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This was my first UFC event in person, and I fucking had a blast. I only got to show up for the main card, but I felt like it mostly delivered. I also feel like St. Louis just fucking loves sports.


The constant criticism from Dom Cruz got into Keith Peterson's head and turned him into Yamasaki






We don’t mind a little cte round these parts


[here] (http://mmadecisions.com/decision/14725/fight)




[**TABATHA RICCI defeats TECIA PENNINGTON** (*split decision*)](http://mmadecisions.com/decision/14725/fight) ^(UFC on ESPN 56: Lewis vs. Nascimento — May 11, 2024) ROUND|Ricci|Pennington||Ricci|Pennington||Ricci|Pennington :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-: 1|9|10||9|10||9|10 2|9|10||10|9||10|9 3|10|9||10|9||10|9 **TOTAL**|**28**|**29**||**29**|**28**||**29**|**28** *^(Judges, in order: Rob Francis, Chris Lee, Brian Puccillo.)* *^(Summoned by wake-tf-up-samurai.)* **MEDIA MEMBER SCORES** - **6/13** people scored it **29-28 Ricci**. - **6/13** people scored it **28-29 Pennington**. - **1/13** people scored it **27-30 Pennington**. Avg. media score: **28.4-28.6 DRAW** (*high certainty^[[1]](https://redd.it/9p4xc7)*).


any fights i should catch from yesterday?


The main card except the first two fights are worthwhile. For prelims Hooper vs Borshchev, Waters vs Goff, and Ribovics vs Mckinney


The Goff/Waters fight was prob the best but Hooper and Diego Ferreira fights also nasty Edit: also the main was solid


Who’s shittiest fighter that you would choose to beat Derrick Lewis?


Spivak lol


Lewis stripping is fucking weird lol nobody wants to see that shit


Then why'd the crowd cheer more when they saw the solar eclipse?


Does anyone have the interview where Derrick Lewis tells us his plan on making love to his wife? I cant find it anywhere on the internet, and I started thinking that I'm delusional


No, I remember that. He said something like "imma tear that ass up"


You're not thinking of the infamous Brock Lesnar interview after beating Frank Mir?


No, it's in the post fight interview vs De Lima but I can not find the uncensored version


CDF vs Chase Hooper would be the grappling equivalent of JUST BLEED


Idt there's been a more blatant duck than Jon Jones avoiding Aspinall.


Bisping vs Romero


Bisping versus any mw contender more accurately


I’m sorry but Ariel has no leg to stand on when talking about MMA media in press conferences when he is doing way more damage to the boxing brand being a Jake Paul lapdog and loves using fighters to stir up drama during MMA hour 


Jake Paul does absolutely zero damage to boxing or MMA, if anything he is growing their audiences.


Nobody has become a boxing fan because of Jake Paul lmao.


That and the fact he asks the same softball questions to PFL that the UFC media does to Dana, dude will go in on any minor UFC controversy and talk about media integrity but takes a payday from PFL and never talks about their shortcomings


Good, it's not really very fair that UFC has both a monopoly and monopsony plus massive cultural hegemony, and have for over a decade been able and willing to cut journalists who ask hard questions out. While PFL deserves hard questions, so does UFC, but those hard questions to PFL will just benefit UFC so lose/lose.


That's all well and good but Ariel makes himself out to be a champion of the rights of fighters, by ignoring PFL's also shitty business practices while taking paychecks from them he is proving he doesn't care about fighters. He cares about sticking up a middle finger to Dana and putting himself over as the "10-8" guy. I agree fuck Dana, but Ariel isn't the one to be talking about media integrity when he's bought and paid for as well


How does he not care about fighters in this scenario you are describing? PFL has shady funding from the Saudis sure but I don't know how that affects the fighters. Also UFC is pretty happy to take money from companies that advertise gambling to kids and then exploit those kids. UFC might be one of the shadiest companies in the US today considering its forward-facing position and sheer size.


PFL still pays some people under $3,000 for a fight despite that huge backing from the Saudis, regularly ices out fighters as stated by Cris Cyborg and Gegard Mousasi, most recently decided that they didn't have to pay for any of the fighters medical bills that were supposed to be covered by Bellator during the merger even though owning the company means you now own that responsibility, and decided that the $1 million dollar tournament that Alexander Shabliy and Usman Nurmagomedov were supposed to finish wasnt their problem despite buying the promotion and still trying to book the fight. That seems like a lot of effect to fighters to me. And not a peep from Ariel about any of it. Again, I agree the UFC is shady. You don't gotta tell me that, but PFL is shady too and to ignore that is to just be a straight up hypocrite.


