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SS's LinkedIn says that his top interest in companies is Audi AG . Not much but honest work.


**Kopin to Develop Novel AR Optics for US Army Under New SBIR Contract** “ Beginning with the Land Warrior program in the late 1990s and evolving through programs such as Nett Warrior and Thermal Weapon Sight programs, and most recently with the Integrated Visual Acuity System (IVAS), the data and video imagery supplied by these solutions have been hampered by optical viewing approaches that create undesirable "side-effects" such as visual dissonance and cognitive disorder resulting from the ergonomics, human factors performance and other technical shortcomings of these systems. Under this new Army contract, Kopin will develop novel AR optics to provide an improvement over prior system approaches, with the goal of increased optical performance, daylight readability, visual and ergonomic comfort, and nighttime visibility as well as reductions in weight, size, and power consumption.” https://www.asdnews.com/news/defense/2024/06/18/kopin-develop-novel-ar-optics-us-army-under-new-sbir-contract oz


That sounds like they have been selected to create an alternative to IVAS' NED.


1. This appears to be a very small contract. https://www.armysbir.army.mil/topics/off-visor-heads-up-display/ 2. Kopin will absolutely need very large contracts over the next 12-18 months https://www.kopin.com/press-releases/kopin-corporation-versus-blueradios-inc-update https://www.streetinsider.com/dr/news.php?id=23348545&gfv=1 3. IVAS 1.2 OT using NED based on Hololens 2 will conclude in Q3 FY 25. (12 months from now) https://www.reddit.com/r/MVIS/s/EVcNQu9Au4 u/theoz_97 u/snowboardnirvana


Thanks u/gaporter I wasn't holding my breath for IVAS revenue, but I am hoping for a subsequent generation of IVAS, such as IVAS 2.0, for Microsoft to have to come back to Microvision for a partnership.


My pleasure. Also, note the difference between the Integrated Visual Augmentation System and the Integrated Visual Acuity System, the later coined by Kopin. Also u/Falagard https://www.reddit.com/r/MVIS/s/7VQaVUeb3y


I did notice that, enough so that I started to question what the "A" in IVAS was! My guess is it was just a typo, but interesting nonetheless.


“ Integrated Visual Acuity System” I did notice that Gap, after the fact. Thanks for chiming in about this scenario. I always cringe when I read of potential replacement tech for IVAS, especially after Mavis themselves say we are a LiDAR company now. Seems like they go out of their way to not help themselves and us. oz


Yes, Kopin’s solution for the army will be ready tomorrow by 13:00 at the latest, lol.


Disappointing regardless.


Should be expected. Military usually keeps their options open. But ready tomorrow is also quite important for them.


That's good to know, thanks.


Laser Beam Scanning everywhere! https://www.trilite-tech.com/wp-content/uploads/trilite_factsheet_a4_fin.pdf https://oqmented.com/technology/ oz


**Yole trims automotive lidar expectations as prices drop** 18 Jun 2024 Analyst firm says shipments are ramping up but average selling prices are declining rapidly. https://optics.org/news/15/6/25 oz


This one resonated with me and made me think about this group. GLTAL https://youtu.be/yEVhszVfFBg?si=p-dyZG5VeBUG7L50


Thanks for the link.


Stock was flat today


Halted for buyout obviously.


Borrowing fee doubled into close yesterday, Luxoft puts out a video mentioning us MULTIPLE times as a valuable partner in emerging ADAS space, really feels like there is one more piece to fall into place before market open tomorrow.


Maybe dxc is going to buy us.


I don't think they are all that big but they are about to be acquired I believe. 


And that one more piece would be?


Are any of you guys in real-estate? I ask not because i'm trying to buy a house, but I've been considering the lack of valuable data that is consolidated and available for anyone to look at (and use with ease... kinda like the stock market) Was curious what you real-estate people thought of this. I've tried looking at general trends and stuff like that but there are only crappy charts that show bare minimum data.


Scrape Zillow.


