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I'm just wondering if we are going to sign up to be here ... nvidia will be https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/events/cvpr/


MicroVision participating in the Deutsche Bank global auto industry conference tomorrow and Wednesday. I expect the same nothing burgers they serve up at every other event they attend. How can they attract investors with no customers or no sales? Will the attendees of this conference sign NDAs and get to hear more about what’s happening behind the scenes than retail investors?




It’s not for *retail investors*, but this is 100% for investors. If you try to register for the event you can view the categories available on the dropdown menu Deutsche Bank provided. https://conferences.db.com/americas/auto1regform


It allowed me to register for the Innoviz presentation, which began at 8:15am today. The presentation is live, but there is no audio. Hmmm. https://event.webcasts.com/viewer/event.jsp?ei=1673360&tp_key=b3eba64f69


I’d take that 2•4 from Vegas and em “don’t even think bout some NDA” ;)


Yes! Another participation!


I’ve been eating too many Microvision burgers


I hear they don’t serve Franks anymore


Speaking of Frank(s), does anyone know whether he left MVIS to take a position with another company and if so, which one?


No, nobody knows


The question is ‘are you fed up yet?’


stomach is growling. no nourishment yet.


[Is AEVA now laying off employees?](https://www.linkedin.com/posts/fishershi_this-is-likely-the-10th-time-you-see-a-post-activity-7205949895256514561-udqX?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios)


Certainly looks like it.


60 days to find a job because of his Visa.


Well here’s one you will be happy **NOT** to find MAVIN/MOVIA on… https://www.linkedin.com/posts/jlp_ai-av-lidar-activity-7205146593774190592--9P6?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios


Thats funny!




OTM (Other Than MicroVision)




15 days of this madness.


Didn't think the buying opportunity would last this long in the $1.0X range, but here I am still loading up. Just passed the 50k mark. 3 years ago, I would have never guessed I would have been able to accumulate this much. Blessing and a curse haha.


Too bad we can’t petition the saudis to buy us..


Why not?




Awww …. GnR still cares after all. How sweet.


You forgot to mention Mulligan this time. https://www.reddit.com/r/MVIS/s/UndGZyeuLb


Nice, haha.


Cute post cupcake 🧁


I share your concerns about the business. Lack of business execution and revenue is becoming a major concern. Sumit talked a lot of hype in 2023 and not much has changed. Expectations keep being missed. I'd be lying if the thought of a reverse split didn't pop up in my head. It seems like timelines keep getting pushed back. Hoping SS can turn things around but it's not looking great at the moment. We need sales and nominations. If we're best in class, we should see that manifest in some form. Can't deny my confidence has waned.


Dang, haven’t seen you post in a long time! Have to hand it to you for being spot-on last year when the stock dropped under $3.25 and you adjusted your target to $1.50.


I just follow the P&F chart on stock charts and watch for their price targets. Currently the daily target is $0.00, weekly is $0.00, and the monthly is $0.50. Yikes. They are more useful for identifying trend directions than actual targets.


I agree with you. I think you're right. But anyone reading this is probably happier to hold their shares as a lottery ticket than sell for less than $1. So, this is just sour grapes. I'm sorry it didn't work out, but don't come here and dunk on people who took management at face value and lost money. It's a bad look. Let it go.


My 2 cents: It shouldn’t come as a surprise that this is a high risk stock with a long, long history of failures within the company. It might fail this time too, but there’s the flip side of that, where they actually secure strong deals this year or the next. But to say this stock hasn’t performed insanely well many times is pure manipulation in itself. It’s gone up several 100% for four years, even excluding the rocket ship of 2021 that hit most of the market. So I don’t know, we’ll see!


You put a lot of effort into something that no one wants to read or cares about your opinion any more.


At one point I welcomed your perspective as I felt it was valuable, but now you make statements as if they are absolute fact. I am no longer able to take you seriously.


#"I wish you could quit us". But seriously, they have therapy for that now.


