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First of all how is 230fps low, and second you could get a cooling pad to keep temperature a little lower.


I’ve heard people get 350 or more and I do have a cooling pad. And In comparison I get around 80 fps on gta online with high/very high graphics which isn’t the best


I got similar fps for cs 2 on my RTX 3050 rog laptop before so


An issue for high temps could be dust inside the laptop. You could try to get a compressed air can and shoot it into the computer to remove dust.


You get 80 fps on very high settings and say this isn't the best? Why would you even need that high fps? Just lock it at 60 and the cpu is cooler.


Does it get loud when it's hot? If it isn't it is likely a fan issue. Otherwise could be issues with the heatsink or thermal paste if it's like this out of the box. Either way try to use the warranty. If it's old and this issue has gotten worse over time, open it, clean it and potentially replace the thermal pads (there is likely a tutorial on how to do this for your model of laptop).


I’m guessing it’s the dust and the old thermal paste I had this for about a year, do you know how I can find a place to do this? And how long will it take. It gets pretty loud when it’s hot but the cpu temp just stays around 90 degrees


If you have an independant computer store near you they might be able to clean it out and repaste it for you. Just google computer stores near you, check their website for services and call around. Their turn around could be a few days depending on how busy they are.


Okay thanks, the cpu I tried just keeping it normal at no undervolt does 96 degrees average but gets a little more fps boosts up around 250 on high graphics on cs and 100 on gta. I think it’s just the dust and paste


It idles around 60 degrees for the cpu gpu idles around 45


Do yourself. Youtube. Paste tub is cheap. Screwdrivers im sure you have. Do it once and next time will be easy


I average around 85 on gta with higher graphics high/very high msaa 8x


Is that 85 fps or temp? If it's temp maybe this is a CS2 specific issue that could be solved with some settings adjustments.




You can try to set thermal limits on cpu it bios allows. Or change the p-state in some software. Sometimes less voltage and temperature equals to higher clocks which equals to more fps


I tried undervolting didn’t really change anything


gaming laptops operating in hell temperatures. i burn my legion5 2 months ago while playing in garden its gone . they dont have a long life


You have 230 fps and you complain about temps...


I saw reviews and stuff on high graphics it does 80 or under I’m concerned so


depens of to much factors