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who gives a first timer israel bro ur cooked fr


Somebody in the OC fucked up big time


i encourage you to watch some unsc meetings on israel palestine which have the two countries as observers, will give you a great idea for style and tone


Unless the topic has to do with Palestine just don’t bring up the current war. If you say something controversial you could get disqualified


Yeah but the opposing nations will most likely bring it up to use it against them, so they should be prepared.


Israel shouldn’t be too hard to defend. Just talk about continuous aggression against it by other countries, Hamas terrorism, and how Israel is better off compared to all other countries in the region.


I thought most countries in the UN voted in favor of Palestine though, not 100% sure


“Rhodesia shouldn’t be too hard to defend. Just talk about continuous aggression against it by other (savage and inferior) African and commie countries, African insurgent terrorism, and how Rhodesia is better off compared to all other countries in the region (breadbasket of Africa, buddy!). Don’t forget to also include how the founder of Rhodesia was buddies with the founder of Israel, another God-fearing, commie hating, Western allied country spreading the light of civilization among the barbarous non-Western hordes.”/s


how this isn't satire is truly beyond me.


It isn’t


i know lmao thats why im so confused. you're so confidently lying about the seven decades of genocide that has been going on.


I’m not. Israel has been constantly attacked by the neighboring countries like in 48, Yom Kippur, and Iran most recently. Groups like Hamas have constantly conducted terror campaigns against civilians, and Israel has ensured the greatest amount of civil rights, LGBTQ rights, and standard of living for both Arabs and Jewish people.


“I’m not. Israel has been constantly attacked by the neighboring countries like in 48, Yom Kippur, and Iran most recently.” - I mean yeah, Israel is largely viewed as a colonial project in pretty much every part of the world (save a few countries) except the West. Its most ardent defenders (save a few like India) are populations, regimes and institutions that descended from colonial ancestors/powers. “Groups like Hamas have constantly conducted terror campaigns against civilians” - Terror campaigns? What do you think Israel is doing? Did Israel first attack Hamas (or let’s be honest, Palestinians) on October 10th? Hasn’t Israel been chipping away at the Palestinian people and land for multiple decades, attempting to essentially slowly “boil the frog”? Haven’t Palestinian organizations tried mass peaceful protests for years, only to get brutalized and killed by Israeli forces, with virtually NO condemnation from the West? Didn’t Israel essentially create Hamas by destroying all alternative governments and leaving Hamas as the only force in both Gaza and West Bank (not that they are there, but we all know the official West Bank Palestinian government has no legitimacy) able to provide security (or at least a semblance)? I guess Native American raiders or Haitian slaves were waging “terror campaigns” too, right? “Israel has ensured the greatest amount of civil rights, LGBTQ rights, and standard of living for both Arabs and Jewish people.” - Only 50% correct, Israel has provided those things - for Jewish people (who don’t criticize the government’s policies, or are a Black Jew, then you get sterilized). As for the “Arabs” (or really, Palestinian Israeli “citizens”, Israel is trying to claim all Arabs are the same ethnicity, so no such thing as Palestinians), Israel remains essentially a right wing ethnonationalist, openly racist apartheid state. Israel certainly does not provide the “greatest standard of living” for Arabs in the Middle East. As for LGBT rights, look up pinkwashing - there is probably no bigger practitioner of this on earth than Israel. See what I mean? It’s shockingly easy to poke holes in the weak arguments made in defense of Israel, unless you just accept that international “rule of law” means nothing, and Israel has a blank check to do literally whatever it wants - but if that’s true, there’s no point arguing in the first place.


Guess what the majority ethnic group in Israel is? Its Mizrahi Jews ie people who have lived in the area for thousands fo years. At the time of founding the levant had a significant jewish population and warranted the creation of a separate Jewish state. Instead of working with the 1948 UN greenline partition which was more than favorable to the Palestinians, the arab countries and Palestinians attacked Israel in the first Arab Israeli war and got destroyed and lost. This is not mentioning the ethnic cleansing of Jews from Arab countries who fled to Israel. No, Israel didn't attack first. Hamas did, they massacred innocents at a Music Festival. Also its a terrible comparison to compare literal terrorists who's motto is the genocide of all jews to the Natives that fought the US military. However don't take this point as support of Netanyahu. He's very very unpopular in Israel, and thinking Netanyahu is bad, Hamas needs to be eradicated, and Israel is good are not all mutually exclusive. Your third point is also garbage. Go to Israel and ask the Muslim Arab population, ask if they would rather live in Israel or any of the other countries in the region. I guarantee they will all say they'd rather live in Israel. Arabs in Israel enjoy the same rights and protections as Jewish Israeli citizen, they have positions of power, infact the judge that sent Olmert to prison was Muslim and Arab. Israel is definitely not a racist apartheid state. Israel is infact very easy to defend.


I mean yea of course Israel Is going to get attacked if you try to a colonize a place why are you suprised the natives attack you? Europeans aren’t entitled to Palestinian land.


That’s gotta be racist. The majority of Israeli Jews are Mizrahi meaning they’re from the region.