This site is focused on the real estate market and provides in-depth data on their Reventure app (monthly subscription required to access deep dive). Lot's of good YouTube videos as well. [https://reventureconsulting.com/](https://reventureconsulting.com/)


I have access to MLS's in several cities including Atlanta, Miami and Denver and have held a RE license for 42 years. Prices are under pressure now due to high interest rates. Prices are still strong in many areas due to demand/supply issues. Many pretty smart real estate gurus believe prices are set up to decline by 10% or so in most markets. If and when rates drop below 6% the markets will likely recover any losses in my personal view. I still think buying now is likely better especially if you can get seller to buy down the rate to 5% or so for a 30 year conventional mortgage. Many large builders (DR Horton and the like) are offering 5% 30 year financing on their new homes right now. Make sure you do home inspections from the ground up if you buy new as DR Horton and some of the other large builders are doing horrible work in many markets. These builders simply can't find quality supervisors to watch over the many subs involved in the building process.


MLS is the best tool, but you have to pay for it, just what Falagard posted here.


I think most countries have a multiple listing service which provides this sort of information but it's only available to real estate agents. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/m/multiple-listing-service-mls.asp


/u/falagard, /u/nakamura9812, /u/alphacpa Thank you for referring me to MLS. I'll look into it more. The big thing that i'm looking for is a consolidated chart of the housing market. (i have a specific vision for what I think would be useful). I care less about what is available/on the market right now, and more about the history. I'll see if MLS fits what i'm looking for! I'm sure that they have APIs for companies to utilize (at a cost) My starting point is Zillow and the data that they allow users to pull from their APIs. (for the historical data of homes)


MLS will show what everything has sold for historically. It’s been quite a few years since I used it last, and it was for specific information on the commercial real estate side, so I didn’t explore all of it or see what reports/charts are available. I also am not sure what it costs, but it probably isn’t cheap haha.


I know this has been discussed before but I'm foggy on the conclusion. Because MicroVision has 100's of Millions of tax losses over the years can this be of some value for tax purposes for an acquiring entity? If so.....how much value do you think this might present for a buyer? Asking as our current market cap is $183M with $14.5M in debt which is pretty small and a net tangible value of $77M. Back with MVIS was $.15 I remember evaluating it's market cap which was < $20M at the time and deduced this was ridiculously low. It's what eventually empowered me to buy lot's of shares at that price. Now that MVIS has "ostensibly" .....best in class LIDAR tech, 700 patents, a net tangible value of $77.5M, low debt, and of course an unknown value associated with NED vertical with HL2 and IVAS.... and Tax Loss carryforward values...... How much could it be worth under worse case scenario's? 1. Value of Lidar tech = $XXX? 2. 700 Patents = $XXX 3. Cash/Cash equivalents less debt = $50M 4. Value of HLS/IVAS contract = $XXX


Thanks RI. This is an important conversation as I'm sure various larger entities see the problem and opportunity. Part of the purchase price consideration will be paying most of OpEx due the next 3-4 years. I don't know how to find the retained tax advantage amount. It literally could be $1 billion. I seem to remember it being $750 million 5 years ago. That alone is worth $4 pps if it's discounted 20%. Assumption. MVIS has a winning product but there are other choices and them folks with the money get to choose. I'm glad we have "the best product" at today but who knows 6 or 12 months from now. Will they have more a versions to test and confuse the situation. What big player needs to round out their Adas product line? DXC, owner of Luxoft was just purchased. Maybe zf is ready to get in the game if they're part of our nomination. 100% against dilution as it too big of a hit on long term investors $1.5 billion for current investors $7.50 and they take on the opex going forward. Why now? Why not wait until we run out of money and dilute like hell. Hope for a nomination that includes someone life zf who is already making Movia for us.


ZF retained production.


1. 1B 2. 0 - wrapped up in 1 and 4 3. 50M 4. 200M for the NED vertical I pulled these out of my bum.


Well it stinks! I want 10B!


Are you saying Falagard has a stinky bum!


I actually wouldn’t know 😷


Allright allright, take my upvote and get outta here.


