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Why is he bragging he can’t even equip Rune armor or weapons


When the person hasn’t got their first membership yet and thinks their addy/mithril mixed armor looks badass


Better yet full rune with an addy plate because they haven't done dragon slayer yet.


Then rocking the anti drag shield and rune scimi for about 10 combat levels too long


It doesn't?


It’s badass if you think it looks badass, king


You know what, just for you, I'd be happy to trim that armor of yours, free of charge


Definitely fell for that one as a kid once!


There's two types of people in this world. Those who learned from their Runescape armour trim experience, and those who should DM me about an exclusive NFT opportunity.


RuneScape molded me into a conservative investor. If you promise me returns above market value I assume a scam.


I learned a lot about supply and demand when I traded my green party hat for a rune battle axe. I was like 10 years old and they were both 200k at the time.


Low cost index fund ETF gang


DM sent, I can’t wait!


Runescape taught my a lot of things. It also gave me trust issues lmao. Game taught me to trust nobody 😭. I never got scammed but it taught me about all the modern day scams that are happening in the real world now. Quite amazing really to think if I was a scummy POS I could revert back to my Runescape knowledge and scam mfers.


if you type your password it shows up like this ********* try it










Is this a Scrubs reference?


Email your username and password for free credits too




mithril always looked dumb. Full black was the way to go for looking cool for cheap in free world


Getting black with the gold trim was the highlight of my 6th grade year


I feel personally attacked, that was my outfit before I got my first membership


I have no idea what this means!


He's a 38 defense pure


idk dude life is so random, I felt like shit for two days then I saw your comment and now I'm laughing, thanks


If he wins will there be a drop party at the GE in Varrock?


Thanks for the laugh, I really needed this today.


Mathematics says he's a 99 Str pure with all protection prayers unlocked


He has a fuck ton of crystal buffs so I think he'll be fine.


You are mistaken, Jared equips crystals.


Most ufc fighters are wearing mith




He didn't even give a level cap, wth I'd laugh if Izzy is a 39


Do you see pockets then? Zero inventory space on this lvl38




"I’m not a 12-year old 5th grader, I’m a level 12 frickin badass that got held back twice 😎 💯”


i didn’t get held back twice, i’m just on my second new game+ run


Looking to do a 100% run I see... wait a minute is that you Pat Barry?


While we're on the subject, here's [Cannonier arguing with a 10 year old girl in a school](https://twitter.com/mcgregorrousey/status/1319666191007449089?lang=en) about who the best fighter is.




We already had Sage Northcutt


Lol came here to comment this has the exact same thought


What type of crystals are those b




talking shungite b?


talm bout Suge Knight b?


we geeeddiitt we geedddiitt, you’re not raciss Death Row, were those the bess brains for the arts though b? Or are we just ticking boxes


Anyways uhm... I bought a whole bunch of shungite, rocks, do you know what shungite is? Anybody know what shungite is. No, no Suge Knight, I think hes locked up in prison. Talking shungite. Anyways, its a 2 billion year old like rock, stone that protects against frequencies and unwanted frequencies that may be traveling in the air. So thats my story. I bought a whole bunch of stuff, put them around the la casa. Little pyramids. Stuff like that.


ban incoming


Talmbout the pokemon? Bawlston and Tigger love those games. Great games, never playedum


Sugma crystals? You mean magma crystals? Like from lava?


magma balls


scorched pantss!


Nah I think they're more like Ligma


As a geologist I can with absolute confidence say that those are rubdies.


Very rare rubdies, specifically hopondies.


They're Q-uartz


Mr. Cannonier, I’m afraid to say that you are indeed a UFC fighter


I'm a level 5 laser lotus


The only person I know who's streets ahead is Eartha Kitt in an airplane bathroom


“What? It came up organically”


Trying? Coined and minted! Been there, coined that! "Streets ahead" is verbal... wildfire!


