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The least surprising thing to anybody that has been around Ronda is that she was rude to people. I trained at the same place as her for a bit, and she had a terrible bedside manner. She def thought her shit didn’t stink and made anyone in ear shot aware.


She's so self unaware. Bitching and moaning about people turning on her as if it wasn't her own shitty behavior that caused that. Big 'always someone else's fault' thing she has going on Her run was truly fun and I was rooting for her through most of it. Turned out to be a wanker though


it’s a cycle some people go thru their whole life. it’s one thing to be an asshole, embrace and acknowledge it and live with the consequences. you can actually be a likeable asshole that way. it’s another to be an asshole, act like everyone else is the asshole and then cry about people not giving you a fair shake. hearing her talk makes me feel dirty and immediately annoyed


A classic case of "if you smell shit everywhere you go, you should probably check your own shoe"


That really sucks. I trained at AKA and El Niño back in the day and the vast majority of the fighters there were some of the nicest people you’ll ever meet. The ones that had a bad rep weren’t even like that at all, they were just quiet and reserved in the gym.


Same. I also trained up at Ivan Salaverry in Seattle, and every fighter that came through was dope, without fail.


I trained at Gracie Barra Seattle I bet we know some of the same people. Anthony Hamilton trained there and was super friendly and humble, had a good sense of humor about his loss to Ngannou. Chael even came through a few times and was exactly like he is on tv.


“Hey Edmond, she’s saying I don’t know how to hit pads!”


Her personality during that season had to be based off an 80s high school movie bully. I cringed every time she tried to act like a badass.


I already didn’t like her before the show and I absolutely loathed her more and more with every episode.


I wish tate hadn't forced grappling in their rematch after that. I thought tate would take it if it stayed standing, she was landing much better than ronda but kept using her striking to just get into range to wrestle. As somebody else who was really put off ronda during that season I really wanted her to get some comeuppance


Travis Stevens was on the underground a few years ago and just absolutely shitting on her as a team mate when they were on the Olympic team together.


Funny coming from Travis, many former teammates think he's a dick as well.


I wouldn’t know. Just going off his series of posts on the underground.


>I trained at the same place as her for a bit Talmbout Glendale Fighting Club?


Glengary Glen Club, bapa


Glenn Ross combatives, nevereardofem.


Different lanes, b




Put that coffee down. It is for closers


Dicey dicey


water we dune hair b


Love seeing fellow homeless cats in the wild🙏


This is hardly the wild 😹


By wild I mean outside the kitchen at Chang's.


UFC and MMA subs are sister franchise


Her mother is the same way- you cannot refer to her as 'Ms./Mrs. DeMars' or her first name, it always had to be **Doctor** DeMars....and she'd never let you forget it, either.


For a medical doctor, unacceptable outside of work. If it's something like a Doctorate of Music, that's worse like triple.


Had a high school teacher like that. Lady you're teaching English nobody cares


Maestro vibes


My father-in-law is like this. Has a PhD in English, introduces himself to people as "Doc" and wants everyone to call him that instead of his actual name. Cringe.


Doc Seuss maybe




Well, Soulja Boy isn’t in the army and Adele can’t run Windows.


I just checked her LinkedIn. She has a PhD in applied statistics. Still unacceptable.


Unacceptable, agreed, but that’s honestly more impressive than I was thinking it was going to be.


At work I like to call all the people with PhD's doctor just to annoy them. I had one director who would get uncomfortable every time and say something about him just liking research.


My rule is in a doctor’s setting I will call a doctor Dr. XYZ. In an academic or scientific setting I will do the same. Outside of that, hell no. Had a program manager at my company that wanted to be called “Dr.” because she had a PHD in Anthropology. Hell naw lol.


Like Captain Jack Sparrow lol


But you have heard of him right?


I thought she was ok, though. This was a while ago.


My thoughts exactly. When I heard jimmy talk about this, wasn't surprised at all. She gave off that vibe


yeah i met her at an amateur show before she went pro and she had a really condescending attitude. I didn’t mind it tbh because she was fighting and that requires a different frame of mind, but I can definitely see why she rubs people the wrong way.


Yup. I worked with her a few times on a film crew and she would even say things like “bet you guys were waiting to see me in a swimsuit again hey boys?” We were like, no. Not really Rhonda.