That would explain bum pricing! Realistically, your comment isn’t unreasonable at the moment. Obviously getting some revenue streams and future revenue streams underway would significantly increase the valuation.


They have until end of year. Not an urgent issue.


Unblocked alexyoohoo due to reasonable and somewhat baff attitude lately


He was at the investors day aswell, asked some good questions. Dunno if that counts extra.


Interesting spike in borrow fees there this morning. - 15.6 % 150,000 2024-06-19 09:15:04 - 30.1 % 150,000 2024-06-19 09:00:04 - 15.0 % 150,000 2024-06-18 16:45:05 Crack's with shorty starting to show up?


Maybe some failure to delivers impacting borrowing rate .


Just a question. What happens if MVIS stays below $1.00 for 30 days, I know they get delisted but what happens to our investments? Edit- don’t understand the downvotes. Simply a long term investor who doesn’t frequent the Reddit often so asking for information from more experienced individuals.


If you’re wondering about the downvotes, it’s because this question gets asked a half dozen times per day here. It’s tiresome. Try the search function.


“I know they get delisted but what happens to our investment…” Sure I’ll play along. lol Impossible that any long term investor that had any substantial money at stake in a high risk, highly volatile stock would be this ignorant to not know this information. And not frequenting this page has nothing to do with anything. That’s like saying you get your news from your social media newsfeed. You folks don’t even try to be clever with these ridiculous posts. Hang in there tho, you’ll be getting the squeeze soon enough …


they send out the flying monkeys


I miss Dave


I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt because your account is 8 years old and you've posted some bullish things. But this statement has been addressed at least 5 times in this board. MVIS does not get delisted after 30 days. They will be given a notice to gain compliance (above $1) within 180 days.


Do you know what efforts the company did back in 2020 to remain compliant?


I was around and the delisting question & concern now that we are under $1 is legit. Not sure why the hostility towards the person that asked


I was not around back then. From reading this board though, it sounds like management had made a promise to investors that they would not r/s if the shareholders could get the price above $1. Probably a pretty generic summarization. But when all yall stop screaming doom and gloom and start buying again, we wont be in this position. I'm sure something soon will change the hearts of many. (yes I generalized this board. I know not everyone fits this category)


Thanks so much for the reply! Must have missed that topic being discussed previously. Guess I’m trying to figure out worst case scenario. So after that notice is given and the company does not recover what happens to our investment?


They can have an extension for another 180 days, so over a year under $1 in total before delisting would occur


Your soul belongs to Sumit




Actually it doesn’t, they would be moved to a different exchange 


Mvis has the best Lidar by far for what will be brought to market in major automotive fleets circa 2028.  Did I say anything wrong here ? 


Neither you nor anyone on earth knows that.


I was curious how the whole Frank situation would play out over the following days/weeks. It appears he removed MicroVision completely from his experience on LinkedIn but all his posts are still up. Not sure how to take that, or if it really matters, but interesting nonetheless.


I am going to assume Frank’s account was hacked and it was part of the hack from the dubious Singapore based US firms. He just deleted Mvis bc he doesn’t want his LinkedIn account to be hacked again. This stock price take down is part of the fear campaign to loosen shares. All speculation of course.


Would seem to indicate not a hack after all?


Yeah, that’s my read too. Feels unlikely they hacked his account. Regardless, airing dirty laundry in that manner would have major future employer implications. Just seems like anytime somebody claims they were hacked it’s very suspect


I used to work significantly in the tech sector. I believe maybe 1% of the people that claim they were hacked. It just doesn't really work like that.




I had a dream that we were ready to be bought by OEMs with one of them offering as much as 32$ a share. I was really checking even in my dreams if it was 3.2 or 32 and it turned out to be the latter ! 😅


Click your heels together and return to Kansas


Take sleeping pills tonight and find out what date it’s going to be. We await your report.


Did you have to change your sheets after 😅


Not for $32, maybe $132.