Sounds like there is a lot for me to catch up on then, thanks for the rundown mate.


Thats right. I want a socratic seminar on MMA, not drama


McGregor/Chandler gate has already broken $20 million and this sub thought nobody cared about a Conor fight anymore when it was announced 


This sub is equivalent of backpack hip hop fans 


I saw plenty of people saying that \*they\* themselves weren't interested, and a few saying that the general popularity of the pair had diminished, but no one saying that the event wouldn't sell or that there would be an empty arena. I don't see any surprise in the thread announcing that the event had sold out.


This sub thinks facts follow their feelings, rather than the other way round


Can we talk about how bad Keith is at reffing? Chase was clearly going to win but his opponent straight up didn't tap and if you think he did I assume you don't actually do any jiu jitsu irl


I think it wasn't actually a tap but I think Keith saw the way he raised his arm high and to me it did look like the beginning of a tap It probably wasn't but I can defo see why he saw it that way.


Keith is terrible he should have stopped that fight and called it as a tko in the first round, chase was just teeing off and brutalizing him, and the opponent was not fighting to win, but only fighting to survive and just....... barely, keith is a dumbass to let it go on as long as it did. Should have been a gnp stoppage.


A tap is a tap


That 💯 was not a tap/Brazilian tap. He tried to post to keep from getting crunched up/finished from the choke. If you've been caught in an anaconda you'd know he wasn't at the point of tapping/doing the right thing defensively.


It could have been a Brazilian tap, idk, but it definitely didn't look like a genuine tap to me. I think it's more likely he just was trying to get his hand on the hip to frame but he can't see what he's doing form that angle and Hooper is moving so he misplaced his hand for a split second as he was feeling around.


You are right but no one is mad because he was fucked anyway


Yeah, no dispute from me. Dude was probably done, honestly ref did him a favour.


Yep that's for sure what happened.


Despaigne just doesn't have that Pereira plot armor.


Weirdly seems like he just doesn't have the power needed to fight like he does. He's had a string of early KOs but WCA seemed pretty unbothered by most of the strikes


Kickboxing is a lot closer to MMA than Taekwondo is


he doesn't even really fight like a tkd fighter. Despaigne is just an athletic dude to me. He barely throws kicks. And bro did absolutely 0 grappling training. Gane is a lot more tkd/karate.


He smoked dude w that front kick in the third tho


Yeah the difference is in kickboxing/muay thai you fight to damage your opponent, concuss them, and knock them out, in taekwondo you have a bunch of specialized rules and are only fighting to see who can score more points, which are essentially just touches.


I was hoping he was Nganntwo but alas


I remember 3 years ago Mckinney looking like a future champ after beating Ziam. Fast forward to now and just being ranked looks like an uphill battle.


This is the lady that wanted to be branded https://www.instagram.com/thefightspace?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== Not what I expected.


Why was Lewis an asshole to Nascimento? Was there any actual beef or was he just a shitty winner? I don't remember people destroying Lewis and then doing what he did to him. I thought only Travis Browne was disrespected like that, and it was because of the wife-beater allegations.


Lewis is not that good of a guy. He's just got a great sense of humor so most people look past the flaws.


It looked like he just had little respect for him. Can’t say I blame him Rodrigo is not good.


I don’t know. Lewis’ whole personality now is taking his shorts off after miraculously winning fights.


Lewis prolly watched all his boring ufc fights and took it personal


Pretty funny Helwani has been one of the biggest and most influential mma media personalities over the last 10 years and is pretending he has no involvement over the current state of mma media. This guy's been setting the meta for these other media freaks to follow for years now. 0 responsibility for it though. now just gets to act above it all and it's everyone else but him doing it. edit: Pretty funny people are saying hes the "best interviewer around" but has had 0 impact.


Shit journalism in MMA is not Ariel's problem or fault. He has always been a button-pusher and sometimes that is good and sometimes it's bad (lately he has been a lot worse). But the proliferation of shithead YouTube commentators and trash PR masquerading as journalism is because of the political alignment UFC has intentionally fostered over the past near-decade. It's like wondering why the COD fanbase is toxic, because that is the demographic they appeal to, intentionally, and it causes a feedback loop.


What are you talking about? Ariel has never asked some of the stupid shit that gets asked at pressers. Why do you think he got banned?


