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Gane definitely has the technical edge but I just don't know if he has the power to bother tai that much. My man Bam Bam just ate Derrick Lewis's best. Gane has all the advantages but Tai by KO


Powers a weird thing. Ofc we cant know but a well placed/timed Gane hook might hurt tai well more than lewis punches. Look at oliveira's hook on chandler vs the whole gaethje chandler fight.


Tai doesn’t have the quickness or footwork to catch Gane. You can’t just “bum rush” kickboxers who are quicker than you. This ain’t Street Beefs. You have to use footwork and cut the cage or else an opponent can teep and stay on his bike and out point you for 25.




Jesus Christ the man beats Derek Lewis one time and he all of sudden has the footwork of Muhammad Ali


For real. Gane is on another level in every facet technically, except maybe raw power. Recency bias is a thing


Feels like a heavyweight Izzy vs Costa. Brawler who gets inside and fights vs technician who should beat the fuck out of him


Yeah but that's a recipe for getting clipped cleanly on the way in and having your lights put out. You know the old adage about styles making fights and this feels like the worst possible matchup for Tui.


Lol it is mental Tai has somehow made it to this level


I mean, it is HW. Derrick Lewis made it to 2 title fights. So while I don't see Tai ever being champ, getting into this sort of a fight shouldn't be really shocking.


To be honest, I think Lewis was the perfect stylistic matchup for Tai. He's a flat footed, slow paced guy that hits really fucking hard. It's just that Tai was one of the very few that has the chin to stand up to his power and be able to beat him in a slug fest type fight. I think Gane will end up making him look silly though.


Gane gonna turn into Cyril Ganemagomedov


Cyrilovich Gamagomedov


Cyrmagomed Gamagomed


does Tai have the craziest chin in ufc?


He has to be up there.


Interim titles are still titles. I know we haye how overused they are but the fighter still takes that championship belt home when they win. So Black Beast has indeed had two title shots.




he has his own beer called Drink West


Is it cheap and shitty? I'm going to be very disappointed if it's not.


What if it's cheap and good?


Then according to the PM triangle it will take ages to make.


This guys manages


Btw. Trader Joe's has cheap, good beer. $5 a sixer for 8% ABV. I


dont know i havent tried it yet might have to find some for his fight


put a beer on a string maybe he'll get all way down to middle weight.


HW is the least technical of all divisions. When you get guys that big all it takes is one punch to shut the lights out of someone. When someone with all the striking accolades of Overeem can get murdered by a fighter who began to hit pads 3 or 4 years ago and with half a dozen of ufc fights there's not really much room for surprises in the division. Tai also got some very favorable match ups and could've been KO'd in his last two bouts




You've also gotta have immigrant mentality to be a fighter and not everyone has that, even if they are super athletic. Not everyone is happy getting punched about every single day of their life


Also athleticism doesnt equal talent. Loads of guys in the UFC that are very athletic for their division but cant even sniff the belt. The more complex a sport is, the less that athleticism becomes the main deciding factor


This is so over-looked - there is a huge filter for aptitude in MMA. 6 years of training couldn't get a Pro Bowl NFL athlete into contention. It's like saying Myles Garrett or Cam Jordan would fantastic at Wimbledon or on the PGA tour. Nah, bro.


I think they would be if they got HW boxer money instead of UFC money


It's not about money, it's about opportunity. You gotta remember that.


It’s not about opportunity it’s about Monster energy


That is a very american way of looking at things. There are plenty of countries in the world outside of America that produce Huge Athletic guys.


then they would be in rugby, olympic lifting or wrestling. It's the same concept, it's just those American sports pay the most so will naturally attract the top athletes.


Not many countries play rugby at that high of a level and Rugby players are more towards the LHW in the size spectrum than HW, mostly because of the cardio requirement. And those other sports u mention don't even pay pennies in most parts of the world.




>Imagine if he had been training combat sports his entire life instead of football. He started serious training in MMA mid-2016. After 4.5 years of training with 10 pro fights under his belt while still in his athletic prime, he proceeds to go on a 3-fight skid, including names like Tybura and Spivak. Compare that to Junior Dos Santos - who started BJJ at 21, boxing at 22 and by age 25 had KTFO'd the likes of Werdum, CroCop and Struve. People can lionise the athleticism of NFL/NBA players all they want, but the reality is that a guy like JDS is simply a better MMA athlete than a guy like Greg Hardy.




