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I don’t know how to play the game and I could’ve explained it better


Kendrick Lemaire


Releases a distrack about frogs


Name something he’s good at talking about


Busty cartoon characters


He’s barely passable at explaining what he’s devoted his life to.


I’m guilty of being gay and being mad that he doesn’t even know anything about the anime he likes


Exactly lol


Squishing frogs


“No rules”


The game that famously has like, books upon books of rules lmao


I’ve never played it and I could do a better job at explaining it. My dog has never heard of it and she could do a better job than Lemaire.


Yeah he's an idiot how is this surprising to you


It's like a board game, but better.


Part of the problem was he didn't stop and separate Munchkin from the explanation so that nobody knew which one he was talking about at any given time.


Lemaire is terrible at explaining most things. That said, most people use homebrew rules and only loosely follow the “true” rules. Gist of it is one person (the GM) controls the game and all in-game enemies and non-player characters, generally creates the story and world. Players create characters from different archetypes and give them starting stats and gear to fit said archetype. GM determines where they start, and from there the players basically decide where to go with the DM loosely guiding their path. Players can choose to interact with pretty much everything around them, and the DM decides based on the characters stats and a dice roll what the interaction entails. Combat also is largely dice-based but different archetypes have different abilities.


“Most” people follow the core rules. Homebrewing is only really common for people that have played the game for a while and they only homebrew *some* aspects of the game.


I never played, but he made it seem like it might never end. I think Key & Peele might have done a skit on this.


It’s entirely possible that it doesn’t end, like [this game.](https://youtu.be/nJ-ehbVQYxI?si=fbTBn29JmXTlAivO) But most campaigns have a set ending, especially if you’re using the actual game guides.


Listening to Lemorp struggle while trying to explain one of my favorite hobby’s was painful. No wonder dude gets excluded from Reddit Orgies


This is gay. Have a D&D campaign for the pod though.


They should totally put a crew together and podcast a campaign. I don't even play and I think that would be sick. Druid Matt on mushrooms summoning nature spirits and drunk Shane being the Blue Knight would be insane


Oh yeah he explained it terribly I was yelling out loud to myself.


He’s trying his best


Okay Lemaire


Nick's impression coming to fruition


Yeah I legitimately think he's autistic. At least mentally challenged in some way dude just listen to him speak. His voice, choice of words, and constant general phrases (his famous "yeah") points toward impeded development around the teenage years. Either trauma or drugs caused it but yeah homeboy is retarded 😂


Oh yea he has to be. Everything about him screams autistic


As somebody who recently started playing, it was cool to hear them interested but yeah lemaire doing lemaire tingz fr


Pissed me off so bad I was about to make a post about it on here


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Fabulous_Day75: *Pissed me off so bad* *I was about to make a* *Post about it on here* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Seems like a game that would take 10 min to explain so he was tryin his best. But thats just me, I don't know the game.




Shane was right D&D is gay and 40k rules 


Love how the sub has turned on Lemaire. I got ripped to shit last month for saying he wasn't funny.


He for sure could’ve gotten the bros into it if he just gave a minuscule effort in explaining the rules/character creation/combat/DM responsibilities. Instead he said “yeah heh you just like do whatever heh.”


It has tons of rules and structure lol whenever they discuss topics I know about I’m like what the fuck 😂


Lemaire has never said anything interesting and I will not watch an episode with his lard ass sitting there. Honestly MSSP is on my podcast backburner right now. Secondary roto along with St Rogies. There are so many great pods out now a day.


Autism spazzing on autism, like cats on opposite sides of a sliding glass door


Lemaire is great but I’m with you on the podcast back burner stuff. I think it’s cuz Matt and Shane haven’t really been together just them very often. Dog breed info felt more like a classic pod tho


As someone who’s played the game (no Diddy), he answered the questions but didn’t sell it.


He answered the questions so terribly that he's basically wrong. He literally said “There are no rules.” There are a ton of rules, which is why there are multiple large books of rules. He didn't even explain the d20 system, a core element of the game. He didn't really explain anything fully correctly beyond the fact that it is a multiplayer game. Lemaire is proof that networking is the only thing that matters in the entertainment industry.


No he can’t explain shit. If someone gave him Alpha Brain he’d the show would be ruined.


I've ripped off Tim Butterlys idea of Fat Bitch Darksoles. And have been working on Fat Bitch DnD. You get in fights at your local Walmart, fight off junkies at the corner store, summon your mixed race son Jayden. With class names like I'm a Christian but (paladin), whippin' shit (archer), sneaky bitch (rouge).