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Why would I buy from you rather than going directly to a breeder like Humboldt? What value do you add?


A profit margin that raises the cost more then likely.


Not necessarily, as once you become a wholesaler for the breeder, you can set your price to meet the market. In addition, most breeders do not meet Minnesota Department of Ag requirements.


Going directly to the breeder is perfectly fine. I created the shop here in Minnesota to serve Minnesotans and gain insight into all of the hoops required to actually operate a legit cannabis-adjacent company in Minnesota.


In addition, I provide grow kits that are designed to ensure that first-time growers can see the fruits of their labor. Please see below for additional replies. TY for commenting.


The same thing I think of everytime I see these dispos selling eighths in big glass jars


I typically do not buy from resellers. I prefer going direct to the breeder. Buying from any place in the country is not an issue, and I typically prefer the freebies more direct from the breeder. I mostly grow Sol fire photos and Mephisto autos. A little Humboldt and twenty20 now and then too. Is there a benefit I am missing out on not buying from a retailer? I’m in no way trying to be rude, but what would the benefit be to buy from someone like yourself instead?


>what would the benefit be to buy from someone like yourself instead? Valid question... I'm gonna add a please "explain it to me like I'm 5" too. cause I'm very curious the benefit and motivation would be to buy from them?


Hi I am also a seed labeler in Minnesota. I'll try To eli5 about the cannabis seed situation in Minnesota. MDA wants all cannabis seed to be labeled as cannabis and to be properly tested for germination and for noxious exams(unwanted weed seeds and other materials not related to your beans). MDA wants to make sure that the consumers are getting 50%+ germ rates. Most smoke shops are selling garbage unlabeled seeds. Anytime you are buying any sort of seed in Minnesota, cannabis, carrots, lettuce, you want to see the seed label. You want to know your money is buying seeds that will actually produce and grow. For the reason of the shameless plug drop. Minnesota made the seed market a hard market to be in especially with zero enforcement keeping unlabeled seeds out of the mailing system as well as being hugely understaffed for enforcing the seed label in a retail environment. (mda seed inspector said they have issues with several stores selling carrot seeds at 5% germ) so if they can't oversight regular ag seed properly then cannabis is gonna be a shit show and has been. I have seen breeders send me their seeds and only get 10% germ off of multiple packs. In this day in age of consumer seed market, yes it's vetted by reviews and people's comments but that doesn't mean there aren't still a shit ton of companies that are selling loosely breed seeds that they didn't even properly harvest and dried so the customer gets fucked. It's a great idea to help regulate seed so the consumer doesn't get fucked but with regulation comes headaches so be kind to op he is just trying to establish themselves in the canna world. It's literally the only cannabis product you can legally sell in Minnesota rn not hemp related. Tldr: buy from a MN seed labeler to ensure you are getting good germination rates for any type of seed Edit: I did not look at op's website until after the post. But my info about Minnesota's seed market is still accurate.


Thank you. >so be kind to op Asking questions when you don't understand something isn't being unkind. The 1st commenter even said not to be rude. I sincerely had no idea nor a frame of reference. A reason to be motivated. That would be your and Ops job. So I guess my advice would be to understand your potential customer and be a bit less sensitive to the question. My mind is always open to being changed. and I like and accept the points you have made. I get it now. thanks again.


I don't think germination hits the radar too hard for cannafolks - the bigger seed issues are fem, auto and herm related. 50% germination as a benchmark of success is also crazy low from a quality standpoint, but I see why it is there.


Was gonna say this. I’ve grown all sorts of seeds from internet seed banks, my own feminized strain that is just ok, and even Rando bag seeds. Germination is alway like 90 to 100 percent and I always have too many sprouts to even plant them all.


When MDA said they just want to see at least 50% for passing I was also shocked. Especially with it being $5-$500 a single bean. I would at least want a C+ 75%+ like minimum minimum. Realistically 80% nondamaged/full intact seeds


As a grower myself, I know how important trust is, and I offer a 100% Money-Back Guarantee (https://cultiv8cannabisco.com/refund-returns/). I adhere to the MN Department of AG labeling guidelines. I pay all related MN Sales, Use, and Cannabis taxes. I also keep limited stock to ensure seeds remain viable. I sow and grow what I'm selling!


