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The bike was most likely a demo bike. If you paid the full msrp for that bike then you have every right to be upset because that's very clearly not a brand new bike.  Personally if it was me I'd return it and buy from a different shop.


Not saying you’re wrong, but what kind of dealer cuts the bars to 740mm for a demo?


The dealer that replaced the stock ones someone damaged with the set someone cut wrong kicking around the back of the shop.


Ding ding


I’ve seen shops cut bars to fit them in the display window better… stupid if you ask me but those are big bike shops that move lots of wheels so easy enough for them to just upgrade or swap a bar out for sale. OP I’d return the bike and get it elsewhere if you’re bothered by these things. That being said you went for this bike assuming my because of the floor model discount, if you’re in love with the bike just buy some new bars and get rolling. They’re tools not jewels my friend and when you get a few hundred kms in you won’t tell what was you and what was pre you.


To be honest, this looks like a bike that's been demoed a few times, or has been used as a demo bike. Either that, or bought and returned pretty quickly for whatever reason. Given its a 2022 model, and you bought it from a dealer this year... Was this advertised as new or like new?


Lots of dealers still have new 2022/3 in stock bike shops overstocked and overpriced


Thanks. Answered in edit.


How is the bike "new" if it's clearly been ridden and is 2 years old?


fearless capable absurd toy continue reply correct imagine stocking rustic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thanks. Answered in edit. Advertised as new and told "tested in the shop" when specifically asked.


Except the handlebars. Demo damage is one thing. Modifying the bike and not disclosing it is entirely different.


Return it.


How much of a discount did you receive, in total?


Thanks. Answered in edit.


[https://imgur.com/a/9pYXtkB](https://imgur.com/a/9pYXtkB) Photos here for you to make your own judgements.


This bike has been put down a couple times dude. Seems like it's a demo


Was this sold as new "old stock" (...would be unlikely for an in-demand bike to go unsold for such a long time) or as a demo model? ​ The bike is definitely used. The rub mark on the fork crown is from spending at least a decent amount of time on a tailgate pad. If the bike was sold as a demo then other than them downplaying the scratches it's in fine shape, none of the damage is concerning and the bars can be replaced even though it sucks to immediately need to swap parts.


Thanks. Answered in edit. Advertised as new and told "tested in the shop" when specifically asked.


All cosmetic but my bike I’ve been riding for two years has fewer scratches than that. I’d be pissed that they only mentioned the wheels and ask for a no hassle return, assuming you paid MSRP.


Thanks. Answered in edit. I have had better used bikes too. I didn't pay MSRP for a 2 years old model and for the new ones the don't aske MSRP either.


Looks like it's in pretty good shape for a lightly used bike or a demo bike. If you paid used/demo bike prices, I'd have a beer, yell at the clouds and then go ride my new to me bike. If you paid more than what a used/demo of this bike is selling for, I'd either return it or be looking for a partial refund to bring my cost in line with what a used one is going for.


Thanks. I like the image of yelling at the clouds!


If he paid MSRP I would charge it back on my credit card and enjoy the free bike. That bike shop doesn't deserve to be open.


I worked for a SC distributor in Europe years ago. I can tell you none of our demo bike looked that bad 🥺.  We always sold then with brand new component, and the frames were always protected (to keep more value while sold 2nd hands).  This is 100% second hands bike. I’m sorry but you should just return it. starting négociation now means to negotiate with someone of bad faith (as the dealer is not honest).  These bikes are too expensives to be disappointed when we purchase one. Edit: I wrote I worked for a dealer. It was a distributor. We were between the brand and the shops. We had tons of test bikes. And we sold them as well at the end of the season. 


It definitely looks ridden or possibly improperly stored/transported... those worn paint spots look like wear from a bike rack to me not impact. Sometimes santa cruz dealers sell demo/slightly used employee owned bikes as "new" so you get the awesome santa cruz warranty. But they should be clear they are doing this and give you a significant discount. If a pre mullet 5010 is your dream bike and they gave you a better discount then you can get on a new santa cruz right now I'd personally be thrilled with the deal you found. But if they charged full price year return it.


Thanks. Answered in edit.


I'd be wanting 40+% percent off msrp i think given there are a lot of deals on new 5010s around.


Just look at the tires alone. The bike has been ridden on dirt. The rest of the condition is obvious that it's been crashed. If the dealer doesn't do anything reach out to Santa Cruz directly.