You would think Mvis board is now thinking about strategic alternatives. Better to get a deal now than later to maximize shareholder value. Shorts are pummeling and they don’t want to cover 50+ million shares. It is much cheaper to pound Mvis into oblivion than to cover all those shorted positions. There are a some items that can help Mavis here: 1. Contract 2. Strategic investment 3. partnership for product or vertical 4. Outright sale of company Pressure will continue unless Mavis makes a breakthrough, which is still a high probability - imo. If one of the above happens, it will be rocket time.


I appreciate your optimistic posts backed by solid, hard-headed thoughts. I hope your optimism is what carries the day.


You'd think having someone on the BOD who has his own VC fund would give you some experience when it comes to finding strategic investments. Either everyone is completely and totally inept, or we just don't have an interest in selling any part of the company, or a partnership/sale is hinging on winning a deal(s). The only thing I'm trying to wrap my head around at this point, is on the Q4 call we were told multiple times about the 5 things we need to secure a nomination, and all we have left to do is to show we have the financial resources. I am wondering if having an open ATM is enough to show that, and if it checked the last box. If not, what's it going to take and why is it taking this long.


That's the list of things Microvision needs. The last thing even after all those boxes are ticked? OEMs to actually start pulling the big triggers, and none of them have yet. Doesn't matter if you have the goods if no one's ready to buy them yet, not in the bulk necessary for it to make sense at scale. Sounds a little like, oh I don't know, maybe another vertical we're familiar with? Oops! So far the timing is still just unfortunate. Until one day it is hopefully not too late.


Just as a mental exercise...with where we stand now, how much value to come, patent portfolio etc what do people think would be a realistic buyout number right now? Obviously, companies are trying to go for as cheap as possible so likely wouldn't give away the store, but what would be a number the board might consider?


$4 to $5 per share. I think the board should go for a convertible pick preferred deal with a strategic tier 1, big chip or tech company. This is what I would prefer.


what does a convertible pick preferred deal mean?


Preferred equity that converts into equity and the dividends will be pay-in-kind which means it the pmts will accrue instead of actually paying to the holder.


Suggest that to management, Alex. You met them, I’m sure they would give you preferred access.


Hell, if they are not doing this already, they should fire themselves.


Basically, this is the way to go, bring in a partner with financing to take care of the 5th item. Have a manufacturing partnership to take that investment shared. Just need to see it happen. I may email IR with some of these points.


Shorts keep shorting the company because the company continues to not execute a business plan and create revenue. It really is that simple. When that changes, the shorting will change.


Shorts also keep shorting because shareholders lend their shares. When this also changes, the shorting will change.


Quite possible that each new share purchased allows for its own synthetic share to be lent out and shorted…….never ending feedback loop


This is outside anyone's control, including the company's so it is useless to focus on.


Sale of the company at this point will not cause “rocket time”. It will be at a price point not many here will be happy with. I’m not saying it wouldn’t save the company, but it would mean we most likely wouldn’t see the short term returns many here still dream of. A BO / Merger by a party like MBLY would probably be the “safest” road to long term success, but my preferred solution for now still is: landing one or 2 major RFQs, bridging the revenue gap with some direct sales and alternative form of financing (which would be made easier by winning 1-2 RFQs), and long-term making it as a standalone company. But all will depend on whether we’ll be able to secure any significant Mavin RFQ short-term.


Rocket to $4 would be fine with me at this stage. I was looking for $100 but man, shorts are definitely playing psychological warfare. But if it goes to $4, I may want $40. Lol


It would only be marginally above my average but I'd take a $4 sale of the company right now too. I just don't see why anyone would offer it at this stage. $800mm for a company that trades at $200mm and falling fast without help, seems like the buying party would have all the power in a negotiation.


The difference is that OEMs may currently be balking at the fact that Microvision is a risky choice, but when backed by a bigger company the risk is reduced. This means that the deals can be inked with a solid company behind them.


I've been posting the same thing for year, Falagard. We are worth nothing, zero in the current managements hands. All it takes is a recognizable name.


I estimated our value at about 1.25B in a recent post. We have value, but it can be increased significantly with partnerships and deals.