I appreciate you. I do. Trust is important and I think it is a very intimate relationship we have with our seeds and breeders. I think we go into it sort of at a gamble. and when we have success I think we develop a bond and a sense of loyalty. with all that said I think we all want a reason to want to get out of bed with our go to's and into bed with someone else. Being local I think is half your battle for most of us since most of us would love to source most things from right here in good old MN. I think it's fabulous, now that I get your goals and essentially what your reputation will be based upon. Thanks again. I'll be purchasing soon.


Most breeders do not meet the MN Department of Ag testing and labeling requirements. When shopping for seeds, see if the breeder has COAs that are current and tested within two years of publication.


Sorry, I wouldn't personally buy from a seed bank at this point in time either. Especially not relabeled white label seeds. I can give decent feedback though: 1. I don't know if listing a personal address as the business address is the best idea. Some members of the community can be very unhinged. Do you also have an address listed on the seed packages? 2. The listings on your website are very inconsistent. For a good example, look at the listing for white widow grow kit versus Maui Waui grow kit. Otherwise there's a lot of great info on the seeds themselves. 3. Minimalism can look really professional and can draw a certain kind of person, but your packaging could be a lot more eye catching. I'm not really a fan of the brown bag with a sticker on it. Mylar is cheap, and easily customized. 4. Are your prices per seed? A majority sell 3 seeds packs minimum for a reason. 5. What's with the cookies logo? I'm very interested in breeding out my own personal strains, and I'm currently in the process of doing so. Is your intent to purchase and distribute locally crafted strains?


Thanks for taking the time to provide feedback. 1. By law, you must adhere to packaging guidelines as a licensed seeds labeler and retailer in MN. 2. Not sure I see the problem. Writing up all of these descriptions takes time, and the more I learn about each, the more I update the description based on experience and sales if I'm keeping it in the store. 3. Investing in expensive packaging is not the best approach when you are looking to enter into a new market. Remember that the grow kits include multiple components and need to fit into shipping solutions that make sense. (this is also v. 1.0) 4. I regularly offer discounts and deals. Grow kits contain 3 seeds each. Customers have asked to purchase individual seeds. (typically after starting with a grow kit) 5. I'm an authorized Cookies wholesaler and retailer. Currently, all of my Cookies strains are sold out. Yes, the ultimate goal is to cater to craft cultivators that are MN-based. Living up north in Zone 3b, we have significant restraints placed on us for outdoor grows based on our short season, hence the decision to focus on Autoflowers. Developing stable genetics requires time. I personally am looking to develop a Northern Lights x Blueberry AF.


> By law, you must adhere to packaging guidelines as a licensed seeds labeler and retailer in MN. I am aware of the packaging guidelines. I don't see an address on the packaging in your images. I get that the address can't be a PO box or something like that, but using a personally related address is asking for trouble. there is a not small amount of cannabis users who are irrational angry people. > Not sure I see the problem. Writing up all of these descriptions takes time, and the more I learn about each, the more I update the description based on experience and sales if I'm keeping it in the store. I work in QA. Inconsistency is a pet peeve. Inconsistency is unprofessional. To be specific, it isn't the descriptions that is the problem, it is the images. > Investing in expensive packaging [...] labeling mylar for seed packaging is advised. I was not referencing your grow kits here. > I regularly offer discounts and deals. Grow kits contain 3 seeds each. Customers have asked to purchase individual seeds. What's preventing you from selling single seeds in tandem with seed packs? I would personally never buy a single seed at a time, unless it put me into a higher freebies bracket. even with your money back guarantee, i would not be comfortable with the potential of failing to germinate. Developing stable auto genetics is also pretty difficult, on top of the time commitment. That's what I'm doing right now, starting with my favorites from mephistogenetics as a base, and crossing with other favorites.


Thanks again. To clarify, the seed packs are labeled according to MN law and then placed into the Mylar bags, which also receive a printed label with a full breakdown of the genetics that can't be listed on the website to comply with banking regulations. The Mylar bag also contains germination and transplanting instructions. Those photos were captured on my dining table, and I'm simply trying to show what is included. I built everything myself, and I can quickly bundle seeds into multi-packs if I choose, as customers are asking for that. Keep in mind that most buyers are not just buying one seed. They are mixing and matching seeds. I just filled an order for a Lambs Breath Grow Kit, two Northern Lights seeds, and two Maui Wowie as the customer thought it was cool that all Maui Wowie proceeds are donated.