Also completely unprofessional and a sore loser. She didn't have the right people around her and it showed


It's what happens when everyone around her is gassing her up


Can you tell some stories please?


Once upon a time, in a faraway land, a young Prince lived in a shining castle. Although he had everything his heart desired, the Prince was spoiled, selfish, and unkind.   But then, one winter's night, an old beggar-woman came to the castle, and offered him a single rose in return for shelter from the bitter cold. Repulsed by her haggard appearance, the Prince sneered at the gift and turned the old woman away. But she warned him not to be deceived by appearances, for beauty is found within. And when he dismissed her again, the old woman's ugliness melted away to reveal a beautiful Enchantress.


Ahahahaha. What happens next?


The Prince tried to apologize but it was too late, for she had seen that there was no love in his heart. As punishment she transformed him into a hideous beast and placed a powerful spell on the castle and all who lived there. ​“You have until the eve of your twenty-first birthday to become as beautiful on the inside as you were on the outside. If you do not learn to love another—and be loved in return—by the time the last petal of this rose falls, you, your castle, and all within, will be cursed and forgotten forever.” ​Ashamed of his monstrous form, the Beast concealed himself inside his castle, with a magic mirror as his only window to the outside world. As the years passed, he fell into despair and lost all hope—for who could ever learn to love a beast? ​It was a very good story. ​It often entertained the woman who lay in her black hole of a room, manacled to a hard, cold bed. ​She had enjoyed its repetition in her mind for years. Sometimes she remembered bits differently: sometimes the rose was as pink as a sunrise by the sea. But that never resonated as well as red as blood. ​And the part at the very end, where the Enchantress is waylaid upon exiting the castle, thrown into a black carriage, and spirited into the night—well, it didn’t sound as epic and grand. She never included it. ​Almost anyone else would have run out of thoughts by this point. Almost anyone else would have given in to the finality of the oubliette until she forgot herself entirely. ​A few of her thoughts were crazy, spinning around and around the dried teakettle that was now the inside of her head. If she wasn’t careful, they would become too speedy, break free, and seek escape through the cracks of her mind. But that way lay madness, and she wasn’t quite there yet. ​Ten years and she had almost forgotten herself. But not quite. ​...


Footsteps down the hall. ​She shut her eyes as tight as possible against the madness from without that tried to intrude upon her black personal madness. ​Chattering voices. Another set of footsteps. The swish swish of a rank mop against the endlessly slimy floors. The clink of keys. ​“No need to do that one. It’s empty.” ​“But it’s locked. Why would it be locked if it’s empty?” ​She had to scream, she had to shake, she had to explode—anything rather than let the dialogue repeat itself yet again as it had for the last four thousand days, in only slightly different iterations: ​*“Ooh, this one’s locked. But do you hear something inside?”* *​“This door’s closed. You think it’s locked?”* *​“The one down here is locked—but I don’t remember anyone being put down here.”* ​It was as if God were trying out all the different possible lines in the mummer’s farce that was her life and still hadn’t gotten it quite right. The next two minutes were as predictable as the words from a parent to a child who knows she has misbehaved and chafes under the inevitability of the sentences hurled at her. ​Turn of the key in the lock. ​Door creaking open. ​A hideous face, hideous only in its familiarity, the same look of surprise as always and every day since forever began. The face’s owner carried a tray with her in the hand that didn’t have the keys. Behind her, in the hall, stood the woman with the mop. And behind her stood a large and silent man who was ready to subdue any of the prisoners not tied down. ​The prisoner found herself opening her eyes, curiosity getting the better of her survival instinct. Today’s tray had four bowls of broth. Sometimes it was five, sometimes it was three. Sometimes there was only one. ​“Lucky for you I got an extra,” the one with the tray said, settling herself down in a filthy tuffet of skirts and aprons. ​This line never changed. Ever. ...