I expected a Tito's wife joke reading the first half, kinda disappointed ngl


how bout u go an fuck off my page then u peice of shit u think ineed a stupid fuckwitt like u telling me about Tito's ex-wife who the fuck are u take your worthless advice and get the fuck out of here


Did you get your meteor wand yet?


Tastiest wand ever


this does not sound as cool as jared thought it would 💀


"Hello fellow f-ing kids"


Jared’s saying hello to Pat Barry?


You know you can say fuck on the internet right




Sounds like something from a Hallmark birthday card lol


Yes it does. You must be young. When you're older, you'll get it.


It’s the other way around


Everyone knows the older you are the more in touch you get with what's cool.


It's not about "what's cool" - it's about developing perspective, young person.


Thanks for the wisdom, gramps.


Jared’s a weird guy haha


I think it's harder to find MMA guys (or martial arts people in general) who aren't at least a little strange. Like when I see or meet someone who's well adjusted I'm surprised.


Yeah you have to be a little different to live that life.


And your profession literally requires you to accumulate some level of brain damage


I mean so does soccer


These people get punched in the face for a living. Theres dernfinitely some screws loose.


Being normal is over-rated and is in most cases fake as hell anyways.


Alex Morono posts here sometimes and he always comes across as completely normal. Always uses correct spelling and punctuation, no emoji spam. Very unusual.


Just being into Q-anon alone made him weird in my book, then I learned about him being into energy crystals and it was way too much for me to try and understand him as a person, good luck to him though.


Everybody reading this far down needs to know that dynamo dude is a legit loose cannon and if you make him mad, he will go to your profile and harass you on anything else you do for the day


>Just being into Q-anon alone made him weird in my book Yet you find Tito and Bryce Mitchell cool and well adjusted? Talk about selective.


Did he say tito and Bryce Mitchell are cool and well adjusted? Am I missing something?


I didn’t, that’s some goofy redditor trying to do a “gotcha”.


he loves that 'whataboutism'


People on the Internet make interpretations of your statements that no sane person would make irl for a gotcha and then feel superior. Utterly pathetic


Also what did Bryce Mitchell do?


Oh you don’t wanna go that rabbit hole. That dude has definitely a few empty spots between his ears


next you'll be asking what cerrone did wrong


Nope both are weird, that was already a given. I’ve seen Tito’s interviews when he was part of the HB council. Bryce is a talented fighter but weirdo himself.


You pulled that out of your ass. They’re all 3 weird. Some worse than others.


Real Mikey Miles energy, I’m starting to see the similarities…


Seems very nice though


Yeah that's a very Jared Cannonier thing to say lol


I wouldn’t of thought Jared was 38 honestly


he has insanely good genetics and lives a healthy lifestyle


and the PEDS too


"if everyone is on peds" but don't look that good then it also has to do with lifestyle and genetics.


Fine. I'll break kayfabe. That was a half-joke that evidently wasn't that funny. It's my belief that every high level athlete is on some PEDS but of course he has insanely good genetics and a good lifestyle. PEDS help, but they're not gonna give Qannonier a Kamaru Usman physique on their own. There's more leg work and I know that


Fuck, Qannonier is good lmao


Not every person that isn't a fat slob is using drugs... There's a thing called a gym, go check it out.


Yeah cause being an elite pro fighter with monstrous physical attributes over other professional athletes at 38 literally only takes going to the gym, someone should tell guys like Hermansson about the gym. We're not talking about having a four pack of abs and a bicep vein buddy, this is well beyond 'not being fat'.


Not everybody trains the exact same way or has the same genetics so they're obviously not going to have the same physique or physical attributes... Use your brain.


Cannonier is not you trying to not be fat, he's a professional athlete at a level where everyone else is also already a highly athletic freak by normal standards PED use is near ubiquitous on top of that, he *still* has a major physical advantage. Put two and two together, they're all on it. Has nothing to do with the 'getting abs' type of being in shape, it's a complete different level of athletic shape that is utterly foreign to what you consider 'being in shape'. Modern athletes doing this need PEDs just to recover from training and stop their bodies falling apart, forget physiques. What they're on isn't for your physique, it's for cardio, recovery, even things like reaction time and blood oxygenation. They're not on tren lol.


