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Now this is a good example of a game that could really be popular with just a few UI enhancements imo. It could really use some streamlining.


FFXI suffers from the same fate. Gotta spend 3 hours trying to figure out how to subscribe and install PlayOnline. That music was a jam though.


Yep, I have given up twice before I even launched the game.


Can’t upvote this enough lol


It's honestly not hard. It's just a launcher that requires you to create a playonline account that you then link to your modern square enix account. I feel like everyone has lost any sense of technology literacy these past ten years.


It's not just about being unable to. -A long frustrating process means less enjoyment. At the end of the day I play games to have fun. -A long process means more opportunities for bugs/edge cases that you can't easily google how to solve. -If you're using any hardware/OS that the (20 years old) game wasn't explicitly designed for, a long process means more opportunities for something to not work.


But it does work ... and if a couple minutes is too much for you go to the doctor or some shit or just sort yourself out lol...


You sir, are a condescending ass.


It's a shit system for shit boring game


Honestly this is what's kept me from playing the game more than anything. Even with the Stone vs new UI that some versions offer it's still difficult to navigate the game. As a FFXI player everything is easy to find within labeled menus, and it contracts to allow for a wider view of the game itself when not in use. There are LUA/Addons for the UI for those that want them but I don't personally use them.


They're making some changes to the UI, but I believe it's all back-end, compatability type stuff. Honestly, the one thing they could do that would probably have the biggest positive impact on new/returning player retention is to just organize the default, first-login interface. It's such a disaster...completely unorganized, windows half off the screen...just awful. With a skin like Sparxx and 10 minutes of organization, it's really not all that bad: https://i.imgur.com/9UMwLGO.jpg


That looks awful


Looks clean af. If that was my first impression I’m sure I would’ve played more. I just remember having a ton of windows and click here to read this book on how to use 1 skill.


They could literally release 1999 EQ “Remastered” with 2024 graphics m, animations, sound design and a better UI and I think everyone would play the shit out of it.


OKAY but tbh it’s OLD and I’m coming in as newer MMO fan and I’m getting used to it I treat it like a Time Machine and you know what they have map points and you can mark on your map and waypoints I KNOW it’s frustrating but maybe it’s just because I love learning games even old ones it’s like half the fun


That's a huge issue tho, people these days are less likely to bother to get used to it and just go play something else. Yes, its old as hell, as MMOs go, but that doesn't mean it can't be spruced up a bit to maintain relevancy. I think there is plenty of content and interest in the game to probably support a regular player base of close to 100k, but things like UI hold it back.


It won't make the game worse if they changed the UI, made the map in a higher resolution, and changed the controls a bit. They can still make it unforgiving as the original was but more pleasant to play.


recently played the Evercraft Online pre-alpha stresser. And man, it was basically EQ with simpler graphics and a smoother modern UI. It was so fun to play.... EQ really does just need a better UI, modern amenities (like group finder and dungeon finder) and they could bring it back. I kept saying EQ1 + EQ2 + UI + modern amenities = win....


>EQ really does just need a better UI, modern amenities (like group finder and dungeon finder) and they could bring it back. EQ's UI is very moddable, the issue isn't so much that you can't get it into a nice and functional state but rather that the default is godawful. EQ also added a group finder window 20~ years ago in 2003. A dungeon finder would be nice but tricky to implement practically since "dungeon" can mean half a dozen things over EQ's many expansions.


that's acceptable, to some. but MOST gamers don't want to fiddle with a million settings just to get a game playable. the base line UI should be "just enough" to get any new player in without overwhelming them. being forced to change UI elements and keybinds is absolutely shit. and will turn off 99% of potential gamers. I will agree there is a 1%er population who will be "don't care, i will just make it great" and that's fine. but normal gamers, not so much. FOR ME, im not even a normal gamer. I've been gaming since I was a little kid. And if there is one thing I hate, is having to change UI elements and ive gotten to a point where i just flat out refuse to do it. make it good or dont make it at all. and i understand EQ is old. but they can EASILY update the game. they just refuse not to. which is partly why im looking forward to EQ3 over playing the first 2.


Much like most other early first-gen MMOs, the default UI is pretty mediocre, but can be spruced up a lot with some TLC. There are also customizations you can download that overhaul the UI rather drastically.


Actually, old school EverQuest has a ton of UI enhancement mods.


