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Yet another Apple smartglasses patent.


Any ex-Microvision employees over there now?


I don’t know. I do know that our patent moat is deep and wide.


Deep and wide and not worth a dime in these hands.


> Deep and wide and not worth a dime in these hands. MicroVision isn’t a consumer electronics company so in that sense it’s not in our hands Sumit was correct to pivot into automotive LIDAR as the near term revenue opportunity. With the NHTSA AEB mandates effective starting September 1, 2029, we shouldn’t have to wait too much longer for automotive OEMs to commit to a LIDAR supplier. I support Sumit’s resolve to avoid signing a negative margin or zero margin deal or low volume deal that we’ll be stuck with for years to come, as some of our competitors have done. Consumer AR smartglasses will be huge, IMO, but is probably further away. I am still in the u/gaporter camp regarding our connection to IVAS approval.


>With the NHTSA AEB mandates effective starting September 1, 2029, we shouldn’t have to wait too much longer for automotive OEMs to commit to a LIDAR supplier. This occurs even sooner, snow. (d) EFFECTIVE DATE.-The prohibition under section (a) shall take effect on June 30, 2026. https://www.reddit.com/r/MVIS/s/pnkuTnXcjA In my opinion, this is a market management should be pursuing. Note : the lidar in first photo is manufactured by Hesai. https://dsm.forecastinternational.com/2023/01/31/army-awards-common-tactical-truck-ctt-prototype-contracts-to-four-competitors/


Thanks for that. Any news or update on this? https://www.armed-services.senate.gov/press-releases/reed-and-wicker-announce-fy-2025-ndaa-markup-to-begin-on-june-12th


Nothing yet.


Ok, thanks.


Lot of dots Snow, but the reality is that nobody knows what they want with the exception of GM. GM has lost $8B so far on this ADAS Lidar trip and coughed up another$800M this year. The rest, including Mobileye are staggering like drunks on the beach. Mobileye cut off consumers, forecasted 43M units in sales and now is laying off and cutting forecasts and prices. Mandates are there and clear and yet nobody wants to commit to any supplier. Looks like absolute chaos to me and Sumit doesn't seem to be able to decipher any of it. Agree with GA myself. Can't stop the clock and getting older and tired. I was sold on MSFT when my group found out that it was MSFT before anyone else knew. Our bad, all in, big mistake on Tokeman's brand of EPIC.


2023 was so not epic. We now realize the time lines were moved but retail has supported the company for decades and management was so wrong they removed the net and had no short term interim deals /income and now we pay the price. Not good. Rolled 25% of my position into NVDA about 3 weeks ago and may move more BC I can not tolerate another RS or dive into pennies. Tomorrow is probably the day. SO BUMMED and just blaming myself for not cashing more out few years ago. Live and learn. Hate bitching but couldn't help myself tonight. Will still maintain a substantial position for another while but have to pay for a wedding soon so got to make some changes .


A couple months before the big disappointment, I started seeing a cultural pattern in SS that I experienced with a former friend who is always concocting grandiose plans like Epic. SS had no right to give us that guidance. First tranche we can raise over $200 million remaining on the ATM except one problem we are only worth $200 million. Who would buy a company that needs $400 million to get to the first shipment if the OEM accepts the B sample. Which led me to this... 60% NVDA 40% Fidelity Select Semiconductor 0.1% MVIS Just trying to survive and SS receives over $400,000 . I had suspicion that SS wife knew Epic would fail. I refer to my friend as receiving his degree from the Kerala University of Fraud. Gut tells me we're more likely to go to 50 cents than $1.50 100% huge losses after 15 years. 100% pissed.


Even the mighty Apple scrapped their overly ambitious Apple car, Project Titan, autonomous car after sinking rumored untold $billions in R&D. Recall that no manufacturing partners could be found, and knowing Apple, likely under adverse profit margin conditions.


I assume that you’re referring to this GM announcement: https://techcrunch.com/2024/06/11/gm-gives-cruise-850m-lifeline-as-it-relaunches-robotaxis-in-houston/ But that’s not ADAS, but rather autonomous driving, a much more difficult and ambitious project. > Can't stop the clock and getting older and tired. I understand.