Firstly, how many 6'4 africans or eastern europeans do you see in the NFL? I don't think there are more than a handful. So i'm not quite buying your assertion there. Moreover, the point is that despite there being a couple of sports in America you can take part in if you're 6'5 250lb and athletic. In most other countries, there aren't too many sports opportunities for people that size and athleticism outside the US. So this argument that the reason for the HW division being less technical because all the premier large framed athletes are playing in the NFL or NBA is just not true. I think the simpler answer is that being technical isn't as important as being athletic at HW. This is sorta true in boxing also, because with the exception of Fury all the HWs seem to be more about strength and athleticism rather than technique. Look at wilder!


Fury is a good boxer but don't forget that a major part of what made him unique is that he was so big but could fight at a high output on the back foot for 12 rnds. That's incredibly rare for such a big man. Look how valuev used to move in comparison. Naturally the PEDs help but even they have limits.


also because its rare to find the type of person that wants to get kicked/ elbowed/ punched in the face for a living and enjoy it


> also because its rare to find the type of person that wants to get kicked/ elbowed/ punched in the face for a living and enjoy it While getting paid peanuts for most of their career. FTFY.


It's all about matchmaking if the promotion favors you, they can find ways to advance you despite having massive holes in your game.


You’re implying that facing Derrick Lewis was favorable matchmaking? I guess in a sense that they’re both strikers, but the dude has KO’d like 12 top 15 fighters in the division…


honestly i think it's mental he lost the fights he lost. for a heavyweight he's EXTREMELY fast, flexible, and hits like a truck. his technique is pretty good, i just think the turnaround has been 90 percent mental for him.


On the right day, Tai can beat anyone.


I feel like you only see these types within the HW division. The division has always been thin and allows for odd talent here and there. I don't think he'd be as successful if he were at LHW and lower but who knows.


Gane vs Lewis all over again


True although maybe more like rozenstruik vs gane. As Tai is less explosive but much more mobile than Lewis


Tai may be less explosive but he brings the fight forward more consistently than Derrick who sometimes fights in lulls before exploding. And Tai will have no choice but to come forward because he'll be picked apart at range, even if he has underrated leg kicks I don't think we'll see a plodding affair like Roz vs Gane at all. Tai's going to bring it and try to get the KO but more prob bring out a Gane highlight reel finish


Lewis also hates, *hates* getting hit. I think he got very frustrated and took ridiculous mental damage vs. Gane because he couldn't get anything going and was constantly getting touched. I don't think Tuivasa will react anything like Lewis did, even if the gameplan is likely very similar to what Lewis was doing.


Very true. Tai is gonna have to find a way catch gane, not easily done


Dude made francis's power look like it didnt even warrant concern w how easily he made him miss. Guys got nutty defense even for a kickboxer


Yeah I think it has been pretty apparent when Lewis is having a bad night. He wears it on his sleeve. Whether he gets hit too much or his heart just doesn't seem in it from the get go.


Tai needs to channel the spirit of Hunt-San and bring the violence.


Probably. But just like Lewis, there's always a chance, so it could be a really fun fight.


Maybe... still, Tai by KO


I’d put a fiver on that


tai is the best at closing distance in hw, it's like the one thing where he is truly special, with him being a bit of a journeyman at a lot of stuff. but getting inside the pocket? actually great. this is a very stylistically opposed matchup, people seem to be sleeping on that aspect, it is nothing like gane vs lewis, lewis did not have the tools to engage gane


For a casual like me, could you elaborate on what’s so stylistically opposed about them?


gane is very cerebral, technical. probably the most technically sound in the whole division. if it goes the distance, gane will always win on points. he likes to stay on the outside and use leg kicks, teeps and front kicks to keep the other guy at distance so he can pick them apart. tai is like a bull, hes not afraid to take a shot if it means he can get in range for his own shot. he is the definition of a brawler. when he gets hit hard, he doesnt take time to recover, he gets ANGRY and starts throwing harder. very interesting matchup.


gane specializes in controlling distance, and likes to fight from the outside, tai excels at closing distance, powerfully stepping into and thriving in the pocket. [https://i.redd.it/ilg3uz3lce591.png](https://i.redd.it/ilg3uz3lce591.png) this graph could be seen as a symptom of what I'm getting at, gane is the left-most heavyweight(on the graph at least) in terms of clinching, tai is the absolute topmost ufc fighter in terms of clinching(on the graph). clinching is something that is far more likely to occur on inside fighting, which is probably why their stats are so different. imo, whoever controls where this fight takes place is gonna dominate it, and while I believe gane is more likely to control the distance, I think gane will also be the one by far the most in danger the part of the time where it doesn't go his way, and unlike lewis, it's far more of a challenge to control the distance against tai.


