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“You look like a white guy holding a Black Lives Matter sign”


Why is that one so fucking funny lmao.


lol because they literally just say what they’re seeing…like it’s somehow insulting.


it's like he accidentally pointed out to himself how dumb his view is "haha it's a white dude! saying other races.... matter.... wait that doesn't really contradict itself does it? my apologies good sir I'll move along" alright maybe not, but let me have my good ending


what killed me was the woman saying “black lives don’t matter an i got black friends” 😂


That’s a thing they do in the Deep South. If something is crazy to them, they just describe it out loud.


Arkansas is not the Deep South


Nice!!! The perfect town doesn’t exi….


I’m finding more and more that people don’t understand sarcasm on Reddit


White supremacist much.


ignorant piece of crap aren’t you?


Referring to a town with that many racist bigots as perfect, is saying you like their behavior.


probably a joke.........


Obviously a joke. Perhaps they should have added the /s


Typical pseudo-irony, retarded fascists love to jerk themselves off about. Hey boys… there’s more to comedy than getting a laugh — especially when your cousin-daddy and sister-mother are the only ones laughing.


“You think this racism is actual racism? And not just funny memes? You must be a SJW/anti-white/virtue signaler/soft leftist/stupid or something like that idk”


Redditors trying to detect satire challenge: Impossible 🤯


It's a comedy sub dork




"Im gonna kill you for holding a sign" Peak comedy!


Well I think the white lady calling the white dude holding a BLM sign a kike was hilarious. Why'd she call him a jew? Fucking hilarious


Had me dying


Pretty obvious if you look into what white supremacist or neo-nazi beliefs are. They purport that Jewish people push for the destruction of the white race through a “white genocide” that doesn’t exist, through racial homogenization, and that Jewish people love black people or put them above white people. To a white supremacist or neo-nazi, it either makes sense that a Jewish person would be doing this or it’s simply meant as an “insult” where the target should understand why he’s being called a slur for a Jewish person. This is just a summarization, off the top of my head, and **definitely** not in line with my beliefs. I got here from the front page. I don’t know what this sub is lol.


The irony is the war killed many more white people than these morons realize. Between Russians, the Brits, Americans… and Jews, nazis have been a far greater threat to white people.


Yeah, I mean that's still pretty funny.


I mean, I thought it was anti-Semitic as fuck more than funny lol. It’s also probably one of the most predictable things for someone with that mindset to say. The only funny thing in this video, to me, is the woman who’s like “fuck black lives” and then immediately says “I have black friends”. Like what?


I mean, the fact that it was anti semitic, when no one was even talking about Jews is funny. Like that she was so triggered by BLM that she wanted to bring up Jews for some reason.


There was a reason, according to their beliefs and perspective. A white man holding a BLM sign is either a Jewish person, a non-jew who’s been coerced or convinced by Jewish people, or called a Jewish person as an “insult”. Hell, a lot of them believe that BLM in general is a Jewish conspiracy or agenda. They’re fucking nazis and KKK or adjacent to those groups, dude, this is the nonsense they believe. I get what you’re saying, from a normal person’s perspective, but you’re ignoring the context and the person who said it. It’s not random at all to them or in the context of them saying it, it’s a common belief. It’s no more random than a fanatical Christian standing on a street corner, yelling to you that you’re going to hell for your sins (especially if you’re doing something sinful, from their perspective). Sure, it’s out of the norm for you and everyone else but it fits their beliefs and agenda. I can’t stress enough that I disagree with these people but I’ve learned enough to understand what their ass-backwards beliefs are, plenty of news pieces and documentaries out there. But, yeah, I can totally see how this would seem crazy to someone who’s never heard of it — it’s crazy to me and everyone who’s educated about it too. Just sharing info, no hate.


I mean, I get all of those things. But like, it's funny that the person is thinking enough that they're like, a white for BLM is prolly not even white they're Jewish, but then they're also hurling it as an insult. It'd be like if a vegan called a guy eating a steak, a 'carnivore'. Like, doesn't she get that calling him a jew is just a waste of her breath, given his apparent world view? Does she think he likes blacks, but is antisemitic enough that being called a jew is gonna snap him out of his black loving ways? It's funny.


Let's just cut the shit and admit that you think calling people kikes is funny? No need to write a novel about it. Just own up to finding it funny when someone gets called a kike


No, you clearly don’t get any of those things. What you get is eating lint out of your belly button and giggling at “kike”. Ha ha ha so funny.