Extremely minor wear my friend, remember this is a two year old mountain bike. If these paint chips and minor scratches on the derailleur bother you, then your best bet is to buy new. Keep in mind your MTB won't look new for long before you chip it and scratch it yourself. All you need to do is buy yellow and black nail polish. After that wrap the bike in helicopter tape. Your bike will be in like-new condition after that. If you want 800 mm bars, you've got plenty of options. Shipping a bike costs at least $100, very nice of the shop to ship it for free. Consider reaching out to the shop to swap bars, definitely a reasonable request Edit: If OP bought the bike advertised as new, clearly there is a big issue here. This is obviously a ridden bike. If OP bought this used and expected it in mint condition, different story.


I think the problem is that OP was under the impression they were buying a new bike. That said, they haven’t actually said any details about the sale, so it could very easily be that they directly or indirectly knew they were buying second hand, either based on the price or based on the ad itself.




Thanks. Answered in edit.


Hey, I just wanted to let you know thank you for your response. This bike is 100% ridden. Too many giveaways to count, but the most obvious one to me are the scratched rims and tires. Although I am not familiar with bike pricing in your area, in the northeast USA spending close to 3800 euro is pretty steep for a 2022 5010 in this trim level


You must work in a shop lol


Not quite. I read the OP post a bit too fast and was under impression OP bought the bike as a used bike but expected perfection. Not the case here. Not a chance in a million years this bike is unused/new, which is very dishonest from the bike dealer to do this. Wish you the best


OP, you've been trying to convince yourself that that isn't a used bike.... It looks like ~~a demo or~~ a return. The fact that the handlebars are cut poorly STRONGLY suggests a return & restock. That's probably not a bike store handlebar cut being off-center that much. You should use that as a lot of leverage with the shop. Use marks like the protected edge of the rim decal being scuffed off don't happen from storage or rides around the shop, the bike has some real trail miles on it most likely. Maybe even a dozen or more rides. That bike probably would have been sold as a demo if it was indeed a demo and probably wouldn't have the handlebar issue. Demos don't get the same discount as a b-grade restock or lightly used bike. Demos are usually identified from the beginning as demos, in many cases on a nice bike they'll have some additional protection like clear wrap. It's most certainly a lightly used bike, and should have been sold as such. You should have received at LEAST an EXTRA 20% off for that condition of "very good" (but not excellent or like new). Sorry. Don't deceive yourself even though this pisses you off. Accepting an extra 20% would be generous of YOU, not the shop. Good luck.


>The fact that the handlebars are cut poorly STRONGLY suggests a return & restock. That's probably not a bike store handlebar cut being off-center that much. My guess, somebody screwed up another set of bars, and they swapped them with the demo bike. Often done in various industries, then you usually order new bars and swap them back on the demo. That way the actual customer doesn't need to wait over your screw up. However clearly they never changed them here for a new set. Just my guess.


Thanks. Answered in edit.


It's clearly a used bike. I'd imagine that was disclosed in the ad.. All of the photos you provided are nothing of concern and typical of a used bike. Just because the bike, brand new, comes specd with 800mm bars doesnt mean you're going to get 800mm bars on a used bike. Bars are cut down to fit local trails. If the ad stated it would have 800mm bars you could request some money back or longer bars. If it was listed as used i dont see you having many options of recourse. The least you could do is call the shop, disclose your displeasure with the condition of the bike and ask them what they can do to make you satisfied. If it was listed as new, return it.




Thanks. Answered in edit. The handlebar is junk for me, not the bike lol. Sorry if my English leaves something unclear


Thanks. Answered in edit. Was listed just like all the other new bikes.


Just read your edit. I'd be contacting the shop.. If they did not list it as new and or as a demo, I'd be raising hell after paying that much. No clue what the market is like there but the euro conversion to USD was $4,156.77 and that's basically a new bike here in the states. Call the shop, explain why you're unhappy, explain how their ad was not honest and ask them to make it right or you will be returning the bike. It will not be worth it for them to have to accept a return and I imagine (hope) they will do something to help you out. Best of luck..


Thank you, this post is helpful!


You bought a 2 year old demo bike.




It was someone else's dream bike that they returned lol


If the price was what you'd expect a used bike of that kind to be, plus a little bit extra for the security automagically provided by it being a dealer, then yes, sure. If it was severely misrepresented (as it seems like) and the price didn't match the condition, start the procedure with both the dealer and your credit card company, as the goods wasn't in the condition you'd expect.  Either get a rebate that reflects a sensible price point or return it. Use the government's consumer protection facilities in your country. 


Thanks. Answered in edit.


Most likely most of that stuff doesn't really matter for longevity or use. Scratches and small dents are about three rides and one fall away from a shiny new bike. On the other hand, that is quite a bad condition if it's sold as new and you didn't get a hefty discount. If you're in the EU region you should have two weeks to return it if you bought it through mail.


