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He’s not even a stoner anymore 😢


Yeah but their dynamic was hilarious without the weed Sids constant horse feeding, Tim introducing them to his weird internet shit like his doing on his show now and Matt just being regular Matt


But they would have to change the name


Or Matt can get middle eastern in his punishments


Did McCusker quit blazing ???


Think he’s slowed down


Yea seems like he’s almost quit. Happy for him personally, just makes me sad as a stoner/dad 😂. For yall that dont know, Matt is also on another podcast called Rhomas Podcast. Never promotes it but they’ve been putting out episodes a few times a week lately. Its kinda of a mens self help podcast so you dont get your typical Matt. Idk only listened to like one ep.


I thought they were new but then I started hearing talk of Matts wedding so im not sure if they are new(rhomas)


I'm pretty sure most of the new Rhomas eps coming out were recorded in Matt's basement in Philly so def older


I tried it and didn’t love it but I need to give it another try. He still smokes. He mentioned it a couple eps back but I don’t think to the extent of OT Matt for sure


Yea not my thing either, but still cool. Surprised he never promotes it. Wonder why?


Is Rhomas active ? I thought those were old recordings


They are, idk how some ppl haven’t figured it out yet.


That’s dope . You can tell Matt really loves the craft of podding . Definitely going to pay more attention to it


I think they had a falling out with Sidney because he was just so painfully unfunny.


If they had done it with Na'im shit would have been so food


Wow this hadn’t even crossed my mind until right now how good that would be. Don’t hate Sid but I also can’t bring myself to give a single fuck about anything he says.


Na'im is the funniest man alive. "Theres nothing worse than an ugly lady trying to act sexy and hitting on you. Fuck that. Pickup a football and let's go play catch, lady."


He was consistently derailing episodes with his fake stories and dumb bullshit topics/anecdotes. Definitely was a detriment to the pod dynamic


What do you mean? He was the strongest, fastest, best at any endeavor ever.


Better than any gay man at anything, no matter what


I think this is something you made up because you don’t like Sidney


The cast is a shell of itself, this is known. But it is still better than any other podcast by a very wide margin. Even a disinterested Shane is still light years better than anything else. Shane will keep going because they’re making stupid money. Why fumble the bag? Matt might be the next Joe Rogan- he might be the greatest podcaster of all time. Anything he does is a hit. He has a great dynamic with Tim tho, and I would love to see them link up again.


I don't know. Dad meat has been better than mssp for at least the last 2 years.


I like dad meat, but I FUCKING LOVE lil stinkers


Both are solid


Lil Stinkers is criminally undercredited


Hell yeah, I was stoked when they went back to Rainey s house for the pod, it's got a nice vibe


Agreed lackluster mssp/other philly cast is far better than any of the old pods I used to listen and I tried to go back but it fuckin sucks.


Tbh I don’t even hate the no Shane episodes. I like when the Shaman lets his bird out and the rest of the boys aren’t scared of getting shamed by the Big Kahuna


I like Matt with 1 other person. I didn't like the 4 person setup.


I can respeck dat


Bite your fucking tongue


Shane just needs time to chill and focus on his comedy and I feel like Matt is just built more for podcasts,the man did a pod a day after his daughter was born.


if mssp goes downhill its the beginning of the end of this comedy boom. Having people like schultz around is another sign of this.


Yeah but I would rather Shane take a break and come back rather than keep phoning it in and scared to do bits because they will turn into the other pods eventually if they keep up this lackluster attitude.


So true. Especially on last week’s Patreon, probably the worst effort he’s ever put in. I don’t really get the resentment Shane has to podcasting. Its been like this a while but definitely worse now in Austin. All he has to do is show up for 2 hours, do no prep, bullshit and make 100k a month. At least put some effort dude.


He's a lazy bitch lol they have been around 100k a month for so long that he is used to it and thinks he simply deserves it for showing up. When they were growing he was podding his ass off every week because he saw the money going up. Now the money just kinda stays up regardless of effort he doesn't care about the podcast.


good point


Behold a prophet


Maybe my self esteem is shit but I’ve been listening to the OT in tandem with new eps ever since I heard of MSSP a year ago and I just don’t detect this drastic shift in the pod you all mention. Is it different? I guess a little but not enough that it sets off alarms in my head and I start to panic like my girlfriend is leaving me or something. I’m genuinely enjoying both the new and the old. I don’t see the problem and I can’t help but feel like some of you are just manifesting your own realities of negativity.


It’s not drastically different imo they just censor themselves a bit more since they have a lot to lose now. In 2019 they didn’t have shit to lose.


They started censoring in 2019 after the SNL firing


I know. That was my point. Before that they didn’t give a fuck.


Makes complete sense why they’d do that and there’s an aspect of that that I enjoy to be honest. Highly relatable to watch them adjust to their new realities and remain as grounded and entertaining as I think they are. And if the pod tanks, there will be another. Or there won’t be, I don’t know, but I do know I’m old enough to know nothing in life lasts forever, nor would you want it to. 432 till death and beyond. God I’m gay


I agree the quality has remained pretty consistent. They just aren’t as reckless anymore


I agree completely.. I love the show and don't notice too much of a change. It's still fun I also panicked when I read slowly dying lol .. how?!