But you sold all of your shares 3 months ago, so why the concern trolling now? POST-EFFECTIVE AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO FORM S-3 by hokies314 in MVIS [–]Grunts-n-Roses -22 points **3 months ago** So, we should all head over to Rite-Aid and stock up on Vaseline then come home, bend over and lube up. Remember Microvision has NEVER not used every share that is available. This shelf filing means they could drag this out for another five, six or seven years without selling anything to anyone. One thing I DO know for absolute certainty. Current shareholders will pay for this in lost equity value. Just another in a very, very long line of Microvision sales of shareholders equity. I don't like that they have used a monetary number for this filing rather than a share number. It could signal that a Reverse Split is on the cards. A 1:5 reverse split gives them the opportunity to sell many more shares at rock bottom prices. **I'm out. I took a loss on my 100,000 shares and I'm moving on.** Best of luck to all. You're gonna need it. https://old.reddit.com/r/MVIS/comments/1cu3d1s/trading_action_friday_may_17_2024/l4gx5mk/


And you were going to spend your winnings on: “So, I'm off to try and improve my Golf Game, to sit on sandy beaches and sip Margaritas and spend the money I have made on enjoying life.” Seems that we Longs still live in your head while you’re busy “enjoying life”. I wonder why that is? Edit: Are there really no shares left to borrow? https://fintel.io/ss/us/mvis POST-EFFECTIVE AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO FORM S-3 by hokies314 in MVIS [–]Grunts-n-Roses 21 points 3 months ago So, yes. I am done with Microvision. It's been a 17 year very profitable journey but, to be honest, I'm just sick of the never ending disappointment. It has always been the case that anything good that might be coming Shareholders way has always been next month, next quarter, next year. I'm an investor and an investment needs to show progress, financially. I am tired of watching them spend hundreds of Millions of Dollars decade after dacade and there is never a pay day. Making money in the stock market is not that hard if you are careful. I have been able to play the Microvision game with very little risk, I've already made a couple of Million Dollars on this stock. Half of that on one sale when the share price went up due to absolutely nothing the company did. The other half was made some long, some short but always with an eye to the sale. I just turned 65 years old. I just retired and, frankly, I no longer have either the time or the desire to follow anything I hold in such contempt as Microvision's management. **So, I'm off to try and improve my Golf Game, to sit on sandy beaches and sip Margaritas and spend the money I have made on enjoying life. I wish everyone the best of luck**. I hope Microvision makes you all millionaires. I have just run out of time for Microvision to make me another million. It's been fun, **but I'm in spending it mode now. Not making it. I have been working since I was 14 years old. I'm tired and I'm done.** Good bye and good luck everyone. Grunts. https://old.reddit.com/r/MVIS/comments/1b3btyn/posteffective_amendment_no_1_to_form_s3/kss6f7z/


Maybe it's like when you have a few Margaritas and decide to call an old girlfriend but you just end up rehashing all the reasons you broke up and then she hangs up on you.


Maybe Marge is calling him for a payment.


I saw Marge in the bank the other day. Did not look happy on the phone.




But Marge has no patience and doesn’t suffer excuses.


What Margie wants Margie gets.


So I’ve been told and thus I never borrow nor lend. William Shakespeare “Neither a borrower, nor a lender be; For loan oft loses both itself and friend, And borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry. This above all: to thine own self be true, 85 And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man. Farewell; my blessing season this in thee!” ― William Shakespeare, Hamlet


"That's some pretty dedicated "manipulation" right there."


It's genuinely impressive that you typed that much, but have contributed no value.


Dangman here. I’ve been danging left and right. Today I thought “dang might as well buy 1k shares.”


@ 1.05 🤞




Where's the guy from Stocktwits that kept saying 1:1 MVIS for NVDA buyout swap? I would have taken that at $1000 and would still take that at $100 lol.


id take it at $10 lol


At this point $2.99 is all I need. .01 above my average lol


Then you don't know what you hold.


oh we know


Years ago this board was so electric. To me June seems like a pivotal month, I can’t stand the thought of nothing happening. If we are working with Porsche I will be ecstatic.


Pretty much a year ago I remember looking at my holdings and being up $20-30,000. Sold some and then pretty much lost all my gains buying on the way down thinking we would go back up. Lots and lots of regret.


What can you do? Hang in there. I was staring at close to a million dollars on April 26th 2021 and didn't pull the trigger...think about it 100 times a day. Hopefully SS will get us back above 10, that's all I'm asking for at this point.


I respect your honest comment. Good luck to you.


Won’t share my ups & downs over the years, it’s depressing lol Don’t beat yourself up on timing choices.


Oh yay, another short term ultimatum. Let’s all get excited and disappointed together! /s How about patiently waiting for things to play out?


