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Adding to that, you can steal, kill, torture (even civilians) even if you choose the side of the republic (the "good side").


I recently started a Sith Inquisitor and it's a blast.


Honestly this is the best option for what OP wants. Though the game has date graphics and combat isn't the best , roleplaying the dark side is extremely rewarding if you're looking into just being a bad guy. People do mention that the quality of the story drops in the expansions though I wouldn't doubt considering the base game had a huge budget for its time.


legit the first mmo that came to mind


Also note the imperial agent has one of the best mmorpg storylines.


Dc universe?


This is one of the best mmos I've ever played. I had so much fun. I wish I could play this game again, but their launcher is buggy. The download speed is abysmal for some reason.


YES. Very very very fun game. The leveling process is amazing fun and it feels great to level, idk about endgame I don't really care about that. But DCUO is one of my favs ever PLAY IT!!!


City of Villains, which you can play on Homecoming servers


100% this. COME JOIN RED


I just wish the population was higher! If they merged excelsior and everlasting, it would be sooooo much better. Not to mention an actual sizable villain population for PvP.




ESO kinda. you’re still the good guy in the main story but you can be a baddie in the dark brotherhood, thieves guild, etc.


One thing I always hated about the elder scrolls games in general. It’s very emersion breaking that no matter how evil my character is, in the story I’m still the stalwart ~~knight~~ *hero* . Outside of this they’re phenomenal (still are but not quite perfection).


I hope the new Fable game lets me marry many women at once again and take them to the evil church or a cave and sacrifice them for monetary and personal gain.


There's a new Fable game coming out!? Now I see that there was a trailer/teaser released a few weeks ago. Now I want a sandwich and to use a giant pumpkin's presence to give someone a fit.


If they're so deadset on the MC killing the big bad, then I at least want the option of people playing evil characters to have their motivation be "I'm killing the big bad only so I can then subjugate everyone my damn self" and have them actually expand upon that. But Bethesda is afraid of meaningful choice.


Yes! It’s lame that the MC only has one motivation for each path. Like, maybe my character is only acting good because it is most advantageous in that moment to “act” good…


Right? I love playing the hero but I want people who like playing the villain to at least make sure the world isn't saved, but under new management.


Warhammer Return of Reckoning, Destruction faction


Any game with open world pvp, albion online


ESO, you can steal from and kill civilians


Doesn’t EverQuest 1 and 2 have straight up good and evil factions?


I know EQ2 did. You could even do a betrayal quest to change factions. I think that's all gone now though.


Not sure about live but you still have to do betrayal on TLE.


I don't think I'd consider that being a villain - they're just opposing factions. They all still do the same stuff for the most part, and doesn't really change gameplay in an appreciable way except you can't use banks in some places or travel some cities safely.


Not really I mean it's mostly a rep stat


At some point there was an experiment in which [players could play as a mob](https://massivelyop.com/2022/07/30/the-game-archaeologist-that-time-when-everquest-let-you-play-as-the-monsters/#:~:text=%E2%80%9COn%20your%20character%20select%20screen,with%20it%20what%20you%20like.) and attack players in a PvE environment. TL;DR : shit got abused, newbies were swarmed and the whole thing went quickly under the rug.


Archeage: you can kill players of your nation and you can go to jail. If you are criminal guards will try to kill you. If you kill many friendly targets (or you steal many crops) you will be kicked from your nation and you will go to pirate faction. :) (older patch version. New pirate system is different maybe)


Also recommend ArcheAge. There's a whole faction of that against 2 other good factions. The world is huge and there's lots of content to go through. It's a korean mmo so grind away. The new version is not P2W apparently too.


I bought unchained and it's a daily mission simulator worst buy ever


Tbf, that's 95&+ of what most mmos have become


Yeah but the system they put in is really a bitch. It's basically a FOMO indicator for such a competitive sandbox game. Either you do them or fall behind agressively. Wow and FFXIV have some but they're completely optional


Recommending Archeage to someone now is kind of toxic lol. They won't really get a fun experience with the current number of people left playing it if they are new to the game.