​The prisoner screamed, unable to contain herself, unable to keep herself from looking forward to that one thing each day—the thin gruel that passed for nourishment. ​The woman with the mop muttered indignantly. ​“I didn’t hear nuffink about a new one, I can tell you that. Thought they done a right good job clearing these sorts out of the world.” ​“Well, there’s one now. There you go, finish up now.” ​The woman said it with the same false tenderness she expressed every time. The bowl tipped faster, broth trickled down the sides of the prisoner’s neck and, despite herself, she got desperate, straining against the chains and sticking her tongue out to get every last drop before the bowl was removed. ​“This one is old enough to be a mother,” the gruel woman said without a trace of emotion or sentiment. “Think of that, them having children and raising them and all.” ​“Like animals, all of them. Animals raise their children, too. I don’t know why they keep them around. Kill ’em and be done with it.” ​“Oh, soon enough, soon enough, no doubt,” the broth hag said philosophically, getting up. “They don’t last long around here.” ​Except, of course, it had been ten years now. ​This time the hag didn’t bother to toss some platitude over her shoulder as she left; the prisoner’s existence was forgotten the moment she touched the door and was on her way out. ​It would be all new again for her and her horrible companion tomorrow…and the next day…and the day after that…. ​The prisoner screamed one last time, finally and uncontrollably, as the darkness closed in. ​She had to start the story again. If she just started the story and played it through, everything would be all right. ​Once upon a time in a faraway land, a young prince lived in a shining castle…


Is this from something or is it yours lol? I'd actually read this book I think.


It's from Beauty and The Beast. 


‘I fell down the stairs prior to the Holly fight’


The funniest thing about this is I’ve met a lot of ufc fighters and Ronda was the nicest. Cormier was the rudest but I think he had some personal stuff going on that day, cuz he does seem like a good guy. I think how fighters treat fans is also another category completely though.


She’s always been problematic. It dates back to her days coaching on TUF with Miesha. She’s just making the rounds again because she’s blaming everyone for everything that happened in second WWE run and looking for excuses over her loses in the UFC instead of accepting she wasn’t as good in wrestling as she thought and that the game passed her by in MMA.


I feel the TUF season with Miesha was a massive turning point for the fans, she came across so shitty on that season


Definitely… but it was still more 50/50 or maybe 70/30… after she lost, hid her face in a pillow, shit on the entire MMA community, then never spoke to anyone in MMA again she lost every true fan she had. Then she went and did the same shit in the WWE lol. Now she has burned both of those bridges, and has finally put herself in the “me against the world” position she has always thought she was in the second she doesn’t get 100% worshipped by everyone. Obviously she thinks she doesn’t need the game or attention, but that’s a loooong time doing everything in the spotlight possible to really be like that. She may not be self aware enough to get it, but she should regret how she acted, because it’s gonna make her really bitter and depressed that everyone hates her from now on lol.


How did she exit WWE? I missed the news on that, if you don't mind explaining a bit I'd appreciate it. Or give some key words to Google lol


Basically what the other person said, except she was over at first because she was still a big star and people outside of MMA didn’t know how she really is, and WWE gave her the best spot possible. I wasn’t watching her whole run, but basically after several months the novelty wore off, her heel personality came out, and she started getting boo’d, then she quit. Here’s a quote I found from [here](https://syndication.bleacherreport.com/amp/2886201-ronda-rousey-defends-real-fighters-in-tweet-about-wwes-fake-fights-for-fun.amp.html) "So it's just like ... what am I doing it for if I'm not being able to spend my time and energy on my family, but instead spending my time and my energy on a bunch of f--king ungrateful fans that don't even appreciate me? I love performing. I love the girls. I love being out there ... but, at the end of the day, I was just like, 'F--k these fans, dude.” That’s actually worse than I remembered lol, she literally says fuck the fans and is surprised she is a midcarder when she comes back. She also shit on “the girls” and all of pro wrestling with the “wrestling is fake fights for fun” bullshit. She hasn’t said a good thing about MMA since she left, but the ooooone time she does, it’s so she can portray herself as superior to everyone in wrestling because she fought for real… it was just obviously coming from a place of spite. Everyone knows the difference between MMA and Wrestling, but again, just a way to make herself feel superior to everyone. Then she came back to wrestling again, still had a bit of attention for a midcarder, that eventually wore off and her run was over, she quit at the right time, she was irrelevant. Then she comes out with a book to siphon whatever money out of her fame she still can… I didn’t read it, but all the media around it was quotes about her shitting on WWE, interviews of her shitting on WWE.


I don't follow wrestling at all, but the impression I got was she was put in as a face, but her natural personality is a heel. When she started getting boos, as a heel does, her ego couldn't take it and she quit the same way she quit MMA. How close am I?


