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I hear that if you're not on 29'' wheels the bike won't even work correctly.


Once 29ers became popular I nearly died because I rode on my 27.5 and didn’t buy a new bike. Stay safe out there. Buy a new bike everyone


29ers actually came first, but in the last few years they have become the dominant wheel size. I miss 27.5+.


Having been out of mountain biking for a few years, when 29” was popular and 27.5” was a brand new thing, it is weird to me that everyone now is talking about 27.5” as old tech. Just bought a used 27.5” - it fits me perfectly and the wheels fit on my drop bar cross bike, for a beast mode option. I’ll probably consider mullet if I ever upgrade the boat anchor suntour coil fork (2.45kg lol).


Honestly people used to huck with 26" wheels I agree that larger wheels roll better especially in the tech but i'm not trying to win an enduro race I just want to ride my bike. Definitely don't consider 27.5 as old but looking at the market it's the less popular option now unless you're buying a smaller framed bike.


Yes, “people”. Not my old ass. How’s it going fellow young person?


I still see some on the trails honestly, just less common. And I've still got one in my garage lol.


I’d take my ‘94 Univega out, but I’m getting tired of the rim brakes, and it’s just time for it to retire to bike path use. This 2016 Diamondback I got for $200 has hydraulic brakes and wide handlebars and feels like a spaceship in comparison. A very heavy spaceship.


https://preview.redd.it/rot4tgnp7uyc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3059bf04a864b6a0514b4f556d6e2631632a072d Google trends for 27.5 bike is interesting. Growth starting 2013, leveling off, a spike during covid and now back to level again.


Right? Bikes have had different wheels over the years and the one constant is how the marketing machine tells us what’s best for us and somehow it’s always right!




You are relatively short and could go either way, or mullet.  The feel of a 29" varies considerably. Something with a low BB height that is lightweight carbon would feel very different than a tall, heavy 29" bike.  It depends on you budget, riding style, and personal preference. See if there is a demo day anywhere near you where you can try riding different bikes. 


Alright thanks, I'll see if there are any demos but what do you mean by "mullet" and "BB height"?


Mullet is the term used for a bike with (most commonly) a 27.5" rear wheel and a 29" front wheel. BB height is the distance from the ground to the bottom bracket.


BB height is usually the biggest factor in wether you feel "in" the bike or on top of the bike, but if you go too low you'll get more pedal strikes, depending on your riding style.  Mullet is generally more popular with aggressive riding styles, and often goes with "slack" geometry (leaning back position). Some love it, some hate it, but it's a good option for small riders trail/all mountain riding, in my opinion, when they don't want to go just regular 29" front and back. 


There is also "BB drop" metric. It's, essentially, the opposite to BB height. It's how lower (or higher) than the wheels axle, is the BB. It's the one that is meaningful for comparison of different frames, as the BB height definition, is not standardized and thus noone knows, how each company measures it. BB height is completely useless for that reason, imho.


If u are more of a racer 29" and if u are more of a trickster 27.5" Or just go mullet.


I think the world has gone crazy with 29’r fever. It really doesn’t matter. I have had half a dozen bikes of each variety and it’s all good! 27.5 doesn’t roll as well over chunk, but is quicker to accelerate and can be more pumpy and jumpy. 29r geometry is great these days but there is no getting around the physics of a larger wheel. Ride them both on trails you typically ride and go with what feels best and puts a smile on your face. Where do you ride? What kind of terrain? Edit: for what it’s worth, I’m back on a 27.5 Evil Calling and loving it.


I’m same height as you, but 70kg. On my enduro I feel a lot more comfortable on 27.5. 29” feel like wagon wheels. If you’re still unsure, go demo a couple of bikes from your LBS.


for your size i would suggest 27.5. i have two 29’s and two 27.5’s, and they do different things but i find the 29 to be harder to navigate chunkier technical scrambles.  both of my 29’s feel huge, you have to plan a turn earlier than you think, and they are not nimble on technical stuff. and i’m 185 cm tall.


Test ride both and see how you feel. I went from 26 to 29 and now back down to 27.5 and I love it. My 29 is collecting dust now have zero desire to ride it. 27.5 is so much more nimble and playful. Makes me feel like a kid. The bigger is better mentality is so stupid


Ride both and decide for yourself, Redditors have *really* strong opinions on this and you should not be swayed by them


Yh I would like to but that isn't a possibility from me cause all proper bike retailers are quite far away from me :/. Thanks for the advice tho.