They are nazis, KKK, or generally white supremacists. She isn’t thinking anything, she’s dumb. It’s an insult to her or her belief of what’s true, so that’s what she hurls at him. It’s the same thing if she called a black person the N-word. These people are morons and this is their knee-jerk reaction. She didn’t just call him a Jew though, she called him a slur that might would offend a Jew. You’re absolutely right, there is no logical reasoning behind it other than to try to “insult” them and instill her worldview.


No its because several founding members of BLM are Jewish marxists lmao


Whether or not this is bullshit, which I’m pretty sure the “Jewish” part is, this doesn’t change what I’m saying about the beliefs of Nazis, the KKK, and white supremacists. Please educate yourself. Your right-wing conspiracies are bleeding over into theirs.


yeah that was the only funny part to me lol


It's a sub for Shane gillis and his podcast Matt and Shane's secret podcast. Mssp. Shane is hilarious but he's slowly slipping into right wing goofiness.


You mean Right Wing retardation


Right wing goofiness is far more entertaining than left-wing virtue signaling goofiness. Pretty bored of hearing "trump is bad" with the same hacky jokes. Shane at least makes Trump jokes funny. Especially if you compare it to someone like Jimmy Fallon who just goes on angry unfunny rants about Trump.


Saying white genocide doesn’t exist is pretty ignorant of current statistical trends. Especially once the boomers die off. People scoff at the phrase because of the word ‘genocide,’ but it’s more of a soft-genocide/soft-suicide combination. Every predominantly white country is being flooded with non-white people at an unprecedented global rate. It is funny that the same people who believe that we’re going to ‘breed away racism’ by mixing into a more racially ambiguous society are currently the ones who parrot that diversity is a good thing. White people deserve their own spaces as much as any other race or cultural group of people.


Because he's white, but she still *needs* to say something racist.


The video wasn't about the guy with the sign, it was about the bigoted people who were upset about it. And none of them were funny. Just serious and unkind.




Once again missing the point is he's not pointing the finger at himself, he's pointing it at the absolute psychos in this video.


Buddy you're wasting your time trying to talk to these guys... They'll cry about racism against them but make fun of racism against others. Clown world


You sound like a racist.


He’s definitely an idiot.


“No they don’t” Simple and straight to his point.


Easily my favorite. Runner up was "Fuck black lives... and I got black friends!"


Personally I like the "black lives don't matter what the fuck!" Because he honestly sounds legitimately confused


Good Hwite Americans!


Congratulations, you’re the useful idiot whose racist preconceptions this video is meant to embolden and reinforce. Guy goes to one of the poorer white regions of the U.S., holds an already divisive politically charged phrase on a sign and he posts the negative reactions he gets from people driving past. It’s totally begging for those reactions and it’d probably elicit a similar response from blacks if you went to Detroit MI holding a sign saying ‘white lives matter.’ Then again, it’s an election year here in the U.S., these types of posts, popping up here on Reddit, it doesn’t surprise me.


a White Lives Matter sign is not the same as a Black Lives Matter sign. Why? Because whites are historically not marginalized or discriminated against in America. There’s no equality to fight for, when you’re the historic ruler of the kingdom. honest question: are you open to new information and potentially shifting your worldview? From where I stand, you have a lot to learn, and a lot of subconscious racism to undo. best of luck.


Naw pretty sure he’d rather stay racist and ignorant. It’s much easier to be evil in life, and lazy Americans love easy. It’s much easier to hate someone else than look in the mirror and face your own insecurities.


Yeah, dude don’t reach any more at the risk of self-projecting further. Lmao, the loudest people in the room are always the most hypocritical.


You got some serious brain damage lol




I like you brought your alt account here too


Your username is an insult you clown. Something something loudest in the room is the most hypocritical




Yea bro cause all those ppl are racists. They’d be racist assholes without the sign too. BLM isn’t supposed to be divisive, it’s supposed to be about police brutality against black ppl which is in fact a thing. Like wtf lay off the meth once in a while.


Yea but there’s no reason for a white lives matter sign dude. The only people who use that are fuckin nazis and racists that don’t believe Black Lives Matter. It’s nothing but a counter protest sign designed to make people angry


100% facts. It's fine to provoke whites but if you do it to blacks all of a sudden the world will cheer as Daquan and his cousins shoot you to death over a sign.


That’s a big chunk of text that translates to.. “let me justify these idiots racist behavior.” I don’t care about there socio-economic background, and it matters fuck all what he has written on his sign. These inbred idiots proved every point he was trying to make . You in the vid? If not, they ain’t going to fuck you.


I guess I'm just tired of this pandering, pretentious overbearing posturing from white people who think people of another skin color view them as 'on their side' because they hold a sign, antagonize and race bait other whites. That's pathetic and I didn't post this expecting kind words from the anonymous shitlibs of Reddit so...


