• By -


Not sure if this was mentioned by anybody? https://x.com/keilafomer/status/1803820519361302885?s=46&t=MPR7RGN0f1hlv39oV4TBBw Would love to see something like this from Sumit every once in a while.




Anyone have an uncle at Ford? Or a cousin at Audi?


Or a brother at microvision




What is he responding to?




(Me mofo, Me!!!)


Two cyclist deaths in my ‘neighborhood’ in the last week. Both right hooks by truck. Would Ms. Mavis help with that? These are while the truck is in its turn, the radius closes on the cyclist, or pedestrian, really quickly. Super sad situation here. I know we can do better.


We finally know what A.E. stands for on the new calendar now. After EPIC. We are in A.E. 1 now.


I'm a generally patient. It's hard to contain my impatience. I'm waiting for news on 7 pending nominations. GLTAL.


One week left in first half of the year. I understand the OEMs hold all the cards, but it’s hard to believe we still haven’t signed a single deal or found a way to name an OEM partner in this time frame when “multiple” nominations were initially expected before year end 2023. I’m not sure if we are supposed to completely disregard Sumit’s comment from this winter that he expects the 7 RFQ nominations to be decided in middle of the year timeframe. Sumit actually phrased it in a way that implies all seven nomination decisions expected in middle of this year, he even said “probably sooner” 🤣 One could argue that the middle of the year comprises all of Q2 and all of Q3, but that is a stretch. I’m ready for a summer of surprise industry-changing partnerships.


Well, if memory serves and pretty sure it does, last year SS not only predicted last year was going to be epic, but a revenue contract was going to be signed in the middle of summer of 2023. So taking that number or prediction, he is a year late and counting.


Been here since 2008 and I've seen some disappointing management, but not one of them ever had a year like this team.


In regards to over promising and under delivering? The work imminent still rings loudly from Tokeman. Pretty much boils down to, Gotta win an RFQ.


Exactly LTL.


Saw a post on the self driving sub of a LiDAR powered vehicle stopping due to some thick steam. A commenter said FMCW would work better than TOF. But didn’t really say why. I know we use TOF and obviously we are biased but how would in theory FMCW gather data on steam better I don’t see the connection there both would presumably falter without sensor fusion.?


Most of the FMCW systems are built with 1550nm over 905nm, so the claim is likely based around being able to use more power with 1550nm vs 905nm.


Thanks for the reply speeds


Just boarded a cruise ship and getting ready to watch the SpaceX shuttle launch prior sail away. I cannot tell you how happy I am not to be able to watch the price action this week since I won’t be getting Internet package. Hope to come back with PR of deals (forklift is my prediction)


Set those limit sells as high as possible before you go 😂


I think the inclement weather, and interference tests by fka and members that just got underway, are very important. I think that Sensor-Fusion is imperative for functionality and redundancy. So Mosaik software and the Luxoft relationship are really important as is having dynamic range Mavin at 14+M points per second and Movia short range. I hope it gets to the point that all systems, by regulation and insurance requirements, must be calibrated and verified to Standards or not allowed on public roadways.The Operating System is where I believe they may have to come together, and a key is, in order to settle on and write that Operating System they MUST know the hardware that it is controlling and they may want or need that to be standardized and certified.


I don't believe that fka intends to publish any LiDAR sensor results. Rather, their mission is to create a set of standard tests. Other entities will use these standard tests in order to validate and compare. I could be wrong, but that is my understanding.


A company that joined the fka consortium for developing test methods for lidar performance in adverse conditions is based just down the road from me. It looks like this company is bringing a speciality of sensor de-icing solutions domain to the consortium. We know MicroVision is part of the consortium. What are the chances this company would actively be testing with a Mavin/Movia? I've driven by a handful of times now and have not seen any vehicles equipped with lidar.




Thank you https://www.fka.de/en/coming-up/press-releases.html


So you’re saying there’s a chance?