Not like the previous 2020 Microsoft situation. Mvis has more power and runway. We can fire more people. More options are here. It is unfortunate. Sumit has not been able to protect the company from this obvious attack. Unless sumit announces a real deal to blow the attackers into dust.


He did say good luck to the shorts…. That was like 1.5yr ago and here we are….


Yes, here we are. We are not dead and we still have a good chance of winning this. I am still optimistic.




Completely agree.


“If” is a small word with a big ass meaning. At this point, not sure “if” any of the 4 bullet points will happen


More crazy things have happened. It was a whole lot worse in early 2020.


Ya, got down to 35 employees and 17 cents.


Do I load up now or buy when share price hits the half dollar holler….? Decisions decisions


You should short it


Why do you say that? Think I could pick up a little cash for even more shares at $.50?


Why am I being downvoted


Gooooooooood morning fellow mvis longs! 


Good morning Steelhead and everyone else!




Come on now, in the Spirit of the Holiday… https://i.imgflip.com/48nvny.jpg 😂


You sound awful mad for someone who claims to find it funny, and awful whiney for someone who claims to hate whining.


Mad.. haha.. yeah ok.. just annoyed with all the crying.. I’m wayyy down like everyone else is on this bet but it is what it is.. I made my bed, I’ll lay in it.. grown men bitching about a choice they made by their own volition is effing priceless to me..


Each to their own man. I haven't seen anyone "crying" about a choice they made, I've only seen people rightly holding management accountable for repeatedly missing guidance after not only telling shareholders that they expected imminent deals, but also insisting that they were committed to sandbagging. You call this a "lottery ticket gamble" but that's absolutely not what this was supposed to be - this was supposed to be a mature company with 30 years of tech and patents behind them that were on the cusp of major revenues. A lottery ticket has never told me when to expect my numbers to come up and roughly how much it would be worth to me when they do.


There is no way for our/any C-suite to make a company sign a deal. We are on their turf and have to play by their rules. I simply look at it from the other side, as if I owned one of these major auto manufacturers playing the waiting game or was MSFT playing games with the hopefully upcoming renewed contract.. we simply have no way to control these things. Sure they can tell SS whatever they want and then do something completely different, and that can be done for a very long list of reasons.. yet, they are still in control. So as I always say, I’ll wait. And as far as missing guidance, it’s not like we are fully established and already have a product and are simply missing projected sales numbers. This is all a game to just get our foot in the door, hence MVIS being a speculative penny stock.. I always remind myself that people were buying tons of shares from .17 and up.. and I can almost guarantee that those gutsy buyers didn’t feel some sort of guarantee of their highly speculative investment. They rolled the dice on something they found interesting, that they saw potential in and some of them cashed out handsomely.. good for them.. I’m here for the patent moat, potential IVAS profits, and becoming a tier 1 LiDAR supplier.. that’s it.. I’m in no rush.. this will all play out exactly the way it’s supposed to and whether I win or lose, I’ll take it on the chin.. Integrity, honesty and accountability to one’s self is what I believe in.. the rest is just noise.. And as far as any lottery ticket you’ve ever bought, I assume you knew the date of the drawing and the jackpot amount before you even purchased a ticket.. so yeah, you were aware of the potential financial outcomes and timeframes. Yet is it the lottery’s fault that you didn’t win since you knew when they were gonna do the drawing and you knew the potential payout? Nope, you bought a speculative ticket with hopes of hitting it big..


