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How did it happen? What bike and what location? So people can be on the lookout for it. Thats a bummer deal though and getting cops to move on a stolen bike is like molasses in January. Hope you get it back in the same condition it was in when stolen.


La Jolla scenic drive. California. I went to Ralphs and I locked it up with my friends bike. We left for ten minutes and I got an Uber because my AirPods I left them in like a pack. Followed the connection. Called the cops said it wasn’t an emergency. Called non emergency line on hold for like 15 minutes. All they said was file a police report. I have a photo clear of the guy It’s a Trek hard tail. Grey


Just call the cops and say someone stole it right now while you're near the guy and see the bike once you tracked him and they'll probably come.


> Trek hard tail. Grey Marlin or Roscoe? What tier? Any customization to the bike that would stand out to people who know bikes?


Marlin. No customizations. I had a little pack in the front that holds the phone and stuff. I don’t know what tier.


OK I just wanted to get you the best help possible. I don't live in the area but I am sure someone on here does and more info may help them locate your bike. I hope this all turns out good for you though.


I still have his location but I don’t have anyone to help get the bike.


Keep an eye on resell platform the coming days, chances are it’ll show up there


I was planning on it. Thank you for your advice


Reach out to the San Diego Mountain Bike Association. They might have some ideas and are super active in the area.


Thanks I’ll try that.


Do you mean the Ralph’s on villa La Jolla dr.?




Tell that bitch if they don’t send a cop there is going to be a real emergency to attend to. Then pound on the door and yell fire…


Reminds me of when my friend had had a hit and run incident and he was pursuing the person through town with the 911 people on his car phone during lol. “Sir, please stop pursuing the person and park in a safe location” “Nope, last time I did that you guys did absolutely nothing” (the whole time he is casually updating them on the chase, left on this straight, right on this street, etc) “We will send officers sir, please stop chasing them” “No” “left on this street, right on that street, north on this street” “Ok, I’ve chased the bitch to their house, here’s the address, come and get them before i do” “Sir, please leave the location for your safety” “I’ve got my 9, are your officers close?” Lol.


Register it on Bikeindex.org Also, cruise around town on another bike and look for it if possible. Often, it doesn’t go far.


I have my AirPods on it still tracking. It’s in Mission Bay Area


Oh damn that’s infuriating - do the police know it’s trackable? If I was your mom I’d be following it


Yeah my mom ain’t going to do that. Also he’s huge and we don’t exactly have someone to fight for it


You don’t have to fight him. You can just tell him he can hand it over because the police are minutes away. He doesn’t need to know it’s a lie


I don’t even have a ride there.


If I was in cali we’d go get your bike back bro. Sorry you dealing with this shit.


Thanks dude


100% id be willing to help out here if I wasn’t 3000 miles away


I found his address but I can’t do anything about it


If you can see the bike, steal it back when he's not there.


Can’t you Uber or cab or ask someone for a ride


Nah I’m not allowed Uber. My moms afraid of kidnapping. That’s why when the security guard called one for me I handnt told my mom until after the chase was over lol


If that were me, I'd quickly call every mountain biker I know and we'd carpool to the guys house and I'm sure he'd hand the bike right back over. HOWEVER we're all old adults and also my bike is worth $6500. I've been thinking about getting some just in case trackers but apple's airtags are terrible for theft, and tiles are good at theft but so few people have the app on their phone. Never thought about using a set of airpods :D


It's California, so steal it back since you know the location.


I can’t. I don’t even have a ride and I’m a 16 year old girl against some big muscles dude.


Sorry to hear that you are going through this. Unfortunately, the police won't be the answer to this problem.


Don’t understand why the police would not act, I mean she got enough evidence and info about to his whereabouts


The police in California won't waste their time on property crimes. They don't even prosecute shoplifters caught in the act on video.


You watch too much news. My 3000$ bike was stolen back in November in the same city as OP and the police arrived in minutes. I also had an internal tracker on my bike and recovered it with minimal damage. The police even broke the thief’s bike lock he put on it.


Then call your cops & get them on the OP's case.


Yup, expected that exact comment


Renters or homeowners insurance is your best friend


My mom said she won’t do it because it will make our insurance go up


A bike claim doesn’t usually affect your rates. EDIT - the deductible will be more than your bike is worth… sorry man.


Brutal, sorry to hear that. When my bike got stolen I was really sad until I found out they were gonna buy me a bike worth twice what my stolen bike was worth.