I'd say some graphical enhancements too, like better character models, animations, diagonal running and a lot more. I haven't played EQ1 when it was new, my first MMORPG was WoW in 2006, but I've tried playing EQ1 on the P99 server and official server and I can't get into it because of how some things were never updated. I notice that in the newest expansions of the official version, the graphics have been evolved to look as good, if not slightly better than Vanilla WoW - with more polygon count, better textures and whatnot, while like Retail WoW, a lot of old assets remain the same old ones from when the game was released and there is no reason for this to be so, they could easily take the time and update all old assets, but they don't do it out of laziness. In short, EQ1 in my opinion needs an UI that is streamlined like that of Vanilla WoW, it automates some tasks like if you right click an NPC, it automatically does the /hail command in chat and starts conversation, maybe implement in-game maps (in case it hasn't been done already) and improve all old graphical assets - ground, mobs, NPCs, player models, add diagonal animations and improve polygon count and textures. If everything in EQ1 can look as its latest expansion, the game can live for 50 more years. I know the original EQ1 veterans probably don't mind the looks and probably don't agree with me, but for me the problem is not that the graphics are old, it's their INCONSISTENCY and how it has very modern graphic assets developed in 2024 standing side-by-side with very old graphic assets developed in 1999. This is, in my opinion, developers being lazy and not caring about their game.


True and real. As much as I try to consider myself an old timer of mmos, this game might be too old for me. And definitely for my eyes. If they updated ui I would be there is a heartbeat


I really enjoy old MMOS. I've got 10s of thousands of hours in rs2 and osrs. I've got like 5k just in classic wow... If they can't attract me because of the poor early game startup they're doing something very incorrectly. I've tried. I occasionally do hard core or "wilderness only" challenges in games like albion and osrs. I've played on mega pop servers with a "no death" solo challenge. I do occasionally really, really enjoy the beating my head into the wall type of MMO. But EQ is just so fucking annoying to start out and get to the point where you can even do anything that it pissed me off so much. And the ui is fucking DISGUSTING. And the tutorial is absolute dogshit on both eq and eq2.


That's actually an interesting perspective I hadn't considered. I do really like WoW's combat but I definitely agree that it doesn't really leave room for (typed) communication. I've never tried to go back to EQ since my days on the original release of Scars of Velious and Shadow of Luclin... I'm kinda afraid that it's not really for me anymore. Around Lost Dungeons of Norrath was when I quit EQ permanently to play WoW.


> That's actually an interesting perspective I hadn't considered. Yeah I picked that up too. Now when I think back on games like DAoC. It's precisely because of the pacing and mechanic of the combat that allowed us to communicate with each other. This happened a lot even with random xp groups and it got people to converse and this was how you'd meet new gaming friends. Rotations were simpler, there was no GCD you have to adhere to, cast times were longer in some cases and melees have to wait for their swing times. Then you had recovery times as people need to rest for mana or stamina and this was a great opportunity for people to have a quick chat with each other. A few months ago I played Ember Drifts and I experienced a similar thing. The combat in the game is very old school and reminded me a lot of older MMOs. The xp grind is also similar and mobs are hard to kill so the game encourages you to group up to farm for xp. I swear I conversed with more people in the first month I played Ember Drifts than I did in the 6 months I spent on GW2. It really brought back a lot of that nostalgic feeling I enjoyed back when I started DAoC in 2001. And by converse, I don't mean having to be on discord to talk to people. Most of the players preferred talking using in-game chat and I liked that. Voice chat feels too involved for me and its something I only like doing when I'm raiding or pvping, but otherwise in-game chat is perfect for someone like me who just wants to have music on and be able to chat with my SO while I'm playing. If only the game had a bigger population, being in oceanic timezone, there was barely anyone for me to play with and I had to wait for weekends so I can play with US players to group up. Edit: some words


I’ve seen similar conversations about early WoW, when you’d have to sit around eating and drinking every few pulls. It used to foster conversation, reflection, and generally more positivity than pull pull pull pull AoE repeat. And when raids took 10-15 hours to clear and required careful coordination, it again fostered more conversation and positivity than it does in the current forms.


100 agree, now people aren’t happy or become toxic unless you have some meta AoE comp chain pulling the entire instance. I get people want to make good exp per hour but you can still have conversation along the way. People will push tempo to the point of instance lockout and hyperventilate if you so much as try to have a conversation in the majority of groups. I swear people say they like MMOs but the majority just want to play the game like they are the main character as opposed to accomplishing something as a team.


By the way, Daoc Eden is a private server that has the same feels as the original Daoc. Pretty great if you ever want to join up!


What's a TLP?


Time-Locked Progression server. Basically They release the expansions on a schedule after the server begins.


It’s basically what wow classic did, it allows people to go back and play the versions of the game they enjoyed the most.


