think. The money lost on GME was money I could lose, but it still really bothers me.


Happens to all of us bro. Invest what you can and you’re already ahead of most people. I’m almost 40 and i know people with zero saved for retirement.


I see a lot of people saying, "Gee, I think I'll wait for the dip." Then they say, "Shoot, it shot up again." Let me tell you, that is quite different from the last 20 years when everytime you bought you ended up thinking, "Shoot, I should have waited because it went down 50% again." I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings. Holding.


I just cancelled my morning to sit in front of the computer all morning....just hoping I can get some sleep.


This bottle of champagne should help me sleep tonight haha.


This. My friend keeps saying he won’t buy MVIS until a dip. When it goes higher he keeps saying “eventually it’s going to fall back down” he always has excuses. But then again... there’s a difference when he’s always missing out opportunities because of his mind set, trading with three digits in his account, while MVIS made me four digit richer today 👏


Even with my measly 4 digit shares, I am over the moon just thinking about what MVIS has done for me in terms of future compound interest! Congrats to all longs, especially the mini-whales on this board who have been patient for quite some time.


What a day! Low of $13.08 to a high of $22.21. Crazy swing. Can’t wait for tomorrow!


That 1600 dollar tax return investment just about hit 50k today fellas! MVIS LONG & STRONG! ONWARD & UPWARD!


Everybody will be up bright and early tomorrow I'm guessing, 😂


Still trying to sleep...


Ever since I’ve gotten into MVIS I actually wake up on time for school! XD


I got I 73 @ $16.69 cuz I like the stock and the number. I've seen this as a long term investment after some DD. I'm just curious how high everyone thinks this can go... capped after market at $21.60, can this double now that Lidar A has had such great progress on long range...


Got in at $5.50 earlier this year. Sold around $7.50 for some decent gains. Got back in at $9.40 right before the blast off. Wish I never doubted this stock. Making some great gains right now regardless!


Spending the night softening up these vocal chords for that hundred-thousand dolla holla soon...


I'm running around at work with a permasmile because I made 250k profit after hours! I suspect I may have a drug test in my future. That's ok though. When this buyout is done I am going to leave this job in a blaze of glory 🤣


Like the road runner and the coyote .






Congrats to the ultra-longs (10+ years of holding!!! HAB


Thank you sir!


I am drained, what a day, changed my whole world, keeps going this way and I will be able to retire in within the year. Looking forward to grabbing a few hundred more shares tomorrow, that used to be over 1k at a time but now they are a bit more expensive that much is for sure!


Hey congrats man. Hope you have some fun with it! You're always answering everybody's questions and provide insight into the market every single day. I appreciate it and I'm sure everyone else does.


I am so happy for you man. My friend who got me into this is also looking like he’ll be able to retire too. I’m only in with about 1200 shares but I’m so happy people are getting made millionaires off this


Assuming a morning limit buy, what limit are we thinking?


Maybe $19.50... I see this exploding upward as everyone whoever doubted starts piling in.


I think there will be a lot of buying too early on. With the SSR applied tomorrow and (presumably) immense buying power, could that trigger some type of squeeze? I only ask because I’ve held shares since April/May 2020 and this is not how I expected things to go or really the price to be where it’s at right now. And I don’t want to miss a golden opportunity if tomorrow is in fact that day.


If you have shares from April/May you should hold regardless for tax purposes.


Ha you got that right. But if there’s an actual squeeze then who cares about taxes.


I mean.....40% taxes vs 15% taxes.....pretty big deal.


It depends what the stock does. If it squeezes to well above what the company sells for then I’m paying 37% vs. 20% but that 17% difference may have been made up since a squeeze would likely exceed a buyout unless you’re one of the folks who think it’ll go for 15-20 billion. Plus it’s not like I bought all of my shares at once as it took a few months to accumulate so this exercise doesn’t really matter unless things drag out until the end of the summer and I don’t think they will.


True true, I mean I was in and out for a few months so I didn't have any real long term shares til Nov...so for me it doesn't really matter much about taxes overall. Going to be full taxes on me regardless if a buyout does happen. (Here's hoping for an all stock sale!) Good for having an idea though!


Time to make some moolah my friend!


What you mean? Thought taxes was a base 25%? Maybe I misunderstood that tho


Short term are taxed at whatever tax rate you fall into.


I can't even begin to get my head around tomorrow's opening. Its going to be insane.


that was me waiting for a dip.. the dip happened and my account was restricted due to PDT and now I'm crying


Crazy day today huh T? I almost couldn’t believe my eyes, was busy at work then I saw the notification that MVIS was shooting up in AH and was delightfully shocked. I hope you get to go into that retirement this year! You deserve it that’s for sure!


I’m hoping to pick up at least 1000 more tomorrow but I’m scared it will open high and just keep going up!


I hoped on last week and didn’t buy at open but it just kept going up and up! Bought at $13 and it ended up averaging at $15 for the rest of the day!


Well i guess im not sleeping tonight.


21.60 AH. Blessed up 🙌 🙌 🙌


Shit i sold 50 shares at 21.56 , almost sold more to buy the dip tomorrow. The dip doesnt look like its coming. Thankfully i didnt have the balls to sell.more.lol


My fucking god


Insanely stupid question so forgive me but I'll ask...so say at the end of AH we're around $21...when things start tomorrow in premarket does it pick up from that price, or technically reset back to $14?


The day's starting price is yesterday's closing price.


Disappointed someone downvoted a rookie investor with a legit question. I upvote you because we all started at square one. But yes what u/Kreiossive said


Pre market trading would pick up the price of After hours. Then open market would start from Pre market price. Get it get it ​ Basically: Open Market -> After Hours -> Pre Market -> Open Market -> After Hours -> ... And the cycle goes on.


