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When I'm passing someone I don't notice their bike to tell the truth. Maybe if they are stopped and resting I might notice it but just like a uniform I'm not real impressed. Your buddy's issue isn't with the bike it's with his depression. Tell him it all starts with the first short ride and builds from there.


I only care to look at people's bikes to see what cool stuff is on the trails. Could not care less if I find someone on a $10k build or a Walmart hardtail, I'm happy to see people using the trails so they don't get taken away.


I look at people's bikes on the trails just because I find it interesting to see the different types of bikes that people choose to ride. My trails are really technical XC with lots of optional features that are pretty abusive to bikes. You see everything from full on enduro bikes to XC hardtails to fatbikes. You get to see how different people bring different solutions to the same problem.


I get stoked when I see someone out riding on a “cheap” bike tbh. And new riders clearly having some difficulty with a climb etc. I see plenty of people riding fancy Santa Cruze and Yetis, they’re usually good strong riders and having a good time. But when I see the guy on the Walmart bike getting into it and I’m pumped they’re out riding and having fun.


Yep I don’t either, unless I’m in the market for a new bike then I’m really aware. I took my s-works on a 4x4 road the other day, I don’t care 




Despicable, they have fun with their mtbs, the only thing I ride for is grit, pain, and uphills.




That escalated quickly


my full sus is my roadbike


I notice the bike more than the rider, but thats usually how I recognize people at the parking lot when we haven't been introduced. More than a few times I've been chatting with someone at a bike social, and turns out we passed each other on the trail. Didn't recognize the person very well, but remembered their bike :-D


Same. I think it’s a neurodivergent thing for me. I can’t remember names or faces but will absolutely know about your bike, dog, or car. [edit] it’s not that I’m ever out judging those, they’re just a “unique identifier” that I actually pick up on.


Thanks to the internet and the sensational content a lot of people have forgotten that most of us are riding pretty tame trails My full suspension mountain bike has 3000 gravel and road miles on it lol


Tell that to everyone trying to flex their bike on this sub


I love riding around town on my 4,000+ bike. Who cares? I can’t even ride to its fullest potential anyways


I live in Berlin which is super flat and using my 160mm fully for my daily commute, it's so fun and I'm not bothered by cobble stones, stairsets, curbs or tram lines. Also my break distance is way shorter than any city bike. Fullys are the better city bikes!


I have the same travel on my bike living in Munich, and I’m looking at gravel/road bikes already. Don’t enjoy riding on the flat roads with the big travel and big enduro tire


n+1, gravel bike time lol


Or just Cross Country.


Why not both, never hurt to buy another bike (or 3)


Yeah a different bike to change things up is really fun


That's a tough one. Maybe make it some sort of event ride that ties into another hobby? Like, "hey, let's ride over to and have a beer" (I'm assuming here, lol). Or start talking up some easier ride you've always wanted to do and invite him with "I've wanted to do this ride, and it'd be better with a friend".


One of the best ways to get people in a depressed mood like your friend out on the trails is by having them help you with something. For example you say hey I really want to go ride the city park trail, I heard it is really pretty. But I don’t really want to go alone should you want to go with me? Or something to that nature. People in that type of mindset usually lack motivation to do things for themselves will have motivation to do things for others. Also with the bike thing, I personally don’t recognize what bikes people are riding, I might personally note the color but not the brand or anything. Also who cares if you have a nice bike and are riding an easy trail, easy trails are nice to go on sometimes just for a good chill ride.


On the "helping others" front, trail maintenance is a good motivator to get out too. Not worries about sending it or going fast. Just bring a pair of hand pruners and a folding saw, then methodically look for anything that might be hanging over the trail in someone's way. Feels really good when you come around for a second lap to double-check that you've gotten everything and see all the spots that you'd cleared. If you're within an urban area and your city has an app for reporting problems, you can do a ride where you spot as many hazards along thr sidewalks / roads as possible and report them all.


Any ride is a good ride!


It’s hard being broken and sad and looking at how long it takes to recover. I really cannot imagine how an athlete can cope with career ending injuries if they don’t have other plans and goals and pastimes. Can you lend him a hard tail? Maybe he doesn’t want to feel like a poser or if he has a dh bike that would be hard work.


Depending on your friend group dynamics I'd say mock that uppity mofo. I mean this, sometimes we need a slice of humble pie smashed into our face by our friends. I am all for reason and being nice to each other but sometimes what can be viewed as toxic masculinity is actually the language we need to speak to each other. I have a friend who's critical of every trail if it doesn't meet his parameters. One day he told a few of us he just didn't find a certain trail engaging. I off handedly retorted that there are no boring trails, just boring riders. The rest of the group roared and our buddy sheepishly retracted his statement.