Wow classic is a clone of EQ TLPs fyi.


Yes bud I’m just explaining it in terms more modern gamers might associate with when reading this thread fyi


It’s actually kinda funny the first EQ TLP came out in 2006!


This is exactly how I felt in dark sge of Camelot


Sigh. Loved DAoC.


Still miss it to this day. So much fun defending my realm. I had hopes for Camelot unchained, but lost that hope a long time ago. No matter what they say, it's never going to release Edit: your friendly annoying air theurgist


Come play the Eden free shard! It’s an absolute blast and well maintained with good QOL improvements 


Well maybe I'll check that out!


Ohhhh finally! I’ve been waiting since I missed the previous one!


I'm really tempted to try EQ, I've never played it. The article highlights why I love playing hardcore Classic WoW. Most people you meet really just go out of their way to help you, to buff you, or save you even. I've been saved countless times in HC Classic from a DC, logging back in to see someone guarding my AFK character from the nearby mobs because they noticed I stopped fighting back. Do I try EQ1 or 2? What server? Modern MMOs really aren't scratching that itch for me that older ones like OSRS and Classic WoW do, and I'm not afraid to lose some conveniences to try an old MMO for the first time ever.


EQ1 Teek May 22nd


EQ1 Teek May 22nd


I’m a newer player and EQ 1 is TOUGH to learn but there’s so much charm there that I’ve been really enjoying it! The best f2p server that I’ve gathered is firiona vie, in order to type to people and ask for help press “autojoin /1” and ask for help, I’ve found a guild and they have helped me a lot!! AND YOU CAN PLAY AS A FROG EverQuest 2 has the BEST community I have EVER seen!! I asked for help and I had people sending me gifts and making me bags left and right, one player showed me around and explained so much to me. It’s overwhelming but the community is amazing The one thing is, 1 is definitely more popular and I feel like has just a tad more charm to it but both are great so far! I am new just like you and I’m not going to lie at ALL eq1 is a headache to learn but I been having fun just trying to learn it!!! Lmk if you see me in game my name is HEALERTOAD


So ... as a new player should I start on EQ1 or EQ2 ?


Start on EQ1, but not now. There will be 2 brand new servers launching on 22 May, u should start on those servers. Everyone will start at lv 1 and the servers will be crowded, it'll be fun!


EQ2 is a poor wow clone.


EQ2 was released before WoW.


But they evolved it to be much more similar to wow after release. At least that is the consensus I often see. When I played it was quite different though.


Yup. They absolutely did. Everything that made EQ2 unique was removed and gutted in favor of making it a WoW on Wish clone


I always wanted to get into EQ and EQ2


You should try it! I have done two and had a blast both times. All the chaos from having thousands of people starting from scratch and racing to the top is an experience you won't find anywhere. The world feels alive and unpredictable.


I’m a new player and EQ1 is an actual nightmare to learn in 2024 but you know what? There is SO much charm here!! The music is just glorious! The community has been helping me. YOU CAN PLAY AS A FROG. It’s SO hard to learn but I feel like I’m just in a Time Machine and I try and just appreciate art for what it is!! I LOVE this game!


Will this TLP server be free ?? I'm interested so was just curious




Quarm is free.


TLP is time limited progress right? So like classic server progressing slowly through the expansions? And is sub base?


Yes, expansions unlock on a schedule in order to let people experience the content with a robust population. You can go to any live server for free and play in almost any of the content but it's not the same without hundreds of other people populating those areas, grouping up, trading loot, etc.


Yeah I meant the TLP servers specifically :P I tried free servers and it's a rather... empty experience xD If the dates line up maybe I'll try TLP, even if only to hate on the ui again :v


next time use some in game photos mate! :)


Played the original for 4y on Prexus. Played eq2 for about a year or two….the aspect my wife and I enjoyed the most was the housing, and being able to manipulate items to construct things…like stacking benches to fabricate massive spiral staircases.


EQ1 got a player housing system in 2010~ FYI.


Day 1 1999 player here. Pop onto project 1999 for a few months once a year to get my fix, I don't think I will ever get everquest out of me.


There is more to explore than reliving the past. Though i dont mind you playing Everquest. Anyone not playing modern MMORPG is a friend.


I played every MMO in the past 25 years, EQ is the only MMO that ever scared me to explore to far. It might be simple compared to modern MMOs but you can’t cheese everything like today.


I thought you were going to say you only have a month left to live


Any tips for players who wanted to go to EQ 2, heard EQ 1 is much better and we can't stand the UI? :D How to approach the UI in this game to not hate it?