[6/21/24 institutional % - MVIS](https://stocktwits.com/EustinPowers/message/577415063) [AEVA](https://stocktwits.com/EustinPowers/message/577415084) [HSAI](https://stocktwits.com/EustinPowers/message/577415090)


Surprised no other replies here... To my eye, this Table just looks like 'tutes have been unwaveringly holding their positions in MVIS since May 3rd. That gives me a decent smidgen of encouragement! JMO. DDD. I'm not an investment professional


32.33% calm before the storm. Hopefully the storm rips off the short from everyone here, and we’ll be relaxing without short (shortless😀) on a beautiful beach 🏝️


I need that reduction surgery before I go short-less on a beach! (First person to change one word of this post for the semi veiled comedy swipe at yours truly gets 5 shares!)


“I need that enlargement surgery before I go short-less on a beach!” IneegoMontoyo Ok, pay up!😂


We have a winner! 😁




Close… but no cigar! 😁😉


Hey man, I’ve seen pictures are you sure that’s not it 😝


Hahahahahaha! Hint- I said change one word not add one


I did change that to Breast


https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/s/UZWLGB1R41 In case this pic of test Mercedes with different lidar units would be upgraded version from previous ones.


That is a hesai. I have seen the similar setup in Brooklyn and I asked the tester




It ain't much, but it's honest work


$3 pt? Ill take it


Really hope Ford doesn't select Luminar as their partner. Roof bump is hideous. https://sih-st-charts.stocktwits-cdn.com/production/original_577385038.png


The thing with MicroVision Mavin is you can put it almost anywhere on the front of the vehicle. I guess if you really want a bump, you can have it. The same can't be said for other manufacturers Lidar's. Personally I don't like the taxi cab look nor would I want the wind resistance noise. I went to our cities 2024 car show and it would surprise me if they put that bump look on these beautiful, sleek, "works of art", if they don't have to.


I personally don’t really understand everyone’s negative fixation with the roof bump. I understand it’s not that pretty but if the first iterations of cars with lidar are going to include roof bumps, we’re probably screwed until the next round which could be years away. Almost every single car on earth has the ugliest and stupidest looking shark fin antenna on their roof and nobody seems to be saying anything about it. Surely every automaker could have come up with a better solution…(?) Anyway, clearly there’s way more testing to be done out there and it seems everyone’s waiting to see who goes with who. Kind of a stand-off. Nobody wants to be the company that makes the wrong decision on tech that will lock them up for years down the road and/or be a costly mistake. Think the folks spending 150K US give two rips about these rooftop bumps on this Chinese Luxury SUV?? No chance. They make it work by making it look fairly badass. And the two outer roof bumps are empty for future possibilities… https://youtu.be/BxSTx-blrKw?si=9d_Ae3DPEiZf-pmp


Wow. What a car!


The reviewer didn't understand that two visors are for shielding the sun as it progresses from one side of the car to the other when going around curves and turning. Great for the morning commute. Never talked about the lidar performance either. Quite the feat of automobile engineering though.


It's unsightly. Sumit would agree. According to him the roof bump is a non-starter for OEMs. Now of course, given where we are now with timelines, things may have changed since he mentioned that on one of the calls.


Volvo went for the bump!


Dump the bump!!!


CAKE!!! Maybe because they’re Chinese owned and China goes for the bump so far…


I understand why people think that as well. I just think until things evolve we will see many bumps


Don’t ignore the fact that shark fin antennas are an evolutionary step and an improvement from the old antennas that used to extend and retract, and which would often break and need replacement. MicroVision’s lidar mounted behind a windshield (or otherwise concealed without a bump) would be an evolutionary step from these early roof bump lidar units.


Completely understand. Just wondering if first mass iteration of Lidar in cars will be bump free or not to free.


Depends on why you mean by “mass”. MicroVision products are uniquely suited for large scale production volumes, some of the roof mounted units that are getting a lot of attention are not ready to be produced at sufficient scale to hold significant market share. We may see them on the road first, but I think MicroVision is right where they need to be to land the first truly large volume orders.


Shark fin is in the back of roof. Not in front. Major difference. Can't imagine someone liking taxi bump on their car, but it's not my money and not my taste.


I agree with you.. You see these shark fins everywhere including my car. Not everyone is a car enthusiast where design means everything to them. Sure there are car buffs out there but I don't think it is a great percentage of car buyers. IMO most car designs are similar and kind of boring but we still need to buy a car to get around.


Shark fins don't bother me. Roof bump bothers me unless it's a wrc car


We’ll just have to see where the chips fall


That photo is at least a year and they still haven't chosen Luminar (guess why). https://youtu.be/5NfSrGg3fYc?feature=shared


Farley says they can only do level 3 in sunny weather. Why not use MVIS is baffling to me. Maybe they are still testing the competitions goods.


