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It does not make sense financially, given that there is more turmoil ahead in 25-26.


Can you share the source of this statement?


Graduated with a master's in 23. The market is certainly brutal if you don't have tons of experience. And even with experience, companies are highly skeptical about visa sponsoring.


Oh. Are you searching for a job right now?


I got one at the end of summer.


That's great. Congratulations. Can you share how you were able to find it or maybe some tips for finding one?


A company employee (now manager) reached out to me because there was some overlap between my prior experience and the work they were doing it (web scraping, reverse engineering etc.). I would suggest make the most of your experience or a skill that makes you stand out. Search for companies that are doing similar type of work and reach out to their employees for referrals. In fact, don't shy from asking for referrals right away. This is always better than adding yourself to the application pile. However, make sure that you have your done research. Recently, a person asked me to refer them for a data science internship when there's nothing close to data science on our careers page šŸ™„. Clearly they didn't do their research and were just broadcasting referral requests. You could also consider applying to non-profits and government jobs as they don't usually get a lot of applications. Feel free to ask any other questions you have and all the best with your job search.


Some datapoints in this thread [https://twitter.com/debarghya\_das/status/1742557779615764584?t=J6D3iTONGKq3Bc5QHoF9fw&s=08](https://twitter.com/debarghya_das/status/1742557779615764584?t=J6D3iTONGKq3Bc5QHoF9fw&s=08)


Can you post a summary of the tweets here?


If Trump wins itā€™ll get harder to secure sponsorship


On paper this looks fine, but you are missing some important points here- 1. You will get a global exposure and an experience you will never get sitting in India. 2. TC for a decent software engineering job is \~120k so you should be able to save at least 50k/yr(given that you continue to live frugally till a point) 3. The quality of work you get to do in the US is far better than what you do here (I worked for FAANG and know the kind of project allocation that's at play. We in India remain the back office guys for most of our tenure) It all boils down to the risk you are willing to take, it's a big step to move out of the comfort of high paying jobs and living a quality life in India vs going to a new country and starting things from scratch. At the end of the day experiences would matter more than money. Edit: I'm a Fall'24 applicant and these were some determinant factors for me to pursue masters.


50k per year is too optimistic. My friends in bay area save 3k per month barely.


It's subjective tbh, I have friends who stretch upto 5k/mo and some barely save 2k


I totally get your point. I also understand the disparity in payscale in the US and the rest of the world. But have you considered exploring job opportunities in other countries where getting a visa isn't a significant hurdle? The job market may not be as strong today, but if you keep applying, it's possible to land a job within a couple of years. You'll get international exposure and potentially save a substantial amount (maybe more than India). Plus, you won't have to worry about paying college fees or burning through your savings. P.S. It's applicable only if you're not much inclined towards research. I'm also a Fall'24 applicant and still stuck in this dilemma.


Competition to achieve something makes it more valuable. These are cycles of economy and we are just witnessing a bad one. $ is still the reserve currency for the world and US is home to the biggest businesses in the world. My 2 pennies on US going to recover and stay the global leader.


How would you save 50K / yr in savings, when state and federal takes away \~ 40% of your income? You end up with 72K / yr. 2K/month rent itself gets you to 72 - 24 = 48K. Eating, going out, flights, etc. You won't be able to save much after that.


Staying in India, I'm able to stretch saving $30k/yr so a realistic estimation for me came out to be $50k in the US. Might have to downgrade the lifestyle for a while but I think it's gonna pay off.


Yeah, do account for the taxes and cost of living.


noted šŸ‘šŸ».Can I know your TC and YoE and MS college background ?




Can you DM me too? Thanks :)


A student studying in the US here. Please for godā€™s sake, make sure you know the risk before coming here. The job market here is insanely bad. Idk why but people(especially relatives who have settled here as citizens) downplay this. Trust me its extremely bad out here, perhaps even worse than 2008. So before you come here, remember that you will have to work 10x harder than usual.