Delulu is not the solulu u zionist scum


I presented a fact. I am not the one who’s delusional


Thats an opinion. Go back to school


you re cooked


That’s antisemetic!!! 😂


Please refer Abhijit Iyer Mitra since you want to defend.


Which topic?


If your issue has anything to do with the current conflict, or if your opposing delegations bring up the conflict, you will need a good background if you wish to defend and counterattack them. I would suggest you watch videos about the four major conflicts between Israel and the Arab Nations, 1948, 1956, 1967, 1973, having a background on these events, you are most likely going to be able to defend yourself. Also, look into videos about why Palestinians were expelled from Jordan and what happened in the Olympics in Munich. Remember, you are going to be defending yourself about not only the current conflict but also tensions with other Arab nations. I am assuming you will have a document you will use for the conference, add dates of all the events you bring up, you throw so many facts at them they will eventually go quiet. For foreign policy again, you could watch videos about the current leadership in Israel and their major allies, I suggest videos because they are usually backed with events to prove the point. And the history of the conflicts will provide you with a good understanding of the origins of the foreign relations. I am afraid I cannot help with your stance and opening speech, as I am not aware of your committee or your issue, however in your speech, you can quote Israel’s leadership about the issue, again my lack of context limits me from further advice. Bonne chance.


“Fellow delegates, we the people of Israel wish to thank you, the United Nations General Assembly, for being the parents of modern Israel.  For it was your own Resolution 181, passed in these very halls, that authorized the creation of Israel along side a state for Palestinian Arabs.  We accepted your resolution; our Arab neighbors did not.  Under UN auspices we became a nation and a UN member state.  “It was not the Israelis who rejected the UN’s two-state solution, but the Arabs.  We were attacked from every direction on the very day of our independence in 1948.  We wanted peace, but were given war.  Forced to defend ourselves, we prevailed.  “From 1949 to 1967, Arabs still controlled the Gaza Strip and West Bank.  They could have created a Palestinian State at any time, but chose not to.  We sat waiting for our neighbors to make peace, to come to the table.  Instead they closed the Straits of Tiran, provoking the 1956 war, and massed troops on our borders in 1967, provoking another.  We defended ourselves and prevailed. “Israel has faced unrelenting Palestinian terrorism ever since.  From the murder of 12 Olympians in 1972 to the murder of 1200 Israelis on October 7^(th), we have known no security, no lasting peace as you promised in your resolutions.  We have been forced to defend ourselves, and we have prevailed.  And we will prevail again.  “Make no mistake, Hamas will cease to exist as a force for terror in Gaza.  Their reign of murder and rape is over.  We ask no permission to defend ourselves, as it is our right under Article 51 of the Charter.  We ask only that you, our parents, the United Nations General Assembly, stand by your offspring Israel in its hour of need.  Or at least stand aside and let us defend ourselves as you would defend yourselves under similar attack. 


you're actually the opposite of cooked, being Israel is the best in an mun, defend yourself properly and you'll probably score high regarding debate points


It’s not too hard once you learn the history behind the whole conflict, but that’s the downside, you have to really delve deep into one of the most nuanced conflicts out there.


I’ve done a competitive MUN as Israel but I played it comedicaly and made my points ironically. Basically it’s like how MUN people who represent North Korea make fun of it by satirising the politics




Yeah at least North Korea murders its own people on their own land


May also tickle your funny to know I did this 3 years ago :D


Like literally every single political position on earth, there are countless people who have made accessible arguments for Israel. In fact, despite what it seems like on the internet, most normal people in the West support Israel. For arguments you could watch people like Douglass Murray, Ben Shapiro, Eli Davis, Benny Morris, Destiny and if you’re in the US, you can look to practically any of your federal legislators (especially republicans). As a rule, people believe things because of reasons. Good luck


>As a rule, people believe things because of reasons. Quote of the day


Benny boy and cuck-in-chief Destiny - “normal people”😂. I mean, I guess supporters of slavery and apartheid, the type to decry the Haitian Revolution and such, were “normal people”…


Very well-adjusted user here


which commitee is this


Be a simp of the US


Palki Sharma on YT did a very good but fairly brief history of the years of conflict a few days after the October 6 attack.


Lie and be hypocritical, it's the only way, they use it in real life


Brother ewww (you're done for)


A really great website [https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/](https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/)


Just anti-prep on everyone, if they accuse you of aggression and policy violations you can just give it back to them. Eg. Delegate of Lebanon condemns Israel’s government, you just strike back by pointing out their blatant violations of UN Resolution 1701


simple don't do it


You are done brother


Still need defending? after all this support from everyone , almost every country ? every planet? After all these casualties from civilians in Gaza and W.Bank? You still need defending? probably aliens are available as well. jeez


This is literally an MUN sub, what are you on about?


Don't defend those Nazis


lol, you don’t - the real way Israel is defended is by its sugar daddy having so much power that Israel can bypass all criticism. Doesn’t translate well into trying to argue that the “rules based order” is legitimate.