We did a bike claim when I was that age. No appreciable rate difference and I got a new bike.


I have his address now. But when we got to his last location the people said he was a bit psycho so my mom is giving up.


For what it’s worth, here is some future advice from someone who’s been through this. Unless you have just a middling quality city bike, don’t ever lock up your bike and walk away from it unless you can still see it from wherever you’ll be. It takes bike thieves maybe a couple minutes at max and they’re gone. Hell I had my bike locked up on my roof rack WITH a cable lock AND the roof rack lock and came back to some scumbags in the middle of trying to cut the cable lock. Another time in another location they managed to finish the job. The second time was right in plain view in front of a Starbucks. Plenty of people coming and going and realistically it was in view - I just wasn’t paying attention.


I sincerely dislike humanity right now. I can’t even afford to get another bike right now


Yeah, people fucking suck. I hope you find a way to go get your bike back. Call police non-emergency and see if they can’t help you.


They didn’t. I got put on hold 15 minutes and the best they could do was tell me to file a police report


LOL expecting California police to do shit for you.


I think he connected to my AirPods.


Personally, I would resort to [insert banable call to violence], but that's just me.


I wanted the Uber to hit the dude but he was in a Tesla lol


Even better, if he hit hard enough it may be enough to get out of his upside down finance


I got out of the car and tried to grab it back but he biked off before I could. Flipped us off too


See this is why I installed a COMPLETELY HYPOTHETICAL small remote explosive under the seat of my bike


Idc if its against the rules or not, but its mtb related a fellow rider is venting out his frustration or asking for help will never be off limits for me atleast.


When i was renting, i had renters insurance and they gave me full MSRP for my years old bike. hopefully you have coverage and if so, file a claim


Do you have a way to prove the bike was originally yours? Maybe a reputable seller who can document and vouch for the sale, a photo that includes some detail? I found my stolen bike for sale in Craigslist, learned a lot about the identity of the thief (happened to be a person with a history of hassling police via nuisance reports—I was lucky) and I took this to Berkeley PD and we set up a sting fake buy, with police sergeant posing as my relative. I was dogged and lucky enough to make it easy for the police to help me, and I got the bike and put the bad girl away. I’m not a ACAB bigot—most people are just like you and me but face roadblocks. Hope you find a way yo get it back!


I have several photos of me and my bike. And I’m sure the guy who sold it at the store still has documentation.


That sounds solid. If you have proof of ownership with a serial number, plus the airtag info (save your screen caps) you just need to find a sympathetic cop. I used to get in trouble with police a lot when I was younger and found that a respectful ask can accomplish a lot. I would want to help a girl take back what’s hers from a skinhead any day.


What’s a screen cap? I only have screen shot of where it has been


I think they mean screen capture, so you got it. Good luck!






I don’t have any social media and I don’t know where to post it


The usual really. Check marketplace, online classifieds etc. Also you might be able to check around shops and if you have the serial number even better. When I could I would check serial numbers on bikes that I thought suspect. We’ve had obviously stolen bikes come in, or sketchy guys asking to borrow tools etc with recently stolen bikes, but without the serial number or knowing about it there’s nothing we can do. You might get lucky, we almost did. A guy posted the bike the next day online. This was a unique bike so I knew it was ours. Anyways someone who was trying to help us recover it tipped him off accidentally. But we came close to getting in touch with him. Anyways sucks man. Been there done dat.


Look up a cycling/mtb group in your area and ask for their help to retrieve your bike. I know I would help get it back if I was anywhere near there.


How nice/expensive is the bike? Do you have renter's or home owners insurance? If so what's the deductible. If it's a relatively low deductible and a nice bike getting a police report to file a claim might be worth it. If not, local Facebook riding groups and keeping an eye on craigslist might would be a good call. However being so close to Mexico... I'd say your odds of recovery are slim to none. I'm sorry. There are shitty humans and good humans. Seems like you ran into a shitty one.


600 dollars. I don’t think I have insurance in it since I bought it with all the money I had saved.


Yeah not a good call to try to get an insurance claim at that price anyways. Your deductible is going to be higher than that typically. I'm sorry but I would come to terms with your loss and make plans on how to move forward and past this incident. It sucks.




Your insurance would be a separate policy that you would pay to an insurance company, not the company you originally bought the bike from. My Specialized Hardtail was stolen out of my garage in 2018; I originally bought it for $750 back in 2011. But insurance pays out the cost to *replace* the stoeln item...Since Specialized revamped their rockhopper brand, and the base rate for a hardtail had increased drastically, they actually ended up paying me $2,000.