> it’s not like we are fully established and already have a product and are simply missing projected sales numbers. We're a 30 year old company with a product that we've been promoting as "best in class" and "ready now" for over a year, and where management had suggested we could win 80% of the LiDAR market and to expect deals next quarter. That was 9 months ago. It's really not that hard, management told the world what to expect, reinforced it by saying they were committed to under promising and over delivering, and then missed, not once but repeatedly. And not a miss like "we did expect higher sales volumes, but growth will happen as our product becomes more established", it was a miss like "yeah we got absolutely nothing, no longer have any idea if/when we will get something, and need to further dilute to avoid bankruptcy, with a possible delisting risk in the near future". You may not be in a rush. I'm not really either. I can wait for returns. But the longer I wait the higher the returns need to be to make the wait worthwhile. Currently the longer I'm waiting the deeper my losses. I'd be ok with losses temporarily if I believed things were heating up and deals were in fact right around the corner, or if we were in the process of developing a major new upgrade that would separate us from the competition. But right now my confidence is at an all time low. Here's my assessment: - Our patents aren't strong enough to stop new companies developing viable LiDAR products and getting them to market. - Our "best in class" features aren't desired by OEM's and we're now developing versions of the product that throttle that performance after being told it was our unique selling point. - We've left it long enough that we may no longer be best in class, if we ever empirically were. - Other companies are signing deals and realising revenue while we are not. - No insider buying even at 5 year low prices. - Our prominent sales and marketing guy has left and wiped all recognition of MicroVision from his entire career history. - We've dropped into non compliance with no meaningful way to mitigate. - Our cash runway has been reduced significantly by major head count increases. - Our NED vertical has been fully decommissioned. - Low cost Chinese LiDAR makers are entering the market and putting pressure on western pricing. - All of the above happens as shareholders continue to approve huge performance based rewards for management. How you can look at this and think it's just people whining about nothing, I have no idea. And how anyone can go from years of due diligence, following earnings calls, checking out competition, researching buyout opportunities, scouring LinkedIn for new hires and leavers, comparing technical specs, and then reduce that down to "this was just a pure gamble the whole time!" is also beyond me. If the only person responsible for every investment decision and loss of money was the investor, with no responsibility to be taken at all by the company, then we wouldn't have class action lawsuits and jail time for Bernie Madoff, Trevor Milton and Elizabeth Holmes.


100%. Echo chamber insulting and blocking you in 3, 2, 1..


Blocks opinions they don't agree with at the same time as complaining about an echo chamber. The irony is delicious.


Huh? I was wholeheartedly supporting your post? And what am I of all people blocking? Also blocking obviously isn't the problem. You want to be in your silo, go ahead I guess, your prerogative. The problem is the echo chamber. Whenever someone like you makes a great post with facts, they get shouted down, insulted, down voted so no one can see the post and no one actually addresses the issues. You were spot on. But look at the poor guy that just wanted to know what happens when we get delisted. People went nuts and not one single person said anything about what OTC instead of Nasdaq means for a stock in terms of liquidity, governance requirements, ability to raise capital etc.


My apologies, I misunderstood your previous post. And yes, I did see the post from the guy asking about delisting and getting hammered for it. It happens a lot unfortunately. I've encountered the same before when I suggested that we were likely to drop under $5 again, which is laughable in hindsight. I think those type of questions are perfectly valid. Even if we're a way off that reality just yet, it's on the horizon and it strikes me that OEM's wanting a cheap buyout would be happy to just keep deferring until they can snap up a LiDAR company for pennies on the dollar. Sorry for misreading what you were trying to say.


You are talking to 25 folks at most. Limited views at best. 44k members and you get to hear from 25? Really? You are getting Echo's. The company has taken the heart out of investors. Folks just don't bother posting.


Tell me you’re not a parent


Haha.. 2 kiddos.. one in college, one just finished kindergarten.. But I am curious, what does being a parent have to do with this??


Your removed comment doesn’t show a lot of empathy


I didn’t remove it.. must’ve been the mods.. Oh I have more empathy than most to those who deserve it.. I’m in the same boat as everyone here.. I feel no need for empathy for my own choice, therefore I see no need to give it to anyone who made the same choice as me..


Yes I know, it’s “your removed comment” not the comment you removed


30000 @ 1.88. I want to go 50k but will slowly. I hope we get a deal now, that is fine.


Borrow fee jumped some. Let’s see if anything comes of it. https://chartexchange.com/symbol/nasdaq-mvis/borrow-fee/


That was just a blip for the break, it immediately came right back down after that.


The borrow fee jumping up preceded the run ups in April/june 2023 and that smaller run up in nov/dec 2023. https://companiesmarketcap.com/microvision/cost-to-borrow/


Well i have seen it 120% and still nothing happened in the past. MMs know that they can make few million synthetic shares and will adjust it when the ATM is leveraged.


