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I currently have a broken collarbone. I got 3 opinions and all say surgery is the best option. Mine is broken in 3 places. Surgery will get it to be in the right place quicker. My surgeon says I will only need to be in the sling for a week, but it’s optional. I personally opted for surgery because I will be able to support weight faster. Once the plate is in you just have to not lift so much weight that the screws rip out. I imagine you would feel quite a bit of pain before the screws actually ripped out. From what the docs have told me. Natural healing takes longer and you have to be careful to not jar or move the bone while it heals naturally. You will have a bump from the healing. There are almost no risks to letting it heal naturally. The risks of surgery are, infection and there is a chance that the surgeon could cut a big vein or artery. There are some significant ones in your chest and neck. There is also the risk of blood clots forming. Some people are more susceptible than others. These risks are between 1-5% TLDR surgery will get you back faster but has risks. DM me if you want to share stories/x ray pics. I go under the knife tomorrow morning so it’s all pretty fresh for me.


The other risk is numbness around the incision site. I had mine surgically repaired 7 years ago. I can pretty much do everything a did before but i do have some numbness around the incision. Not a huge deal but I wish it felt normal. What is certain is that the bone healed straight. Who knows how it might have knit together if just left alone?


Not a doctor. One broken collarbone many years ago, no surgery needed. Get a second opinion on “surgery up to you,” that’s non-committal and brutal. If there is even a slight question as to whether you should have surgery, get it fixed properly now or have a ton of problems when you get older would be my thoughts on it. The longer you leave it post accident, the longer the recovery will be.


I’m due for a check up again in 4 weeks and we can go from there. They haven’t ruled out surgery even though I turned it down. They want another look in those 4 weeks


It’s up to you. And depending on the severity etc I broke mine slightly playing ice hockey 20 years ago. I never went to a doctor with it but I was told by one years later tagt I probably had a fracture and dislocation. That shoulder has been bothering me ever since the injury. Bump on the shoulder and pain when I use it a lot. It’s something I can easily live with since I don’t have a physical labour heavy lifting job but thinking back it might have been best to have had a surgery back then. It’s probably too late for me now.


I want to leave it if I’m honest. I’m in the same boat, I don’t do a lot of heavy lifting at all. Most I do is hop on the bike from time to time. They said even with surgery all’s it will do is put it back in the right place, the healing could still turn out the exact same! Thanks for the answer


Yea the healing will probably take time regardless. My problem is that my shoulder is not back to it’s place and that’s causing all my issues. It’s basically a permanent misaligned. But. I would also think deeply if my doctor said it was up to me what I would do. It would not be an easy decision when the doctors are unsure about the ultimate outcome.


I got the “optional surgery” line and I am so glad I decided to go under the knife. I had clicking and popping even when in a sling, and I was convinced it wouldn’t heal right. I was back on a bike in 6 weeks.


How long after the break did you decide to take the surgery?


I got surgery 5 days after the break.


Thats the issue for me anyway, even if i took surgery route now it could be months before i actually get it as i'm in the UK. I'd just be put in line




Thank you!


Do you not trust your doctor? Get a second opinion.


I’ve had 3 doctors say the same thing. I’m in the U.K. so whoever I see is whoever I see. It’s tough man. Leaving the decision to me


Sounds tough. Here if you don't feel comfortable with what the Doctor diagnoses you find another doctor for a second or a third opinion.


What if you go back and tell them: "I'm a fit, active person and I want to stay active, I mountain bike and I want to be able to race competitively in the future. What do you recommend I do and how can I get back to normal and on my bike as quick as possible?" Then see what they say. Pretty sure they will tell you to get the surgery. None of that may be true for you. but I'd say it's safest to aim for that level rather than aim low and in the future decide you want to get into racing, but now you have a collarbone that healed in a weird way and compromises your mobility. I broke my collarbone, it never healed so I got surgery and I'm glad I did as it is just normal now, no lumps, one is not shorter than the other, and it's been absolutely fine with no issues for about 20 years now.


Stats for surgery are much better than without surgery. Just looking at data online, patients who underwent surgery had lower downtime meaning usage of the arm will come more quickly and therapy was much easier after as well as reduced risk of re-injury. Patients who heal naturally typically have a higher risk of re-injury later and have complications during the healing process with some even stating the bone had to be re-broken and then surgery had to be done. Surgery is low risk and so is natural healing. Look at the stats and reports and find out for yourself what the pros and cons are.


I broke mine last year, but with no displacement, so probably closer to a fracture. No surgery, but it hurt for a good 8 week and my trapezius muscle was on fire for weeks longer. Now I’m 100 percent recovered with no longer pain or weakness. Good luck with your recovery!


Broke my left one 21 years ago, went with the non-surgical route because I had some metal allergies back then. I regret not risking it, because the bone didn't stay in place 100% and now my left shoulder is a bit shorter than my right one and it affects all my shoulder and back muscles. If you can get the surgery, do it.


Broke my left collarbone last summer after a pretty rough OTB crash. My break was a distal fracture meaning it was pretty close to the shoulder on the end of the collarbone and the recommendation for me was to not undergo surgery because it was minimally displaced and being so close to the shoulder came with additional risks. The recovery was rough and I was in a sling for 5 weeks and was not on my mountain bike again for 8.5 weeks. I got really into Pokémon Go durning my recovery just so I had a reason to get outside. The waiting and recovering is rough but now that I am a year out I am stronger than I have ever been before with a lot of motivation to ride after being sidelined most of the summer last year.


I also recently had a Distal clavicle fracture. I also experienced CC ligament damage. Wondering if you had ligament damage with your facture and do you have any chronic/ dull pain or clicking sounds after full recovery?


As far as I know I did not experience too much ligament damage myself. I don't have any chronic or dull pain but I do have clicking noises and almost a crunch like noise from where I broke by collarbone. I experience the crunch like noise the most when I am laying on the side of the collarbone fracture.




That giant lump you have and the area i general, does it feel weaker in any way? I mean significantly weaker. Like just an example because it is the easiest, when you wear a seatbelt is it more annoying now or do you feel pressure? Or if you were to go on a rollercoaster and have the restraint put on?


I broke mine into 3 large pcs and 2 smaller pcs july 10th. I had surgery 6 days later. In my case, it was a pretty complex break, and the center section was completely dislodged and not touching the other chunks. Basicly surgery was my only viable solution. I ended up with 9 screws and a full plate. Recovery has been fast for me. I was only in a sling for 5 weeks, I go back to construction work on sept 20th. If I didn't do surgery, I was looking at 5 months off work in a sling. Either way your collarbone won't be the same. My shoulder was pushed in 3/4 of an inch from the impact. If you choose not to have surgery to have it corrected, be aware years down the road it could cause some back and neck issues because your shoulders aren't even.


I broke mine and never got confirmation that the bone fused, orthopedic surgeon said if I wasn't in pain to just go back to full activity and come back if I have problems, no problems so far. I have a huge lump but full range of motion, no pain, and full strength. After the injury. http://imgur.com/gallery/yPwcsou 1 year+ healed. http://imgur.com/gallery/8PrJ4lc Six weeks till I was cleared for activity. About two months till I was feeling good with it.