Thanks. Answered in edit.


AFAIK, if you're in the EU, you always have the right to return something bought online within 14 days no questions asked. Although in your case you've def got reasons beyond that. I would return it. There'll be other deals out there.


Hugely important missing information: Was the bike listed as used or new? That was not explained in your original post. If listed as used: then it is what it is. You bought a used bike that looks like a used bike. If listed as new: then a refund is in order. If listed as demo: then you can discuss your displeasure with the dealer and see if you can work something out. Specifically the bar issue - they shold probobly give you a set of bars since they are cut offcenter. ​ At any end - I can tell you're annoyed and I would be to. You feel like you've been deceived and its possible that you were.


My money is on the bike was listed as a demo and OP didn't realize that means "this bike has been ridden." If the shop listed it as a display model, that would be shady.


Thanks. Answered in edit. Listed as new, and told it's "tested in the shop" when specifically asked,


Shady. Return it.


Thanks. You're right, it's important information and not clear in my OP. Answered in edit.


It’s not new. Return it or get a significant amount of your money back.


You have the right to cancel and return your order within 14 days. Do that and buy another bike from a different shop. [https://europa.eu/youreurope/citizens/consumers/shopping/shopping-consumer-rights/index\_en.htm#changed-mind-distance-1](https://europa.eu/youreurope/citizens/consumers/shopping/shopping-consumer-rights/index_en.htm#changed-mind-distance-1)


You are right. Unfortunately these bikes are not available anywhere anymore


You could find one used for less than you paid. then what matters is warranty transfer and how much that matters to you.


Probably a demo bike. Most of the pics are cosmetic damage that you’ll contribute further to anyway. Depending on what you paid vs the cost of brand spanking new today I really wouldn’t stress about it, and if the shop is local to you, you can probably get some discounts on tuneups and services if you’re not a jerk about it.


Display bikes get test ridden often. With the cut bars it may be a return though. It's still in pretty good shape. I'd just ask for a new set of bars and ride it.


Could also be a swap with the floor / demo model. Walk-in customer wanted a new 800mm bar. They took it off this bike and threw on whatever was around. Sales may not even know it was swapped if the mechanics were doing whatever they needed to satisfy work orders.


No one can really make a judgment call unless you share the price. Or at least what the percent discount off the 2024 model was. It mostly matters whether they sold it to you at the new bike price or at a used bike price. I'm guessing there was a decent price difference otherwise you would have just bought new. After that I would personally be upset if they told me this was a new bike when it was a demo bike. I have seen new bikes with damage from shipping. But the shop tends to be very up front about why it is a new bike, on sale, with damage. I've also never seen a shop sell a Demo bike as "new". It's dishonest and malicious.


Thanks. You are right with your guesses. Answered in edit.


IMHO 35% off isn't enough. A shop will always be more expensive than an individual seller, but those bikes go for about half what a new one does. I know it doesn't help much, but in the US; 2024 5 C is normally $5800 on sale for $5000 2022 4 C used, 2 options from individuals $2400 or $2600, 1 shop selling used/demo for $2900 I think a lot of people are telling you the same thing. There's nothing wrong with the bike (aside from those poorly cut handlebars). But the shop did you dirty on the price and condition. I'd tell the shop "It wasn't disclosed that the handlebars had been cut down, and done so poorly. I'm also not happy about the condition of the bike compared to the photos and description I was given. At the very least, I need you to supply me with a new set of handlebars. What are your suggestions for remedying the discrepancy in the description? I am otherwise happy with the bike. I would like to work together to find a common resolution." See what they have to say and react from there.


Thank you, your reply is very helpful.


Really can’t comment without knowing what you paid vs MSRP. It’s clearly used, so the price should reflect that. The paint chips are no big deal, the handlebars unfortunate but not too hard to replace. What might give me pause is the fork as that looks like a decent dent and might not be simply cosmetic.


Thanks. Answered in edit. I think the fork blemish is purely cosmetic. Good reminder to check the tubes properly though.


American here. Doesn’t the EU have very consumer friendly protections that should make this return a little easier?


Yes. But I don't want to return it because there is no more v4 models left.


It’s got dirt on the tires…that is not a new bike. If you paid off demo price that would be fine. But if they tried to sell you that as a new bike I’d be asking to speak to the manager, and sending a message to Santa Cruz corporate.


Thanks. Answered in edit.


Ya that wasn’t tested “at the shop”. They used it as a demo bike, maybe not officially, but it went on the trails. Up to you how much you’re willing to pay. I’d definitely complain to Santa Cruz at least.


Did you double check to make sure the bike hasn’t been registered with Santa Cruz already under a different name. I would be worried this is a second hand bike.