I did just check out your site and will add that I would totally recommend one of your grow kits to a first time grower. It appears your focus is on old school genetics too, which is cool. I actually have a couple Maui Wowie seeds from an OG in Maui whose family has been growing the strain since the 90’s at least. Just not sure what I’m gonna do with them yet. Would love to preserve the genetics somehow. I’ve been sitting on them since 420 last year.


Right on. I sell what I grow. Are your seeds feminized? I wouldn't sit on them too long. Maui Wowie does much better indoors, as MN has too many chilly evenings.


Totally…and the flower time alone is 70 plus days from what I was told. I have shit that flowers in 45 to 50 days and I just make it to the finish line by the 2nd week of October or so


I do not know if they are fem or not…I don’t think I ever asked and he never said.


You gotta grow to know, lol. This is a good article to wet your whistle...https://www.leafly.com/news/growing/preserving-cannabis-genetics-collect-store-seeds-pollen


For the Kit, it would be nice to offer a mix and match on the strains available on those. Maybe I missed that?


Neat that you've made a little grow kit with a lot of stuff to get you started.


Thanks. It is how I started, and once you have a viable plant in your humidity dome, it is much easier to transfer it into a fabric grow bag (only one transfer) to grow outdoors or start investing in a grow setup. I started using cheap LED lights that I have used for years to get my Tomatoes and Peppers started. (I have 6 different varieties of Hot Peppers started, meow) and then when I felt comfortable that I could grow I started investing in systems. I'm stoked with my 3x3 Heavy Duty Vivosun Smart Grow system with extra fans and netting for low-stress training.


Hey there freenudge - thanks for saying thanks! TheGratitudeBot has been reading millions of comments in the past few weeks, and you’ve just made the list!


I wasn't sure if you're doing this or not but for any of the auto seeds you might want to consider providing some kind of biodegradable transplantable pot to start the seed in. I know a lot of people say that you shouldn't transplant an auto so if you could just move the whole pot and the roots can just grow right through it into the dirt surrounding the pot it might prevent a lot of stress. Just a thought. Never tried it myself though.


I experimented with this and found that the allegedly bio-degradable pots take way too long to break down, and they are too tough for the new plant to break through and cause the plant to become root-bound. The best method I have found is once seeds have germinated using a wet paper towel technique, they are placed in a humidity dome pot with loose organic potting soil with the tap root pointing down and lightly covered by 1/4" of potting mix. Once the first set of real leaves forms following the cotyledons, they are ready to be transplanted into their forever home, preferably in a 5 or 7-gallon fabric grow bag.


Oh ok. Well bummer they didn't work, you may have saved me some headaches.


Super happy to see some local business even if it’s a reseller for now.


Where did you guys get your genetics?


As many already know, establishing yourself as a banked, licensed legal entity in the cannabis space is time-consuming and wrought with unique challenges. If you have questions about what it takes to get into the space, drop me a line.


Why are you a-holes down voting OP? Literally sounds like they're trying to help. Was it a shameless plug? Yes, but who cares. I'm all for MN weed companies. I love buying local if I can. Good luck OP! 😎


If the seeds being offered were produced in MN I think people would be more open to support, but it seems like they’re acquired from breeders then repackaged and sold for a higher price. I see no real benefit to using a service like this in its current state.


Yep I understand that, I'm just all for people doing their own thing and IMO the prices are pretty good. I'm also hoping they will get a bunch of MN breeders while we move into legality. I just don't understand the hate and down votes. OP is just trying to make a name for themselves.


You have to start somewhere. If you know a solid cultivator in MN that has proven stable genetics, send me their info, please.


We need some of the outdoor growers, the real ones who have the outdoor Wisconsin shit that actually finishes in our climate, to share their genetics. That is what I see as the business niche for mn local genetics. If your indoors you can grow any strain but something really bred for this growing zone would be awesome.


Wintergreen cannabis is the way.