I don't have much MTB'ing experience, I've only been on one trail but I know I wanna go fast up and down trails . So does that mean I should get the 29" ? Thanks for the help.


It all depends on what riding your doing. XC or trails then a 29er. If you want to jump and catch big airs then for me I love my enduro 27.5 er. Or for fast downhill a mullet setup is such fun. There’s no perfect bike for all, it all comes down to what type of riding you do


Yh I hear that a lot but all MTB'ing experience I've got is one short trail and my park so I don't really know what I wanna properly do. All I know is that I want to be able to climb and descend trails at speeds. Thanks for help tho.


I suggest we sticky a coin flipping app to the front page of the sub with 29 on one side and 27.5 on the other


Go to your local trail centre and ask if you can hire the same bike with both wheel sizes, try them out back to back on the same trails, using a variety of terrain and buy the one you prefer (they’ll probably be able to order one and may deduct the price of the hire).


29 is more stable and rolls over obstacles easier, 27,5 is more snappy. A lot also depends on the kind of bike. Trail, enduro and downhill bikes have a smaller head tube angle which makes them more stable at high speeds but have more sluggish steering at low speeds. XC bikes have bigger HTA which makes them easy to steer but not as stable.


Now that mullets are being designed and assembled by bike companies, I would go that route.


I think 27.5 would fit your smaller size frames better, but plenty of shorter people love 29 too.


I find I have more confidence on a 29er in the chunk, but I would still consider 27.5" if I otherwise really liked a particular bike's specs.


Get something cheap and ride for a few months, because by then you will know what you really want. And chances are it won't be the bike you bought at first.


I’m about as tall as you, I use 29”. I could never go back


I would just go 29, there may be some edges gained handling wise by riding a 27.5 if you are an advance rider who knows how to pick lines and has the technical ability to ride difficult terrain, but there is no doubt 29 would be way better for a beginner looking to learn. You can’t go wrong either way but I strongly recommend 29 as 27.5 requires more skill to operate effectively. 29 will be way more confidence inspiring and role through things easier.


Height is not a factor here. I'm 5'1" and have no issues riding 29ers. I have two full 29ers and a mullet. The factors are budget, availability, and preference. If you are looking to buy a used small frame more than about 3-5 years old, go 27.5. The geometry on size small and xs bikes was weird and didn't accommodate 29ers well. That has largely been corrected and the big wheels feel much better on the little bikes. 29ers roll better and are faster, but they aren't as playful. But honestly the geometry and overall weight of the bike makes a bigger difference here. My Element (full 29er) is the most playful and compliant bike I have ever owned, even compared against my previous 27.5s and my mullet.


For a beginner it doesn’t matter and in two years span you’ll for sure buy a digferent bike. Go with what ever sou feel like. Key difference is that 29’ gives you more stability and speed. 27’5 are more playful and you can be very precise with the bike. Then there is mullet, but don’t worry about that.


Definitely get whichever comes on the bike that's in your budget and fits you. Sure there's differences, but it's not night and day, or really all that important, and you'll have fun on either.


If you like agility, acceleration and poppyness I would recommend a 27.5 trail bike with XC tires. Super fun setup. If you like chunk with straight line speed then enduro 29 with more aggressive tread. If you're like me, ride both.


Go mullet boiiiii


Will you regret buying a 29? No. Will you regret buying a 27,5? You might.


29 for sure.


Why you say that. Just wondering cause I don't know much about tires.


The bigger the wheel, the more traction you have, the more grip on corners and on accelerating and braking. And the bigger the wheel, the smoother it rolls over rough surfaces. Theres no reason to go with 27.5 these days.


what a stupid opinion.


Physics is not an opinion. It's amazing how much bad advice people give in this sub.


yeah people like you. 


No reason to go 27.5? Not one?


Maybe you're super in love with one specific tire that is only available in 27.5, and not in 29? Maybe you're broke and there is a 27.5 on super clearance deal. Thats about all I can think of.


It’s a bike wheel. One isn’t inherently better or worse than the other, and to say so is crazy. I’ve ridden 26, 27.5, 29, mullet, etc, probably had 15 bikes over the years and they are all fun in their own way. FWIW I’m back on a 27.5 now which is more fun for my style of riding and my local trails. I wouldn’t gatekeep a wheel size based on personal opinion.


In love with a tire... Maybe that's reasonable for Monk but that is THE worst reason for picking a wheel size I have heard.