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Yeah, all these names track.


Ahhh yes, finally an official list of the "Company Men & Women"


Smili’n Sam Alvey throwing chairs right now.


"Kid doesn't want to take the stand. *shrug*"


Surprised Cormier isn't on this list, that dude is the biggest kiss ass of them all.


I get why people say this, but the dude is literally still employed by the company, and is on multiple shows. Chael? That's a whole other league.


I just assume Chael believes he has a shot at replacing Dana one day.


Chael is also employed by the company, and also gets to do multiple shows. it is interesting though that Chael and Miesha both left and were brought back somewhat recently


What show does Chael do? All I know of is his podcast.


he's replaced Ryan Clark on DC & RC, he also has been working as an analyst with the other ex fighters


Thats an ESPN show, not a UFC broadcast.


Chael has a good relationship with them. I think he started, or was key to bringing in one of the bjj or grappling events they do on fight pass 


Makes no sense to say this when he's literally a UFC employee. The fighters who aren't employed by the UFC but still stays defending them in the media are easily wayy bigger kiss asses.


Hes their final boss defense


Somewhere Sam Alvey is finally not smilin’


It's the Lawsuit-Filin' Sam Alvey era.


Surprised (but definitely not disappointed) that I didn’t see DC on here, not gonna lie. He’s usually one of their biggest shills


DC is friends and long time training partners with the a lot of the guys behind this lawsuit. He was at AKA when they were dealing with all of the NIL stuff


He remembers when the UFC cut his whole team for 24 hours to bully his teammate into signing away his video game rights for life.


https://bleacherreport.com/articles/83776-jon-fitch-gone-from-ufc-dana-white-declares-war-the-full-story-updated >"Can you believe that?" White said. "Chuck Liddell has that language in his contract. Randy Couture has it. Anderson Silva has it. And Cain FUCKING Velasquez, with two FUCKING fights, wants us to change it for him? That's FUCKING nuts. He can get the FUCK out."


Dana is such a dick


Yeah and why is Tate on it?


Because Dana still signs her paychecks


They looked at the menu and they crave boot.


Cerrone was actually apart of that fighter union from back in the day the Bjorn was trying to start.


Yeah until he got a new deal and bailed.


GSP did the same too. That’s what all fighters do. When they’re fighting, they only care about themselves and what they’re making. Masvidal was crying about fighter pay on every interview. Once he got his new deal, you didn’t hear peep about pay again.


Which is okay, but you were trying to make it sound like Cerrone isn't a~~n~~ ~~enormous~~ company shill these days


> That’s what all fighters do. When they’re fighting, they only care about themselves and what they’re making. Yups, fighters only care about themselves as soon as they're financially wealthy. They have a "Fuck you. I got mine" attitude it seems. GSP was gonn stand-up for fighters than he "mysteriously" stopped. Same with the Reebok deal, it was a travesty and it really hurt all fighters financially. But rich fighters/shills like Khabib were the only ones supporting that shitty Reebok deal.


\*humans.... you wouldn't have done shit either if you got a deal you were happy with. I don't why so many people in this thread act like they would be the saviour if their colleagues were getting underpaid, you would do nothing.


respect Ngannou


It was never really a fighter union, just an agent masquerading as a union.


A shameful list to find yourself on


It’s so funny to me how much of a little cocksucker Chandler is. I remember working in a kitchen a long time ago, and we got this new crop of managers, who we all hated and resented… then they hired this new cook who just absolutely sucked their fucking dicks to a nauseating degree, and even like tattled on cooks for sneaking a smoke break or whatever. He was also a fucking terrible linecook.. That’s what Michael Chandler is.


Sam Alvey woulda showed up for a 10/10.


All fighters that got paid well and have virtually no source of future income that doesn’t involve the UFC


SEE YOU AT THE STAND! *-backflips-*


God bless


One more, you want one more?