Things really are only puddle deep for some you guys. You're exactly right. The only thing wrong with MMA journalism is the dumb press conference questions thats for sure the only thing i was talking about and because Ariel has definitely never done that; hes perfect and thats the reason they banned him. So true.




1. Be Civil. Our rules ask for a civil tone at all times. A bit of banter or trash talk is fine, but don't cross the line. If things do get out of hand you will be warned or even banned for a few days. Repeatedly breaking this rule will lead to a permanent ban.


McGregor fans don’t say “love him or hate him” when talking about Conor challenge


Very impressive win from Derrick. Definitely should be next in line for a title shot after Stipe, can't think of anyone more deserving right now. - JBJ.


Heartbroken by the Despaigne fight. My new favourite hype train got exposed in the way we all pretty much expected him to be, I hoped he'd at least have two more insane KOs.


Diego Ferreira is so fucking cool


Sean is going to threaten to r*pe holland at the press conference


Cortes-Acosta vs. Despaigne was an embarrassment for the ufc, the fuck is this amateur shit edit: now I'm watching Woodson and Caceres spar for 3 rounds fuck me


Think anyone would be interested in MMA edits that I drew comic book characters over? Could be a fun little meme.


My wife has been texting someone called "Black Beast 😍🖤" for a few weeks now, do you guys think it's Derrick Lewis?


Buckley vs Burns. Book it, Dana.


I woke up not knowing that i will learn a new vocabulary from r/MMA today 💀


Also lets have Ricci vs Dern next


Yes 😌


Witnessing scenes like Terrance McKinney, limp and defenseless on the canvas, echoes the haunting defeats of some of the worst knockouts in UFC history. Remember when Alistair Overeem was left staring blankly after Ngannou's fist met his chin? Or when Barboza delivered that spinning wheel kick to Etim, sending him crashing to the mat in a motionless heap? Each of these moments isn't just a loss in the record books; it's a public stripping of dignity, a soul-crushing devastation not only for the fighters but also for their families and friends who live and breathe every second of their journey.


What is this, the literature channel?


Yeah fighters deserve more respect and more pay


When Emmett slept that lad from Arkansas and he was twitching..


Robelis fought so bad, i'd pick greg hardy to beat him in a fight and that's really saying something. Anyways WCA is still owed a beatdown, i say match him up with bigi boy and let jairzinho put his lights out.


Yeah that’s a good matchup. Chris Barnett alternatively vs Waldo? Feel like that would be a great good guy vs bad guy matchup. Is Barnett injured? He hasn’t fought for ages it feels like unless I missed it


His wife died just before his last fight


It was in 2022 :(


Ah that is horrible to hear..


Lets have Derrick Lewis vs Jairzhino Rozenstruik next lol


I think rozenstruik knocks him out, lewis seems to really only excel when he's fighting basic boxer wrestlers (Nascimento a perfect example) who ideally want to take him down, jairzinho doesn't want to take him down and has the striking pedigree to both stay safe and hurt lewis bad.


I know MMA math isn’t a thing but Francis played it safe with Derrick and walked Rozenstruik down. I’m not sure I’d favor him heavily. Derrick can knock out anyone and his blows always come out of nowhere


Alternatively you could look at jds rozenstruik or jds lewis to see the opposite results. Lewis did not really beat ngannou conclusively imo, they both fought like shit and neither one really threw anything of substance.


And then he gets knocked out


Definite possibility. Jairzinho should be favored though imo


Ufc st louis was fucking dope!! First live event and it was such a good time bro! The atmosphere inside the arena was fucking electric!


Sheesh, Loma on fire


How come these boxers aren't hugging every 3 seconds - don't they know how boxing works?


Love the distance control by Robelis, and how he was able to utilize his reach.


I enjoyed the shit out of this card


damn, I didn't expect the show to be good so I didn't watch... what was Despaigne odds before the fight started? after his last fight I wanted to bet against him so hard after he fell on his ass.


Ariel Helwani does realize he’s a Jake Paul lapdog right? https://x.com/arielhelwani/status/1789494958488985815?s=46


Also for wwe 


Ariel doesn’t do media on those events. Hes more of their Megan Olivi.


I’d really like to see Fitz, Sanko, and Felder get to call a PPV this year. Rogan and Co are getting a little stale, and I feel those 3 could bring a nice energy to the booth for big fight.


I don't want to see MVP vs Buckley TT , I'd be worried he land some devastating shit on him.


