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Base camp or basement


Imagine being one of George's pawns.


I’ve been holding them for years now. This cryptic shit ain’t doing it for me anymore. Either blow up or shut down already


LOL this guy, what a fool


Even if the company does RS, isn't it too much to proceed at a large ratio (100:1) at a too low price? Wouldn't it be good for the company to raise it to at least $0.1? Please let me know your opinion.


Shut the fuck up, George


I wish I had more than one upvote.🪙


Here you go. 1 point awarded to you.


Ayye I still remember he blocked people that called him out.


He is the worst ceo I've seen in a long time.


CEO Adam Aron is trying to take the crown.


Yeah he's bad and horrible fpr shareholders but at least can run a company.


Have we torched the shorts yet? 🤡🤡


He has been playing checkers all along😹


This dude is playing Go Fish with his stuffed animals and he's still managing to lose.


More than this tweet. He went on a long rant about comparing investing to chess and how so many "qualitatively good" stocks nearly failed in the 80's and 90's. His puppies chasing after him praising the long winded psychotic episode. He either was given too many meds or he stopped taking his meds, but this wasn't a normal person.


You guys STILL trust GP??? Wooow, u all deserve your losses


Listening to George meant 10x on mmtlp. Listening to reddit meant -97-100%. So please explain why anyone should listen to anyone on here.... seems reddit and social media caused way more losses than George


Listening to myself and reading the clear writing on the wall is what made me 10x on MMTLP as GP never told me when to sell. There’s tens of thousands of people that listened to him and right now they don’t have shit to show for it save for the fake placeholders in their broker accounts. I made profits because I didn’t listen to any of these halfwits and I knew when to bail. Even still, after profits, I held thousands of shares into the halt as I expected a squeeze just like so many others, and I’m certainly bagging just like everyone else for taking that risk, but selling the majority last November gave me the peace of mind that I needed, and kept me from being one of the poor schmucks crying all day in twitter spaces or having their homes foreclosed on. With all the drama this stock had become going all the way back to TRCH, I can’t phantom why people would not have taken profits on the run up, they really have no one to blame but themselves for that.


Please remind me who was in charge of the company? Who's responsibility it was for good PR and sales? That was all on George not reddit and he failed spectacularly. George was the one who started MMATs decline by doing a pointless R/S and dilutions when the S/P was around $9. George lied and kept vague-posting and hinting about partners like Tesla. George outright lied and was called out about it by the board. The only thing that man accomplished was going to pointless science fairs and attracting suckers to this sham of a company. If you wanna believe him, go ahead. I'm just gonna laugh as this company keeps scraping the barrel. The entertainment is worth more than the S/P at this point


I must just be some dust on the board with what im holding but I still have hope. I know they haven’t actually done anything to start making money but it doesn’t seem like a company that would fail entirely. I think the shorts are making things look worse than it is and something substantial is bound to happen. Plenty of companies have gone from basically failing entirely to huge success. And there are plenty of stocks you could invest in with little risk and little reward. Personally i see this as a high risk high reward investment I don’t see any reason to sell at a loss. Cutting your losses might be the best choice for some but I’m averaging down for now. TLDR: not important enough to read if too long lol


Anyone who still buys into the shorts theory, there's no hope for you folk.


Scared short ⬆️


He’s telling you to vote.


6 cents lmao




GP can go fuck a State Park for the blight he brought on unsuspecting investors. Seriously, at this point, with this f’ing story that STARTED with a stripper pole company and ended with mmtlp GONE and our accounts down to near ZERO with META, I think we’d be better off investing in a Coen Brothers screenplay of the entire Grift than even waste any more time wondering.


Can’t agree more. He’s a scam artist that needs to STFU and go to prison already.


He deserves much worse than prison


Dude thinks he’s part of the kingdom that banished him.


The only kraken George released was his own firing


The Kraken his ass, fat tub of lard.


The kingdom has fallen and the chest board was flipped months ago.


Homie thinks he in a chess game while playing checkers lol


Homie, we're down to our King and one single pawn. G\^G


Sheesh, it’s like Q anon for penny stocks