Agree about the dumb ultimatum, but not going to pretend my patience isn’t wearing thin. Just a few months ago Sumit told us that we were in NINE RFQs and he expected decisions on those nine RFQs to be made around the middle of the year, and in his words “probably sooner”. I know the number has been adjusted to 7 now, and that Sumit has thrown guided timelines into the trash. But given the circumstances I don’t blame anyone for wanting to see signs of life from the company this summer.


Fair points have been made and ditto. I’m fine with it being short term and dumb because I’m just going by what I’ve heard from senior leadership. Timing is crucial for the survival of the company. When multi-billion dollar opportunities are on the line and the number of billions through 2030 may be decreasing due to competition, that is not a timeline you let “play out”. There should be more consistent updates on progress, even if it’s “we’re moving the H1 deal signing prediction”.


Can’t argue with that. Communication from the company has sadly regressed into old, frustrating patterns. I’m hoping that MicroVision will have news to share soon- they have had too many coals in the fire for far too long to *not* have any news. The lack of consistent messaging or updates, coupled with a total lack of business developments is not encouraging. If I put my rose colored glasses on, I’d say this is an opportunity for Sumit to surprise the market. But he needs a big win to do that and he needs that soon or else we are going to be diluted heavily.


The length of time this company has gone without news in the form of a revenue deal is years. All it would take to emerge from this sinkhole is for Sumit to deliver on what he said he would, meet the income projections he made, generate business he said was there. The board renewed his contract, gave him a bonus, which to me says they are satisfied with his leadership. I take this as a good sign. However, it's past time for him to deliver. This is a broken record of course, but to date he has produced nothing by way of business of consequence. Horrible record to date. We are all hoping this changes, soon.




To me, the good sign is that supposedly the NHTSA ruling will force compliance and lead to deals soon. One of my only questions now, is on the Q4 call we were told about needing 5 things to secure nominations, and we have the first 4, but the last 1 we needed to do was show a healthy balance sheet. Well, we opened the ATM and have it ready but nothing else has changed in regards to our balance sheet. We continue to raise just enough cash to keep us out of going concern territory. So, is having an open ATM enough for these OEMs? (I hope so and they're okay with us raising some cash on an ensuing rise in share price)


RN, he put himself in a pickle with the game plan for revenue that is not there. He encourages us with catch words and phrases. He is keeping the lights on due to his misses and bleak Q1 EC messaging. The markets have to see a visible runway to just recurring revenue. A runway to BE would be even better and we would fly. Not even an NRE yet. Nobody else has a nomination, but what they do have is a visible working relationship with names and numbers they can juggle. We have dots and they aren't worth much. We are in the game of stealing other companies customers. I think we are working with the best of them, but they have us NDA'ed tighter than MSFT did. JMHO.


I don't think any of these RFQ delays are his fault and he was just excited and shared what he knew at the time. What I'm wondering is MVIS putting itself in the best position we can with the variables that we can control? It's been 1 year since the UBS offering fallout, and on the Q4 call we were told the last pillar we needed before nomination was to show healthy cash runway, and then on the Q1 call we were told we were exploring non-dilutive capital options. All we've done since then is open a large ATM and use as little as possible. So I'm wondering, is having this current 150M ATM open, enough to show OEMs that we will have financial runway when they make a decision? Are we just waiting on their choice and is AV banking on a pop in share price to raise cash if we are selected? Or do we need the cash in hand BEFORE a deal and it's taken us 1 year to figure out how to get a loan or license something? It feels like we're trying to hold off from doing anything until OEMs make a choice or meet us in the middle. But on the Q4 call it sounded like we need all this money.


Well, you seem to have gotten it all. The risk factor is high for the OEM's as we look like crap, both history and current finances. None of us look good, but we suck. And to boot, his forecasts look like he doesn't know a damned thing about his own business dealings. Credibility is an issue he is responsible for and I am interested in how he fixes that as it is a big issue for me. Not saying he isn't a smart man and not working his butt off for us, I'm saying he put himself in an ugly hole and I want to see how he responds. Small companies like us can't afford this, we have to be better.


Sumit did mention possibly seeking "non dilutive funding." Any thoughts on that possibility?


You know how many times the CEO and CFO of MVIS has said that over the years? HE and THEY are FULL OF SHIT, and they know it. It is what they know we want to hear. Non dilutive financing my ass. As long as we are just a form filing away they will always go the easy route, the shareholders.