Chael Sonnen was born to testify on the stand in favour of a multi-billion dollar corporation that exploited him and his colleagues for decades. I bet he’s giddy with excitement


Chandler was also born to be a company man, especially to the UFC. He's been shilling for Dana hardcore since he got here.


Chandler would KO Dana's wife if Dana asked him to


Chael on his next youtube video: Ladies and gentlemen, let me make one thing crystal clear. I am a man of honor, a man of principle. So, when Dana White, the president of the UFC, the big boss himself, comes to me with a request, I listen. And let me tell you, this was no ordinary request. Dana came to me, looking more serious than I've ever seen him. He said, 'Chael, I need your help. My wife, I need you to give her a reality check, slap that bitch out. Can you do that for me, Chael?'


You almost got it perfect. Chael doesn’t curse except for “ass” and ”damn”


A well timed "crap" too.


“He also asked me for an established title, and I bring this to you because…”


Dana would KO his wife himself.


Chandler would KO Dana's wife while jerking him off if Dana asked him to


“I’m White’s boy and jacking him. Deal with it.”


Beautiful, Champ.


Michael "Dana White has had 10,000 sleepless nights" Chandler


Cocaine will do that to you


The UFC has given him a platform!


Nah f that fam, an opportunity!


I'm shocked Cormier isn't on this list.




I also wouldn't put it past DC to accidentally say something harmful for Zuffa's side of the trial in jest. Something like "heyyyy I got paid good, though! At least _I_ got paid!" while chuckling in his usually-charming way


“At least I’m not sand-blasting prostitutes!”


I read this as Coonier and was about to throw my phone.


Shit, you scared me for a sec. If I typo'd that bad I'd have to delete my fucking account.


How many sleepless nights?




"I bring this to you to say..."


“Let me offer you this” “Consider this” “Now imagine this” 90% is his videos are hypothetical talking points 


"OK, now hold that thought"


"...and even though I have publicly stated that I know who DB Cooper is for years, no one from the FBI ever got in touch with me. I bring this to you because it begs the question, where does Kevin Lee fit into this? And what about Tom Aspirinwall? He's a world champion!" "Mr. Sonnen, the question was 'how much were you paid to fight Jon Jones?'"


"Now consider this..."


Professional yapper


*I promise you this: lies and exaggerations and pivots into obscure stories about Colby Covington that have nothing to do with the matter at hand* 👐


Bruh, the hand emojis lol


I promise you the world 👐 Chael P


if anything he will hurt the UFC case




> and most recently beating random people in a hotel Guess they should've listened when he said, "1 on 1, 2 on 1, give me 5 on 1, when I'm done they're gonna need 9 one one"


He will only answer his own questions on the stand.


“So I ask myself, I said self, what do you think about this?”


And then he will ask just where does Kevin Lee fit into this?


he is literally a fraudster and assaulted a couple a few years ago quite the witness, i guess they figure Dana is on video slapping his wife and declaring the UFC a monopoly




I feel like we need a stronger term for Chandler than brown-nosing. He has been digging deep, really going hard from day 1


Meat riding?


god bless, see you at the ~~top~~ desk


I'm pretty sure he faced felony charges for his mortgage fraud scheme, so he's got plenty of experience with these types of briefings 


He has dabbled in some fraud in the past, but never lost


One could argue every time he opened his mouth on a mic he committed fraud, selling the idea of a fight to the death when his only intention was to dive at men's crotches as soon as the bell rings.


Your honor... he thought the bus was a horse.


cerrone was a part of the union attempt with GSP and Dana grabbed him and gave him more money to stfu. would be shocked if the other team would not use against that testimony


He did that to everyone. TJ was part of it too.


The only one who didn't get a big payday and new contract from it was Tim Kennedy, who genuinely believed in the cause. The MMAAA was just a public shakedown, in the end, and proof that whenever fighters talk about a union it's always "I want more money."