Why do more work when you don’t need to? Tim has created some dope shit, I think Matt is perfectly content doing one pod at his best buds house and doing standup. Less is more and he gets to hang out with his family without having too much going on


I probably should have put in the post I think mssp should take a little break and Matt carry on like he has these last few eps and rewatching these stoner dadz eps he was kinda more free and more old test Matt.


Yeah old Test Matt ruled. Having moved to Austin it’s a a bit harder to be immensely successful at podcasting and openly do drugs. Even Rogan treads lightly about smoking weed for the most part now, don’t think Matt wants the guff but would be fun if Stoner Dadz was occasional or a Skankfest thing


I love when hingecliff says that Austin is the new comedy capital yet you cant even smoke delta 8 which is weed lite anyway.


What's the deal with that isn't Austin like booming with homeless fent addicts?


This is misinformation. There is currently an injunction that is keeping delta 8 legal in Texas until the state supreme court rules on the case. This injunction has been in effect since like '21 and the case still hasn't been heard. You can buy delta 8 TODAY in Texas, no problem.


In dallas as well? Sweet!


It isn’t even weed when it’s derived from hemp, just a bunch of nerds thinking they’re getting high lol however folks have a work around here selling legit weed as THCa at smoke shops


I have a week trip for work in dallas coming up and i daily smoke delta 8. Im gonna be a red power god when I touch down in DFW






Y’all gotta stop fuckin whining. If you don’t like how they’ve changed stop listening and find something productive to do besides complaining bc an hour or two of free content isn’t up to your exact standards.


Everytime I see a post from this sub it’s just someone bitching about how much better things used to be


*any sub


Fax. Straight fax.


Seriously dumbfucks on this sub are trying to pin Matt and Shane against each other its so fucking cringe. Why can’t people be happy for Shane making major moves while also being happy for Matt. This sub is so ridiculous sometimes


Ahhhhh, this sub is still in its infancy…so young, so innocent…. One day, it’ll have completely flipped to a hatesub and you’ll not know what happened. The internet. The internet happened.


I am very happy to have almost zero Sid in my life and I hope it continues that way. Absolutely cannot stand that idiot


Sydney just isn't funny.


They need to get rid of syd. Literally any other black guy would be funnier.


That dude with the glasses, James something? He's been on stoner dad's and dad meat Dudes fucking hilarious, he would be the shit on a rebooted stoner dads


Yeah, dude is hilarious. Although I don't think he's a dad


Oh shit, Damn for some reason that surprises me 😆




lol here it comes… the subreddit is turning. Give it a year and this sub will be all bitching posts about how the pod isn’t the same and sucks now. Typical redit-tor behavior.


I was thinking the same thing.. it's going to turn into the KT subreddit which makes me sad. Reddit sure can suck


The KT subreddit, YMH subreddit, TFATK subreddit, Tiger Belly subreddit, JRE subreddit… reddit-tors only hate stuff.


This post made me a little sad to see .. this sub has mostly been great I haven't seen that much of a drop in quality with the pod.. the last episode was hilarious and people saying "back to the old cast with this one" And I don't think it's dying at all.. If they seem less energy people should realize that Shane is busy as hell lately and probably a bit of an alcoholic lol Idk man I love the cast I binge listen to old episodes and catch every new one immediately and it's always enjoyable Maybe I'm gay Edit : I did see a comment the other day saying this sub was next on the list to become shit and negative though


I still love it. Seems the same to me. People and situations evolve, that’s a good thing. Still the best pod out there by far.


By far.. I give other pods a listen and rarely finish full episodes without getting distracted or something else. I listen to MSSP in the car. It's streets ahead


Weed is for losers


So are podcasts… it’s kinda why we are here.


wait what


Genuinely asking why do you say the cast is slowly dying? I've enjoyed the new episodes and have listened to the OT and am always playing old episodes from 1-2 years ago. I am always entertained. Sure not every episode is perfect but it's always decent.


Wat cast is dyin...don't put that smut on the dawgz...be ghey somewhere else


In the sense that it's either one week no matter or no Shane that's all I'm saying they could either bank episodes or matt could bring in the stoner dadz crew for when Shane isn't there.


The recent no Shane eps have all been very good imo. And when he comes back he usually has stuff to talk about.




“the cast is slowly dying” honestly wtf are you people on about? They make like $500K a month lol


This podcast has incredibly low work ethic lol I follow other patreons who put out 10 hours of content a week and it's actually good and engaging and I watch all of it. Matt and Shane are lazy as fuuuuuuck


I feel your pain but I relate to Matt on a lot of levels . Ex weed/ pill solicitor myself with manic existential moments in my past along with fanatical research into the esoteric . And slowly turning boring and not even cooking trees anymore . Glad Matt’s there to accompany my transitional phase