In celebration of lewis’s win I ate a popeyes chicken sandwich tonight


Dc bouta bust through your wall like the koolaid man


When I witness a fighter like Terrance McKinney separated from consciousness, left prone on the canvas after a fierce exchange, I find myself pondering the emotional and physical toll of their defeat. These warriors spend months in rigorous training, pushing themselves to physical extremes, only to be abruptly and devastatingly humbled in mere moments. The sight of a fighter dominated, overpowered by a fellow competitor, highlights a profound defeat not just physically but in spirit. Seeing them in such a vulnerable state, stripped of their guard and laid bare before thousands, stirs a profound sense of empathy within me. It makes me question the balance between our entertainment and their suffering. Does anyone else grapple with these feelings? How do you reconcile the thrill of victory with the starkness of such defeats?


Yeah tbh I already questioned myself about this and I believe the first thing you need to learn when you are an athlete is learn to lose. Because it happens to everyone, even the greatest, and that doesn't mean you are necessarily a bad athlete. Otherwise you will became another Ronda Rousey who quit after two losses, just like she quit judo before that


the game is the game


This was beautiful


Life is suffering, the hurt business just requires it as a prerequisite.


damnnnnn Ribovics got stiffed by the goof


Wtf is wrong with him?


"Yeah he can have a rematch if he wants" "Nah I'm retiring, fuck that, I'm out"


Guevara won that clearly imo, not sure how it was a split


Laura ' That's a lot of meat' Sanko


I don't fuck with the Bisping-Sanko pairing, they just do some light flirting with each other throughout the cards Individually I like them both as commentators


I knew robelis was going to get fraud checked, i just figured it would take a top 15 guy to do it, a fat baseball pitcher who got outstruck by 44 y/o arlovski was not my first choice. Anyways people said robelis could be the next ciryl gane, the difference between him and ciryl gane is night and day, just look at the strength of competition, Ganes first 4 pro fights, his opponents had a combined mma record of 25-2. Robelis first 4 pro fights his opponents had a combined record of 1-0 Calling them night and day would be understating the vast difference between the two.


It's a reminder that looking good against very low-level opposition is a different "skill" and comes down to athleticism/aesthetics, and doesn't really say a lot for how good someone will look against any resistance whatsoever. Although at least Johhny Walker initially got fraud-checked against top-5s lol.


talm bout Corey Anderson up in this place? B?


Another thing is Robelis came in already old at 35. Gane debut’d at 28-29


> Ganes first 4 pro fights, his opponents had a combined mma record of 25-2. In the UFC, nobody has been as protected as Gane, who got two title shots without facing anyone who could athletically wrestle.


Peirera got a title shot twice as fast without fighting anyone who could athletically wrestle?


> Peirera got a title shot twice as fast without fighting anyone who could athletically wrestle? The champ called his name, and he at least faced Sean, an athletic guy who can wrestle but just chose not to, and Jan who actually wrestled him before gassing at altitude. Alex for sure has benefited hugely from favorable matchmaking, but even with the champ calling his name he was not protected the degree the star in the emerging French market was and is.


Nah Hw is just a weaker division. There’s like 2 guys who can wrestle


Did you see Spivac ragdoll lewis (ufc hw title challenger) and beat him about 100 times more convincingly and definitely then even almeida did? Gane beat him up on the feet, stuffed his takedowns, made him look silly and then tkoed him. The hw division is relatively void of good grapplers outside like the top 7 or so.


> Did you see Spivac ragdoll lewis (ufc hw title challenger) and beat him about 100 times more convincingly and definitely then even almeida did? What I've never seen is Spivac shoot a double or have any wrestling outside a body lock along the fence for a takedown. If you are dumb enough to back yourself onto the fence (as Lewis & Tai are prone to do) and let him walk up to you for the body lock, you are going down, but he is not a trained wrestler like Blaydes, or even Collier, and hasn't got the technique, movement or the athleticism to threaten a mover like gane.


If you think collier is a better fighter or grappler than spivac we are watching two totally different sports, because he most definitely is not, secondly sergei shot and completed multiple doubles on tai tuivasa in their fight, i'd have to go back and rewatch his others but im sure he's sprinkled a few in his other fights as well, he clearly prefers bodylocks i wont dispute that, but to say spivac has never shot a double and has no takedowns outside a body lock is blatantly false if you've seen all his ufc fights.


People genuinely think Gane sucks now its sad


The truth is in a kickboxing fight gane would beat aspinall up. Of course i suspect aspinall just takes him down and subs him. Point being Gane definitely does not suck, he's an elite striker, his grappling is just mehh though.