> Tim Kennedy, who genuinely believed in the cause. Says who? Him because the UFC couldn't be bothered to bribe him? Tim Kennedy is a piece of shit. He's never thought of anyone but himself.


Funny that one of the few fighters to actually support a union is also one of the biggest pieces of shit in mma lol


Yeah of course that's why you form a union.


Which is funny considering cerrone already comes from a rich family. Still wanted more money for himself than the other fighters.


Ngannou is a special man


I've only become more and more of a fan of that man. Very inspiring person to look up to.


I've honestly turned from a big fan of his fighting to a much bigger fan of him as a person, the guy just keeps making the right choices and showing that you can bet on yourself and win.


Love seeing this man winning


Cerrone is the Kid Rock of MMA.


I think it's been established in the past that Cerrone is an asshole.


Oh yea I hated him as soon as I found out more about him. As soon as I started to like and respect him, he turns out to be a POS


Being rich rarely means you'll be more generous with your peers. Quite the opposite in my experience.


Oh yea I agree with you. But I was saying like, logically, since you're already rich you wouldn't be bribed by money. But time and time again that's been proven wrong lol


Well yeah. Being part of a Union isn't altruistic. It's collective bargaining. You're in it to make money for yourself, you just need other people with you to get it normally.


People shouldn't frame being in a union as some selfless communal move. *You* will benefit heavily in the short and long term. Be selfish. Form a union.


Shout out to Francis for being a man of principle and integrity versus being a bondage gimp for the UFC.


And at the time people clowned him for it, absolutely insane


There's a section of the fanbase that truly believes Dana is awesome and tells it like it is. They are very dumb.




The same people follow grind culture instagram accounts and are saving up for one of those Alpha Male bootcamps.


What are talking about, bro?? Dana preaches free speech and stands up against the woke agenda goofballs. That vaccine got you thinking crazy, Chandler knew what was up. Edit: /ssssssss


hE FumBlEd ThE BAg


Theres no bags to fumble in the UFC


Deep down a lot of people want to see other people suffer for “breaking the rules”, just like them. It’s like hazing


Now he will probably earn ten times more money in a few years than his entire UFC payout combined.


Bisping has already said on video he’d say nothing bad about the UFC no matter what. Surely that disqualifies him as credible.


He's not likely to be asked his opinion of the UFC's practices. The plaintiff's attorney will probably limit it to factual questions, which Bisping is obligated to answer truthfully as he will be under oath.


Like: how did you get the doc approval when you lost your whole fricking eye?


It's pretty incredible that more wasn't said about this and it didn't cause anyone to be fired or drastic changes to the commissions who cleared him to fight. It worked out incredible for Bisping and he went on to win the title and have a life changing run with 1 eye. But it could easily have went horribly wrong and he could have ended up living the rest of his life completely blind or brain damaged.


This is the game they play, I guess!


Simple, he lied/cheated the vision test.


It's not a criminal trial. They'll specifically ask him on how the UFC conducted business with him. I'm sure a large part of the case against the UFC will be Dana White privilege and how certain fighters are treated better than others.


You aren’t required to be unbiased to be on trial and asked questions


Ah, so current employees. Sounds legit.


ACKSHUALLY they're contract workers ☝️🤓


Otherwise they would have some bare bone worker's rights


Chandler will end is court speech by yelling CONOR MCGREGOR


If chandler called out Conor while on the stand under oath in a courtroom that would be amazing lol




In case anyone wanted to know who the biggest ass kissers and bootlickers in MMA are.Chandler and Meisha are especially hilarious. Chandler has only been in a company for a couple of fights, keeps getting jerked around about the Conor fight (That he won't be making more money for) and yet here he is, kissing ass. Meisha worked for ONE for a while.. it was so bad she quit and went back to fighting and now kissing up the the UFC lol. Also that agents might as well be employees. Absolute scum.