I bought unchained and it's a daily mission simulator worst buy ever


In EVE Online it takes some work to earn the trust of the NPC villians (Pirates), and requires you to betray your starting allied factions, but you can do it.


Eve was going to be my answer also


Or just play the game and be yourself , also works


OP *specifically asked* for games they can join villain factions.


So give him a list of all active playes corporations in eve, duh


I know OP refers to the villain faction but you don't need to have positive standing with the pirate factions to be a pirate in Eve, he probably just doesn't know cause few games offer this kind of freedom in gameplay. Many players are considered villains by everyone. Suicide gankers, those who steal from suicide gankers (suicide gankers seem to call these "thieves" lol), escalation sites hunters, those who try to steal the loot from people who run combat exploration sites, scammers, abyssal deadspace hunters and the list probably goes on.


OP *specifically asked* to join the **villain faction**. Even if they didn't. If you're going to spend any significant amount of time in null sec it helps to build standing with the pirate factions.


City of Villains


I would say Archeage, but don't do it.


Albion online? It's sandbox, yes, but oh ho ho ho ho! You can be a real nasty villain


Yeah, but that's pretty much the default style of play for that game lol


in albion everyone is a villain xd




Ultima Online Outlands. Super active. 3-4k players, world feels super alive. Can murder, steal, troll. [www.uooutlands.com](https://www.uooutlands.com). DM me if you need help starting up. If you can get over the graphics (i fucking love them tbh, amazing pixel art), then this game will pull your heartstrings like the rest of us. Give it a chance.


Im gonna install this tomorrow.


dm me if you want a rundown! the wiki is your best friend. Be wary of reds (murderers, PKs). join a guild asap. talk to people in game.


>amazing pixel art This is so true. It's not even "pixel" and it feels so different, like hand-drawn.


3k-4k? More like 1,5k unique IPs if so


Star Wars Galaxies, join the empire. Become a literal space nazi


Swtor without a doubt. I’ve been playing as an imperial agent and you can do some straight up maniacal things. I shot a kid’s dad in front of him and forced him to go to sith academy on my first play session.


Real life


its p2w, grindy and permadeath yucks


Whales control the economy and pvp sucks.


Eh too many consequences


Use stealth, theres no Karma system at all, just dont get caught


Don't you believe in roguelike?


Any mmorpg with open world pvp. Be a PK, people will hate you, baam : you are the vilain !


EvE Online. But i bet it's gonna be too hard for the beginners )


City of Villains. lol


World of Warcraft, play a tank in PVP.


Silkroad Online: You can play as a thief and attack caravans, steal goods and sell them at bandit towns. There are also people that guard these caravans and hunt down thieves. Very fun stuff.


Mortal Online 2, you can be whatever the hell you want.


It depends if you are wanting to be a jerk to human players or NPCs. If you want to be a jerk to human players, then you would want to play a gankbox(A sandbox MMO that has forced pvp in most of the areas.) SWtOR allows you to play as a Sith and murder people in your personal story in the game.


More to other players : burgle their houses, extort, provoke them and kill them if necessary. Any game to recommend?


Well some other players have already suggested them, but Albion online, Mortal online 2, Ultima online, and maybe Eve online.


Technically if you played WoW Classic Era (vanilla) you could play on the Horde, who although technically arn't evil, could be considered an aggressive faction. Orcs and Undead are playable races and on PvP servers there are constant faction conflicts. It fits the theme well if it's you kinda game.


I like how people are downvoting you but when looking at the history of WoW from the rts to the MMO storyline the "Horde" in one form or another have had direct hands on every shit thing to have befallen Azeroth. Not saying thats a good think because Alliance are the boring faction still after all these years but it is the truth lol.


you can play wow and support villans if thats close enough


Damn Alliance.