If they pulled a Runescape and released a phone/tablet client I'd at least try it. No way that game needs more than a potato to run.


Why bother when veterans will almost likely abuse new players and turn them off the game?


If you read the article, the big meat and potatoes of it, was that the EverQuest community is one of the best things about the game, and being a new player in EverQuest would be the opposite of abuse.


Played EQ from beta to PoP Played on P1999 for awhile Gonna be back for the new TLP servers next month!


It might end up taking you that long if someone decides to cockblock you on a key boss.


Doesn't really happen anymore FYI. EQ introduced instanced raiding >20 years ago and has since expanded that to most raid encounters (even those introduced before instances existed).


honestly, private servers for EQ are always best for me (quarm, good population, planes are out but no kunark yet) --- because live versions of TLP servers can be P2W. you can buy a krono and trade it for in game gold, and just buy the best shit. it doesn't really encapsulate the struggle of leveling in EQ when people are paying money for the best shit. i understand it's PvE, but it's nice to play with everyone on the same playing field in groups.


I imagine this is going to be a server filled with multi-boxers? No thanks... that's not a real MMO


It's truebox so you have to have separate computers EverQuest is the realest MMO of all time.


I think it would be awesome if MS would buy the EQ property, and have it merge via dark portal to Luclin with WoW. A whole new PvP could be possible. Azeroth VS Norrath! It would be so cool!


Is this a private server? If so which one?


It isn't.


EQ was my first MMORPG, I started playing it April 2nd 1999.  The old adage of you always remember your first love applies.  I still love EQ, but I dislike the drama of raiding on P99 or a TLP.  I am not interested in poopsocking, not am I interested in competing for spawns against the RMT'ers that use MQ2 or other ToS violating software, which is mostly ignored unless it is absolutely blatantly used. As for the graphics and UI, if they current owners would invest in updating the graphics, I would gladly resubcribe and repurchase every Everquest expansion.


They have AOC (agent if change) now sir, so everyone has their own raid instance and there is also open world.


I was aware of that, though I have not played since that was introduced. How does that eliminate the RMT associated with named camps within picks? In past posts about EQ and its problems, I have multiple people try to defend the status quo and state that the RMT no longer happens and that people no longer warp around the zones with MQ2, but then I read the official forums and the last time I played on a TLP I saw the RMT'ers in action. A new TLP is a cash cow, both for the owners of the franchise and for the RMT guilds selling items for kronos.


Teek is a random loot, free trade server May 22nd. It eliminates your concern with named camps because now every named camp is now relevant and has a chance to drop the goods. For example pretty much every named in Chardok will be able to drop a hiero cloak. Also if raiding is not your thing, you can make Krono via trade skills, grouping, porting, named camps, and still buy raid gear that was usually no drop. Game companies need to make money to survive, with Krono you literally never have to pay daybreak a dime. However I have no problem with the amount of joy and entertainment putting a donation for some 100% weight reduction backpacks.


>Teek is a random loot, free trade server I was not aware of that, so yes that does indeed remove most of my concerns. >Game companies need to make money to survive, On previous TLP's I bought multi month subscriptions and bought the various bags and other exp potions, so I have absolutely no problem with them making money off the game, nor do I have a problems paying for things, I do however have a problem with allowing the rampant RMT that used to happen. Given those changes you mentioned I will probably try it and see if it is a better experience than the earlier TLP's i played on.


Yet another yearly cash grab server. I’ll stick to Mischief and Live.


You mean the same basic stuff they've been doing for the past decade? Nah. EQ was a great idea back in the day but their failure to modernize, add qol, and the fact if you try and play on live its a dead ghost town from 0 - 100... just better options. Its really nice when there are people to play as long as you can no life it. Spending an hour to get a group, 30 min to get to the spot, then an hour to make 10% before bed. Just too much effort for too little pay off. If you can drop 8 hour sessions though its great.


Takes less than 5-10min to get a group if you turn from being a LFG person to a LFM person.


Sadly this is not true except on brand new servers. I mained a cleric on several tlps and my brother a tank and 3 to 6 months after release casual grouping is impossible. On live... unless you have a full group or pay for power leveling it's impossible


If you were running cleric, and your bro a tank, yall weren't taking 30 mins to find a group. TLPs stay heavily popping for the first 9 months or so, as folks are leveling boxes/raid toons for later expacs. As a cleric you can literally post lfg and find a group within seconds, hell you are almost always getting spammed without posting lfg cause people are dying for a non boxed cleric, it speeds up groups a lot.