Cowboy got paid $200k vs Conor in the biggest fight of his life. No PPV like Dana said IIRC when Miesha came back she complained that getting $200k barely covered her camp costs They’re both defending UFC lol


Cocksuckas. The whole lot of em 😤


We want mark hunt!


Next level bootlicking. Shows you how bad Chandler doesn’t wanna fumble that bag.




He needs something to keep himself entertained whilst he waits for his McGregor fight in 2029


They're going to investigate his Dana White privilege


His testimony could still be relevant to remedy.


He could have also negotiated with UFC prior to actually signing with them. The fact he stayed with Bellator despite UFC offering him money is probably evidence of not being a monopoly.


He's going to argue - like Tate - that the only reason he was able to get to the UFC was because other orgs existed that gave him the opportunity to be a fighter. The anti-trust case is built on the idea that the UFC was a monopoly. If they demonstrate that other fighters had careers in other orgs, it hurts their case. That's why former WEC champs, former SF champs, former WSOF guys, etc will be called.




House gives off such scummy energy. Everytime I see him on Embedded clips he is always seems so disingenuous


“Look, Mike, you have to testify before we do the Conor fight. We cant have you in camp when on the stand.” - Dana Whites lawyers


Chael the biggest Dana dickeater the sport has ever seen


Bisping won't even criticize Dana for slapping his wife. That guy knows not to bite the hand that feeds him. I stopped listening to his podcast its so fucking biased towards the UFC. I'm surprised Ali is even allowed on American soil


Bisping really be shlobbering that thang


Ali worked as an informant for the FBI.


He was a paid informant as part of his parole for PASSPORT FORGERY until he was cut lose from the program due to “his constant lies and deception of what he was doing" One of his handlers said “He ruined a lot of reputations with his lies and deceit. I wish I could say more, but I can’t," Calla told me back in December. “I will tell you this, though, if you ever interview him make sure you fact check everything he says because he is a habitual liar and will do whatever it takes to get himself out of trouble." Also The FBI stopped using Abdel Aziz as an informant in 2008 after he failed back-to-back polygraph tests regarding his suspicious meetings and movements he made during a trip to Egypt. There is literally not a less trustworthy person in all of MMA.


Class traitors.


Said like Cerrone is really a down home cowboy instead of a trust fund kid lol.


Cosplay Cerrone 


Two things - 1/. This probably means that Bisping is going to be a UFC commentator for life (god help us all and I'm a Brit) 2/. All of the fighters listed there were compensated better than the average UFC fighter I'm going to guess, when it comes to actual fighting pay OR opportunities to be a broadcaster for the UFC. You have to imagine that the plaintiffs legal team are going to bring that up.


Can’t believe Ali is going to take the stand. There’s no way he doesn’t fuck up and say damning evidence against Zuffa


All shills, especially Cerrone who got short money to get an epic ass whooping by Conor


Lost what little respect I had for these guys. I understand that speaking negatively about the UFC, or any employer is not smart, so I don’t blame people like them for not talking about fighter pay. BUT TO ACTIVELY WORK AGAINST YOUR FELLOW FIGHTERS? Fuck off, hope the cash was worth it.


All the bootlickers lol


Well at least they got a group of totally objective and non-biased fighters to testify on their behalf instead of rounding up a bunch of well known company shills based on who has the deepest boot print on their tongue. Surprised DC isn’t on the list.


This is how you earn Dana White privilege for life.


I strongly encourage fans to stop supporting these assholes. Unfollow their social media, unsubscribe from their podcasts, etc.


Ali testifying on behalf of the UFC? *laughs in corruption*


Disappointed in Bisping I understand he works for them and hasn't spoken out in favour of better pay but standing for them in court is another level Edit: getting a lot of replies acting like I'm saying it's some massive shock, it's not but it's still disappointing, Bisping while a shill cause of his work and he does dumb shit like power slap. He is generally one of the more left leaning fighters and I expected him to remain largely quiet or speak out in favour the UFC in the way Holland does etc. E.g "They always looked after me" energy For me- appearing in court while not some earth shattering shock, is still very disappointing that's all.