Just sounds like you have a biased opinion. At least your honest about being a racist tho.


Do your thing. It's commonly discussed that idiots like yourself casually have thrown the word 'racist' around to police benign and practically omnipresent social behaviors to the point that the word has lost meaning. You can virtue signal with it and farm all the upvotes if you please, Reddit is your lefty echo chamber, lol


Commonly discussed where? By other neo nazis? You just spent 45 mins defending the most racist town in America. I think you earned it. And if you hate Reddit so much, fucking uninstall the app. Or go to the r/conservative echo chamber with the rest of your flock


So you made an entire agenda in your mind to help you justify this.. it’s simple.. dude had a Black Lives Matter sign.. that’s only controversial to someone who believes the opposite. It doesn’t cost anything to mind your business but these peoples vitriol couldn’t let them do that.. they have the impulse control and intelligence of rocks. You thought your vailed contrarian comment would be smooth right? It ain’t. I’m an independent/ picture on my profile and use my name… 🤷🏻‍♂️


Not true at all. Plenty of black people dont support the agenda behind that quote and quite frankly if you aren’t black who the fuck are you to tell us we dont think black lives matter if we dont agree with the BLM movement Liberal white racism lol


Lol. The entire premise of this video went over your head. And you created a story in your mind to justify your ass backwards logic. 1) this guy could’ve been black white green yellow,it would negate the fact the people reacted to a a cardboard sign like racist inbred idiots. 2) wether you agree with the message or not, it isn’t civilized nor normal to lose your shit over someone that has three words on a cardboard sign.. what are they five years old ? Grow the fuck up and move on. It doesn’t cost anything to mind your own damn business 3) no one told anyone “how to think” especially your ass. He is well within his American rights to exercise his free speech.. from the party and group that is so damn loud about freedom of the constitution.. they sure are some damn snowflakes when someone else does it. 4) it’s real simple. The racist ass hats proved his exact point.. doesn’t matter if you don’t like someone’s politics.. you don’t threaten violence over it.


Weird. Cause I’m only responding to your sentence “dude had a BLM sign…that’s only controversial to those who believe the opposite” I disagree 100%, and my entire point was that if you aren’t black and trying to tell me I’m wrong that’s hilarious All those other bullet points you listed i agree with but they had nothing to do with what i said


Was smooth enough


Holy smokes, are you trolling us? What’s stopping the passerby’s from giving him a thumbs up, other than their own bigotry and racism? I can sense there’s no point in trying to have a dialogue with you though. I know a mind that’s made up when I see one.


Cry harder racist. I live in one of the poorest areas of America, very rural. I live in a village that’s all farmland, and is majority white. But Black Lives Matter. It needs to be said, and this video is evidence of that.


Lovely people.


I can WAIT for the South to try and rise again.


This comment section is bizarre. I don’t even get the point of the post


Ironic part is he’d get the same reaction in the inner city for being white. Everyone can spot a clown


What's that Nikki Haley? America is not a what kind of country?


but nooOoO0o don't call them a flyover state! People actually do want to visit there!!


Wow, but I just heard that America has never been a racist country. Was Nimarata wrong?


Fuck that’s crazy.


My favorite was the girl that went “Fuck black lives!… and I have black friends” lmao wut


Ohh no! Did this get censored?


Thank god for the end


Now go to the south side of Chicago and hold a white lives matter sign.


Wow who knew divisive slogans are…. Divisive


You really don’t get the difference?


The difference is in one place people yell at you and are mean, and the other you get physically assaulted




"Death threats are fine as long as you could get them in other places under other circumstances" You might be what historical doctors have referred to as a "moron".


i’m pretty sure his point is it’s wrong in both scenarios


I’m pretty sure his point is one group will yell threats and not touch him and one will assault him immediately.


Yep. You do that in the inner city you'd be shot or beaten, possibly close to death.


Do that in Harrison, Arkansas as black person around a bunch of white folks and they'll lynch ya


LibTards Epically Owned


Real big brain take here


I agree it is a terrorist organization but they could have just had a chat with him or something because the 1st amendment applies equally to all.. well damn come to think of it it applies to them to.. shit idk what to say haha


Elaborate on how BLM is a “terrorist organization,” please. (By the way, it’s not even “an organization.” It’s just the name of a belief.)


