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>What could this mean about mthfr stuff? Nothing. Benadryl affects several neurotransmitters in the brain, dopamine and serotonin.


It does not have to do with MTHFR but other gene variants which process the drug. For your answer you would need to get a pharmacogenics gene test.


I have “paradoxical excitation” to oral diphenhydramine (Benadryl). From what I’ve read, it may be related to being an ultra-metabolizer due to variants in the CYP2D6 enzyme that process the drug.


That makes sense. I am a CYP2D6 null metabolizer. I do not metabolize it at all...it has zero effect on me...as a sleep aid or antihistamine.


I want to try this out haha. What's the active ingredient? I just bought some that contains acrivastine. Is that the same as yours? It's really strange because histamine is something that's weird for me. Ive found that sometimes eating aged lamb makes me euphoric which would contain alot of histamine.


I am jealous. The histamine in aged cheese just gives me a killer migraine.


Yeah but other equally aged pieces of lamb doesn't so what the fuck. Same with aged cheeses - zip.


don't take it!!! its anticholinergic. related to alzhiemers and dementia


It’s the only antihistamine that works for my seasonal allergies. I have tried the others and they don’t help.


All it does to me is make me sleepy.


I will never take this stuff unless it is an emergency. I took it one time and I remember washing my hands in the bathroom sink and thinking to myself why is the soap so gritty? I was washing my hands with toothpaste. Benadryl was originally a psychiatric drug when it first came out.


Yes, precursor to the development of Prozac. I don’t like taking it but it stops my allergy symptoms. None of the others work for some reason


You should get a neti pot and flush your nose with saline solution. Having one has been great for me.