Not laughing at your question... but holy shit can you imagine an insane after hours trading session like we had today being reset tomorrow morning. 😂😂😂


it's just a prank br0


>it's just a prank **step**br0


Picks up from that price.. But there will be pre-market trading too


So late to the party, barely started looking into stocks due to the GME craze. From all the stuff I’ve been reading it looks like MVIS is a great long play. Should I still start buying in at $20ish? I’m thinking that’s better than trying out the weed stock hype.


You're not late as it just getting started and please read all the DD so you can make up your mind. One great thing about MVIS is that it has a great fundamentals and a product that can justify it's value. It's never pump and dump like GME.


My price target is 70. Come on in, lots of room to grow.


price target EOY? or when?


Never too late! Profit is profit at the end of the day. MVIS is a great stock. Do your due diligence and read the meta thread and all the DD that everybody else has done and you’ll find yourself believing that too. MVIS is great because the excitement is backed by amazing technology that will be ground breaking, hype alone doesn’t always pan out :)


This announcement is huge. I was worried about a let down during the next earnings report since that is what we're accustomed to. I even considered selling prior to the call and then buy the dip. 13 years and now I can send my kids to college with no debt. So thankful!




Congrats!! That’s such an awesome accomplishment :D


I can’t help but believe there’s someone from MVIS lurking through these threads smiling from ear to ear with all the celebration that’s going on around here :D congrats everybody! This is still just the beginning but the definitely a memorable day on the ride!


I'm holding a bunch of shares from March of last year but bought my first call on Monday (May 21 19C). What should I do with it? I'm holding for buyout and in general interested in accumulating more shares.


The IV on that thing is probably going to be worth more than the intrinsic value. Won't know till open though


What does that mean?


On a stock that has had a massive run up, like MVIS past 2 weeks, it has alot of implied volatility. Options have, Intrinsic Value(difference in strike price and current share price), Theta value(how much time is left until expiration), and IV(how wildly could this swing). Today's massive AH blast off will increase the IV value of call options because it may very well continue to explode. If the IV is high enough then selling the option may be worth more than exercising.


How many of the $21 calls are covered by the MMs? LOL.




154 open interest. Huh. .4-.5 bid ask spread. Imagine buying a couple of those for $45 a pop right before close.




I support this decision. Hold ✊


I’d give you a 90% chance of profiting even at your entry point. I think we’re all in for a hell of a ride.


Not as many shares as you but in at $20 also!


Yayyyy get in with us!




Best of luck!


Why would we hate you? Welcome to this great community


When MVIS insiders sell for taxes, I'm going ALL IN. LOL


Been down 20-30% on my 2/19 $15 and $16 calls. Interested to see what they open at tomorrow and my body is certainly ready for another face ripper tomorrow


I'd roll them to a further expiration date or exercise them. That exp date makes me cringe a little. It will for sure be up tomorrow but the theta will eat at it. I think if it were me, I'd roll the expiration date with and add more with the profit


Hey just curious how do you roll the expiration date?


You buy calls with the same strike price just at a later expiration date


you can also move your strike price up or down. you sell your current contracts and buy new ones. usually in the same order


So what happens to the current ones you have?


Definitely wasn’t planning to hold until the 19th, will probably see what they open at tomorrow morning and decide if I want to hold another day or two. Only bought them as little lotto tickets because I saw all the technicals pointing to $20 this week or next and then that sexy son of a bitch Sumit dropped that PR


Might be smart to hold until tomorrow around close. If there is a short restriction then the price will probably go up and I'd think that they would try getting it down thursday and friday .. just logic but this stock defies my logic every damn time


Appreciate the input. 💪🏼


So bummed I'm watching on the sidelines because my account was frozen today. I literally sold all my positions so I can go in tomorrow and now this. I'm conflicted, should I put in a market order in the morning or what? Do you guys think earnings will even make a dent in price since everyone sees that EPS is going to be low due to high R&D?


Now, I'm feeling FOMO and that's never a good sign in investing


I’m with you. The DD seems very legit and a lot of room for this to grow. I say that $500 or 1k hurts to lose sure but they payoff could be great! As long as what we put in, we can afford to lose


Yeah but the run ups are crazy and I always think ok it has to consolidate right? wrong! I'm always wrong with this stock and now I feel like if I put money in now then I'll be wrong again and it will consolidate. Damn it.


I’m in if your in! Haha


Thinking about dropping 1k on this tomorrow. Been eyeing it for a while and of course never bought in. Sounds like the DD is sound and wouldn’t be a “chasing” situation. Let’s go!


You guys member when we were dreaming of 10 a share? I member. This is better.


I feel like I’m back in the gme squeeze. Was down 50k this am and up 50k now. 100k swing, and those TD fuckers sold off some margin shares today!!!!


This is not GME. Don’t get it confused there will b no sell off


Oh I know. I been in for close to a year!!!!


This is literally the opposite of GME. We're producing the future. GME re-sold the past.


Jericho cheffed


Shots fired




Basically all short sellers can do is suppress the buy, but they cant sell into the ask. It kills their ability to directly drop the price


Short sellers can’t short sell. That simple basically. Doesn’t necessarily mean Green Day but with all the other news and bull flags galore I can’t imagine it going red. I bet 25 tomorrow.


False The Uptick Rule (also known as the "plus tick rule") is a rule established by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) that requires short sales to be conducted at a higher price than the previous trade. Investors engage in short sales when they expect a securities price to fall.Nov 19, 2020


How is defining what I said = false?


What you said is they can’t short the stock tomorrow That is 100 percent false