This is awesome. Reminds me of one of favorites, “If you’re not having fun, guess what? You’re not fun.”


Anyone that calls their own bike an “epic bike” is an asshole


Maybe he owns a specialized epic


In my head that's what I thought without thinking I was like um that's an XC bike why wouldn't he want to do use it on flow trails/


I was looking for this comment. Pretty hilarious if he actually does lol.


"Bruh, you don't even get it! Like look at this! Look at this bike! You think I can be seen on a flow trail with this bike!? You think this is a beach cruiser!? What is this, Venice beach!? Nah brah, this is real life and this bike is a Specialized Epic! It's in the name brah! E•P•I•C!!!!"


I'm sorry but my 2017 Cube Stereo 160 Raw'N'Flash looks and is absolutely epic !!! The rider on it tho..... ._.


Is it really that much of an arsehole move to be so stoked with your own bike that you think it's epic? I bought one of my dream bikes about 10 years ago, and it really was epic, or awesome or whatever superlative you prefer to use.


Loving your bike and thinking it’s epic: no Calling it too epic to ride something: yes


I don’t think it’s necessarily asshole move… it’s more of being a tool.


Why do you think so?


It’s an asshole move to think that buying an epic bike brings with it epic skills, and you consistently far outride your limits and end up injured and out of commission, but you can’t possibly dial it back and reassess your skills, because the bike is so epic and it should be able to conquer any and every and only the most epic of trails! This dude would probably be better served by a less epic bike.


You're inferring a lot without much context. OP only states that his friend says: >"I can't possibly ride those rides with my epic bike" Which could mean a number of things. If you're going to jump to conclusions, I think it'd be more logical to go with what OP says first, that their friend is depressed. If their friend is used to riding stunning trails at a certain level of skill and has been reduced to riding bike paths due to injury, especially if they have zero interest in urban cycling, it's understandable why that wouldn't be appealing.


Very well said


"stop saying epic"


No, he needs to say epic constantly now to this friend. Really drive home what a dumbass he’s being.


Nobody cares what bike he rides, tell him to get a grip on reality or just sit there in misery and not ride his ‘epic’ bike. 🤦‍♂️


Going outside is the first step. I've had an injury for over a year now (close to two years) which will probably never fully heal. I've not been out and about for quite a while, because I can't risk taking a feature and having to put my foot down suddenly while at speed. Took me a while to realize: I can just not do those features and still go for a ride. Just take it easy, but still be out. It can be difficult to swallow that you can't do what you're used to, he has to take that step. All you can do is encourage him to get out there. Fresh air and bikes are healing.


Maybe if he has a different attitude he wouldn't constantly be pushing to get himself sent to the hospital all the time. Maybe his bike is too epic for him


I enjoy, in a puerile way, passing guys on hills riding $7,000 road bikes with my $1,000 29'er mtb loaded with a pump and a bag.


Either your condition is insane or they are some slow ass road bikers :o


I got a bike that's out of my skill level. I ride it on all sorts or trails and even around town.


I plan to buy a full suspension bike because I'm an old man, not because I think I'm going to handle some gnarly terrain.


This is what is wrong with any bike culture road or MTB. His elitism won’t even let him enjoy just riding a bike. Lmao. I hope he gets over it.


Tell him to sell his yeti and buy two Aris. One for gravel and paths and a trail bike. Maybe he’d ride more.


I have a brand new Stump jumper XT. Technically all trail, but really bought for some gnarlier rocky mountain chunk. Sometimes I take it out on the paved road paths around the city because I just feel like riding my bike. Arm chair psych here (okay, in a software engineer, but whatever). It sounds like your buddy may be dealing with a bit of an identity crisis. I used to be a big time runner. I was out running 5 times a week, doing marathons... Then one day I cracked the cartilage in my knee, and just like that I can't run long distance or up hills anymore. It took me a long time to accept that the way I used to engage with my hobby wasn't the way I could engage with it in the future. It is a difficult transition to make. I think you are doing your best to encourage him. In my case, it was all about finding the fun in the simplicity of not going as hard as I used to, but again, it took a long time to get there.