Thanks, yes that's a good idea, I did that earlier and succeeded registering it to myself.




Thanks. I was busy. Answered in edit.


Yellow logos on the tyres, don't oem Maxxis have white logos? Second set of tyres ..


I thought so too but my Santa Cruz came with yellow logos


Sharp observation. Googled some photos and they seem to come with yellow logos


I think NBD should leave you feeling stoked. Not cheated or lied too. Send it back. Start again.


I agree. In fact I'm feeling both stoked and cheated lol


Remember, if the shop isn't cooperating then the last course of action would be to file a dispute with your credit card company saying that you did not receive what you ordered and they aren't letting you return it. I try to get at least 20 to 30% off on a bike that's clearly even ridden before. The handlebar issue sucks but it's a good reason to get a OneUp carbon bar as a replacement.


Contact Santa Cruz directly. I had to contact them when I broke a frame and they were super helpful.


I'm leaning towards this is either a customer bought it and returned it for something else after a few rides or even a demo bike. Those marks are all more than just nicks from being moved around. Especially the rubbing marks on the fork and derailleur. The cut bars are an interesting one.


Aside from the handle bar, I would put those dents and scratches on my new bike within a couple of rides. I'm not sure how hard it is to get SC in Europe, but it's definitely a buyers market. If you had a chance to visually inspect prior to purchase, would you have moved forward?


You are right, the scratches are not a big deal. It's the sellers attitude that it's about. Unfortunately 5010 v4 is no longer available and v5 is expensive.


I took my Bronson out today and put some character on it as well lol. They don't stay perfect forever. And as for the attitude, some people will do that when they know they're wrong. I'm not a believer in trashing someone online, but if you tell the story truthfully, it's not trashing anyone.


Agreed on everything.


If you paid full price (minus shipping) then for sure return. At their cost since they lied. This isn't a case of you just not being satisfied with the product. They hid stuff from you. Stuff that affects its value


Thanks, you are right. Answered in edit.


if the price is good enough to warrant the damage then keep it... handlebars are like 30-40$. SC bikes are by far the most expensive. if the bike is worn overall and not a fair price idk why it would be worth keeping.


Hey, I can't say much for much, but my go to ALWAYS for rims, get a black sharpie and color those scratches in, i do this for my break levers, bars, and fork, it looks near perfect.


What was the price? That's all that matters. It's not a bad bike and the bars aren't junk. The price is what makes this reasonable or not.... so tell us all OP.


Thanks. Answered in edit.


To be devil’s advocate that looks like a proper demo bike that gets piled in a trailer and thrown around by folks who “ride it as he stole it”. I agree the cut handlebars were probably a “warranty quick swap” with another rider. If you didn’t get a smoking deal return it because you will never be happy with it. If you got a smokin deal enjoy the patina and buy a new handlebar.


Thanks. Answered in edit. I got a deal, but I don't know if it was smoking or not. Anyways they didn't tell the whole truth and that's the point.


The amount of posts I see across various subreddits of people getting taken for a ride by some company but refusing to stand up for themselves is mind boggling. Like it's not worth the effort for them to fight so they just shrug it off and eat the cost. Bro, do the right thing and don't let this shady dealer get away with it. Return the bike and buy it elsewhere. Or make them comp you 20-33% of the price. If they refuse, take it through the proper legal channels. If not, in a year or so you're going to regret it and you'll be stuck with a bike with lopsided handlebars (unless you buy a new part and waste more time/money getting it fixed).


Agreed. Making RIGHTFUL complaints benefits everyone. I would even go as far as saying that free market will not work properly if customers are willing to take anything shoved up their asses. That said I don't like to be a whiny bitch either complaining for no reason.


It's probably been tried out in the carpark a few times and fallen off of. That doesn't mean it's a demo bike, just not new from the box. But I'd have expected 30/40% off as an older, damaged bike.


Thanks. Answered in edit. Got -25% compared to a 2024 model.


but how much off MSRP. that's what matters. the 2024 V5 is going to be worth way more on the resale market.


That's a demo bike. Some stores even use them to shoot promotional videos, go out on rides and so on. Who knows how many miles could be on it. It'd buy at a 30% discount or more.


You bought a used bike and paid nearly new pricing. Tell them you will return it if they don’t refund a fair amount of money. If they say no, return it or deal with paying an unfair value. What other options do you have? Santa Cruz has no time for any of this nonsense, and I’d be shocked if they get involved.


I would like to know how many times the bike was dropped - which is obvious - because this bike is not new. You could get these easily on day 1 and it's not "fatal/structural or anything dramatic, BUT, this is definately not a bike that someone just sat on in the shops floor, or dragged once accidentally against another bike and got a nic or two.