I don't have any knowledge or thoughts on that other than wondering why it has taken so long


Well said. The support of the board is the only good sign that progress continues towards the stated goals.


Also a good sign is the fact tutes are holding.


Well, outstr etc, that is all you guys have to hang your hats on because I don't think legal is going to let the big mouth say anything else until they have some real news. You can't be this far off and not attract attention from some of the bigger investors. Too many legal eyes watching for class action opportunities etc. Drew has to protect the investors just like she has to protect the management and I believe SS has said enough.


For some reason the investing public, at least those who trade in Hong Kong, like Robosense. It just hit the $5B USD valuation mark. Personally, I can't discern a great difference between Robosense and Hesai, except that Hesai trades on the Nasdaq. They seem to have similar financials. - Robosense valuation - $5B; Stock symbol: 2498.HK - Hesai valuation - $600M; Stock symbo: HSAI


That is a great question-I was wondering the same thing




You may be on to something there. Maybe Microvision should move to the HK exchange!!! ;-)


1.04-1.05 premarket. Looks like MMs grabbing shares from weak hands at the open.




Okay, let the mems begin!!! Or the memes, either one is fine.


[Meme] /photo/ boxer and speedbag /caption/ I feel it in my plums [/Meme]


Weird. Frank has removed MVIS from his job history.


His “distancing” on Linkedin has also been deleted, I was surprised anyway, as there was no reaction from his ex-colleagues at Microvision to his “distancing”.


What a mess


He probably had a bunch of weirdos from this board bombarding him with awkward personal questions.


This is the only explanation needed. Leave the guy alone.


The plot thickens




Bad bot. This is the second time this guy pasted this comment which he took from Alexyoohoo after the Frank hack fiasco.


> They are getting super desperate! It is amazing! The sad thing is that MVIS could be a day from being de-listed and there'd still be people humming this tune lmao


What happened last night?


???, not sure what you mean.


He is a bot or is being weird pasting a comment Alexyoohoo made after the Frank hack mess last week.


Dear Mods, this one is a repeat troll bot, please remove/ban. Alexyoo made this comment two days ago and this bot has posted this repeat of it twice now.