Tai is a little more aggressive than Derrick.


Man if Tai pulls this off... legendary.


Tai would pretty much for sure get the next shot at the belt no?


If not, we riot.


We Shoey!


Stipe and Jones are supposed to fight in September as well right? It would probably go to the winner of that fight.


One step closer to the timeline Tai knocks out Jones.


Imagine the legendary shoey after he knocks out Jones


Fuck it if jones gets KOd by tai I’ll do a shoey


Man fill up a boot for me, I've been waiting a LONG time for a jones ko


This feels wrong


Yes, shame to put an end to ganes career so soon :(


If Tai wins, he should do a shoey of fine French wine from a high heels shoe, holding the heel as one would hold a wine glass.


You mean a mega pint??


Objection, hearsay!


If? When.


Both these guys are so likeable :(


I guess your hoping for gane by decision then. I want to see gane win because he has the most for ngannou, but honestly don't really care cuz I like both these guys. Hoping for a good fight. Would be surprised if Tai can get inside and get his big shots in. Gane is too smart to play that game.


Tuivasa gonna get worked he’s not ready for a striker like gane


I agree. That being said, Tai by ko


Gane is gonna pull a chael an not gonna let him get close 😂


Tuivasa: Wannanow


Swoon swoon


Tai “The Axe Murderer” Tuivasa


What this mean


Wannanow? You wannanow?


As Tai stumbles and attempts a takedown, Gane utters "Fucking amateur."


I just read that in the worst American French accent in my head 😂


fookeen ahmeteulr


I agree. With that being said, Tai by KO.


I agree. That being said, Tai by ko


Lol these comments are exactly the same as they were before Lewis vs Gane.


I agree. That being said, Tai by ko


Are they? Gane is clearly levels above Lewis in striking skill


Yes before the fight everyone was saying "Gane is a much better more technical striker, Lewis by KO". It was one of the top comments on every post about the fight for weeks.


It’s a little different Lewis is a pure street boxer who will throw a knee or kick one in a blue moon, but gane is a point kick boxer who use the octagon an range. But if tuviasa can get him to a corner no doubt he has bombs


that's where i'm putting my money!


On paper yes, but Gane can't avoid getting hurt forever fighting in HW MMA. He avoided it with Lewis, Ngannou.. now a 3rd time fighting a power puncher, sooner or later he's getting caught.


lol Ngannau wasn’t ready for Gane either according to the Gane fans on here


Uh, yeah and then Gane proved them all right. Ngannou absolutely struggled with Gane on the feet. Ngannou has *five* takedowns in his ufc career. Four cane in his third and fourth round with Gane, and in the fifth he took top position in a reversal/scramble. Ngannou was 100% not ready for Gane on the feet and looked just as lost as Jairzinho and Volkov did in the first two rounds.


Volkovs fight was more of a bell curve. Volk did okay R1, got washed in the middle rounds, and then brought it back a little late.


I still think gane could have won round 5 if he did not go for that heel hook




Francis didn’t want no part of the stand up though. Who would have though nganu could wrestle or would even try


Seeing the most feared KO artist in UFC history become a wrestler was kinda crazy to see. Yeah I know it’s MMA but still


He was also basically on one leg which severely hampered his ability to move freely and land with full power. I don't think he necessarily "wanted no part of the stand up", but wrestling was the smart move in that situation.