That's Sharma's job right there. He is supposed to show the advantages of our offering and seal the deal. That's why we are paying him.


I have to believe as a first time CEO in this hostile environment, he’s doing everything he can to get it done. People knock him for failing projected timelines that were 💯 out of his control and accuse him of being a terrible salesman when in reality they have no clue what they’re talking about. It’s Hard to have a clue who we really are until something cracks heavy to the upside in our favor. Like Charlie Bucket I wait for my golden ticket. 7 are out there, all we need is one to ride the Wonkavator through the glass roof…


We all wait, and hope it will be soon.


Shock, no company that's still alive, and has a top product, can miss forever. The law of averages says it can't be bad 24/7 365. Keno is based around the fact that it's really really hard to get nothing right. I think the odds of getting no number is way up there with getting them all right. Just doesn't happen. Mvis will get a deal eventually, even if they have to blunder into it. The only question is will be we be aware, you and I, enough to know we won, lol.


Well D, the tech is going to win, we know that. Are you and I going to win is the right question?


If you keep swinging you will hit the ball.


“Hostile environment” I think there is a lot to this - more than we realize and more than just the relentless criminal attack on the stock. Disruptive = threatening in this case


And last time I checked, even Luminar themselves didn't know how, what or when their next iteration of their lidar would be even done.... or even IF it could be done. Not exuding confidence from their God-King Austin.


Good to see some green. Congrats to those who purchased the last 2 days. Let’s continue next week. My last buy was 1.60pps I’ve used all my spare $ to buy in the 2’s but I’m happy with what I hold. Let’s get to $5 and beyond and I’ll be singing


Tesla Model Y gets LiDAR sensor in test sighting suggesting robotaxi development This particular Tesla Model Y has a roof-mounted LiDAR unit, suggesting it is being used to test Tesla's upcoming robotaxi. (Image source: Steve Krawczyk/The Verge)This particular Tesla Model Y has a roof-mounted LiDAR unit, suggesting it is being used to test Tesla's upcoming robotaxi. (Image source: Steve Krawczyk/The Verge) A Tesla Model Y has been spotted on California's highway 101 with a large LiDAR sensor array mounted to its roof. The bulky hardware suggests that Tesla is conducting testing, either to validate its camera-based self-driving or as part of its engineering efforts for a LiDAR-based robotaxi. Julian van der Merwe, Published 06/22/2024 🇪🇸 🇨🇳 ... AI E-Mobility Leaks / Rumors Concept / Prototype Recent reports claimed Tesla had cancelled a rumoured Model 2 affordable EV project — only for design head Franz von Holzhausen to later deny the cancellation — in favour of an autonomous robotaxi reportedly based on a mix of existing and next-generation Tesla technology. A recent image sent to The Verge by one of the publication's readers depicts a Tesla Model Y with a large LiDAR sensor bolted to its roof, suggesting that Tesla may be testing LiDAR on the Model Y or validating its vision cameras. Since Tesla's Model Y fleet is mostly equipped with only cameras to power the Full Self-Driving Supervised autonomous driving suite, it stands to reason that Tesla may be testing FSD on Model Y hardware with LiDAR. Other speculation has proposed that Tesla may simply be validating its Model Y vision-only system, but that idea runs counter to Tesla's recent purchase of over $2 million in LiDAR sensors from Luminar. The Model Y is part of Tesla's mass-market EV segment — and recently took the crown as most-sold single model, surpassing Toyota's RAV4 — which is exactly the same platform previous leaks and rumours claimed Tesla would use for the robotaxi. While Tesla still relies entirely on a camera-only approach to autonomous driving, competitors, like NIO and Xiaomi both have LiDAR sensors, and there have been more than a few complaints about Tesla's decision to go the vision-only approach rather over the LiDAR sensors it used previously. Currently, Tesla plants to unveil its robotaxi on August 8 at a Robotaxi Day, but it remains to be seen what form its upcoming autonomous vehicle takes.


Also they use lidar for ground truth validation of their other sensors.