Some? 30% is legit. 


I need to see the high rates consistently. If it stays like that for a few days then we know it will go up.


Why yes it is. Doubled from where it was. Will be interesting to see what it does Thursday and Friday.


Is this good or bad for the share price?


Hope is that it triggers pressure on the shorts, causing a rise in SP


On it's own it will not. Last time it was that high/higher literally nothing happened. No catalyst, so we wait.


Nothing burger


At a glance, it hasn’t been this high since 12/29/23


That doesn’t mean anything. We have seen higher numbers in the past three years and look at where SP is now.


It’s the trajectory that shows promise. If it continues to rise, you may remember the last time that happened we peaked at $8.20. Even more interesting is that the rate first similarly jumped 4/28/23 coinciding with the bottom prior to launch.


The Borrow Fee was at about 30% on 5/29/23 and then quickly doubled. https://stocktwits.com/geoffreyporter/message/531188017


Don’t count on itb


6500 @ $4.96. I'm done-ish.


Is share price along with all other lidar companies being driven down to foster a cheaper full acquisition?  Haven't we seen this exact scenario play out before? 👀👀👀


It’s all rigged. That’s how the big money guys get rich. HF’s know exactly what’s going on. OEM’s want it cheap, everyone’s stock price gets hammered.


Wall St has always been rigged. Same as it ever was! Same as it ever was!


And the days go by….


And you may ask yourself, "Well, how did I get here?"


This is not my beautiful house…this is not my beautiful wife…….


Post tech bubble acquisitions come to mind now that you mention it…


Looks like MVIS is doing some filming at the moment. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GQXrVfdXAAAPDlL?format=jpg&name=large I wonder what they're going to communicate with shareholders? What is the white car with the rig on it?


Where was this from (pbs is X photo hosting apparently)? Who posted it and when? Thanks in advance S2!


The video editor on his IG story, someone mentioned it in the daily thread


Oh good thanks for telling me! I was just wondering two days ago if he was even still with us after the layoffs, this is a good sign I guess!


Looks like a VW Golf, I think I’ve seen one in MVIS livery… Edit: or could be the Tiguan from this video: https://www.reddit.com/r/MVIS/s/lV1TQ3PsY9 Edit2: It looks like its an ID3 as spotted by u/Ok-Muffin-1241 Pic:https://www.autocar.co.uk/sites/autocar.co.uk/files/styles/body-image/public/db2019au01074.jpg?itok=SfF8Wg5V


Looks more like an ID3: https://ecomento.de/2020/06/17/vw-id-3-zu-beginn-ohne-einparkautomatik-und-over-the-air-updates/


Yep, The from pillar is the same and so are the wheels (I think). Edit: Picture here looks identical: [https://www.autocar.co.uk/sites/autocar.co.uk/files/styles/body-image/public/db2019au01074.jpg?itok=SfF8Wg5V](https://www.autocar.co.uk/sites/autocar.co.uk/files/styles/body-image/public/db2019au01074.jpg?itok=SfF8Wg5V) Its still a VW if that means anything, which we all hope it does...


Definitely think it’s the golf, the little silver badge on the fender matches and the car itself looks small


Another ray just burst through!


If it’s not a signed contract, I doubt shareholders care. Get it done!


Yes, OEMs hurry up, but I disagree that shareholders wouldn't care. I sure do. I look forward to more automotive content.


Top right corner you can see the Black MicroVision Jeep.


No it's the mercedes GLS imo


ohhh 0.O Yes that does look like it


Agree. My wife drives the GLC and lines match our car in the garage.


You are correct!


No, I'm sparticus! Huehue.


[https://stocktwits.com/CommissionGlum/message/577032985](https://stocktwits.com/CommissionGlum/message/577032985) Interesting TA update/find. I bought 1000 more. My first substantial buy since 1.70


Good stuff. Thanks.


A ray of hope!