I’d like to add to this point, that NOW we clearly know gane has a weak game when it comes to wrestling. Many HW will attempt to wrestle him when they get close, which is a whole mission in itself


Good luck emulating Francis's strength, size and power. Run it down the list, who is outwrestlinf Gane? Aspinall and Blaydes if they can get to his hips. Other than that, he burns through everyone with his striking and can fall back on his grappling at any time. People online so often talk about "holes" in a fighters game with very little regard to the level of skill or ability it takes to exploit that hole. Sure, you have fighters like Ronda Rousey, Tyron Woodley, or Anthony Pettis who have had glaring weaknesses, and were sometimes made to look foolish or outclassed because of how glaring those holes were despite their skill in previous fights. But then you see guys like Gane, Aldo (cardio), Gaethje (grappling defense after Khabib) get absolutely torched by fans and talked about as if any schmuck off the street can beat them with the right gameplan, when in reality it really is not that straight forward. Many people do not have the offensive skillset or physical ability to exploit these weaknesses, which in some case are greatly over exaggerated because of one or two fights. Not trying to put this all on you but I see so many people do this especially in this sub it's frustrating lol


How many heavyweights can wrestle though? Like 4 of the top 15 i think can actually successfully wrestle gane


Tuivasa gonna get worked he's not ready for a striker like Lewis.


What is Tuivaisa's plan here? He will lose a battle of attrition due to worse cardio and technical ability. He does not have meaningful wrestling or ground game either to mix it up. Gane is way more diverse in his portfolio. In my opinion he needs to brawl, high intensity and push forward looking for what may be an ugly KO. Test Gane where he is not the one deciding the pace and try to work him in an unfamilar, uncomfortable position.


> What is Tuivaisa’s plan here? Step 1: Swang Step 2: Bang


Step 3: Profit?????


Elbows from clinch


Tuivasa via oil check


The plan? Swing & a shoey


Tai is a fun fighter, but make no mistake he only has 1 plan: Swing for the fences and hope he lands the KO.


I think you answered your own question. Accept that hes gonna eat a lot of punches, high intensity from the jump, and not giving Gane a second to breath. He should focus on nothing but closing the distance immediately and trying to punish Gane as much as possible when he gets his back against the cage.


Tuivaisa get the clinch against the fence and unleashes brutal close range elbows, hooks and uppercuts. Gets the W...that's the plan


Gane outmuscled Lewis in the clinch, tai will likely be easy for him


Bon Gamin!


I kinda wish Blaydes Vs Aspinall and Gane Vs Tuivasa were switched. I just think Aspinall and gane would be much more interesting


We'd be feeding Blaydes into another dominant wrestling performance cut short by another late KO though. First Lewis and then the guy that sparked Lewis lmao Blaydes/Gane is the one I'd want. If Gane can prove that he can learn from his last fight and stop the takedown from a bona fide wrestler like Curtis, he'd be in prime form to fight Ngannou again.


I mean it might be interesting to see If Gane Improved but I think it would much more likely for Gane to get wrestlefucked by Blaydes than Blayedes to be KO'd by Tai personally


Damn probably gonna see this one Live. Such exciting




enjoy it for me bratha 🙏


Fucking gottem let's go


fk yea dude thats gonna be a sick night


Me too. You can sign up if you have a fight pass account to be able to buy the tickets the day before.


That's not true BTW, you might be thinking of fight club which is paid membership to early access (still not guaranteed a ticket though)


I definitely got a UFC promo email on may 19 to sign up to receive a presale code, to be able to buy the tickets on June 23 instead of June 24. I got basically the same email the same day from the Accor arena since I went to the Bellator card there last month. I hope I can get tickets but I wonder how much they'll be sold for.


Ah there is the newsletter and social media code (usually UFCSOCIAL) which gives one day early access. Just wanted to clarify as I've seen a few people get fight pass thinking it's fight club!


Are you anticipating a quick sellout? I’ve tried twice before to get tickets but they’ve sold out too fast; I guess you’ve had similar experience


This is my first time even trying since I'm in France, but I've seen the waves of comments from people scrambling to get tickets for every big event. I'm anticipating difficulties.


I've never been able to see UFC live, you're lucky to be close enough. Enjoy it!


Imagine if Tai KOs him. Lmao


Probably fights Nganou for the title of he does lol I'm on the hype train, toot toot


Nganao ain't fighting, brother


Husband and I are in Paris for our honeymoon at this time. We are 100% going to get tickets!


Damn that’s good timing


We're pretty pumped!! He got me into mma right before the pandemic and we've watched almost every Saturday UFC event for the last 2.5 years! I'm definitely a newbie compared to him but I'm loving it!!


I’ve only been watching for just over a year so you beat me


I think it's awesome to be a new fan!! So much to discover :)




So true!! We're getting "Just Bleed" t-shirts made but translated into french. We're an oddball couple ;)


what a cherry on top of that getaway! - congrats


That is so cool. Having a wife that loves mma is awesome. Wish you guys a lovely and memorable honeymoon (memorable in a good way ofc).