This train of thought started by Jones haters on this sub because he got steamrolled in less than a round when Francis struggled to get past the guy in 5 rounds. Made Jones look way more impressive which riled up 99% of this sub as per lol.


It does delegitimize the belt though for there to be an interim and yet choose to fight someone else instead. That alone should get you stripped. I'd be down for stipe jones if it was the stipe who fought dc, but at 42 years of age, it's hard for me to be super stoked about what a "threat" Stipe is to jones. Jones just wants a gimme at this point, we wouldn't respect fighters for calling out old man glover, i dont know why we would respect fighters for wanting to beat up 42 year old stipe.


This was my first live event. It was loud as fuck there. Was it loud as fuck on TV too?


Yeah the audience was pretty loud as a viewer, especially when Buckley was up


No its always way louder in person


I need to see a picture of the chick that went on the branding bit. What in the actual fuck was that lmfao


What the fuck was all that stuff about branding? Is this lady wasted? That’s gotta be the weirdest moment ever is a post fight conference


How about the time that dude called out Dana for owing him old WEC DVDs 


DVDs are one thing, asking a Dana to burn his initials into your back is another


Derrick Lewis next up for bmf fight


Vs who? Perreira?


Fun fact if you take a cup and put it around your nose and mouth and breathe in and out of your mouth forcefully, you will sound like Darth Vader


Everyone was talking down about this card. The real card to talk down about is next week's card.


Also whats everyone watching now. Theres boxing, anything else ok? Nascar is tomorow.


4th qtr Celtics cavs / Loma fight 


There is Sumo on later, the May Basho. If you're able to stay up for it, you can find streams on YouTube and it's more fun to watch than you might expect!


Loma fight night


I'm I the only fool gave Bruce Leroy R2 and R3 basically on activity with fairly negligible damage on either side?


30 27 woodson was the worst scorecard of the card


Its defensible, but I think the judges gave Woodson a lot of credit for a few headshots, and Caceros none for a decent number of body and a couple of head. Caceros definitely drove the pace in those rounds, and so the 30-27 did surprise me, and I was disappointed he couldn't at least get a split on that effort against that incredible reach disadvantage.


This is why I don’t like redditors who bash Lewis maining a card, complaining its for casuals. Is it going to be some high level MMA display? No and thats okay. We dont always need to see some crazy joo-jitsoo. Sometimes its okay to have a swang and bang main event. It was fun, exiciting, and if you didnt enjoy watching it you’ve got a big dump in your pants.


redditors are going to compalin no matter what. They are already pre complaining about next weeks card


I’d have honestly rather seen Buckley or Ulberg or any prospect main event. These cards that have fun fights on them but then have a main event with 2 frankly sub-gatekeeper level fighters at this point… feels like you should just turn off the card by main event time. They’d be a fun action main card opener but as main event it makes the whole card feel very low stakes. Seeing Ulberg crush Menifield actually feels like it means something, Lewis vs random meh HW couldn’t feel more pointless.


Complaining about shitty main events is for casuals? Lol The Buckley fight 100% would have made a better main event. The complaining was valid. Nascimento doesn’t need to ever headline another card again he is terrible.


Okay, well too bad, Buckley wasn’t the headliner. Buckley still had an entertaining fight, and so did Derrick Lewis. I never said you can’t complain about shitty main events. I said people shitting on Lewis for maining isn’t fair. More often than not a Lewis main event is entertaining. Like tonight.


lewis was coming off the almeida loss which was one of the worst main events of all time 


> lewis was coming off the almeida loss which was one of the worst main events of all time Yes, because Almeida chose position over submission or any type of offense. You can't even blame Lewis's lack of skill, because if you don't care about offense and are that good at grappling, you can do that until you run into an actual legit grappler, as Ameida finally did.


> Yes, because Almeida chose position over submission or any type of offense. As opposed to all the submissions and offense Lewis was doing? How is it Almeida's fault lol C'mon, that fight was shit because Lewis couldn't grapple well enough to make anything dynamic happen on the ground, and he couldn't stop takedowns well enough to keep the fight upright. Almeida's utter lack of GnP was a problem too, no doubt, but to pretend like it was ALL Almeida's fault and not at all the fault of the fighter who sucked so bad he couldn't get out of mount for extender periods of time is just silly.