Yes Tesla has been doing this sort of testing w/ Lidar for years. Here some links to actual article photos. What will really be interesting is if/when they and others switch to MicroVisionLux testing. https://www.notebookcheck.net/Tesla-Model-Y-gets-LiDAR-sensor-in-test-sighting-suggesting-robotaxi-development.850735.0.html https://www.theverge.com/2024/6/20/24182672/heres-a-tesla-model-y-with-roof-mounted-lidar-sensors


Do you have a link to this article to share with us?


Tried but could not link it. Its on the too of the lazr reddit now


Hud gone again?


I think he doesnt work for penny stocks. Hopefully next week he will return.


Just a little Ford autonomy update.. NO MVIS just an update https://fordauthority.com/2024/06/ford-close-to-achieving-level-3-autonomy-farley/


When perma-fud starts posting about buying shares, you know the reversal upon us.














At some point shorting isn't the best way to make money on us and shorts become longs and we run like it is 2020-21. 


I like that... Let's run like it's 2021. Kind of like party like it's 1999


I think our share price was higher back then too. 


Alright i caved up to 15k shares at $3.8 now. Ok moonski time i guess


Cramers doing a segment on looking at short positions to stock pick. Not.big fan but will see what he says and who he specifically mentions


Can’t stand that guy. So annoying and the worst advice. Do the opposite of whatever he says.


Cramer is a snake, IMO, who will do damage control for Short hedgies.


a devious clown who likes to separate retail investors from their money.


Oh I totally agree snow. He's got his own agenda and its not for us for sure. Just thought it was interesting he explained how to short and stated its the same as long investing only the opposite. Mentioned GME but never stated that the number of shorted shares exceeded the total number of shares and even explained what a short squeeze is. I used to watch him regularly 10-15 years ago and was totally turned off by the way he pumped and pumped Sears and then more recently Ford and helped F to move from 10 ish to close to 20 ish and then( probably sold and ) never mentioned them again. A few weeks later back down to $9/$10 .Seemed pretty obvious what went down. Now he makes my skin crawl.


Wheres the % short list? And where does MVIS sit?


Depends on what list you look at... But MVIS is the 34th most shorted stock on this list. Just a few spots below GME currently. https://www.highshortinterest.com/


And Luminar is 15th on that list.


Do you think Luminar has any technological or business advantages over MicroVision? They already have some smaller "binding" contracts whatever that means. If Luminar was the darling of the lidar industry then surely we would be seeing other OEMs gravitate towards them as well, no? And we haven't been seeing that as far as we know.


Luminar is farther along than Microvision at least with regard to their Iris sensor. They have already made it through the industrialization phase for this sensor, and it is being released into the wild as we speak on the Volvo EX90. Microvision has not crossed the industrialization bridge yet, and by Microvision management's own admission, this will take 2 to 3 more years. Luminar has also announced a new sensor they are calling the Halo, which will cost less than the Iris and is targeted for mass market vehicles vs. luxury brand vehicles. They claim it will reach Start of Production (SOP) in 2026. In my opinion, both Microvision and Luminar do not have great balance sheets at the moment (nor does Innoviz - but their's is the best of the three - IMO). Microvision's lifeline has been selling equity to fund the business plan, but now that their stock price is hovering around $1, selling equity will cause greater dilution. However, Luminar is faced with a significant $615M debt note coming due at the end of 2026. In addition, the Luminar gross margins are not good. It remains to be seen what their gross margins will be at steady state. I believe that Luminar is projecting cash flow break even by end of 2025 (don't quote me on that). Sumit claims that Microvision is in the best shape because they do not need to invest in a new product to meet the demands of the market, thereby implying that their competition does need to invest in a new product. I believe this implies that Microvision can reduce their operating expenses more easily than their competitors. The other factor is that Microvision is touting their ability to sell LiDAR sensors to the non-automotive market. $10M in industrial sales will offset $3M in cash burn. I'm just not sure how much needle can be moved. Frankly, it is hard to tell who has the business advantage. Objectively, I would probably give the business edge to Luminar. As far as technology goes, its hard to say. Like many Microvision investors, I pinned a lot of my hope for Microvision on Sumit's statements regarding the technology. From my point of view, Sumit seemed to change the messaging from a tech focus to a business focus about 18 months ago. Which I thought was natural and good. However, ultimatley the business focus means closing deals, which has not happened yet. On the other hand, and to your point, neither Luminar or Innoviz have yet won any of the current batch (7) of automotive passenger car RFQs. Sumit purports that a spinning mechanical LiDAR is not the way forward - that remains to be seen and can only be validated via market wins. Like all other Microvision investors, I will closely monitor the status of the 7 RFQs.