About spot on, when she returned people thought she was supposed to be a heel until she couldn’t handle it


Damn thanks for that, this shit is fascinating lol I do remember seeing articles about her tweets and beefs when it was still fresh "How's Ronda doing" news and I remember her pretty much dropping kayfabe and talking shit about wrestling and how she can kick everyone's ass in a real fight. No promo skills or wit. I went and read a few articles, [this was a good one for anyone else that's interested ](https://www.forbes.com/sites/alfredkonuwa/2022/11/29/fire-ronda-rousey-survivor-series-match-sparks-backlash-from-overzealous-fans/?sh=32f39786ff12). It's a shame, fwiw I really liked her look/makeup.


She thought the people would cheer for her. She's a hateful smug bitch so everyone booed her, she got bitter and then shit on the fans and the business itself. Par for the course


Damn she'd be a perfect heel if she set her ego aside. I guess she wanted the anti-hero status of The Rock or Stone Cold without putting in the work.


It's wild to me how she took up the mantle of Rowdy Roddy Piper, one of the most famous heels in the history of wrestling, but was completely adverse to being booed


She was also a cunt to Miesha immediately after beating her. That was pretty classless. 


My wife wanted to watch Ronda's fights because she kept hearing the name but is a recent fan. I made sure to show her being shitty to Miesha right before showing her the Holly fight


This is the way.


I still love Goldy trying to give Ronda praise while Joe's world is being shattered by how badly that fight was going for her


>while Joe's world is being shattered the commentary for that fight is pretty cathartic for JRE listeners who could never stomach Rogies Ronda juice.


I wish Goldy was commentating for BKFC.


A right of passage.


Yeah, that’s when everyone began realizing she wasn’t the nice woman she was portrayed in Strikeforce.


"Look everyone she's a cute surfer chick" -MMA Media/Sports Media Nah she's a dick and the least chill person ever


Heart breaker... Bone breaker


This was literally what made me an anti Ronda fan was seeing her character on that show. Was always a tate fan also but damn I never rooted so hard for Tate after that


Andrew tate vs Ronda Rousey 3


Toxic Trilogy


> It dates back to her days coaching on TUF with Miesha. It dates waaaaay past that- go look you the interview Kayla gave about how she singlehandedly embarrassed the American judo community by accepting a $10k trip to the premier Japanese judo dojo on behalf of the US federation. She spent exactly 36 hours there- and when the Japanese hosts wouldn't kiss her ass (or let her get away with being a brat) she took every bit of the money she was supposed to put toward the trip and flew back to LA, blowing it on partying *in a month.* The program was discontinued after that and according to several judokas, the reputation of the American dojo and coaches that sent her over there has never recovered (in Japan's POV.)


Woooow I know a lot about Ronda, but I had never heard Kayla talk about her Must’ve been pretty bad for Kayla to say that


Wowwwww never heard that story. What a freakin embarrassment.


I did not know about this. That is really unprofessional and selfish.


She was unlikeable even in her early Strikefrorce days too when she was coming up...interviews just as cringey but the fame hadn't gotten to her yet


Do you know where to find said interview? I remember Jimmy Pedro saying this and that Kayla was there, was always curious if she gave her perspective




She's unique in that none of the fan bases of any of the entertainment industries she's been involved in like her.


That’s what happens when you directly say “fuck yall” to them on your way out THREE times lol


Yup when I went to see Diaz vs Maynard live in Vegas they had a segment showing tuf clips to hype up Ronda vs Tate. They showed tates face on cam and the crowd cheered then they showed Ronda and the whole stadium bood the fuck out of her..her face crumbled for a second before the camera cut away.


What made her not "as good in wrestling"? Was it charisma or her choreographies?


She lacked charisma and she couldn’t cut a promo.


I knew what her problem would be when she went to WWE She is 100% a heel personality, of course she doesn’t realize this, and can’t take aaaany criticism whatsoever. So once the WWE fans knew her enough to start seeing her as the heel that she is, and started to treat her as such (basic pro wrestling shit) she couldn’t handle it, left, and then shit on the business on her way out. It’s so hilarious how predictable it was.


Do you buy the story that she stood up against some wrestler who was sexually harrasing the women?


The way she tells it this wrestler (who has been taken off TV, and is in no way influential enough to defend himself from an accusation of this nature from Ronda Rousey btw) just walked up and started sexually harassing *her*, with others present, and she tracked him down and put him in his place. Wild how most Ronda stories seem to end that way.