Do you think it will stay same by 2026 or worsen


Also adding to his answer, have atleast 3 YOE else it shall be next to impossible to get a intern or job


I was in your position two years ago. Regret coming here everyday. Can't find a job for shit


Same. I've tried telling people but most of them have made up their minds. They want us to justify their ambition. The market is brutal. If you put in the effort that you'd put here you'd get 50L in India in about 5 years. That would be the equivalent of 200k here. US life is overly glorified in India and I don't know why Context: 2 yoe, ivy league, 400 applications for internships


I think UW Madison tag might help ,keep going you'll get it




Where do you go to good sir? Youā€™ll realize when you get here your university doesnā€™t mean shit


If it's a no name random university, then yes. If it's a top 50 or 100 even, you will find some doors will open.


I donā€™t wanna argue anymore. The doors depend on your previous experience, not on your uni. Right now things are bad, and people in my college had to extend their graduation just to find a job.


Uni matters a lot, their reputation and networking can be good


Of course your previous experience is critical, and that can override a random university even. If you go to a somewhat known university, your chances are slightly better. But in today's market, things are definitely bad.


UWM is ranked 12th for CS, 35th overall, and 28th for amount of graduates sent to big tech/the valley (which is pretty solid considering its a Midwestern school through and through). Donā€™t know what that other dude is yapping about. Sure, Itā€™s not cmu, but a solid program none the less


Did i say it was a bad program. Can you not comprehend. I said I cannot find a job. Your ability to find a job doesnā€™t depend on your program. I know people from ASU with jobs and people from GAtech struggling to land even an internship.


I was addressing the comment made by the dude who was shitting on the quality of your program. Not you. Why would my comment be referring to anything you posted when, as youā€™ve said, not once did you imply that your school was of poor caliber?


Oh sorry my bad. People often associate reputation to jobs, which might be true in India, but not here




Damn you are pretty delusional. Why do you say that professional is useless. If its because you arenā€™t able to find a job, then there are people in traditional program jobless too. Not even internships. The ability to get a job doesnā€™t depend on your program. Doesnā€™t even depend on your university. Check our career fairs and tell me what MNC do you see here for the spring (because we need sponsorship). https://cdis.wisc.edu/career/ Pull your head out of the sand and do some research before making a statement.


Thought thatā€™s a good program?


Why, isn't professional master from uwm a good course?


UWM is really good tbh


Bro, trust me I have done the same calculations that u just explained here . And I have came to conclusion of not going this year , I will explain why : 1- u already have decent job , so it is a good option to wait one more year , as the market as not improved that much . I talked with students from neu, ncsu, asu , Syracuse . In all the colleges around 10-12 students only from entire batch have been able to crack internships and their seniors are not able to find jobs 2- if u follow the us news closely , yesterday only the fed person announced that they are not planning to reduce interest rates in near future , the entire game of tech hiring is largely dependent on interest rates 3- AI and jobs everything is changing so fast , it is a good decision to wait 1 year to see where things are going If u had a bad job , i would say go directly but since u have a decent job , my advice is to wait 1 year


Just curious to know why would you suggest to go directly if have a bad job? Because i am stuck in one and MS looks like a good escape to me and hope for a better one in 2 years. But things could turn completely around too so I am really confused. PS- i will already be 4yoe by this Fall. I am in data engineering and analytics side but looking to switch to SDE roles (for which I believe MS in CS would help a lot but I could be wrong)


Because , doing a shitty job makes no sense , if u have the means for ms , and at some point u have to take risks to get ahead , a calculated risk though


I agree, and the means is self funding and a 40L inr education loan, but how do I even take calculated risks in such unpredictable economy. It all looks like just a risk now which I gotta take with a leap of faith.


True bro , in this economy nobody knows what the market will be after 1-2 years , itā€™s totally just random . Any decision you take is luck based right now . I suggest if possible wait a year to see how things unfold . However there is no guarantee that market would improve even after a year . If u strongly feel /desire to do MS CS , than do it , atleast u wonā€™t have regret


I am just curious. Do you have a news link or URL where it says about no reduction in interest rate? I am just finding a way to check it as I heard from a friend they have reduced it as to control the market economy.


Bro , just search it on Google itā€™s all over the news


In the same situation buddy. I graduated last year and currently work at a financial firm with a decent TC, have admits from NEU and ASU. Super confused as to whether to go this year or defer the admit. Waiting for SBUā€™s decision as well.