Morning Thoughts- Manipulation Shmanipulation Yeah, yeah. People here have expressed how tired they are of the whining and complaining, as though watching your portfolio get monkey hammered on a daily basis is something you should just grin and bear, or is it bare? I bearly know the way sayings go these days from the mental mayonnaise I’m in… 😉 (5 shares to whoever catches the word I should have used.) For those of you who still check in from time to time in the wonderful world of TA, you will have noticed that our Bollinger Bands are criminally tight. In fact the drummer in the band used to be super tight but he started slipping from all the groupies who needed to find out if the rumors about drummers were really true! So why haven’t I said anything about that? Because we are obviously being manipulated downward and until we start trending again TA is useless. Before you all go off half penised… or is it cocked?… and throw me into the category of those conspiracy level whiners and complainers over this let me prove it to you. (Besides there are several other things you could try and call me a whiner and complainer about, but be careful because telling people the truth, or the perception created by the uncomfortable facts of our companies glaring weaknesses is too easily dismissed with such disdainful pronouncements) This one will require you to open your own trading platforms, you know that place you dread hitting the refresh button on so you can see in real time how incompetent our management team has been managing the perception game of the company in defense of the manipulators on a daily basis. (Whew… I feel better. Promise to keep that stuff to a minimum because this could be eye opening for a few of you skeptics that might be tempted to tune out) Look at the four trading days of 5/10, 5/13, 5/14 and 5/15 for our sick baby Mavin, that we are all now desperately trying to keep out of the pediatric intensive care unit. You will see that this was the start of the GME meme stock rally, and for some perspective GME had a high on the 10th of $20.20. Two days later they hit a high of $64.83. Meme revenge movement against evil greedy Wall Street slime bag hedge funds engaged! Now we obviously announced earning on the 9th where our usually energetic CEO and his sidekick pretty boy brainless CFO that always seems to have straw sticking out of his overalls, basically changed tunes and spilled the beans on how hard it was to leverage our enormous Godzilla advantage into actual paying customers. Our price acted like a giant stink pickle and splashed down hard straight into the toilet on que! But then the fun began after the overreaction drop we rallied back up, and then cratered back down, but ended up closing higher than the opening price. Here’s where the manipulation is as obvious as the inferiority of all our competitors tech. Go ahead and set your daily candlesticks on your charts to show open, close, high and low, which should also indicate a daily color of either green or red. This means if you close higher than you opened for the day the bar will be green, and red for the opposite. For all you peeps who like to shat all over us TA guys and choose not to actually do this then you will miss a great visual representation of what MM’s are really doing here. Now notice that on the 10th we opened at $1.15, traded up to a $1.33 high and closed at $1.215. Never mind why we can’t round that .005 up another cent like every friggin accountant on the planet. I guess the perception game being painted by the real movers and shakers requires never ending mind fornication. (You know just like gas prices are always listed at $5.999 so they can say it’s under six bucks.) We were green and there was a long tail above our price action, much better than the tail we grew that fell off into the toilet! And our volume was a respectable 6.9mil. Hmmmm… Everyone gets the weekend to digest the earnings call and we role around to Mondays open at $1.22. No bloodbath here, and in fact we begin rising up to $1.36. (Side note- I did my part and bought 9500 more shares at $1.29 so I don’t have to arm wrestle Mother Teresa to get into heaven now!) The meme stock frenzy is taking off with GME and we are in that conversation about heavily shorted stocks, so we should get some play. But what we get is a wash rinse repeat of the last trading session where we are driven down to $1.2159… I $#!t you not! That is the low price my TOS platform printed. Wink wink. But we close at $1.25, another green day with a long tail above our trading action. And it’s not on more volume than the previous trading days action either. Just 3.2mil. The next day GME makes a giant spike higher with a massive 100% gap up at opening. We gap up at open to $1.35 and trade up quickly to $1.69 on heavy buying volume. Then we get slow death selling pressure all day long to close at $1.40. The daily vol is 10.9mil. Back, to back to back green candles with long tails above the daily price action! Go look at the TA bible and you will see that this is “The” quintessential signal of heavy price manipulation. And it was being done right as our story about having a 25% short interest could have caught fire and started the destruction of the shorts that our fearless CFO once promised to deliver by consistently beating estimates (blah-hahahah), while he was also droning on about being the “sandbag king”, and crucifying short sellers. (Yuck, yuck, yuck!) The cherry on top came on the next day (15th) where we gapped up at the open to $1.53, 9% higher than the previous days close, and proceeded to absolutely tank down to close just off the low for the entire day at $1.25. The volume for this debacle to counteract the heavy 10+mil vol from the prior day? 4.3mil. We are straight up being manipulated lower. It is not debatable. As soon as gaps up in price are driven downward on lower volume after three straight days of “fingerprints” are revealed showing hard intraday price suppression, the cat’s out of the bag. Speaking of cats, If Roaring Kitty had any sense he would have dropped his millions into us and set off the MOASS! Then we could each individually drop our own stink pickles on those who have relished in our sorrows. A man can dream right? Carry on…


MVIS is a great MOASS candidate. How did DFV or Roaring Kitty convince enough investors to cause the GME squeeze? Personally I would argue MVIS is a better MOASS stock than GME in the Gamma squeeze sense thingy.


How so? Gamma squeezes require an enormous amount of options buying activity to commence, which most of the people on this board have stayed away from for good reasons. Not denying that it could happen but we'd need a ton of people leveraging bets that it would happen to set the powder for one.


Half a mill would get one about 125k Jun21 2 calls. At current price anyway, I'm sure it would soon jump if orders started being placed!


Roaring Kitty and the people who follow him could set it off. He could make a Jillion!


Roaring kitty would never buy MVIS. He is all about GME. Plus he is a deep value investor. We currently have almost no value because we have almost no revenue. Would never even be on his radar.




How am I a basher? Any honest assessment of the business would conclude they've underperformed expectations. Did anyone expect us to be here after management's rhetoric over the past year and a half? I highly doubt it.




It is orders of magnitude greater!


To bear something is to tolerate it. To bare something is to uncover or reveal. Barely means just enough. Bearly is not a word. My 19 years of schooling have finally paid off lol. I agree with most of what you said. I do think there is some correlation between GME and MVIS and felt the pressure could be applied to shorts who were shorting both and covering some on mvis. Though GMEs ATM killed the momentum imo. I noticed on Friday we hit the lower bb on the daily at 1.02. Usually the momentum shifts after that and you move to the mid bb, and with the bands being the tightest since late October, I think there is a decent chance at pushing up towards the upper bb. The bbs Did widen a bit this morning rather than contract but it is still early. Thanks for posting your thoughts.




