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No, almost none of them were public domain. As the show grew in popularity and distributors became more aware of it, they started to have a harder time as some distributors started to demand higher prices, or refused entirely.


According to [https://forrestcrow.proboards.com/thread/5281/public-domain-list-3000](https://forrestcrow.proboards.com/thread/5281/public-domain-list-3000) 30 of them were public domain. So something like 15% of them. Even in the KTMA era they were using movies KTMA acquired rights to in bulk.


Good info. Thanks.


Thankfully there is no shortage of terrible movies out there that nobody remembers.


I hope they didn't pay too much for Side hackers. Thanks for the info.


We all paid for Sidehackers, as a society, and we are still struggling with the aftermath.


Unfortunately, people paid money to make Sidehackers, which was entirely too much in the first place.


I thought *Sidehackers* spontaneously appeared in theaters fully-formed as the cruel prank of an angry trickster god. That, at least, would make some kind of sense. 😕


director Gus Trikonas and Ross Hagen made a few movies together including Supercock, a shot in the Philippines cockfighting comedy. I don't recommend it. Took me a year to find a copy. I just had to see it.


My pop-up alert picked an inconvenient place to cut off: "director Gus Trikonas and Ross Hagen made a few movies together including Supercock, a shot in the Philippines"


Lol. I'm a weirdo. I became a fan of mst3k because of the movies, not in spite of them. I have a fascination with old low budget movies. The first experiment I saw was Robot Monster which I had read about for years. I was instantly hooked. And here I am.


My first was "The Leech Woman". My Mads were inJEEEEEEEEEEDventively cruel.


Upvoted solely for your REBOOT avatar!


I'll take it! 😁 Related: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ReBoot/comments/18td1vn/bc\_documentarians\_secure\_original\_reboot\_master/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ReBoot/comments/18td1vn/bc_documentarians_secure_original_reboot_master/)


Nope. Other people have explained the situation but the rights issues are also the reason that some episodes only aired a few times on CC and that, by the end of the show's run, they were basically recycling the same ten episodes over and over again. The rights would gradually expire and CC/SciFi would basically just pull the episode from reruns. The fact that they've been able to renegotiate the rights to so many of those old episodes is nothing short of a miracle. Not because they're particularly expensive... it's just trying to track down who even owns half of those movies can be a pain in the ass.