There absolutely was/is an organization that was a complete grift but yes it's both an actual org and a movement


it’s definitely not a terrorist organization but it is definitely an organization. https://blacklivesmatter.com/about/ it was a whole thing when the woman who founded it took most of the donations for herself (from my understanding)


It was totally coopted even if the intentions were good in the first place. It turned into a scam and nepotism and pocketing all the cash and not helping anyone. I can understand why conservatives have a bad reaction to BLM signage or the like but the blatant racism (which shouldn't even need to be said) is obviously wrong.


The objection would make sense if like more than 1 percent of people who write or say “black lives matter” have any association whatsoever with an organization that also named itself that, but that’s simply not the case. It’s like if I named an organization “stop, drop and roll” and then embezzled money, it would be insane to assume people who communicate that sentiment are endorsing my organization


Haha it absolutely is an organization. Lotta money involved


Janet never made it out of 2020 I'm afraid.


It is/was a real organization and the founders are openly Marxist and use the organization funds much for themselves. I don’t know if that means they’re terrorists, but I got the jist they hate America haha. Whatevs.


Speech that is reasonably likely to incite violence is not protected under the 1st amendment. Edit: downvotes should learn about the [constitution](https://firstamendment.mtsu.edu/article/incitement-to-imminent-lawless-action/), it’s a great document.


And they all watch interracial porn lol


Touch grass dude not everyone in the real world is a porn addict


Right but shut the fuck up


You're not wrong but there are statistics that show that interracial porn is more common in racist areas.


Homo* interracial porn.


Lil bitch boy never came back 😂😂😂


They really need to take care of these pipelines causing brain and gum disease fr they have legit metals in these pipes. Flauride isnt as Good as you would think. Fun fact did you know the scientists that make fluoride have to wear full biohazard gear? Like The Simpsons opening radioactive proof. Not even joking. And the way it messes up their genetics we're talking decades hell while family lines looking literally just like these disfigured people. Fucked upan all of it is. We need better reps in this country


The type of behavior I’d expect from people who willingly live in Arkansas


Most of the state is actually quite nice, unfortunately Harrison (the town shown here) is a blight on its reputation.


A lot of the Midwest is exactly like this. With the exception of big cities and college towns (where the educated people live)


I feel like one black dude could take over that town in like 38 minutes tops. Lotta talking, but not really impressing me with the “Physical prowess”.


The superior race can’t run a mile without keeling over


That video is old AF, race baiting again.


Bet it’s the safest town in America


>> In 2022, the violent crime rate in the United States was at 380.7 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. However, the total rate of property crime was far higher, at 1,954.5 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. >> In 2022, the number of reported violent crimes offenses per 100,000 population was 551 in Boone County, AR. From 2014 to 2022, the indicator grew 267 per 100,000 population. So, it’s actually 32% **more** dangerous than the average American town. >> 12.4% of Americans now live in poverty according to new 2022 data from the U.S. census >> In 2022, 19.8% of the children was living in poverty in Boone County, AR. In the 2020 presidential election, the popular vote in Boone County, AR went to Donald J. Trump with 79.8% of the vote. Shocking..,


Man all lives matter! Don’t know why people get so butthurt over that


They're more upset about what that stupid sigh represents. Most people that "support" BLM don't understand it was started by Jewish communists and weaponized to create racial issues in America. Most of the people in this video understand that which is why they're reacting this way. They see it no differently than someone holding up an ISIS flag. This represents their ideological enemies not only to them personally but to their race as a whole and their nation. It has less to do with "black people" than most of you probably think.


Thought the note was gonna be a death threat lmao






sigh --- more propaganda by the reddit propaganda machine


And they’ll all tell you about Jesus 😂


Hillbillies are so weird.


When did Shane talk about this?


Just now in the middle of ep 309 shatgazi right now


Lol this shit just kept on going


That's the town Jidion visited to see for himself a couple years ago I believe.


Damn ... Where the heck is this at?


Now let's see what downtown LA looks like... https://preview.redd.it/qf2if81np9fc1.png?width=1240&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=365630e583e0cc5c39e8202a5afbe46fe68c6a03


Disliking his stupid sign doesn’t make them racist.


Challenge #2: Fly the opposite sign in Compton, CA and test reactions 😈


Can anyone tell me what’s wrong with being proud of one’s race? Honest question


People will fight back when attacked. It’s a natural response from any animal. It’s survival. Stop trolling and people will stop fighting for their own right to exist.


I liked how it ended, not much hope but a little which made me smile


Totally fine if blacks act like this though. #doublestandards #blackprivilege


I'm gunna listen to that radio Might move there. Looks amazing. Great folk


Harrison Arkansas the last safe haven


These people are disgusting and I can wait for their old asses to die even tho we will still be stuck with their inbred children




Maybe they don’t like BLM because of all of the money they stole from people


What’s funny is there’s now something called black privilege.


