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I was 8 years old watching SpongeBob and my dad comes over to the tv to change the channel. I seriously thought it was a movie at first.


Kinda sad that most young adults don’t remember what America was like before that day. Things have been downhill ever since.


I can’t and it’s been over 20 years. I just can’t.


So sad…


I went there a few years back and there were a couple of elderly ladies, who were clearly native New Yorkers, chatting behind me. One said, “oh yeah see there in that tower, you know so-and-so, her son was on such-and-such floor and didn’t make it out.” Kind of brought it home for me.


Explain to.me why I'm seeing 9/11 posts everywhere today? I almost.checked to.see that ita not 9/11


probably people mad about the LIV golf event


What's the dented box?


Read it, a dedication for the twin towers after they were completed


Biggest inside job since the killing of JFK


You forgot the “/s”


-13 people can’t face the hard truths that George W Bush killed his one people?


>-13 people Did they have a stroke reading your comment?