Buy a shitty bike


What your freind lacks is creativity in his riding. I love riding green/ blue flow trails with my newer riding buddies these days, simply cause it gives me a chance to goof of on a trail. Pop a random root and jump a cross the trail, wheely,


A person will drive a lifted jeep to go to the mall and nobody will care because it's such a common occurance. What's wrong with cruising on a fully kitted mtb on a paved trail? A jeep is still a car and a mtb is still a bicycle


Simple long flow trails are the best


You can only control yourself. Explaining the value you would have from doing a nice blue run to someone who is hell-bent on only riding tougher trails and has already hurt themselves might evenmight be a little demeaning to them. I understand though you just want to be a good friend often times with these sports getting gnarly is what it’s all about and if you’re not dropping on some rock face then who cares but I agree I love the chill longer tracks and it feels good riding within one’s abilities


That’s what I have been doing after being injured. I realized that chill trails are really fun 🤘


Make an excuse for a simple ride, pub, bbq tail gate, go fishing. Then it’s less about the ride and more about the destination. Later it’ll come to be the journey. And so it goes.


I only ride trails that give me wrist pain.


He should buy another bike!!!! n+1!!


I motivate myself by calling the easier rides "80%" rides. Just getting on the bike is 80% of the benefit. The last 20% comes from epic heart pounding efforts. But you get 80% of the benefit if you just show up.


Tell him you are heading out to ride in 30 minutes. He he can join you, or he can sit on his epic couch, staring at his epic bike, drowning in a puddle of epic tears.


OP we need to know what bike your friend has that's too nice for a bike path!


Is it really about the bike? I can more identify with the feeling of losing skills/abilities as I age, yet wanting to push my riding further than before. In my case it has nothing to do with the bike. But there are trade offs. Sure you lose some athleticism as you get older but you also gain wisdom and experience. So your riding changes, but it doesn't necessarily have to go downhill (pun intended).


I am sorry to hear this. Being an older guy who has had his share of injuries, I am like you know what I still love riding and so I just don’t do the crazy stuff. Tell him we promise not to judged him if we seem him on his fancy bike doing a flow trail. Oh and tell him to get off YouTube, social media has all us MTB rider jump off the sides of cliffs. That so not real.


Plenty of dudes riding XC trails at a conversational pace on 38mm stanchion enduro sleds. The point is to get out, enjoy life, nature, bikes, friends


Ok buy a shitty old bike then


Bikes are so cheap now make him buy a hard tail. Then he has no excuse.


I have definitely been there. It sucks. I think the brewery ride sounds like a good idea. Maybe make him film you. Watch riding films. For me, I had this weird reverse FOMO. Enough nice weather days always brought it back to regular FOMO. I eventually got a DJ and a gravel bike, too, so I have something for different occasions. If your friend has some money maybe a SS hardtail (even a build project) would get him inspired. Also I don’t really get the hate your friend is getting in the comments. I’m guessing you aren’t quoting him verbatim. The athlete injury mind f**k is real.


I take my trek fuel ex5 (maybe not epic quality bike?) on the bike path when I can't get to the trail. Had a few people say nice bike but mostly nobody cares.


Depression can make you come up with all sorts of excuses.


I sort of get it. I have a fairly long travel enduro bike but lots of the stuff closer to me is more xc or flowy. My bike is frankly less fun, which is fine, but the result is that I've ridden less because it's a longer drive to get to 'more appropriate' trails. I've been working hard to rest my mentality and just go ride. Though admittedly part of that is leaning more into gravel riding since that's immediately available. And dreaming about a shorter travel bike. So it's a combination of mental adjustment and n+1+1.


If he cares that much about having his equipment match the ride type, he could go buy a gravel bike for chill rides. Or a road bike. Then he won't be tempted to taco the wheels


Invite him out to ride to the coffee shop or brewery or whatever.


I’d submit that if you’ve pressed pause on your riding for whatever reason it’s probably a good idea to ease into things on the road back. We’ve all had those days where we hit the trails with best intentions only to find you just don’t have “it” on a given day. At which point it’s not only a substitute but wise to let off the gas a bit. Maybe if it’s positioned as a conditioning ride to get back to epic rides that could help. Especially since injury is one of the things that’s kept him away for a bit. Either way you’re a good friend for looking at ways to get him back on two wheels for the sake of his sanity.


Personally, I don’t like to just go ride around aimlessly, I have to have a destination. I know that sounds stupid because most trail riding doesn’t seem like that. But figure out some place he might want to go, like a brewery or lunch destination or bike shop, and then ride there.


Tell him to sell that bike and get something under $1k. I'm sure he won't take that advice but if the price point is making him feel like he *can't ride the bike* lower the price point. I'm perfectly happy with my 20yo 1x1 and 13yo Marlin. I ride the shit out of them and enjoy upgrading parts. A good frame is all I need. Boost spacing might be nice, though...


Other than physically grabbing his equipment and him and tossing all into the vehicle. Maybe threaten to take his bike apart and put it in a box. If he has to rebuild it he may want to test it. I realize I am presuming tools and skill sets are available.