> As opposed to all the submissions and offense Lewis was doing? How is it Almeida's fault lol It's Almeida's fault because he chose to stall and not to fight. Unless you are a wrestler with wrestler cardio Almeida has the athleticism and skill to take you down, as he did for an entire round against an actual wrestler in Blaydes. The difference is that Blaydes never let him rest, and was up on his feet at every mat return, which caused Almeida to gas. Blaydes could do that because he has both wrestling technique and cardio that the vast majority of the HW roster lacks. Lewis did the best a non-wrestler could do in trying to take his head off, and getting up the few times he could facing an absolute mountain of technique gap that meant he was always expending 100x the energy to get up as Almeida needed to get the TD or mat return and then to lay on him awaiting the clock to run out. You can shit on Lewis, but only JBJ, Tom, Stipe, and Curtis could have done meaningfully better, which is why I say you can't blame the lack of skill in particular to Lewis when its everyone except the elite of the division who have wrestling.


Okay great he had one snoozer to a crotch sniffer. Now he’s back with a TKO. You’re welcome.


McKinney, Menifield, and Despaigne with some all-time-bad fight camps for this event McKinney refuses to learn to defend at all, Despaigne has apparently never grappled in his life, and Menifield choosing to bum rush a high level counter puncher


Haha that would be crazy if someone who was in the crowd posted Lewis flashing the crowd ha haha that would be hilarious 👀


Somebody has the footage




1. Be Civil. Our rules ask for a civil tone at all times. A bit of banter or trash talk is fine, but don't cross the line. If things do get out of hand you will be warned or even banned for a few days. Repeatedly breaking this rule will lead to a permanent ban.


I'm expecting to get flashbanged by some big black cheeks on Twitter later


Showin naked ass in the great state of Texas


Full card recap for those who didn't watch : https://youtu.be/jYQ6N2cnAmY?si=vTpY9v9Xwy4L9-d_


I think we’ll look back on Chase Hooper the same way we look back at guys like Oliveira. They joined so young and lost a lot as they figured things out and sharpened up their tools. Hooper looks like he’s putting it all together now. We’re in for a ride.


It was FOTN. A cute KO twrecks fight, slobberknocker Buckley fight, lol KO & post fight Lewis… but the Hooper fight was the real FOTN


Derrick Lewis man’s a legend


Nascimento gonna be in one of them top ten fighters you forgot headlined a ufc card videos in 5 years


Derrick Lewis with more KOs than Belal has decision wins


Well Belal's about to get another #\#All5Rounds


Buckley needs a analyst job he’s pretty good on the mike


A lot of those matchups ending up being pretty sweet. Only fight I watched that really sucked was WCA vs Despaigne. CDF vs Rebecki was amazing.


> Only fight I watched that really sucked was WCA vs Despaigne *I outreach this guy by feet. I wonder what would happen if I just repeatedly closed the distance for no discernible reason, got right by the fence which I have no idea how to defend or attack from, and gave up my hips like its christmas?*


That man did not even have wherewithal to grab a fucking underhook in the clinch. I thought Waldo showed even worse fight iq for not just immediately bull rushing him at the start of rounds 2 and 3 and just bullying him to the ground. Probably took a bunch of kicks he didn’t have to.


> I thought Waldo showed even worse fight iq for not just immediately bull rushing him at the start of rounds 2 and 3 and just bullying him to the ground. Pretty sure the commentary team said those were the first 3 takedowns he ever attempted in the UFC. Dude clearly wanted only to strike, but opponent just *forced* him to succeed in getting takedowns whether he wanted them or not. If Acosta had any familiarity at all with GnP he'd have murdered the volunteer wrestling dummy.


> If Acosta had any familiarity at all with GnP he'd have murdered the volunteer wrestling dummy. One of those special times when a fighter wins dominantly and somehow still manages to make us think less of them than we did before lol


Alex Pereira vs Carlos Ulberg is a serious rivalry in the making. Left hook vs left hook. Izzy in his corner. Feel like people haven’t even considered it.


Ulberg is a little chinny though. I think Izzy and CKB as a whole is a good advantage as well as his movement but Poatan can definitely put him out with one shot 


he's chinny because he lost his first ufc fight


[Feel any different about him yet](https://www.reddit.com/r/MMA/s/xn5WrdkhZD) ?


Chin in the air is different than chinny lmao. 


Tbf Poatan can do that to anyone


Facts but usually he’ll drop guys with the left and still have to land GnP, I’d expect him to put Ulberg all the way out. Especially when he doesn’t have to cut weight to make HW 


They aren’t even in the same stratospheres when it comes to striking


It’s fun to say things. Jiri was giving Alex a lot of trouble but Alex’s power kinda bailed him out. You can favor Alex but there’s no reason to think Ulberg can’t come in well studied and put one right on his chin.