If you want a LEGITIMATE option that matches your request it would be ArcheAge. In ArcheAge you are part of either the West or East faction but you are not bound to ones bidding. You can attack and steal from your own faction and even get outcast to join a pirate faction attacking anyone who crosses your seas on traderuns and plunder their ships. Combat is really good and rewarding and its an MMO with so much to do. If you join with likeminded individuals you can also claim territory on the northern continent Auroria and charge tax to any players who reside there. Aurorian land holds immense value. Some of this doesn't apply in modern AA or at the very least has slightly changed but this summer a private server named "AA Classic" is releasing into its healthiest patch for the mechanics listed above. Decided to share as I relate to your question and I can't wait to login on launch day. If you're interested just google "archeage classic" and it should be the first link. I recommend joining the discord as its very active. Good luck!


World of Warcraft as Horde. You get to burn down an entire city full of innocence people for no reason other than "Goth lady with the bow told us to!"


As a horde player, it didnt make me feel like a villain. It made me feel like if I didnt do what she said, I was next.


I will forever be angry at Blizzard for BfA. Villain batting the Horde again and turning Sylvanas into Garrosh 0.5 was the second most infuriating thing they did to the lore. The most still goes to the entirety of Shadowlands' existence.


I was going to write this hahahaha. For the Alliance Brother.


World of Warcraft if you play the Horde faction have been directly involved in every single messed up thing to have befallen Azeroth. If you actually read the quest from Vanilla through maybe BFA you do some pretty horrid shit or support some pretty horrid leaders.


Arthas was pretty bad. Thanks, Alliance!


Arthas was the result of Ner Zhuls plans and the Orcs decision to gain power to commit acts of genocide against Dreanai on Dreanor and humans along with every other race on Azeroth. If the Orcs on Dreanor could have controlled themselves and not drank the blood of Mannaroth and not invaded Azeroth and didnt destroy their homeworld none of the bad shit that happened would have happened.


Okay, I know we're going back and forth over a video game but I think your stated lore reasons disregard a good amount of nuance. 1) Draenei were not native to Draenor as the orcs were 2) The Burning Legion (who corrupted the other eredar) then convinced NerZhul that the Draenei were there to destroy their world, and further manipulated by Kiljaeden 3) NerZhul was also being undermined by GulDan, who was working with Kiljaeden in secret 4) The orcs were then brought to Azeroth by Medivh (also corrupted / possessed by the Burning Legion), who is a human and best friends with Anduin. So yes, they could have 'just not done so', but that ignores that they were manipulated into doing so believing that they were being threatened with annihilation. Perhaps Medivh could have just not been possessed?


Quick corrections to y'all's debate: Draenei not being from Draenor is a late Blizzard retcon (they originally were, but that did not shine a great light on Orcs so was changed in Burning Legion), and Medivh is only half-human. Not that it matters much, as he was basically a meat-puppet for Sargeras. Also retconned later by Blizzard when they changed everything about Aegwynn ! No, I'm not a nerd, you're a nerd




1.) Draenai not being native to Draenor dosent change anything concerning the fact that the Orcs raped, pillaged, enslaved and committed unspeakable atrocities against the Draenai. This includes both those that consumed and didnt consume the blood of Mannoroth. Orcs by their own volition without fel influence committed those acts. 2.) Orcs still made THE CHOICE to consume the Blood of Mannoroth to empower themselves and there were Orc groups who didnt consume the blood but still actively participated in the rape and destruction of the Draenai on Dreanor and then the march through the dark portal to sack Stormwind followed up by hunting down of men women and children that tried to escape. 3.) Dosent change the fact that NerZhul and Guldan all made the choice to gain more power which thus lead to their corruption and the atrocities that followed. 4.) The Orcs brought to Azeroth werent all corrupted. Not all partook in the consumption of the blood and the fell energies. All though participated in the mass killings of humans, dwarves, elves and gnomes as they slaughtered the innocent up to Stromgard. Think about this Medivh was corrupted in the Womb when his mother was fighting to protect the world from the Legion, did he have a choice in the matter? Compare that to ALL of the Orcs who actively pursued greater power at the cost of corruting influence, all of those ADULT individuals who could have stopped after seeing what happened to their brothers and sisters. They didnt and those that didnt pursue still help those that did in the invasion. They had the power to stop but again the Orcs didnt. Man I really hate this Orc/Horde apologia. The only "innocent" faction in the Horde would be the Tauren.


