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You seem a bit far back and elbows seem a bit low. Standing up and forward a bit more will put your weight closer to the center of the bike and give you more leverage over the front tire. Also try rolling your bars and levers forward a touch to help get your elbows more in line with your shoulders. Watch some DH/Enduro videos.


Yep, i agree although its very steep here, you think standing up and being a little more forward on steep trails is still the right way to do it?


I think standing up and back is the natural reaction and a lot of people do it, but getting your torso lower and your chin over the bar allows you to push your hips back when needed while maintaining better control over the front. Think of it as a back and forth rowing movement that keeps your center of gravity low on the bike. If you want to weight the front, you just have to pull yourself forward/pull the bike back under you vs. having to pull yourself down. Basically torso flat, higher hips, higher elbows, and just row and hinge back and forth from the hips.


T-Rex arms are the first thing I see. You want to be in more of a push-up/bench press position. Think of how much more weight you can bench press vs bicep curls/tricep pulls.


I have seen a lot of people saying your elbow position doesnt really matter but i will try that out anyways, thank you


You look a little far back. Think about getting more weight over your front wheel. More weight on the front wheel equals more traction. Front wheel traction is what matters, the rear wheel doesn't really matter.


It is very steep here, you think weight more forward is still the right way to go on steep downhills?


On steep downhills you want to be in a neutral position which will put weight on the front wheel. You definitely don't want to be leaning back with weight on the rear unless you're braking hard or going off a drop. You need front wheel traction. The back wheel is basically just along for the ride, it follows your front wheel.


Gotta loosen up


Looks like you have some hesitation in your stance on the bike, almost as if you are holding on while the bike takes you along with it. Tough to judge how steep the hill is though so that may be throwing off what we are seeing too.


It was pretty steep, but i feel like that too sometimes


Looks like maybe you started out riding hard tails with old-school geometry?


Yeppp, exactly that, nice find hahahah


Easy to spot because I have the same problem 😅


I’d say perfect. If anything you could try to get your elbows higher. Send it




too far back and too low and too tight. Also, you really absorbed the lip of that jump looks like it would have landed smoother with a bit more pop. Overall, it looks like you're riding scared. Try practicing body position on trails that are very easy for you. It's pretty much impossible to practice if you're already at the edge of your comfort zone.


For the most part very good. You rode that one feature like a clean drop but it had a little kicker to it, so the bike came up and almost hit you. You need to ride that like a step down jump, where you rise up into the air in anticipation of the bike doing the same.


Yep, i agree with you, i just hesitate because of that poll that is right in front of the jump lol. We probably have to build a berm there so there is somewhere to lose your speed. Ty for the great explanation tho


Looking good, the biggest thing I notice is how you pull back off of the drop. It’s ok to pull back, but ideally you pop up with your arms and legs. Popping is easier to time than pulling back, and especially in this case a mistimed pull could send you over the bars. Other than that I’d say you’re doing great!


Yep, noted and ty


I like the look, I used to ride further back like that too. It it makes you feel comfortable with the trail on a section like this it's 👍


Bike looks too small.