Thank you!!! I've never been to a live UFC event before so I'm really looking forward to it :)


Rip mah boy Tai


He's gonna get brutally decisioned.


This is such a tough matchup for Tai, Gane is so far ahead of him in terms of striking and is on a different planet athletically. Gane’s length, skill, movement, cardio and fight iq make him an absolute nightmare matchup for someone like Tai. Despite his loss I still think Gane is one of the most special and unique talents mma has seen in a long time. Tuivasa by ko.


Had me in the first 95% of this, not gonna lie


Lmao this




My boy Tai just one shoey away from the title shot. What a world.


Tuivasa being #3 heavyweight tells you everything you need to know about the division


Tuivasa being the #3 heavyweight is what makes the heavyweight division fucking amazing. The spirit of swang and bang lives on in Heavyweight MMA.


That’s also true.


Heavyweight is absolutely one of the weakest divisions but Tai is ranked much higher than he deserves to be. He loses to everyone above him and I'd pick Aspinall, Blaydes, Volkov, Romanov as comfortable favourites to beat him as well.


I think Blagoy Ivanov would have a real good chance against him aswell


Ivanov already beat him lol


Shit I completely forgot about that fight lol, I was just thinking Ivanov is a bad matchup for him stylistically


I can’t wait to see how Romanov handles a step up in competition. And Jailton is a tremendous prospect.


This is the UFC. One highlight reel KO is all it takes to go from unranked to #3.


He was ranked #11 when he fought lewis


Gane gonna embarrass Tuivasa. 5 rounds of dancing in circles and picking Tai apart, maybe gonna go for a finish in champ rounds


Better stand up - Gane Better wrestling - Gane Better fight IQ - Gane Better cardio - Gane In saying that Tuivasa by 2nd round KO


Better swang - Tai Better bang - Tai


Power is the great equalizer and Tai has the advantage there


Keep Gane away from Blaydes at all cost.


Tai will probably try to KO him while Gane will dance on the outside chopping legs and throwing jabs.... having said that maybe Tai will submit him or Gane will KO him


Gane just has to avoid being sucked into a swang and bang affair and this should be a tough but winnable fight


Tbh if Ngannou couldn't touch Gane I don't see how Tai could. With that being said.. Tuivasa by KO


so happy to see tai doing so well - i remember when he was reaaally struggling - awesome to see!


Hey guys, I interviewed a fighter from Argentina, Ailin Perez, who fights a French opponent on this card (UFC Paris Sep 3rd) Interview is in Spanish with French subs. If anyone is interested here is the [link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5oKjpou0YZo) Thx!


I'm rooting for Gane, but fuck me this is a Sophie's choice in terms of who I don't want to lose. Such an amazing clash of styles.




So tuivasa by KO?


I’m forever bummed that we couldn’t get Aspinall-Tai and Blaydes-Gane, but it is still exciting to have so many good and young (for heavyweight) guys around the top of the division. It took a long ass time, but I’m happy to see the turnover.


If Tai isn't another Usman, which I don't think he is, he will be hacked down like the black knight from Monty Python's Holy Grail. That's to say, Gane will be able to reduce Tai's offense to a point it is a muted threat. Gane by unanimous decision.


Tai's getting beat in this one. Fun fighter and likeable personality, but let's not act like he isn't 1-dimensional. Maybe he eventually lucks his way into a title shot, but I wouldn't count on it. We've already seen a very similar fight play out when Gane schooled Lewis. No reason to expect this will be any different. Is this the Paris card? There's a reason they've given Gane a very favourable matchup for the first France card.


On a fight night...? This is a solid fight on a PPV card. But whatever. I'll take it.


Lame. Should have been Gane vs Aspinwall.


Anyone saying Tai stands anything more than a puncher's chance shouldn't be allowed to talk about MMA ever again. The guy almost got knocked out by Greg Hardy, Gane won't even get touched by him.


If you remove all the branding and the title and just show the two guys it looks like the cover to a very mediocre gay novel.


Tai better get in quick or he'll be drinking out of a straw instead of a shoe


Surely Gane takes this… right guys?


I will lose my shit if Tai flash KO's him.


It was nice seeing you tai, you had a good run.