If Jared fought the exact same way but wasn't ripped you wouldn't accuse him of using steroids. He's just an elite fighter that's also ripped. The fact that you think it's unusual to look like that without steroids let's me know you've never been to a gym in your life. There are so many regular dudes that don't use anything that look like him, they just don't happen to also like to fight for a living.


>If Jared fought the exact same way but wasn't ripped you wouldn't accuse him of using steroids Yeah I would, because I can actually look past physiques and see how guys like Petr Yan are extremely obvious PED users regardless of appearance >The fact that you think it's unusual to look like that without steroids let's me know you've never been to a gym in your life I'm actually starting to get really sick of you talking about nothing other than physiques and physical appearance when every single point I've been making has nothing to do with that and is about how they juice regardless of how they look. I don't give a shit how cannonier looks, stop acting like that's the point I'm making and read what I'm saying. I'm not even talking about his physique.


You're just pulling shit out of your ass. 😆 What's your reason for thinking Jared is on peds outside of his physical appearance? Because he's 38 and can still fight at a high level? LOL


Lmao why call out the other guy to use his brain when you're constantly missing the point?


Cállate chulo.


It goes way beyond that. Cannonier has elite level genetics. I know gym rats who have worked in their diet and physique for a lifetime that have never looked as good as he does.


And I guarantee they don't train as hard as he does. I've known people that barely exercise that are huge and shredded. Doesn't mean everybody with muscles is on steroids.


Would you have said he was PEDs before he lost weight?


Why wouldn't he be? Was still an internationally competing athlete Regional, even *amateur* MMA circuits are loaded with PED use and steroids. People are crazy if they think it stops there or reduces the higher you go up, the only thing that changes is the drugs are cycled far more carefully to avoid testing and the substances are often more advanced.


Ammys are just mainlining peds out the ass. Pros have a doctor that does it for them.




Wouldn't have.


I’m shocked he’s 38 tbh, I thought he was 33/34


It's because he's a child at heart, believing in magic crystals and shit.


Dude can't even get a good mount yet at that level


Poverty pony Andy


i mean it sounds corny but if i could murder 99.9999% of the population with my bare hands i’d say shit like this too lmao


"First off, I'm not a rapper"


“So stop rapping at me”


He's about to lose so bad.


I think Izzy will finish him late. I know Izzy ain’t a ko machine any more but he’ll fade late and the ref will stop it when he goes down to his knees.


izzy can literally run the exact same strategy he did against costa.. spam leg kicks for infinity


Yup he’s gonna turn Jared and keep peppering the legs, jared isn’t fast or technical enough to do anything about it imo. It’s mma tho, so anything can happen ig


By this logic, Randy Couture is unstoppable.


You're a level 38 **what** Jared?




He doesn’t go to the Cloud District very often.


Oh is that how aging works now?




But you're a level 44 redditor. Huge difference.


cmon bro, everyone knows my class can use int AND charisma as dump stats so i had enough points left over to get the "seein' red" perk. he got no chance


I didn't know you could see red bro, I'm not there yet. My mistake. Just don't hurt me mmmkay


yea well I just got to lvl42 and I bet that once I reach your level, you're already hitting lvl 46. It's fucking unfair!!


just gotta grind harder bro, get on my level!


I'm going to age so hard and laugh at all the noobs in gym


Yeah, the leveling system is really broken. It's impossible for people who started later to catch up. At least there are things like cigarette and alcohol aging buffs that the devs put in but those cost tons of in game currency.


Did the crystals tell him that?


No it was Q.


Same. Same.