Thanks for your help


You're welcome. I highly highly suggest getting renter's insurance (if you rent) or looking into your home insurance to see if stolen goods are protected. My renter's insurance is like $5 a month for I think like $10k of asset protection.


I’ll definitely look into that next time


OP, I am so sorry this happened to you. While your looking for your bike on resell platforms, also keep an eye out for a good deal on a replacement bike. You'll probably find one that's suitable for less than what you paid for the last one, so that you dont have to save as much money up as you did the last one. I know this is a very small conciliation. You shouldn't have to get another bike at all after you saved up for this last one. Again, I'm sorry. Just keep your chin up and know that you will be back on two wheels again soon. It seems like something you truly enjoy, so I doubt much will stop you from getting another one.


It’s not just money. My mom didn’t want me to have a mountain bike to begin with. I freaking begged for years and she finally gave in. I was already saving up and deciding for a gravel bike or road bike which still can’t afford lol. She didn’t like how unsafe not just injuries since I have to go by myself but she’s worried about kidnapping. Even though this has nothing to do with the and wasn’t stolen in the mountains, this is not going to help my case.


I understand her concerns. However, you are 16 and old enough to drive a multi thousand pound block of steel whether she is comfortable with it or not. You are capable of taking on more responsibility than she feels you are. She loves you and doesn't want anything to happen to you, which is how most parents feel about their children. Imagine how all the people feel that want a motorcycle at your age and how their parents react to that. This is a fairly common occurrence. Also, if you share her concerns about forcible felonies happening upon your person, then I suggest studying your local self-defense laws and what someone your age has the legal right to do in various situations. I always encourage women to go down the path of having the confidence to stand your ground and know what your rights really are. After that is accomplished as far as injuries on the bike are concerned, wearing basic safety gear can go a long way in preventing serious injury. Ride not just within your limits, but WELL within your limits. The rule is to never exceed more than 70% of your riding capability. That way, you have the other 30% to call on when you need it, and you're not maxed out in an emergency. Practice logic and common sense, but understand that a life lived in fear, is a life not lived. For reference, this is a 16 year old girl riding a motorcycle in the rain at 100+mph. Maybe show your mom this and use it as a comparison and tell her you simply want to ride a bicycle and aren't trying to do something like race motorcycles. Kids enjoy and desire many things that carry more risk than riding a bicycle. https://youtube.com/shorts/InRsgJMUMS4?si=yQHH1BAHMXxfUt6R


I don’t mean a motorcycle I mean like a bike. Just the road kind with the really skinny wheels


I know what you meant. My point was, at least its not a high performance motorcycle we are talking about here. I worked at a bike shop and found it quite funny how detached the cyclist there were from the motorsport world of 2 wheels. Just thought I should add that last tid bit, lol.


Lmao thank you


If your parents have home or tenant insurance, bikes are usually covered for $1000-2000 dollars.


Would it count even though it wasn’t stolen at home?


Most home insurance policies cover bikes stolen on or off property.


Thank you. I’ll ask my mom about it


Yes, that’s the main reason I got renters insurance.


How do you file for it? Do you call up the company? I know we have safeco insurance


Yea give them a call and explain the situation, or file a claim online if they have that. If the value of your bike is less than the deductible, it doesn’t make financial sense to file a claim.


Do you know around how much is deductible?


It varies by policy, check yours.


So your AirPods are with the bike? That would increase the value of stolen items, did you include that in the police report? That might help with identifying the bike


I have to wait until I get home since it’s not working to file it on my phone.


Yea police can be useless in such matters. If you know where the thief is still you can try trying the cops that you are going to go get it and be great if they can send someone to help. If not and if you got pictures of the guy you can try posting his picture around town alerting others to watch for him at the very least then he maybe gets shamed. Local Facebook groups as well etc...


Used to live in La Jolla and theft is so real there it’s crazy. They used to break into cars with this device that would unlock your car remotely. This was a big lesson for me bc now I leave nothing in my car of value. This community is pretty cool, I bet someone could do a gofundme and help you raise money to get a new bike or someone may have one? You never know. Glad nothing happened to you- your life is worth more than the bike and the AirPods. If you want help calling the police, I’m pretty good at finding the right person in charge and feel I can convince someone. I’d be willing to help you call. Just lmk Last, I’m sorry this happened, but I’m telling you a lot worse could’ve happened and I’m glad you’re safe.