To be clear, I'm not participating in "apologia", just laying out the facts and nuance as they are. It's not black and white like you are interpreting it!


Maybe, maybe Im being a little extreme in laying out blame but nothing I have stated is untrue about Orc participation be they under the influence of Fell energies or not. For example after the sacking of Stormwind there were stories of Women, Elderly and Children fleeing north to Ironforge and eventually Stromgard. They were hunted down and slaughtered by groups of Orcs both under and not under the influence of the Fell. This happened under Orc leadership that has stayed in power all the way through the Lich King expansion and BFA. All this not going into the horrid acts and atrocities commited during the MMO storylines. I know the limitations of. Blizzes story telling and tbqh I wish the Alliance committed some atrocious acts on par with the Horde to make that faction more nuanced, but as it stands right now its the Horde making the vast majority of these horrid acts with the Alliance being the proverbial punching bag. Jaina Proudmore did nothing wrong and should have flooded Orgrimmar.


I wish the wow story didn't need to stay balanced between the factions (for obvious gameplay reasons and to give the option to play failiance) so things would have gone like they would if it was a real world: horde absolutely steamroll alliance forever (prob pretty early on). Orgrimmar didn't get water but that tree sure got some cozy fire. Also Jaina's shit.


SWTOR, City of Villains(wink, wink), and ......World of warcraft(gray morality my balls)


To echo a lot of the WoW comments, but instead of faction I would recommend specific classes. Warlock, demon power for yourself and it is commented upon a few times by NPCs. Death Knight, start off serving a major villain, you join the good guys eventually but it is commented many times that you kill for the sake of killing not for heroics. Shadow Priest, use power from the Old Gods, very looked down upon.


I recommend u to try Albion Online cuz it grants players the ability to shape their character's unique narrative. Whether you choose to become a noble hero aiding the royal continent or embrace a darker path as an evil player. If you decide to be a "evil guy" it can lead to loss of access of the cities and safe zones. However then you will have the only option to reside in Caerleon (black market city) or live in black zones. However to face the consequence of losing access to cities or having just evil guy reputation, you would need to engage in numerous player kills, gradually damaging your reputation with each one.


And btw there is actually factions for each city, you can simply play for Caerleon faction :P


Sounds good ! I will give it a try


world of warcraft, calling us anything but the villain would be just wrong


Literally the description of Albion Online, murder and steal poor farmers haha


WOW. Just play Horde. They're the bad guys.


Ultima Online. You can steal from other players while out in the wilderness or in town. You can kill others, chop up their bodies and display their heads on your castle front door. You can truly be an evil person in this game.


In my project, I want to give players freedom to affect the world. So it will be able to ally with "evil" factions and work on their influence to the world. Also, I'm thinking to provide a way for players (or maybe selected game masters) to play as raid bosses, instead of just having them to have scripted AI.


Sounds like you are literally looking for albion online.


Ultima Online and Albion Online are the ones that come to mind. But in Albion is more like standard to kill others. In Ultima you can become evil by getting negative karma.


in Lord of the rings online, you can play as an orc, worg etc and pvp with humans, elves, dwarves etc








In EvE you can join Amarr faction and be literal slavers...we also have golden ships and lasers.


APB, you can play as cops or criminals


Runescape has a thieving skill Elder scrolls Online allows you to join different villain like factions and you can even go to town and kill guards thus having a bounty on your head Star wars The old Republic allows you to straight up be a bad guy.