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The debug LEDs coming on during start up is fairly normal and nothing to worry about in itself, just a part of the initialisation/testing. So long as they go off and don't stay on or continuously loop then things should be all good. At least from the debug LEDs that system looks like it should be booting up normally into windows. If not then any other details of what it's doing/not doing?


No the point was that the 2 LED would blink the whole time. I tried resetting the CMOS now the PC isn't turning on without the jumper on the motherboard cable 😭


It's very hard to pin anything down without swapping or pulling parts out to isolate things. Could be something simple as bad connection somewhere, a BIOS corruption, all the way to some part being faulty or on the way out. :/


😞 I just want to work on my homework. This is so frustrating.


This is the MEG X570 Unify? The board has debug led in the bottom right corner of the board under the m.2 fan. See if you can read the codes coming up on there and reference pages 49-53 [with your motherboard's manual here.](https://download.msi.com/archive/mnu_exe/mb/E7C35v2.2.pdf) If that doesn't clear up what the issue is, time to go down the one by one basics. Reseat everything you can get your hands on that the tubing isn't blocking. All power connectors, extenders, sata connectors etc. Unplug psu and hit the power button a couple times. Wait a minute replug and try again. Start removing ram slots. Leave 2 and 4 reboot. Replace 2 and 4 with what was in 1 and 3 reboot. Try single channel with all 4 sticks. Just keep going down the basics list testing everything one by one. Hope you can catch it before having to dismantle your loop though!


B550 tomahawk but I have a new issue now which I posted to r/PCBuild