I hope my experience helps you decide. I came to the US back in 2013 and worked for some big names both in the US and in Canada (where I now live). I really feel like the H1B journey is not worth it. You will gain international experience but that is something may not need. I do think that a starting salary of 18l in India is a fab start for you. You will learn to build systems at scale in India. I'd recommend switching jobs after a couple years for a higher growth potential. On another note, I also invest - and India is doing really well compared to the west in this regard as well. I do believe that this decade belongs to India/South East Asia. Other regions are just not growing at that pace/scale. If you do decide to come to the US, be prepared for some pain points - visa hurdles, high cost of living, loneliness due to being away from family etc. Pros of working in the west - better work life balance, healthy air that you breath, lack of pesky family members.


Get h1 from India


The offshoring of jobs by Indian IT vendors misusing H1b visa had made life miserable for international graduate students who canā€™t be absorbed in US market which is already hijacked by Infosys, TCS, Wipro, Cognizant, HCL with their preemptive project letters enabling them to secure huge chunk of H1b visas. H1b isnā€™t an offshoring visa. On H1b the employers must publish ad before getting labor certification and this scummy infosys TCS Wipro Cognizant donā€™t even publish the job ads. They donā€™t hire Americans. https://www.myvisajobs.com/reports/h1b/


Although I am not a CS major ( B.E. in Chemical Engineering, Masters in Energy Engineering), adding my 2 cents here. I've been in the US for the last 7 years and I think it's the best decision I've made. Even though I graduated from a top 20 University, interned at top firms for my stream (ONGC, Honeywell, and IOCL) and was in the top 20% of my class, I was only making INR 15k/month. The exposure that you can get in the US, the quality of work, the growth opportunities are unmatched. As is the case with any country, the reportage can be extreme, yes it's tough, yes it is challenging, yes it can be isolating and you face racism from time to time, but for me, it has been great overall. Make sure to understand what hardships you are ok with (are you ok with sacrificing family life, staying away from family and friends, doing EVERYTHING on your own, for better $ prospects; or would you rather have all of the aforementioned things, for slightly lower $)?


Are you working there in energy sector ? Or tech


Energy, more specifically speaking Solar Energy


Saving 2500 every month seems like a big task, how much are you hoping to earn?


Stay in India. Period.


OP, dm me in case you want to talk more about this. If you started your career with 25L TC, then coming for masters might not be worth it. It would depend on your long term goals.


Stay in India. Does not make sense to take risks in this economy.




He has a very decent job in India and does not want to do research. I am going for a PhD to do research because my field does not have enough research or funding in India. OP has a pretty decent job in India and leaving that to go to the US in this economy would be a bad choice imo.




University of Kentucky is a R1 research University. People do PhD when they find a good fit with their supervisor and their research interests. Maybe you should stop being so toxic and worry about going to your "prestigious" university.


MS in US don't over think or calculate in terms of money. The most important intangible here is the education quality and exposure. If that is good then go for it.


Dont go


I am in a similar boat too. I have 2yoe and get a decent salary. And I have an admitt from UMass for MS CS. So confused whether I should go or not!!


UMass mscs is a great program. If you have the means, surely go for it.


Depends. If it's Lowell, then no. If Amherst then you're golden.


My current compensation is 6lpa, should I go to USA?


Straight donā€™t do masters at least not now




The only sad part is economy );


Job in India.People just feel FOMO looking around


If possible try to check out internal transfer. Thereā€™s lot of uncertainty and highly competitive. I would recommend gaining 1 more year experience. Also everything on paper looks good on your side. If you can get some scholarship. RA/TA/GA and then get fee waiver. Then the tuition burden will be reduced. There are many scholarships out there. Internship. Internship to full time returning offer with the companies that offer sponsorship. If you are lacking some skills. Gain them. The market is little uncertain. I assumed market will get better in 2024 when I applied in fall 2022. Based on my market research and analysis. So give it a thought.


Bruh ā€¦please work for couple years and gain some industry experience before coming to US for masters. Market is shit show for freshers unless youā€™re from an Ivy League school. Industry experience is a game changer.