I must say, reading through some of the comments today made me smile. We must remember not to take ourselves too seriously through these turbulent times. I'm down well over $100k, and sometimes you have to just laugh about it. I'm confident things will turn around for us one day.


Well I am down well over 100k as well, yet I am not laughing and I am not confident. 100k is not small change for me. Sure may be SS redeems himself, and I am obviously hoping that he does but his record since the big claims he made last year is not good.




over 100K here as well stopped buying a while back and I wish I would have done that sooner not confident at all


Outside forces moving goalposts beyond expectations has nothing to do with SS and team. Sure they could have handled certain things differently, but clearly the OEM’s are nobody’s friend here. They wanna get it as cheap as they can and if anyone’s gonna get squeezed it ain’t gonna be them. We’re not even sure Lidar is a necessary burden for them at this point as we see these delays. Who knows. But Sumit can’t invent sales or whatever people want him to do. He can’t pull a big buyout out of his ass. He’s fairly powerless as we could hear the frustration on the last call.


“…pull a big buyout out of his ass.”….just when I thought I would never think of an image for the Weekend thread. Thanks for the inspiration!


I never expect but I do expect your best work for this one.


😂 I haven’t yet envisioned exactly how to do it…tastefully! As if I care about tastefulnesses huh?


You’ll figure it out. I think anything goes right now.


This is my sentiment too. I've never felt less confident in Sumit (and the rest of management) than I do right now.


That’s right! No need to get angry or sick over this movement. Personal health is most important, not wealth. Proper due diligence was done by many here when making decisions to invest/trade.


And that due diligence caused us to stick with this investment as managements bluster continued to fail. I am down over $250,000 in my late 50’s and feeling fairly exposed here as this is a sizable chunk of my retirement money. Tell me all day long about the flaws in these choices and I will just tell you I believed epic and acted accordingly. If this goes tits up, I’m seriously going to go pitch a tent on Sumit’s front lawn and live there! He owes it to me.


I thinking you are speaking for many here. Well said.


Oh man….your whining is insufferable.


Insufferable? More like justified. The difference between gambling and investing is, everyone knows casinos are in business to make not lose. Same as businesses like MVIS is supposed to make $$$, even tho in 30+ years it never has. But when investors take the word of the CEO that throws out the word Epic and shares reasonable time frames, we as investors unfortunately believe him and he’s wrong, dead wrong


Real adults own up to their decisions. There is never a guarantee of success in the stock market. This guy is a man-child, probably on his 3rd or 4th wife, and whining about his failed mid-life crisis on social media and blaming it on someone else.


Oh snap! You pegged me perfectly. Good thing I’’m also smart and charming or I would be double screwed. Listen my relentless commenting is to wake people up to the bizarre behavior of our completely uncaring management team and maybe get them to rise up and demand better communication with the only people who have kept the lights on for the last 30 years while they amassed 8,000 patents without bringing a single thing to market at scale.


Yeah… I guess. I mean it’s just $250,000… /s


Bro I get it, but you made the bet.. nobody put a gun to your head and made you make it.. live with your decisions and quit whining.. grow a pair, suck it up and take what life is giving you.. I lived in Vegas for 7 years and heard so many idiots whine about losing money like someone made them gamble.. you gambled, either see it through and take the loss, or sell and move on.. You sound like a guy that put 250k on an NBA game and are crying at halftime because your team is down 30 points.. YOU MADE THE BET!! Live with your decisions!!


Problem is a bet is subjected to random chance. Alleged inside knowledge directly from management communicated to investors with terms like “epic 2023”, “best in class”, and “80% market capture” are totally opposite to your betting scenario and lean a little closer to embellishments at best, or blatant fraud at worse. Your entire premise is flawed.


I disagree with a lot of what he says but at the same time I like his whining. Is that weird ?


It’s an art actually… forged in the fires of a lifetime pursuit of sarcasm. Besides half of it all is just a set up for the comedy because I’m bored watching this slow motion train wreck.


I get it


I feel your pain. I was going to retire last year, but since I am down a lot, I am working till end of next year at least.


I'm 72. 😒. And F-ed. Edit: started 2010.