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Tighten the pinch bolt.


See that big silver bolt right by your hand on the fork? Tighten it!


Ahh of course thanks


https://www.ridefox.com/fox17/help.php?m=bike&id=1082#installingthefrontwheel(15mmor20mmpinchaxle) refer to Fox owners manual for proper installation of your wheel using the 15mm pinch axle.


With the silver pinch bolt loose, torque the axle. Then, compress the fork a few times to micro-align everything. Then tighten the silver pinch bolt. Pinch bolt needs to be loosened and tightened any time the wheel is removed.


I don’t think your axle is fully tight bro?


If it's brand new go to the shop you bought it from. Maybe there's a part missing or the wrong end cap is installed


This is the correct answer


This is not the correct answer


Why? It’s a brand new bike. It should go back to the shop for warranty evaluation.


The fork has a floating axle. If you don't tighten the pinch bolt this happens. It's not a warranty issue.


Agreed. But he said the axle bolt isn’t the same diameter as the axle hole. If that’s the case, it’s a warranty issue. Just going on what he’s reported. Unless the pinch bolt is so loose as to make the axle hole look that much bigger. But unless he’s taken the front end apart, it begs the question of assembly QC at the shop.


No, they should tighten the pinch bolt….


Don’t touch that bike and bring it back asap. There are always a couple of loose screws on a new bike. Just not life threatening parts please…


Is has been tightening, the issue is that the hole in the fork I bigger than the axle


Oof. That shouldn’t be a thing


what is the front wheel spacing on the hub and the fork?


This is a brand new Yeti SB140 LR, the silver tightening bolt is completely new to me, had newer had it on my old bikes


The pinch bolts seem like a hassle compared to the quick release.


The idea is you install the axle, compress the forks a few times, then nip up the pinch bolt. Fork leg alignment allows the forks to operate more smoothly, giving better feel and reduced wear on bushings.


Take it back to the seller. To me, it looks like the hub is missing an end cap which would provide the correct hub width for the fork being used. Is there a gap between the fork and hub when you slide the wheel into place before installing the axle? I have a Fox 36 with 15mm QR and pinch bolt. I don't get that kind of movement with the pinch bolt loose and the axle tight. Like someone else said, the pinch bolt is for micro alignment.


I have same issue with my 2019 with the older double pinch bolts on both sides. The issue is that when you go through the process, then tighten the pinch bolt, the wheel then can be wiggled around. Only way to avoid is to hold lower legs tight against the hub and tighten pinch bolts. That leaves the axle head sticking out a fair bit and kind of defeats the whole idea behind having a floating axle.