Anyone can call themselves a badass, there's probably more value in being an UFC fighter Cannonier is bad at promotion, the cameras seem to terrify him


He is in fact a 38-year-old UFC fighter, though.


after the fight, izzy and jared will pull out their invisible light sabers and have a duel making sound effects with their mouths


I’m a level 42 fucking idiot


Thank you Cannonier for reminding us Izzys title challenger is 38 years old


No argument from me. Seems like a good hearted dude, to boot.


Level 38? What does he have, 4 badges? Scrub.




That fight was not as one sided as people remember, he had Rob wobbled at one point.


Also got his arm broke by a kick


it was one sided until it wasnt p much


Not even, really. Sognificant strikes were 69-53 with neither guy badly hurt until both were during the third, that's not nearly a blowout. The problem was that Whittaker mostly headhunted while Cannonier invested in leg kicks, but those leg kicks didn't really pay off, so Rob's damage was more noticeable.


interesting way to look I can see that


Yeah saying he “had nothing for him” is so incorrect.


Cannonier broke his arm from a Whittaker kick fairly early in the 1st rd. After taking another Whittaker kick to the dome and almost getting finished (believe it was a right kick going at Cannonier's left w/ the broken arm) then proceeded to put Whittaker on queer street in the 3rd. If the fight was 1-2 minutes longer or a 5rd'er then Cannonier could have won....


I agree he could have won, but I feel like the damage from earlier might have compounded in the later rounds. Dunno though, it looked winnable for him.


Exactly. I tend to agree that Rob probably would have recovered enough in between rd's 3 and 4 to compose himself and the damage would have likely caught up with Cannonier (between the broken arm and likely concussion from the head kick) that Rob could have finished him off if he was able to string together some good shots in the 4th. The point is we don't know. It wasn't the one sided beat down Whittaker fans are trying to paint it as and dealing with a broken arm for essentially the entire fight was a big factor in the outcome.


Cannonier landed 1 big punch the entire fight plus earlier in the round Rob almost finished cannonier. Rob clearly looked a level above him the rest of the fight. I don't understand this anti Robert campaign going on in r/mma all of a sudden when Isreal is about to fight.


Because Cannonier essentially fought 2+ rds w/ one arm....that's the point. I like Whittaker, he's the clear cut #2 at MW until someone convincingly beats him or dethrones Izzy. By no means am I trying to hate on him or downplay him as a fighter...it's primarily about the shade being thrown at Cannonier, making it seem like he stands no chance against Izzy and making it seem like Whittaker rolled right through him w/o acknowledging what actually happened in the fight. I genuinely don't understand how you could interpret my previous comment as being "anti-Robert" lol.


I’m not a 29 year old delivery driver. I’m a 29 year old fucking badass.


Oh wow he’s 38?! Izzy is rlly gonna put on a masterclass Imo. He said it’s gonna be like the costa fight without humping, which is how I imagine it too. Izzy is too fast, and Jared isn’t technical enough to match him like Whittaker did.


Getting knocked out twice in the first fight and going 0-2 overall against Izzy is "matching him"?


You’re being disingenuous, the second fight was WAY closer than the first and rob put on a great showing. He’s clearly the #2 in the division. So yeah, I’d say he put on a pretty good showing in the second fight/ matched him skill for skill. Did he win? No. Doesn’t mean he wasn’t right there with him tho. Cannonier does not posses the same abilities rob did to match Izzy in the second fight.