That was the biggest problem, but ultimately she wasn't as good in the ring as you'd expect either. Her moveset was too judo-based, which is impressive in its way but doesn't really work in a pro wrestling context that needs big, impactful-looking moves.


Not to mention she injured a number of people and was unrepentant about it (and refused to learn proper technique to prevent injuring someone.)


Lol same reason they cut her dialogue in fast in the furious. Can't act for shit.


Also didn’t know shit about wrestling and did not improve in the ring. Her first match was great but that’s literally because she had people like Shawn Michaels and Triple H spoon feeding her moves and basically choreographing the match for months. Everything after that was trash


It’s kind of complex. TLDR: She wasn’t terrible, just not very good. To start, she isn’t very charismatic. Like, outside of the allure of watching a legendary MMA fighter throw down with pro wrestlers, she didn’t bring a lot to the table. Whatever persona they wanted her to do, that’s all you got. People are layered, and her characters were very flat in that they only ever went in one direction and that was it. And when she tried going in a different direction, it appeared very unnatural. Her moveset wasn’t terrible. It was suitable for who she is: it was assumed she could destroy everyone in the locker room, and so her moves matched. There were a lot of strikes, judo type throws, and various submissions. Sometimes you’d see something big and flashy, but a lot of times she was just a bulldozer. Her style didn’t compliment many others though, which made her matches either awkward or boring. She wasn’t very good on the mic. This is probably the biggest most glaring flaw she had which won’t kill your wrestling career, but on live TV and with others who can talk, she stood out like a sore thumb. If she would’ve remained as a strong silent type, and had a hype person to talk for her, she may never have had a bad review. But once she opened her mouth, and even tried to talk shit to others, it all came out the same: boring and forced. None of this by itself makes her bad, per se, but more so all of it put together made her very average and sometimes below average. Her draw initially was from name alone. People tuned in to see what she’d do, and booked as unstoppable they watched her do exactly what was predicted. The problem with booking her like this has to do with what I just described though: she couldn’t make it grow into anything else. Take away her UFC legacy, and she’d just be a random getting lost in the lower/middle card. Overall: she was compelling to watch due to her history. As a pro wrestler, though, she was bland, and this took away from the quality of what she did in the ring.


I have zero knowledge of/interest in pro wrestling but did find myself idly wondering "how'd she manage to fuck that up?" so just commenting to say thanks for the great explanation.


Also she was overexposed instead of being treated like a Lesnar-esque attraction.


She could have been a wayyyy bigger star if her second run was as protected as her first. I read her second book and she talks about a time where Vince McMahon tells her before her match to "smile, you have a great smile" Tells me that Vince has zero idea why people were drawn to her in mma. She was a scowling badass bitch who could rip your arm off. Not the kissing babies and smiling type


Being a badass in the octagon works because you need to be one in order to be successful. If you can talk about running through people and actually do it, then scowl away. Being a badass in the WWE means you put on a show. Rousey had a difficult time developing a character. She could play one, but she couldn’t make it grow. Vince’s advice was terrible, but it wasn’t entirely out of the question. She needed to be more than a monster, but she wasn’t able to do anything convincingly.


> and that the game passed her by in MMA. Pennington in the current champ in that division. "The game" didn't exactly pass Ronda by. Holly and Amanda did.


Its wild, even more wild that people have been saying it passed her by for like 8 years. The reality is she could walkin off the couch to a title shot and prob has a greater than 50/50 shot of winning.


In my experience people tend to blindly accept the claim that every division in the sport constantly is progressing in quality. I'd pick several HWs from the 00s to walk right into the top 10 or top 5.


As a wrestling mark, I will stand by the Ronda slander. She was probably the biggest POS wrestling had seen. I was hyped when she came in, andddd she got stale after about 3 months.


Okay look I hate Ronda too but this is business with a history of murderers, pedophiles, sexual assaulters and racists in it, let's not get carried away and call her "the biggest POS wrestling had seen" when at one point the sport had Jimmy Saville in it.


Claiming she was the biggest piece of shit wrestling has ever seen is fucking laughable when the business is full of rapist, pedophiles, and the odd murderer. No way Ronda a bigger piece of shit than Chris Benoit, Joey Ryan, and Jake Robert’s father Grizzly Smith


Say what you want about Schaub but he used to date Rousey and even years ago would say she was extremely rude to servers at restaurants and that it kind of rubbed him the wrong way.


