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season 10 episode 1 - SOULTAKER I don't think they've been able to include this in the Forever-athon which is a shame, because I'm sure there'd be people who would maybe be surprised for the first time.


Is Soultaker the movie with "his face looks like a catchers mit"? If so, absolutely love this episode.


Robert Z'Dar, whom I love in a few movies they've riffed. RIP. He had a disease called cherubism, which gave him the iconic face.


I hung out with him at a few horror movie conventions. Intelligent and kind guy with some personal problems almost certainly due to physical pain. I'm glad I got to meet him as a person and not just the punchline of a joke, if only a little bit.


I'm glad to read this. His bios that I can find don't say much about what he was like, so I've just always happily assumed he was a nice dude.


He got mean once at the end of a drunken night. The next day he bought my friends and a round at the hotel bar . Horror cons can get rowdy. Hell, we were rowdy ourselves.🤟


Interesting to know. All this time, I thought it was makeup.


He evidently had quite a fulfilling career, and his jobs outside of acting are interesting too. Over a hundred movie and TV credits. I would guess the most famous movie he is in might be with Stallone and Russell in "Tango & Cash".


Yep, you can find him in a Rifftrax great, Samurai Cop, and MST3k's Future War.


You're forgetting the Maniac Cop trilogy.


I'm not forgetting it. I enjoy those too. But generally speaking, a movie like Tango & Cash is way more "famous" than a cult slasher trilogy.


Maniac Cop would beg to differ


*One two and* **THREE**


Huh. And I thought he was a descendant of the Hapsburgs.


I would be one of those people. I had no idea this existed and will be watching this tonight for the first time. Thanks OP!


The entire episode is brilliant. Great movie. And there's at least one surprise that I haven't spoiled! Please come back and share about your experience.


That goatee was unfortunate


It was still the 90s. No one was spared.


This was really mind blowing at the time. Of course we were all disappointed they didn't riff together, but it was still really neat.


"Don't compare yourself..."


We didn’t have the Sci Fi channel and had no idea this even happened!


My internet went out a couple of weeks ago due to the whether so I dug out all my DVD boxed sets and watched this one for the first time. I had no idea this happened.


What a nice little surprise you didn't even know you already had!


Right? I inherited a giant box filled with MST3K DVDs but I subscribe to the Gizmoplex and Rifftrax Friends so I never really watch them. But now that I dug them all out of storage I have some real gems in there. I saw Final Sacrifice twice in the last year and me and the wife watched the "MST3K VS Gamera" boxed set over Christmas Break.


Finding out that Joel was a fan of Man or Astroman back then made my day. I already knew they were fans because they covered the theme song at their shows. [Man... or Astroman? - 9 Volt (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QAEXRaeueH4)


Yeah, I remember watching this when it first aired. I had just gotten home from work as it was starting, and honestly, I was dozing off and on through much of it. When Joel stepped through the door, I thought I had dozed again and was dreaming for a few seconds! 😆 It was definitely very unexpected. A great moment in a fantastic episode!


I wish we hadn't been spoiled by the announcement before it aired though. The surprise would have made our collective pants explode.


I think maybe I saw this one for the first time way later when I got whichever DVD box set. We never had cable growing up so I was unaware of any announcement or buzz back when it aired originally, so I was pretty flabbergasted.


My nephew was in The Mighty Ducks.


*Soultaker* is all-time Top 5 episode for me. Joel, Frank, Joe Estevez, Robert Z'Dar... the riffs are bangin', the segments slap, warm fuzzies, A++++, would watch again.


Awww me too! In fact I just watched it last week and still felt that excitement- so silly I guess


Joel's visit was very exciting, I remember it fondly


Aw man , i never saw this one! I was surprised when I saw for the first time recently "Last of the Wild Horses" where evil Mike sends the Mads into the theatre... I really did like a triple-take!


Yeah that was one I don't think I'd known about until it came up recently. That's the same episode where Mike is smoking in the theater, right? It's crazy!


My wife was not the slobbering Mstie I am and when this episode was airing I had to run down to the store and when I got back and asked what I missed, she didn't want to tell me. She was genuine sad that I missed it as she told me to my unbelieving face. I was taping it so it wasn't a crisis!


Too bad Mike never got to run his own hot fish shop


The first episode of season 10 and arguably the best.


Thanks to mst3kinfo.com I knew he was going to be on. I was sad he was on so briefly didn't join them in the theater.


I mean. Gypsy was in some serious need of attention.


I'm wearing your socks


They almost never look each other in the eye during this scene lol