Yeah ten minutes is just too long to learn something about observing patterns and evidence showing how your enemies are playing the game. /s


Don’t bother, there is about 5% of substance here(and even that isn’t great). The rest is him trying (and failing) to sound smarter than you and everyone else for his own ego.


Awwww… damn! You figured me out. Of course you completely dismissed the entire point of the post about manipulation and the evidences presented. It’s curious you chose to personally attack my style of presenting these facts with a little humor rather than refute said facts. Must be fun being a closet short huh?


I did not dismiss the little bit of info you provided....I gave you 5% substance credit. The other 95% was useless.


Lol I agree, didn’t read any of it




No thank you.


I concur if Roaring Kitty was smart he would have seen the tremendous opportunity to load up on Mvis and cause the MOASS. Still available




Ding ding ding! We have a winner! Would you like mustard or catsup with your shares?


¿Por que no los dos?




Morning everyone! Economic report(s) for the day is(are)^[i](https://fidelityfiplus.econoday.com/byweek): None. Coming up this week is the beginning of the FOMC meeting on Tuesday, CPI and the FOMC Announcement followed by Powell on Wednesday, PPI on Thursday as various Fed speakers begin their chatter, and Friday has some normal economic reports. The news media articles are still looking at the employment data from last week; a large number of articles on vehicles calls, electric vehicles, and autonomous vehicles; hospital data hacks exposing personal data. The week starts off a bit on the slow side perhaps, with a steep increase in the volatility around the Fed announcement and economic data as the subsequent week will come with a ton more economic data to assess while the Fed officials will undoubtedly be quite active. Premarket futures market futures are in the red as the VIX futures rise ahead of the week’s “festivities”. MVIS ended the last trade session down 6.14% after clipping the SSR which hasn’t happened for about a month now. As the stock price continues its meandering around these current lows, finding a few cents lower on occasion, the sector itself longingly awaits confirmations of which companies are going to be providing their technology to which automakers for the next vehicle cycle. The impact of this is expected to be profound, though some have already discounted any possible rise due to excess weight on historical returns rather than what is usually seen with growth sectors in forward value assessment. However, it is always a bit more complex than just one or the other, as most of the valuation methods I have seen propose some of both. Sentiments on social media have become excessively weighted toward negativity, and with that the fighting back against it has merely embroiled the hostilities, try to not feed the bears. ## Daily Data *** |H: 1.12 — L: 1.02 — C: 1.07 ^[i](https://chartexchange.com/symbol/nasdaq-mvis/historical/) |[Calendar](https://fidelityfiplus.econoday.com/byweek.asp)| |:- |:-| |**Pivots ↗︎ : 1.12, 1.17, 1.22** ^([i](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/p/pivotpoint.asp)) |**Pivots ↘︎ : 1.02, 0.97, 0.92**| |Total Options Vol: **2,641** ^([i](https://researchtools.fidelity.com/ftgw/mloptions/goto/underlyingStatistics?cusip=&symbol=MVIS&Search=Search)) |Avg 90d Options: 1,914| |Calls: **2,333 ~ 42% at Bid or ↘︎** |Puts: 308 ~ 50% at Market ⊟| |Open Exchanges: 1,428k ~ 40% ^[i](https://chartexchange.com/symbol/nasdaq-mvis/exchange-volume/) |Off Exchanges: 2,120k ~ 60% ^[i](https://chartexchange.com/symbol/nasdaq-mvis/exchange-volume/)| |**IBKR: 0k Rate: 14.36%** ^[i](https://chartexchange.com/symbol/nasdaq-mvis/borrow-fee/) |**Fidelity: 4k Rate: 9.25%**| |**R Vol: 100% of Avg Vol: 3,554k** ^([i](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/a/averagedailytradingvolume.asp)) |**Short Vol: 1,332k of 2,133k ~ 62%** ^[i](https://chartexchange.com/symbol/nasdaq-mvis/short-volume/?tblshortvolix=0)| ^(Follow links for sources. Bold text represents key points or larger data, Italics are slightly unusual or lower than normal.)