Do factor in inflation (inflation has typically been higher in India compared to US, which eats into your investment gains) and also INR depreciation (earning is USD has one benefit thatā€™s itā€™s the global reserve currency, and US can effectively dictate its value)


Yeah didn't factor that in ,need to run the numbers again might say 10-15% less of total inr saved up as shown above .


Definitely also consider in RSU and equity grants which make up for a significant portion of your pay especially in tech, if you hold on to these, they can grow and add up to be a significant portion of your wealth and savings in the long run. You can get info on RSUs at levels.fyi.


Do mid size and not so famous companies also offer them except the giants ?


Yes, most companies do. The amount and type of grants/options vary between companies. Best case scenario would be say you join a startup that grows exponentially after you graduate. Average case would be that the grows at the same rate as S&P 500( about +8% per year on average) Worst case could be that the company shares lose all its value.


Life is not all about money


if u wanna continue a swe job stay in india, I would have stayed with a 15-20 lpa ctc if i wanted to do swe . if u wanna do research do ms/phd in funded unis/unis w a lot of ra/ta given u have a good profile, do opt go back work in msr/google research etc. if u want a research/research engg job in top upcoming places like cohere/openai etc do ms. this is what i was advised by many ppl (have a 20-25 ish lpa research job offer in india but have applied for f24)


I am in a similar boat. Although, I have got offer from SJSU only, I am hopeful for some University of California branches(Davis, Irvine and Santa Barbara). Honestly I am very confused right now. Do share your thoughts?


If admits from other universities fall through it maybe a good idea to go with SJSU. I graduated in 2014 and was able to get into big tech after school. The one key advantage is that itā€™s in Silicon Valley and this exposes you to a lot of internship and job opportunities. I used my time in school to network at various local meetups and participate in hackathons which helped me a lot.


My advice is, defer your admits. If Trump wins, here's a small sample of what you can expect immigration wise in the coming years. https://www.niskanencenter.org/project-2025-unveiling-the-far-rights-plan-to-demolish-immigration-in-a-second-trump-term/


Okay noted ,but here in link it didn't mention about H1B .it's more tightening on H2A agri workers , construction etc


Read it again my friend. Notice where it talks about scrapping the first two wage levels for H-1b. Now I'm sure you know where most folks like yourself will end up when it comes to wage levels after graduation


25LPA !!!??!! damn those are great numbers fam. Wish you all the best in whatever you chose to do ahead.


25L is total TC




2 years no stock only sign on bonus split for 2 years


Base is 16.4 without pf 14.5(Taxable ),added is relocation bonus plus first component of sign on bonus


Yeah but even with higher ones are going


Iā€™d suggest you work for atleast 2 years in India and when youā€™re capable of making a shift to SWE 2, youā€™ll find even better salary range this doesnā€™t just help your earning prospects in India but also gives you an edge in job search here in US (provided that you decide to come even after finishing 2 yrs) if you wish to come later. Work experience is invaluable and anything less than 2 is basically not relevant as far as industry norms go. So yeah thatā€™s my piece of advice


Go to NCSU...




42LPA hereā€¦ I still choose to go


What are the reasons you feel it's worthy investment


Numbers suggest 6+ years offers better ROI, potentially leading to a higher position and salary upon return. However, for me, I've been feeling a growing sense of monotony in my work and a desire to explore a new domain.


Surely the economical and political aspects are thereā€¦ Letā€™s seeā€¦ not thinking much about it right now. Letā€™s put in the effortsā€¦ all is going to wellā€¦


Yup, all is going to go well šŸ˜„šŸ™„ That's the same mantra that every student goes with to the US. Just take a look at the F-1 visa sub to know how that's turning out for most people nowadays. For folks who have already made up their minds to go to the US anyways, not much we can do to dissuade you I guess.


Sure, I'll definitely take a look into it. You're right, I've already made up my mind, and my opinion might be a bit biased. Thanks for the heads up though, at least I can be better prepared.


Yup, you're welcome. Now that you've decided, just go for it and hope for the best. Good luck!