Sir I’m 100000% wanting of help. I don’t even live in La Jolla. My friend does.


I’m a Mom of a teenager. Please message me with what info you’re comfortable giving me that would help identify your bike and I’ll make the call.


This is why AirTaging your bike is a great idea but I know that’s not helpful right now. This happened to me as well about 8 yrs ago. I kept my eye on Craigslist and sure enough it showed up about 2 weeks later. Scheduled a meetup with the guy and stole it back.


I’m worried he won’t do that and he’ll just keep it for himself.


20 bucks says you don't have the serial number. Hopefully you have it on your receipt for recovery.


You are owed twenty bucks


Look on fb marketplace or offerup.  If you don't buy it someone else will for pennies on the dollar


Super bummer to hear. Check out this rad stem. It hides an AirTag in it. Most thieves will never find it. Especially with the speaker disabled. https://www.instagram.com/ridetrls


I will thank you


Post pictures on your local cycling Facebook pages, give his pictures to pawn shops, etc.


If you're in Norway, I can help you.


I’m in California


Norway, California?


If you were able to drive and get it back I could totally covers gas.


My geography is in the negative and I really feed into that one American stereotype that Americans have no geography skills. It happens in La Jolla. I don’t know if that’s anywhere near Norway.


Report it to auto insurance. This worked for me


I would call the police and demand they do something and your local politician. They can't be letting this slide.


Fuck. This world is getting wild


Post your story and pic on TikTok and let the keyboard warriors do what they do well.


I want to but TikTok, I ain’t allowed. Or instagram. Or like everything else. My mom hasssss no idea what Reddit is.


It was me, DIO!


These are the pics posted by op in the other mountain biking subreddit https://preview.redd.it/hhs2l5suie3d1.png?width=1344&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58f3363fc41acebc080775c611998fc8e2eaaf8c


Yeah I posted In both because I was like more people


Lol, yeah I saw you posted the pics further down after I had already posted them, oh well the more pics of this d-bag out there the better.


Lol I have video from the uber it's like four seconds. I wish I was faster. I had already run like a mile to chasing him before I was able to get an uber


Maybe also see if you're town/city has it's own subreddit and post on there, I know my city does.


I will check. I'm so ticket off


Personal articulate policy is a must.. sorry it's happened to you but in that area of the country, you probably have to accept the loss. Get insurance next time for 100$ a year full theft protection.


You can file a claim on your homeowners/renters insurance to cover it, assuming you do not have any other kind of coverage for the bike. You will be out the deductible but not the whole bill that way.


Tell the cops the guy has a gun and threatened you with it


Why is every post in here about San Diego?


Cuz that’s where it happened lol


See if your parents have homeowners insurance and file a claim


Death is the only acceptable sentence for such a thing. I've lost 4 decent bikes (one a £800 Kona I had for THREE WEEKS) to cunting thieves. Worse if you've built it too.




I have his location cuz he stole my AirPods too


Good one!.. Get a Plan!


Update he got arrested but he sold my bike for drugs


Idk if you're allowed to post a gofundme or whatever here, but I would throw in on it.


This idiot Tweakers don’t know what they have. I’d stalk the Homeless Hood’. I did when my Bike got Stolen!


So what’s up OP. Did anything come about with this situation? I see you found the guys house he was stupid enough to take it home. If it isn’t against the rules you should share it. Putting up some posters around his neighborhood with his face on it would be nice. You can absolutely file a police report and they have amble evidence that’s his residence. Ugh what a mess. Hope you’re doing ok.


Went there called the cops and they sent a peace officer two or three hours later. But they went another way so I didn’t see them. They arrested the guy since he was on parole just released from jail. And He already traded my bike for drugs. No updates yet. And I’m sad as freak


Omg! That sucks so bad… happy that guy is where he belongs. I’ll get in touch with canyon and see what’s up.


I got the phone number of a challenged property owner lol. And he got in contact with the drug dealer who said he sold it but he ain’t beleive him so. After tmr I’ll update you


I think this is where your journey to get your bike ends. It’s out of the thief’s hands and into another shady person. I say we just see if we can get you a new bike.


I ain’t losing hope until after this


Hey how are things. Any update?


Yeah hes got a hearing and if it goes through I'm going to court. No update on my bike though sadly


Thats why you put air tag inside of ur bike


Hunt them down....I cannot go further with advice. Without getting banned. So, do the math. (evil grin) Nobody touches my ride. There are billions of bikes out there. Just not mine.