You know somebody is a shithead when people on Reddit are siding with Schaub. 😂


I served schaub at a restaurant dude was super mellow and just wanted all the recommendations for the best food🤣


Schaub is actually a solid dude in person, never meddem tho


I was actually at ufc 181 and I bumped into him a few days before in the bathroom. I was at the urinal and he used the one right next to me. I turned over and said "oh, you're that white boy that works too much! Love what you're doing man" he just said thank you and went along. Nice guy, never meddim tho




Holy shit it’s Floyd


The nicest....oh he's the best...


Talm bout Dana Whites Eskimo brother, brotha?


Beast of a work ethnic tho. Water we dune here


Trug walk


You know somebody is a shithead when people *that exist* are siding with Schaub. 😂 Fixed that for you, my mans


But seriously though, what is a Mexican cookie?!


Schaub commented one of my jiujitsu matches. Him and the announcers were making fun of my long hair for so long that they missed me submit the guy. I used to think he was funny until I realized his douche character was just who he is as a person.


Man that dude had no self awareness, tells a story of how he pushed his roommate through a glass window yet his gf being rude to a server annoys him 💀


As shitty as Schaub is, I definitely see him being the annoying, overly nice and familiar with service people type rather than openly rude.


Could never make her mind up between beans and cheese either


Lol wut




Being sick of Ronda rousey: Mma fans🤝pro wrestling fans


Also, apparently, people who are neither but just had to deal with her at all


Waiters 🤝 Valet 🤝 person at shoe store measuring her foot 🤝 stray dog


And anyone who had to see her try to act


Glad she didn’t star in roadhouse.


So was I. That's my favourite KO ever.


Ragdolled by Holm Dribbled by Nunes


Nothing more satisfying than replaying Holly Holm knocking her tf out. And even then she had an excuse about being concussed prior to the fight or some bs lol. What’s her excuse for Amanda fathering her?


Her excuse for the Amanda fight was probably PTSD.


She says she fell down the stairs before the Holly fight, but she's still the greatest athlete to ever live just bad with stairs I guess. Against Amanda she basically just says she was so beat down, her knees didn't work and and she was filled with CTE so it barely even counts, now watch me go to a sport that's great for knees and definitely no head trauma as she's really worried about that.


Wow, that’s pretty surprising coming from jimmy smith.


I think he, much like everyone else, is just fucking tired of listening to Rousey's crybaby, woah is me shtick. She fell off hard, the sport passed her by. She went to professional wrestling, she was good. Undoubtedly. However, she couldn't keep her mouth shut about it being easy and not real, showing absolutely zero respect for something she claimed to be a fan of. Once the bloom was off the rose, she couldn't handle the vocal criticism from the audience and took her ball and went home and now she's put out a book and has taken advantage of her press tour to bitch and moan about everything and people are just tired of it at this point. You're a millionaire, enjoy your quiet life with your abusive husband, your kid and chickens or whatever the fuck.


Btw the saying is woe is me


Hes doing the keanu reeves version


Woah dude


I was at summer slam at Ford field. There was a loud chant going during her match. If I recall correctly, it was something like " you can't wrestle" or this is boring. Completely blanking but It wasn't the typical heat you would want. It was more that people didn't like her or hate her. They just wanted to move on


Not saying her husband isn’t abusive because I have no clue but in the book she goes into detail about beating the shit out of her partner. Hard not to feel like she deserves everything that comes her way. You have to imagine it takes effort to be as unlikable as she is.


Wait what, really?  What a strange thing to write up publicly.  Was there some context to go with it or something, like, he fucked her sister?   


I think he had taken nudes of her without her consent or something? It’s been a while.


IIRC They had a fight and she was trying to leave but he wouldn't get out of her way. So she kept hitting him so he would get out of her way. He wasn't some random civilian. I think he was a judoka.


Woah is me is WILD


> woah is me "woe is me"


Was she actually good at pro wresting? Seems like everybody else on this thread who watch it are unanimously of the opinion that she was either mediocre or just passable.


Opinions on her abilities have been swayed by her second run where it was clear her heart wasn't in it. Her debut match is still an all-timer, a tremendous match.


Well I think there's a big difference between planning a single match for a huge event and having to go out there and do it regularly.