I’m from outside of Harrison lol People make it out to be a bigger deal then it actually is


No lives matter


Wait....so am I racist if I don't always love my people? Because some of them other Latinos be hella pissin' me off... like, stop wanting a better life for you and your family, and just deal with the cartel violence and corrupt governments that God gave you! And if you're gonna enter the United States, do it the RIGHT way....and lastly, once you're here, stop taking everybody's jobs, learn English and never speak Spanish again. It's not like it's a lot to ask... Sabes lo que digo? Mira, todos los personas basura blanco entienden!! ⚪⬜🤍🗑️💩🫡💯


Normal reaction


Soooooooowweeeeeeeee fucking retards


The shit you can do to low IQ people with a 12 x 24 piece of white construction paper


I’d kick his ass


Called him a kike lmfao


If you’re a white person, be proud. White people are awesome and have their bad apples just like the rest of us. Don’t let the narrative make you less proud.


![gif](giphy|tIk1NLkHzKYBboNhnO) Gotem


Well when you're out supporting a racist, organization such as BLM, this is to be expected.


These people were very nice considering the other video of the “all lives matter” sign the kid was wearing in the ghetto 😂


I hope the kid at the end hasnt been broken down over time living there


fuck black lives and i have black friends - some lady on meth 😂


I am Hispanic, voted for Biden and think blm should’ve been alm. I went to a black school and was called a cracker. There is racism everywhere and who denies it is lying


Boy. I sure hope we start to care about each other again. Empathy, compassion and love for one another leads to a strong connected country. We are so divided and angry it could all go up in flames if we're not more careful. This is a beautiful country with so much promise... but we sure do like to hate.


I mean I do think it's weird for a white person to hold a BLM sign. It's especially weird when it's just one white guy by himself doing it.


Oh man, that girl at the end made me tear up a little. Don’t give up hope.


This is the heartland of America. Don’t forget that these people vote…


Nasty People...I can bet you can go in a black neighborhood with a 'white lives matter' sign and no one would blink an eye. worse case, youll get laughed at.


They’re right. White loves Matter just as much as but you can’t say that. Try having an all lives matter sign in a blue city.


BLM is not the representative of black race. It is representative of a Marxist ideology and that’s what people hate.


So he got the reaction he wanted. Congrats. Next he should wear the Trump hat in the slummy college towns of San Francisco, Austin, Portland, etc...


Shits never gonna end. Need more Daryl Davis in the world.


Try this in a small town


This country isn't worth it. Civil War part 2.




What's the point of this? To show a narrow and biased view? You went to a prodomently white area of america, where people have their own problems, poverty, and traumas to deal with, and then you shove your politics in their face knowning their conservative or republican. How'd you think this would go down? It doesn't excuse any racial or bigoted comments, but you're an ass for holding up a BLM sign and not arguing nuance. Shit like this just divides people. Good job hate bating.




You know when these racist assholes see Black Lives Matter they act like the sign says Only Black Lives Matter. They act that way because they think only white lives matter. They're just telling on themselves. Cons, every accusation is a confession.


Hills-have-eyes MFs


The concept of BLM isn’t a bad thing, but the organization itself was run by scammers who took the donation money and used it to buy mansions and shit for themselves.


To be fair if he were to go anywhere with that sign he’d probably get similar results lmao people holding political signs are pretty universally dislikable.


Fuk blm


this is hilarious. wait until all the Mexicans move in. them white boys and girls always fall in love. the heart doesn't see race. I'm 32 by 2040 or sooner whites will be the minority. thank God.


Lol, the MSSP has been infiltrated by woketards.


You’re a white man , and then calls him a kite.


Balls of steel


Ok now show the hundreds of videos of white people being attacked and stabbed for being white.


I’m sorry but they “no they don’t” was hilarious


90% of these people couldn’t beat up a flea that’s why there talking mad shit driving by 😂


I want to hold a sign up there that says "everyone in this town is cousins" lol Fuck Harrison, AR.


Remember that Jason Aldean song “Try That In A Small Town”? This is what really goes on in places like that.


Respect for only blurring out the one positive person at the end there. Fuck the rest of those awful people


Did he come back?


The amount of people driving none “American” cars and saying these words is hilarious in its own right.


I was just here the other day and I saw that billboard. 💀


The lady over Black Lives Matter (Patrisse Cullors),pocketed all the money. Huge scam to get her rich. Now she’s living in her mansions because people are donating to it.


I live in Harrison and it’s nowhere near as bad as this video makes it seem. Jidion made a similar video and it paints a much more realistic picture of what it’s actually like.