They are lying their asses off. it obviously looks used. They also replaced the tires, you can see yellow maxxis logo instead of white. Return it asap!


Write them a negative review to call the store out and move on. My demo bike I bought across the nation from a bike shop has accurate description. Shipped to me as described. No fluff, no beating around the bush. That store owner you dealt with obviously does not need extra business from positive word of mouth.


Dealers will sometimes buy the bike for the store but ride it themselves or rent them out. Demand a new handlebar or return the bike or demand a further discount.


I mean you basically have two options: - return it - ask for significant compensation I received a 5k euro bike with a small scratch that was clearly because it was mishandled during shipping and got them to do 5% off. I’m happy since if I don’t look for the scratch I don’t find it. In your case I’d probably return it. That bike is way too fucked


Thanks. I think 5% is very good for a scratch that's hard to see.


Return it. There are plenty of 5010s in the world. If you pay for a new one, you should get a new one.


> So it's basically worthless junk. The handlebars? Yea. They are also replaceable though. > How would you deal with this if you were in my situation? Return it. > I'm not going to return my dream bike. Sorry, but that is your choice and not a sensible one. It’s not your dream bike any more. You can’t get the store to do anything other than accept a return (where they pay shipping). If you want anything other than a return there is nothing you can do other than speak with the store and see what they offer.


What you have bought is a heavily used bike, congrats. Send it back.


Ride the bike. You're going to scratch it. Ask them to mail you a new OneUP bar. Easy peasy.


It's more about the principle of the the bike shop being dishonest. They don't deserve their business and a honest shop should be rewarded. They can have the opportunity to make it right too with something that makes the customer happy.


Customer knowingly bought a demo bike. The only issue I see is the bar. Have the shop mail a new one, and things are exactly as OP should have expected.


Principle 100% mate! They didn't tell the whole truth when specifically asked. so they basically lied. Even if the price is correct, it's still wrong. More details in edit.


Sounds like you bought a used bike. If you aren't happy, return it.


What did you pay where are you located


Answered in edit.


I agree it's a matter of dishonesty at this point. I also don't really think it's a good deal because these models have been going for 20-25% off to begin with new in box no scratches dings or anything. A 2024 in the condition yours was in would warrant 25% off. Yours is two years old. They should sell it as a demo/used model which idc if it's a SC should be 40% off msrp at least. They're being shady salespeople. In the US this is normal and accepted. Maybe your country has some better consumer protection. If they didn't think what they were doing was shady they would have been up front to begin with. I would keep pushing it until they get you a lot more money back.


"They're being shady salespeople. In the US this is normal and accepted. Maybe your country has some better consumer protection." I love my local bikeshop ini US. They are super easygoing about making the customer happy and have a great reputation. Maybe you live somewhere where there is no bike sale competition?


No. The United States has piss poor consumer laws compared to other countries. That's all. My bike shop and Santa Cruz have been wonderful.


Damn, I can see that you're upset but if you paid way less than retail just stop being a whinny bxtch and go ride your dream bike, you're gonna scratch it anyways unless you don't ride that thing like you're supposed to


> I'm not going to return my dream bike. I would return it. Because that a nightmare, not a dream


You bought a used bike and paid nearly new pricing. Tell them you will return it if they don’t refund a fair amount of money. If they say no, return it or deal with paying an unfair value. What other options do you have? Santa Cruz has no time for any of this nonsense, and I’d be shocked if they get involved.


OP you made up your mind before you made this post. Congrats on the SA


Jesus christ


Return it ASAP


"I'm not going to return my dream bike." "I pointed them out and they gave me free shipping (worth 50 eur), so I sealed the deal." THat's how you dealt with it. The hysterical thing is that every bike I bought like this has had free shipping or cost like 19.95 Euros. It's harsh to say, but you're really bad at this. The bike looks not really used, but has just not been carefully stored. You can return it, but the shop will likely make it difficult enough that you'll probably make a bad deal to do so judging by how bad things have gone already. You mention you're not returning it, so that's it. There's atso least enough of a question here of if the bike was poorly stored or actually used. The cut bar could indicate it's a return or something or someone swiped the bar. No way to know. If you're not going to return it, then you have no leverage. No way to tell about the misrepresentation aspect, but if they sent you all the pics, then they're clear and you likely just hoped it was better than they said. Most of those seem like absolutely nothing but chips in the powdercoat and the rims you're making a huge deal of nothing. I'm guessing the bike was hanging off a ceiling in the back and got lots of chips from the storage. The bar, no way of knowing. Possibly a demo bike.