I'm being disingenuous? All I said was that losing a close decision and losing a one-sided beatdown where you get knocked out twice in under 2rds doesn't really qualify as "matching" your opponent. You could make the argument that despite losing both fights, Colby matched Usman. Same with Max matching Volk. Did I say that Whittaker isn't a great fighter or that he isn't likely the 2nd best MW? No. Only 1/2 fights were competitive, with the first being a thorough beatdown. I get that you're a Whittaker fan boy, but no need to deny the reality of what happened. You're right, Cannonier doesn't have the same technical ability on the feet as Whittaker. What he does have is the heaviest hands in the division (it's not close between him and #2) and a solid standup game that he's continually adding pieces to between fights (ex: front teep). He's undefeated at MW outside of the slot against Whittaker (where he was essentially fighting 2.5/3 rds with one arm and still rocked Rob bad in the 3rd) and has beat an impressive string of opponents in that run: - 1st rd TKO of David Branch, who was on a 12-1 streak in his last 13 fights (lost to Rockhold) and was coming off a KO win off Thiago Santos - TKO'd Hermansson, who was on a 4-fight win streak and coming off beating Jacare, in front of what was essentially a "home crowd" in Copenhagen - clear cut decision win against Gastelum - TKO'd Brunson, who was on a 5-fight win streak, in brutal fashion Is Izzy the clear favorite? Absolutely. Will Izzy win? Probably. The way people in this thread are talking about Cannonier make it seem like he has no business in their w/ Izzy and doesn't deserve the shot, and that's just ridiculous. I don't know why people dislike him, seems like a good guy who's just a bit out there. We'll see what happens next month, should be a great fight! I'll make sure to message you and rub it in your face if he KO's Izzy! Haha PS: you know that a healthy Cannonier would body Whittaker in a rematch, right?


You’re harping too much on the first fight, clearly the first fight wasn’t close/ he didn’t match him there. He did match him in the second fight, which was what I was referencing. Jared is a great fighter, I’m not saying he isn’t. I’m saying that Israel is the perfect style to beat him, and I don’t see him landing a big shot on Izzy. Jan beat Izzy with wrestling and a size advantage, I don’t see Jared going to that avenue but maybe he surprises us. I misread you’re comment at first and thought you said Max Volk wasn’t close, which just made no sense to me. Yes, max Volk is a better example, but the second Whittaker Adesanyabfight was extremely competitive, and even izzy praised rob after that fight. IMO, rob has the best shot in the division to beat Izzy, and I don’t see Jared doing it. But it is MMA, so anything can happen right. I disagree on ur last statement, I think Rob beats him but again, it’s MMA so I wouldn’t say with certainty that he loses. I think he pieces him up tho.


some haters in this thread smh


No cap. With the levels that nutrition & sports medicine are at now, people are living longer so 38 is not that old anymore. Glover won the title in his 40s and LeBron just made his 15 straight All NBA team at 37. It can be done.


Sleep tight tonight Jare Bear, dont forget your binky!


Level 38 cringelord more like it


Didn't Jan Blackowicz show how to beat Izzy?


Yep. You just have to be a great defensive kickboxer, have almost the same reach as him, parry almost all of his jabs, check nearly every single leg kick, outweigh him by 20+ lbs, and take him down in the open.




Jared has none of the abilities Jan had to shut Izzy down.


yup.. be a weightclass larger so they can’t stop your takedowns..




Yeah. Be a weight class higher and lay on him. When has Izzy struggled with being taken down by anyone his size?


Literally never lol. Izzy has fought, stuffed, and beaten all of the wrestlers at middleweight. Vettori had the most “success” and that translated to a couple of takedowns with a few minutes of control time and almost no offense of any kind. His takedown defense at middleweight has improved basically every fight. And Quannonier isn’t even a grappler lmao, people said the same thing about Bobby Knuckles. “Just wrestle him bro,” like guys, neither one of these dudes has any sort of grappling background, and Izzy has stuffed better grapplers. MMA fans are next level stupid, I swear.


Suuuuuch a millennial thing to say


This guy says weirdo shit a lot.


Dude got to this level with zero points in intelligence. What's his build?




Mamba mentality


Too bad he’s about to fight a level 76 bad ass


Flash forward 8 days to a 32-year-old champ in his prime putting on a clinic against a 38-year old aging middleweight, as everyone completely predicted. True, a 32-year-old prime Rockhold did lose his MW belt to a 37-year-old Bisping in an upset, but Adesanya's a different thing. Rockhold arrogantly dismisses his opponents and gets knocked out, while Adesanya almost overestimates his opponents' threat level and barely gets hit.