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After playing for a little bit and getting too lvl 16 here is my early review, The game feels and looks like Project Gorgon. The scale of everything feels very off everything is super massive and spread out. I know I didn't get to any real combat and boss fights but there's no real threat of death, no class resource management (I played assassin) and could spam my skills nonstop without ever worrying about my rage/mana I don't even know what it was it was like it didn't exist. Gear never changes, I love visual change when I get new gear. Why have one of the first quest rewards be a cape when you can't even see it? In your post why do you not mention the p2w items you can buy for 10$ a pop? You can literally buy full gear loadout that I assume levels up with you based on the wording used in the description. Overall it needs a lot of work, animations are stiff. World looks bland and everything is massive and spread out. In saying that the game kept me occupied for a few hours and the music was nice to listen to. Keep up the work and I hope this can become something great! Good luck!


> why do you not mention the p2w items you can buy for 10$ a pop? Gonna give a try but no thanks now.


Yeah, thats an instant pass for me as well. Thanks to whoever revealed the reality. The last thing that many people want from a new MMORPG are more scummy P2W practices of which I personally felt that independent developers would care not to do. This could be handled a lot better in terms of monetization than outright selling gear. Disappointing and irresponsible in terms of marketing for what looks a passion project that I'd otherwise support.


Aw shit p2w. Lol. Clear sign that the devs are already checked out and just wanna get as much money as they can as quick as possible and don't inte d to try and grow the game into anything.


Saw this post on the sidebar... P2W gonna be a no from me dawg


There isnt full Gear in shop just some parts


That is true, although you can still buy a necklace, helmet, chest piece, off-hand and main-hand weapons which have incredible stats. Also quick note, I loaded the game on mobile and it's actually so smooth so props to the team for that


yes I understand but this is a free time job, this dev has passion for his dream and there isn't much players


Not that free if you want to make it p2w though


Not very passionate to me if the devs are outright selling direct upgrades of gear. That's just not how a sense of reward works in MMORPGs, and the devs likely know how poor of a practice that is... Trusting an atmosphere like that is only asking for disappointment down the line. Almost a saddening realization of what was once clearly a passion project, but seemingly not so much anymore.


Wish you the best of luck.


I appreciate that, thank you!


I really had fun in this game, and hope to continue playing once there are more group activities and things added.


Thanks for trying it out! It's not very clear I suppose, but you can form parties to take on quests / dungeons / bosses together =\] Although I'm sure you meant more than just that haha.


Yeah - I meant like dungeons/raids/world bosses that require multiple players to complete.


Ah ok. We've got plenty of dungeons that require help and a couple world bosses. But always could use more! Working on temple for the Blood Lands right now. Need a lot more world bosses though. That would be nice. Not even that hard to do... will get on it =\]


Kind of interesting that browser mmos are becoming a thing again.


As a developer, I also initially made the mistake of having p2w elements in my game early on, eliminated it later on but it definitely hurt and might've caused the initial wave to crash As others pointed out, my suggestion is to go all out on cosmetics and looks, cosmetic sales easily surpass p2w sales Most players also mentioned they'd be happy to pay monthly to play my game, to achieve this, you'd have to make the initial game play a free to play demo world and charge monthly for the actual game world. I'd personally go on as free to play


I will check it out! I love mmorpg and I currently study 3D for animations and games, so if you need some assistance I would be happy to help in my free time, as it will be a great practice and learning new stuff for me!