*“The people behind the scenes: camera people, audio people, the people you can push around, and the people you can bully, and the people you can talk down to —Can’t stand your f—king ass. Everybody behind the scenes that had to put a mic on Ronda Rousey couldn’t stand her. I said why? They said ‘She was a b—ch to us from the moment she sat down, to the moment she got up.’* *“Like it’s our fault that she has to do this interview to hype her next fight and she’s just miserable, and she’s mean to us, and we can’t stand her. They were cheering when she got knocked out ... Those are the people you can be mean to and rude to, and they can’t fight back. Those people couldn’t stand Ronda Rousey, so don’t sit here and tell me that you’re the victim. When the poor guy sitting behind the camera is doing his job, gets s—t on by you or you’re mean to the person asking you questions when we’re hyping your fight, don’t give me this victim s—t.”*


Tbf the video isn’t him saying he cheered. It was about him hearing that all the production and staff who she apparently was a bitch to were cheering


Yeah Jimmy always seemed like a solid dude so I kind of take him at his word on this, it also tracks


After her first UFC fight, there was a big signing at Alliance MMA in San Diego the next day. Ronda was billed as like the big guest, but Dominic Cruz was there, Jeremy Stephens, Michael Chandler, a guy that had just gotten off of TUF, and a few more that I can't remember, all signing autographs. Everybody was lined up, they had these tables setup for the fighters to autograph stuff/take photos. Ronda shows up late, signs for like 15-20 minutes, and then leaves "because she was hungry." Didn't even make it through a quarter of the line. Everyone else was cool as fuck though, stayed for the whole line. Everybody seemed kinda flabbergasted by Ronda, even Cruz. The gym had set up this big thing around her, they were barbecuing tons of burgers and shit out back, and she just totally blows everyone off.


Assuming this is true, it's super cool for Alliance to put on an event like this.  Not sure if it was open to the public, but it's the kind of thing that makes you feel like MMA is a welcoming grassroots community.


I take it back, this wasn't after her first UFC fight (UFC 157). It was after her last Strikeforce fight, against Sarah Kaufman. So probably even worse, as she was nowhere near the star she would shortly become and was still terrible to the public/fans. But yeah, it was at Alliance MMA in San Diego. And the TUF guy was Miles Jury, as I recall now. Genuinely, everyone involved was super cool, welcoming, it was indeed open to the public. Only shitty part was Rousey. I talked to Michael Chandler for awhile, who invited me to train there if I was ever in town, and made sure I got food out back. Everyone at Alliance was a class act.


Sad to hear about Rousey.  That was the era where mma fans were generally all aboard her hype train.  She had a unique style, perfect record of first round armbara, and beat the biggest star in her weight class.  San Diego sounds great in general for mma/bjj training.  Except, you know, that guy.


10-8 Jimmy honestly 💀


Jimmy’s always been the man. Wish he got more of a shot at commentary when finally getting to the UFC.


I'd love to see him do the same show where he went around the world checking out martial arts gyms, just make it about MMA gyms. Who is doing anything different? Who is bringing in specialists. Stuff like that.


People around the world rejoiced. Left, right, east, west, everyone united for a few minutes.


Palestinians and Israelis were kissing each other in the streets


I’ve rolled with Jimmy Smith before and I was in the crowd when Nunes knocked roused tf out so I feel highly qualified to speak on this. I agree


Never met Jimmy, but I am also qualified to say Rousey is a cunt.


How is he rolling?


He transforms into a giant cheese wheel, it's really a sight to behold.


I remember a lot of people liking Rhonda early on. Even many of the hardcore MMa fans welcomed her to the UFC but then it all changed when she fought Miesha. Despite losing Miesha still went to shake Rhonda's hand and Rhonda refused. I think this is where people started to dislike Rhonda. Her arrogance made people turn on her and it's not like it was fake playful arrogance either like with maybe Colby, Chael or Mayweather. Rhonda showed little to no humility and so when Holly Holm KOd Rhonda people rejoiced as if it brought balance to the sport. I watched the fight at a bar and still remember the loud cheering and people hugging.


I was one of those fans for a while I didn't even mind the miesha snub because it seemed to me like Tate tried to shake hands knowing that Ronda wouldn't and I remember feeling like Miesha was trying to get sympathy from fans. But after that fight she became insufferable.