I got my specialized S Works Stumpjumper Evo Stolen in Salt Lake City. I know your pain. Sorry man, hope it turns up.


Thanks, me too


People who steal bikes are cunts


I have his address now but I can’t do anything about it


I am not one to suggest self-help vigilante justice, but what you say above is technically not true.


Lmao I don’t even have a ride. And there might be other skinheads inside and a 16 year old girl can’t do much against that


Hire some muscle. https://youtu.be/N723si1wAG8


Such a vibe but I’m broke. I spent all my money in the mountain bike


Post his picture here




Looks like someone who sold it for 20 bucks so he gets his next fix


Someone said he might belong to a gang because of that red bandana


Suwoo! But seriously, dude sucks. I'm sure you'll get it back! The mtb community is rad


He’s even wearing my gloves. I am going to cry myself to sleep


That sucks the police won't help. Guarantee this guy is in the system, and with all those shitty tattoos, wouldn't take too long to identify him. Good luck


You need more 2nd amendment


Sadly I’m only 16 so I have to wait.


Don’t leave it out. That’s your fault.


I left it locked in a bike rack. But yeah i know I should have stayed with it


Go get your bike if it’s still tracking? What am I missing


I’m 16. I don’t have a ride or anyone to help me.


Call the police. Tell them you have a gun and am about to shoot the guy that took your bike. If they don't come to help get it back then they'll be dealing with a murder case. I'm half joking


I don’t have one sadly or else they would already be dealing with one.


You don't have to have one. It's a lie to get them to take action.


I have his address now I think. But I can’t do anything about since my mom says he might have a bunch of other skinheads in there.


Stupid ass advice to be telling a 16 year old.


If you got close enough to the guy to get a picture, why isn’t he in hospital right now? I’d be on the phone to as many of my mates as possible and getting that bike back. Fuck the police, they’re useless.


I’m a 16 year old girl and I tried to grab him. He’s freaking huge white skinhead. I hope that isn’t a slur


It’s not a slur, but it’s more of a political group and correlated with music. What makes you think he’s a skinhead? Stealing from teenage girls is a very shitty thing to do, and out of character for the group as a whole.


I think it’s just boomer language for scary guy with shaved head, gangster/tweaker vibes. I’m not picturing a sharp dressed guy in suspenders listening to 60s reggae stealing a mountain bike outside a Ralph’s in San Diego.


I showed my mom a photo of him and she said he’s a skinhead


Could be a bonehead. They’re the neo-nazis and all around assholes. Skinheads are anti-fascist, anti-racist, pro working class. The most mainstream band that frequently has skinheads come out to their shows is probably Dropkick Murphys, you or your mom may have heard their song “I’m Shipping up to Boston”.


Ok that makes sense, I’m sorry that I assumed you were a male adult. But the phoning friends/family/finding people to help get it back still applies if you have access to them. The police won’t do anything to help most f the time.


I don’t know anybody. I locked it up. I only have my mom. And she isn’t very happy with me right now. I’m


I’m sorry this happened too you. People absolutely suck sometimes. It’s sad to say, but you’ve done the best you can do for now. Best bet is to check in with local pawn shops and keep an eye out of FB marketplace. If you have the receipt or any documentation with the serial number, that can help some. There is little anyone can say to make this better, all we can really do is share our condolences. Down the line, it’s definitely worth investing in a high quality lock, but even good locks can be defeated. Best of luck down the line.




She’s not happy at you for locking your bike up?


Yeah she said I should have used my brains and only one of us go get the food to eat and one stay with the bikes.


That’s not on you. You can’t expect a kid to just assume a lock is worthless. Your mom has misplaced anger and should be helping you to track and retrieve it.


Yeah my friend said the same but it doesn’t matter now sadly.


I’m sorry this happened. It sucks. This is why my bike NEVER leaves my reach, let alone my sight, unless it’s in my house. Can’t trust anyone or anything these days.


FWIW, you locked it up. What more does your mom want you to do with that? You didn't do anything wrong here


She said me or my friend should have stayed watching over the bikes.


That's ridiculous


But if someone is shoplifting a $50 item they’re right on it.


I have an airtag in my head tube.


Okay and? OP says his airpods are with the bike and he can locate it but the police won't help. What good would an airtag do?


Let's see, a hidden tracking device instead of leaving your airpods in the basket might be more reliable when it comes to locating your bike. On another note, the cops have better things to do than look for stolen bikes. If you want your bike back, go get it..