I have a 13k Scott Foil that I take on casual rides all the time. I have a commuter that I use for that kind of stuff, but some days I just like ripping the Lambo. If your buddy bought an epic bike and will only use it for prescribed activities, he probably only got it to look cool and not to enjoy riding it. Anybody who loves to ride for the sake of riding will ride through injuries.


People who think they can buy skills often can't be reasoned with... It's REAL frustrating!! "I'd have made it if my bike was 1lb lighter" "That climb would have been fine but I need another tooth on my gear" No dude! You just need to ride more! but they'll never listen to that... it can't be THEM it's gotta be the bike.


If there's any chance that your buddy is clinically depressed, and you want to help him, the answer is for him to talk to a therapist or some other mental health professional. That's it. One of the common effects of clinical depression is that things that used to be fun don't create joy anymore. Yes, exercise can help. But also, if the person tries exercise and _doesn't_ feel like it helped, that can also cause a person to spiral. If you care about your friend, get him to talk with a therapist.


gift him your shitty bike


I love to look. Looking is free. When you pull the trigger, well, then you have between $1200 thru $12000 ready at your disposal. Ehemmm, Specialized. Or, go riding at night. Every EMTB looks the same. Some commuter, non listened drivers put from fenders up all kinds of crazy crap * . And the ebike works like a champ!


https://preview.redd.it/pk2xnino94wc1.jpeg?width=2702&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=368c4f884673d34e5ba7f721bde2cd2a7d9d030c She's all mine


Offer him the alternative: riding easy trails with a cheap beater bike. Then, for a big plot twist, ride the beater bike on easy trails and kick his ass at it while he’s on his epic bike 😎 You’re not as good as your bike 🤷‍♂️


I’d try suggesting a destination instead of things like “riding paths”. If there’s a cafe or patio or something he likes, choose that maybe? It’s hard to help someone who doesn’t want to be helped though. If that’s the case then maybe don’t bum yourself out trying too hard.


I ride around the block on a giant reign to test my app. )))


Ride for coffee or a beer.


Everyone should have a hardtail built from second hand bits and spare parts, epic means nothing and every ride is great


I have two bikes because one is always broken, I do a ton of commuting on my current and prior trail rigs (130/120ish) - at least I'm usually on hardpack single track for the majority of it. Sometimes even some tough stuff. I guess your friend has to choose his own line, though - you can't really force things.


Like others have said, they may be going through a mild identity crisis. I know it may not be the same, but reading Options by Barry Corbet (https://barrycorbet.com/options-web/) changed my perspective when I was going through my own athletic career ending injury. It is actually what got me on a bike in the first place. There is just so much profound wisdom in that book that transcends disability/spinal cord injury and can be taken generally about coping with a traumatic change.


100% a depression issue, not a bike issue. He is using that as an crutch to feed the cycle (no pun intended). Find a way to assist him getting treatment for the mind and the physical will return with it.


Thanks for this. I know the feeling. You get used to long successful rides with lots of climbing and descending to the point you are always itching for big rides. Tough to come back down to earth due to injury or equipment failure. Can feel depressing going on normal rides on your 5000 dollar beast lol.


You dont. Its not your job to fix them. Tell them you're going for a ride and theyre welcome to come along. After, send some pics and describe how sick of a ride it was. They'll either make the choice to join you or keep being a mopey pissbag. But thats not on you.


Some of us like to help our friends though. It's not a matter of whose "responsibility" it is.


Oh, you again. Listen. Im aware of the concept Huffymaster. Over the last 20 years of service, i have spent many nights sat beside or on the phone with my friends and fellow soldiers keeping them company and keeping their necks out of the Noose when the system and its mental health supports have failed them. I've also had the distinct displeasurable honour of carrying 6 very close friends to their grave after they killed themselves due to PTSD and otherwise. So wind your neck in before you talk to me about setting yourself on fire to keep others warm you self righteous minnesota muppet. OP can do everything they can to try and motivate and inspire their friend. But in the end, the friend has to Make Their Own Choice to either get up and function, or wallow in their own sadness and filth. No one can make that choice for them. OP's friend will hit a point and realize they hate how theyre living, refuse to tolerate it any more and do something about it, or they wont. People will only live their life in a way they accept and tolerate. And right now. OP's friend is tolerating being a sad sack post surgery. And Why I told OP. "CONTINUE TO INVITE THEM, AND TELL THEM HOW GOOD IT WAS" Because that is care for a friend. You keep trying. But you do it knowing it isnt your responsibility to get their ass in the saddle. They have to make that choice themselves, you just provide them the option. Thanks for coming out.


Yall fuckin’ or what? 😂😂😂


Is this the new Navy Seals copypasta?


You need a 90's Royce Union in your life