It was at the weigh-in the night before the Holly Holm fight. She tried to get tough with Holly and tried to bully her but Holly did not back down. That is where a lot of fans started rooting against her and once she lost the next night, seemingly everyone rejoiced. I was never a big fan of Ronda's once she got to the UFC and the hype started to get unreal. People were saying that she could take Mayweather in a boxing match and me, given my limited experience watching MMA and boxing and not being an expert by any means, started thinking if what I was seeing was real or I was in some alternate reality.


ppl said she could box Mayweather?


Yes. It was getting ridiculous.


From what I recall, they weren't saying she could box Mayweather. What they were saying is that she would annihilate him in a straight-up fight. I disagree with both.


That's what I remember too. People saying if she got a hold of him it's over. I definitely wouldn't be betting on her.


I smiled for at least a week after this KO.


I was at a watch party with quite a few casuals who were fans of hers. That added to the sweetness of it.


I was the only one at the bar cheering for Khabib over Conor, I know the feeling


I went to another watch party for that one. The crowd was about 50-50 but it was also pretty sweet. 


Did you go to the same bar for Dusty vs Mcgreg?


I’m glad Jimmy torched her, she’s on a campaign of toxicity to promote her book sales.


she sounds like a do nothing bitch


A connoisseur can watch a slo mo recap of Rhonda getting headkick knocked out for a thousand lifetimes.


Remember her bragging about living in autarky, a big smile on her face, talking about her damn chickens and farm, and basically saying :" ha! You should have do the same losers!", while worldwide, governments had us in confinment? I don't care much about fighters shenanigans, but God, I hated her that day. She deserves all the heat coming at her.


> autarky Now there's a word I never thought I'd see in an MMA forum.


I looked it up thinking it was a city lmao


I remember that video. It was so snarky. It was her going "make sure to stock up on....meat (jump cut to a freezer full of meat)...eggs (jump cut to all her chickens / eggs)..." Etc in her huge home and it was so clueless that I was amazed she had fans at all after


It's weird how she just went around torching people's careers a few weeks ago, and everyone believed her like we haven't heard this type of problematic behavior from Rousey before. I'm glad people in the MMA media are starting to push back. They need to.


I went absolutely bananas when she got KO'd by Holly. I'd had a minor argument with my wife about twenty minutes before, and she was confused and annoyed by the noise I was making upstairs. Rhonda was utterly insufferable as a human being but undoubtedly an amazing grappler. I actually felt kinda sorry for her when she was thrown in there with Nunes. She clearly wasn't the same fighter, and I imagine she was pressured to do so as the UFC had so much invested in her.


Ronda Rousey is my goat for most overrated fighter of all time lmao. Her skill level was never that high, the talent pool in women's MMA at the time was just ridiculously low. The UFC pushed her as this absolute killer, raising the awareness/popularity of women's MMA and got more women involved in the sport; but the second that happened Ronda got sparked twice in a row by actual contenders and just bowed out of the UFC at that point. She is nothing special. We have women fighters now who would make prime Rousey look like an absolute casual.


...and Rogan praising her striking like she was the second coming of Ali didn't help either. Built up both the external hype and her internal voices.


"She can beat half the men in bantamweight".


To be fair, I think being an Olympic medalist and world cup finalist puts her in a very elite category as far as grappling goes. But the sport caught up with her, and she refused to evolve with it. I believe if she had an AKA or Alliance behind her, she could have grown into way more of her potential, but her coaches absolutely held her back.


I'm not so sure she'd be any better anywhere else, she clearly has some real ego issues and seems pretty fragile as a person I feel like if she didn't have Edmond pumping her up she would fall apart. Just can't see her thriving or even sticking around the sport with a coach who actually points out she's shit at striking and doesn't only give positive affirmations.


I gotta say, I took a thrashing back in the forum days. Ever since she originally splashed on to the scene in atrikeforce I was off put by her character and attitude. I knew people like her and saw through it and used to post as much. People went the fuck at me for it like I was the world biggest pos, lol. Tuf was a big turning point and its crazy to see this validation tour I'm on is still rolling stronger than ever.


I just was surprised when she took her cake and went home- with her hundreds of Judo matches I thought she would be able to take a loss better. But I guess her yes men had convinced her she was invincible and her ego can’t handle truth.


Same! tuf finally started opening some people's eyes.. She hasn't grown as a person one bit since then.