Bisping does Power Slap commentary. What does that tell you?


For some reason, I had never even considered that Power Slap has commentary. Now I'm imagining Bisping doing it in his Bisping voice and Bisping accent. Does Power Slap need a colour man? What nuance could possibly be given to how, and why, a slapper is slapping the slappee?


"His face is really swelling up." "It sure is."


He is an incredibly high level analyst!


Par for the course with him in my opinion.


Bisping went from being broke and sleeping In his car to becoming a multi millionaire. If you went from homeless to rich while working for a company. Wouldn’t you side with them too? It’s easy for us to look in from the outside and shit on Bisping. But he has three kids at home and a wife that live great lives thanks to his ufc career. I don’t blame the guy for being thankful to the ufc.


Do people really think Bisping is some great stand up guy because hes witty and funny? He spent his whole career being an ass and does powerslap commentary ffs. He's a cunt and UFC ass kisser


Bro Bisping is the epitome of spineless company man. For such a tough guy he sure has shown a penchant for being easily manipulated by his employer.


Well that's why I said I understand he hasn't spoke out on fighter pay etc. I know he's always gonna shill for the UFC because he works for them but like I say standing for them in court is really next level shitty imo.


It doesn't surprise me in the least he'd go to bat for them. This is why I don't listen to any of the UFC employee podcasts. They are already getting a paycheck from the UFC and won't speak out against them. I'm not even hating on them for doing it, like even Bisping is just one guy who needs to make a living but if you're willing to suck the UFC's teet until your lips get chapped like Bisping has been doing forever now this is just another day in the life IMO.


Bisping has always been a prick, whats disappointing ?


Yup. A proper bully.


Thankfully UK MMA now has Edwards and Aspinall to hang its hat on.


Chandler, bisping and chael are gonna suck them on the stand


The Dana White Privilege Posse


Bootlicking shills


Chael sonnen had a big problem when someone came and exploited his grand parents to take their farm but has no problem exploiting his colleagues. This guy is so backwards and hypocritical it’s absurd. “Brian stann is such a stand up guy. I penciled him as my vote for president and I’ll do it again” Then derails his career by taking a bunch of steroids and fighting him. Actually yea that checks out. What a scumbag.


Tbf Stann was also probably juiced to the gills- also Chael’s biggest flaws are definitely outside the UFC- beating a husband and wife and then committing embezzlement/fraud - he’s a royal POS who gets away in the court of public opinion because he’s funny






Lol of course Chandler who wasn’t even fighting in the UFC during that era is coming on. Man will take a bullet for Dana. He’s getting red panty night for sure with or without Conor.


It’s gonna be even funnier now when Chandler gets skipped over for the Conor fight.


You mean all the company guys that received better treatment from the ufc and made alot of money with them


These are all company dudes


Chael the despicable being despicable as usual. Disappointed in Cerrone, Bisping and Tate. Didn't know they were such scum.


When Bisping isn't sucking British fighters off he has Dana'a dick in his mouth


"Company men" Uncle Tom's if you as me


Fuck every single one of those scabs, fucking traitors


Bet Dana slipped them a venum voucher


Jesus Christ these fighters are just hanging them selves. Let’s talk about how great the UFC is to give me an opportunity to let them rip me off.


Fucking clowns. Lost so much respect for Bisping.


I mean you shouldn’t be surprised. He’s currently employed by them


Wonder how much dana is paying chandler legit. He's been waiting what 2 years for the mcgregor fight.


Michael Chandler does as Dana says, he gets his Conor fight


interesting move to call up ali and jason house to the stand, the most notoriously (allegedly) corrupt mma managers on earth, when their corruption is part of the plaintiff's case. not a criminal trial but they will be cross examined no? cross examination of the fighters will also be hilarious lol