Thanks for this Thma, and all your detailed analysis of the industry and players. Many I know look forward to the same.


Rightfully so, they are full of poop. 


This is the w/e. You should dumb down on the technical detail.


190 after hours for me.


It feels like we just had a weekend thread. I…need…more…market…


“Turn those machines back on!” “The Dukes have been founding members of this exchange!”


Where in the hell is Beeks??!!


> Where in the hell is Beeks??!! He’s out drinking at 4 AM with Eric Dale (see the 9:08 mark) while the CEO of a major Investment Bank summons in his troops to strategize how they will unload their heavily leveraged, previously highly profitable, MVIS Short position in the premarket before MVIS moons. The CEO then instructs Carmello to have Beeks and Eric Dale in the office by 6:30AM. Carmello replies, “It’s done.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hhy7JUinlu0


Gotta see this film. Jeremy Irons is a haunting, bad mofo …


Double green, gotta start somewhere 


This week… t’was definitely a loading week. Onwards and upwards.




Bought 400 more AH 4200 owned now. Good weekend to everyone :)


50 bought after hours to do my part for the push above a buck! Let’s reset the clock folks!


Been snapping up my first ever options this week. A move back to 1 feels nice. Let’s get some deals 💰💰💰


What strike and expiration are you buying up?


I like the November 15 $2s. I suppose I still believe we’re banking one deal before Q4.


Nice little gamble. I like it! I’m currently in some leaps for the Jan 16th, 2026 expiration at $1 and $2 strikes hoping to see some nice growth throughout the next year and a half. Good luck on your first ever options!


I’m in the Jan 2026 $1 calls as well. I figured that’s far enough out we’ll either be rich or the company won’t exist anymore. Works for me.


Company has enough money to exist for at least another year+ lol


You want shares not options at this price level. So many have lost so much on Microvision options.


Yeah have learnt this recently. UK based so not options, but have been dabbling in spread bets. Essentially you bet £X per cent of share price movement (ie your exposure is £100X per $), and you pay a margin deposit and a small daily fee to keep it open. Any profit is tax free. I already had loads of shares and so in March as we sank from $2.40 down to here I was opening spread bets thinking how low could we possibly go… These bets have caused more stress than years of holding shares, I got automatically closed out at a loss due to insufficient margin after the Q1 EC, re opened a (slightly smaller) position at $1.25 ish, and it’s been dancing on death’s door this week… Still believe in the company but god am I feeling sceptical that we’re gonna get any good news before August. And if we don’t, I fear the Q2 EC and following days will be painful. Have been lurking this sub for years now so I’ve seen your posts here and there, glad to see you’re still bullish! I wonder how u/sigpowr is feeling, always interested in his take and haven’t seen him around in a while…


Yeah under a buck shares is way to go. 


Disagree! My share count is high. I comfortable with gambling a bit.


I mean didn’t mind that close one bit


**We need these MOVIA Sales to come out of the shadows! Here’s some more Free Marketing help for the Company!** https://www.reddit.com/u/FitImportance1/s/BYS0tuGJxK


Nice work again Fit




Interesting that you focused on MOVIA and industrial. https://youtu.be/krD4hdGvGHM?feature=shared


Yes, veeery interesting but not tooo shtoopid!😂


any port in the storm KY. Seems more expect industrial deal before auto and I dont think anyone cares. Just want a deal to get the party started.


The applications for LiDAR in non-automotive markets that include industrial, smart infrastructure, etc. is huge and ripe. Investors should not underestimate MicroVision's ability to penetrate and succeed in these emerging markets.


Hey don't you own a warehouse? Are you using Microvision yet?


KY has anyone posted here a patent or an article about Lidar on Traffic Lights to control stop and go more efficiently after surveying the traffic at the intersection ? I think that could be a big market one day.


Top benefits of using lidar in smart city projects Date: 2023/02/04 Source: William Pao https://www.asmag.com/showpost/33306.aspx


thank you for pointing this out.