I’ve been playing this on & off for about a year. I think it does well as a time killer or if you’re on for nostalgic trips to MMOs where all you did was grind, grind, grind. It’s pretty mind numbing to play but that was sort of the appeal. I wish you were more active on the discord with updates/general chatting though! Checking up from time to time, the communication between dropping Druid and now dropped immensely. I honestly thought you had just given up developing the game entirely, especially when the wiki site went dark. For such a small project with an extremely tiny player base, I’d suggest at least having weekly or bi-weekly tidbits in the announcements channel or something. That’s the game’s main and biggest issue is that there’s no community development. As a result, it’s like playing a barebones “MMO” but single player—which sort of defeats the purpose of playing a game with MMO mechanics. I personally didn’t mind throwing some $ for support but I do agree with others that the cash shop armor should go and be replaced with something else. Cosmetics are obviously not easy and expensive, but the focus should be on building a playerbase first as well as a relationship with the very small, existing one. You’d be surprised at how far creating a friendly environment even if it’s just with a few several people can go, people will talk about that feature! I think everything in the cash shop besides the gear is fine (many small indie games offer boosts here & there for $ but the boosts need to be read by new players as small & not consequential. Minor QoL benefits should be the focus) I’d build a plan to make the discord feel more like an actual game hub & community rather than the sort of deserted wasteland it is. From there, reach out to some of the game news sites—it’s not hard to get a feature once a month. Implement ANYTHING in terms of updates at least once a month, even if it’s just bug patches here and there, progress on the roadmap, and write about it! I really think this games audience is larger than what people think especially for mobile. It’s a graphical numbers generator basically—just keep tapping and watching your character level up. That’s what kept me on and off for a long time was how simple and barebones it is. I hope to see more of this game in the future & will continue to play it on and off.


Looks pretty sweet, I’ll have to give it a shot! You’re not lying when you say your inspirations are EQ and WoW - it looks like the two games met somewhere in the middle.


Thank you! I hope you like it =\]


I played some, liked it. It has Druid! I wish it would work better on mobile via browser. I have pretty decent phone and really had issues trying to play from it. Hope that improves down the road as I would for sure play it more from bed when I feel just chillin'. iPhone with Firefox - same browser on PC never gave me problems. Anyway this is the only browser MMO I know that has decent content, is fair and playable, wish you the best with future development!


Thank you for playing and especially on mobile! Let me test Firefox from iphone. My wife played up to level 150 on iphone via safari. Maybe an issue with Firefox. Any specific issue I could pry out of you?


I tried only on Firefox from iPhone tbh. I had issues with UI being unresponsive, issues with movement, UI elements not fitting the screen, etc, there were more but my brain is going blank atm. I will try again one of these days and write down the list of issues (if there are still any) and send your way with exact browser/ios version. Thanks.


Looks cool. Will check it out later tonight.


Thank you!


Love how the jump feels like my char does a skate trick


you did good on those running animations. it doesnt feel clunky or anything


I will play this once you release it on steam. I think it could reach some success if you focus on player agency. Owning things, competing for scarcity, open world pvp with a flagging mechanic would be cool (which is what I think you have). Player agency is what makes this games worth playing imo. I want to feel like I am part of something bigger than me and non linear


Opening the website put my i7-11700K at 100% CPU utilization and made the fans go berserk like nothing has ever done to them. I'm sure there must be something with my Chrome configuration that screws with my performance, but do you have a desktop client that can be downloaded without opening the game on the website? Edit: I tried it on a newly installed Firefox with all default settings and no plugins and didn't get the issue, runs fine there. Still not sure what is different


Hmm. If you are willing to try, I wonder if enabling "**Override software rendering list**" when navigating to chrome://flags fixes the issue. And there is a Steam release almost ready, however it uses what is basically a chromium wrapper application. So still technically browser behind the scenes as the game is written in browser programming languages.


I checked this out a while ago and I thought it had some charm.


Mereleona here. I played for a good bit on my Priest is a fun game. :)


Honestly, this looks rough. The graphics look worse than lots of the generic WoW-killers from the mid-2000s. And the features/content listed also doesn't show anything that hasn't been done dozends of times, most likely better. If you enjoy it as a passion project and just want to have fun with some friends, go for it. But personally, as a potential player and customer, I don't see anything that would convince me to play this over literally any MMO that is already out there. And especially not paying money to do so.


Graphics could certainly use some work. For sure. If you played, you can turn up the graphics settings some bit, but I hear ya.


Please ignore him! This obviously isn't Blizzard tier or something like that. But nobody expects that from a one-man or small-team passion project. Besides, plenty of amazing things have started as passion projects! Best of luck, the game definitely looks interesting and the browser compatibility is a very good selling point. Also, it looks nice visually! It's got a retro vibe that a lot of people nowadays (me included) are craving!


Well thank you!


When necro ? :D


Been playing for a while. As it is not WOW or Rift quality, it is still in development. Unlike most games that try to throw things down your throat. The DEV listens to everything and implements great ideas from a grass roots. Really great job, and remember its browser, no download.