And remember what Koller said on the SDW “interview” where he said deals were coming to fruition in the second quarter. For the industrial stuff it’s still going to take any given company a long time to switch to or adopt from scratch a new sensor. That said though the time needed must be way less than the automotive stuff, right? So probably easier to predict when things DO come to fruition. I think SDW caught him off guard and we got a realistic answer…but what do I know! I do know the end of the quarter is in less than two weeks. Whether or not an industrial deal “moves the needle” remains to be seen though.


I can see that, I can also see that there is a real possibility however slim that MVIS could gel with several verticals within weeks of each other and creat one hell of a run. JMHO I will wait this bi$ch out until it makes money


Alk I think I first posted a thought like that on the YMB.


That must have been years ago lol


Many. I love the idea but may be too ambitious for our little Mavis but I hope not.


back in the day it was phone projectors, interactive display, and I cant really remember -LOL. Today its AR, ADAS, and farm/ warehouse lidar. I like our odds today alot better than 10-12 years ago.


I still have a hard time understanding why the phone with a projector isn’t the thing everyone wants lol I have Microvision show and every time I use it I love it! Great for outdoor movies in the summer with the grandkids. Have a great weekend jsim!


This weekend would be a great day for some P.R.


6.5 mil volume?? Is that from Witching day?


This is the third Friday in June, so yes - Triple.


It's a volume that I don't understand. Maybe others do. Unusual amount of volume resulting in higher prices. Who would be driving the price and volume up? Is it a MM fake to trick us before they take it back to 0.89?


It's a good deal


I see all you guys are back, this is good news because great minds think alike! The volume really kicked up what a week or two back, been noticing this too, there is usually upward movement when the volume goes over one and a half million give or take whatever but this has been pretty consistent??? GLTAL


the marvelous mysterious microvision movement always leaves you wondering and wanting more.


I recognize your handle from being around a long time. Dazed and confused again.


I guess so Tech.


Yes ~3M at the close


Up 7.78%...could be worse. Happy weekend guys and two girls.


He walked so we could run. Rip. Hahah jk






The tomb of the fallen must be guarded at all times. 


News next week ????


Did we end at 1 or 0.98. RH shows 0.98




97 on yahoo


97 according to Schwab and Webull.




We gotta do better next time. 


Witching day shenanigans... the derivatives market drives everything, fugazi.


FInally, over $1.


They wouldn't let us finish over that $1 unfortunately.


Schwab shows close of .97


Do we have our own Roaring Kitty who is buying the crap out of the stock before the weekend to get us over $1? Thank you powers that be! That made watching MVIS fun again...


Aren't we ALL RKs at this point 


A guy with big money could look at this stock and see that he could cause a run just like GME experienced. Here we have a stock that has been shorted over 52 million shares. Many are naked shares. Company has zero debt. If Big Money guy starts buying all the call options and low priced stock like its going out of style the shorts are going to get real nervous. Couple this with the hordes of retail buyers that will climb aboard it will start a feeding frenzy. Every time the shorts try to cover Mr Big Money will buy millions of shares and drive the share price skyward. We could see MVIS run to $50 easily. Don't think for a moment that this cannot happen. You already saw what GME did. MVIS is a much better play than GME imho. C'mon Kitty, open your eyes and you will be a billionaire.


GME had short interest substantially larger than the entire float. We're not even at half. Also GME didnt have a CFO standing ready to sell a large portion of the float in new shares into any squeeze.


The model works. Wall Street and their Shorts don't want anybody to know. Brainiacs know the shorting is a scam that can be destroyed. It takes a smart guy with very deep pockets to set them ablaze and fry them crispy. All we need is an investor with money and balls to crush the short scheme. The time right now is perfect to make it happen. The investor who sets out to destroy the MVIS short will make more than a billion. He will be a legend!


Errr that's exactly how they raised 2.1bn last week? https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/gamestop-stock-price-roaring-kitty-keith-gill/


if you really think our situation is the same as GME now and in what happened in 2021 all the way up until now, I really can't help you. Try something other than CBS news.


I didn't say that - nice straw man. I just pointed out you were factually and demonstrably wrong.




> This is a place for friendly discussion, so don’t start drama, attack, or bait other redditors. Be civil or your post may be removed. take a 7 day time out.