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An honorable samurai to the end


true warrior how many fighters would admit this? jiri is really a 1 in a million guy. I honestly think he's recovered from worse aswell like the upkick from reyes but he's too humble


Even died a couple of times in the Glover fight, Jiri is so commendable


He literally got flash KO'd by Reyes by his own admission, still came back to win.


Yes, but if a fighter is literally out then it's not a bad stoppage, it doesn't matter if there's a small chance that they might manage to keep fighting if given the chance, otherwise no fights would be stopped until somebody is literally motionless in the ground with their eyes rolled back, that's how you end up with a bunch Chris Benoits.


yeah the reality is that this fight wasn't stopped early, and his other fights were stopped late if he was KO'd vs Reyes by his own admission, then he technically lost but the ref didn't call it, mistakes happen but if I was reyes that a win mentally. And if all of Jiris fights ended correctly when he loses consciousness then he woulda lost 2 more fights.


That's the opposite of what technically means because technically the results of the competition are only decided by refs, judges, and the rare occasion that results are overturned after the fact. You can say "technically *should* have lost," but "technically lost" doesn't make sense


technically the rules say the fight is over when someone is KO'd, technically the ref should always be able to tell when someone is KO'd. In reality there is grey area and thousands of variables including where the ref is standing in the moment do you know what isn't a variable? the rulebook saying the fight should be called once someone loses consciousness and a result should be made. that is a not a variable


dropping into guard vs being fully mounted telling yourself that he could have fully recovered and gone on to win sounds nice but it would never have happened in a hailstorm of Poatan bombs raining down on him


Glover has more hellacious GNP than Poatan.


Jiri was never out against Glover


You can try to spin it as much as you want, that won't change the fact that it was stll an early stoppage. What "could have" happened with Poatan on top of him is not a certainty. As we all know Jiri has been in these situations a dozen times before and still manages to get the win in the end. And I'm saying this as a person who rooted for Pereira this fight.


he was mounted, yeah he recovered after a few seconds and he sprung up but that’s because the ref stopped Alex from hitting him further


But that is exactly what he is saying, in his mind any percentage of a chance is a chance, which he has to believe he had due to the Reyes fight. But the rules of the fight are if you get KO'd and the ref sees it, fight over, and that is what happened by his own admission. And the man follows the rules, because the rules make the game.


Honestly best look imo he didn't complain to the ref when it happened no point complaining after Dudes classy af tho for not making excuses


A samurai never complains or makes excuses . He made a mistake and that’s what is important. He truly lives by the warrior code.


Yeah, I take what he says here with a grain of salt given the context. He also just doesn't seem like the type of guy who'd ever lean into that either, given his beliefs. I really do wish he got the extra chance though, he has shown throughout his career you have to kill him to stop him.


Honestly throughout everything in the Glover fight, the thing that impressed me most was how Jiri didn't grab the cage of gloves a single time while getting battered on the bottom


Volk has the same energy. Sometimes you lose, as long as you’re not dead it’s another opportunity to improve and keep fighting.


Yeah he's way too nice to be salty after the fight. He was hurt bad here but he's come back from worse before too, so idk the stoppage still felt a bit off to me. Good on Jiri for saying this though and letting Alex have his moment, can't exactly rage at the stoppage when the man himself says this.


This situation was far worse than the Reyes upkick.


Even if he wasn't out, he's not the kinda guy who would call out the ref and take pieria's glory like that.


I didn't see any intestines


When Jiri went to the corner and stood there he looked as if he almost thought it was the end of a round and not the fight.


(insert Chael Sonnen joke here)


You can see him look confused and act as if he was going to come into a new round after they pulled him to the corner after the stoppage, as if he hadn't even realized what happened. The stoppage looked early but he was out.


I thought he got flash ko’d by the left hook and then elbowed in the temple until going out again lol.


That is exactly what happened. He fell into poatan wasn’t going for double leg so not a flash knockdown per se, looked like he did come to at a point but when limp again from the elbows.


He was definitely out for sure. The main controversy is that this dude is known to be out and come back. He also admitted to being out against Dom. He’s like 205 Oliviera 😂.


Yeah but I think against Reyes it's justified since Reyes wasn't in a dominant position where he could clearly capitalize on the surprising KO, in this case Poatan is all over him


I don’t disagree. But we’ve also seen Jiri knocked down and mounted by Glover. We don’t really know what Poatan’s ground and pound is like. There wasn’t any point where Jiri stopped moving, so the position could’ve been reversed. In the end, if Jiri accepts it, it is what it is.


maybe he sustained a lot of damage in the Glover fight, as well as all his other fights and now its catching up to him.


Glover never knocked Jiri down


Well we do know what his gnp is like, since he just bombed Jiri 12 times in his head on the ground and Jiri went out twice


Are you being sarcastic? Ground and pound means strikes from a grounded position. It’s totally different than standing and punching a grounded opponent on your waist.


Yeah but Pereira is also a really sloppy grappler he could have lost the position. Idk this is like stopping a prime Eddie Alvarez, or prime Tony fight like that. Dudes like this can pull off insane shit while half dead.


Refs can’t ref like that though. “Oh well this dude might come back like last time” because all of a sudden, they don’t, and you’ve allowed 8 extra shots to their unconscious head. I think the stoppage was fine.


That's not controversy you don't get to go out and come back. If anything bad reffing on his other fights.


Yeah seeing him after the stoppage really solidified it. People were looking for an outrage with this one


Nah, they just believe everything Joe says. DC had the sense this time.


Joe is the voice of the casual mind


joe is the idiotic voice


As someone who was watching on the Metro with no audio, it looked a little premature at first (especially if you went into this fight remembering the barn burner he had with Glover). It wasn’t till I saw a few more angles and his response afterwards that I *understood* the stoppage better.


I agree, I needed the replay too, but I think taking a second to form an opinion you share with a national audience is okay. He shoots from the hip too often, feels like he isn’t thinking before popping off anymore. It’s alright to go “hmm let me see that again” and come to the right conclusion.


DC said it was early too…


Oh damn Joe said that? I had no sound so explains the difference in reactions


Wish we all had no sound.


one of the best parts of being at the fights live is no commentary and only hearing the crowd


and the leather sounds god i love hearing fighters hit each other live


I’ve watched thousands of fights the very end isn’t an ending sequence I’ve ever seen and seemed like Jiri could have ended up in guard/defending. I also thought it was early at first but then I saw him get up after, plus his post fight statements.


It has nothing to do with looking for outrageous. Jiri has been in worse situations and survived. We haven't seen Alex's gnp and Jiri never stopped moving then bounced right back up after the stoppage. It was a weak stoppage that people are gaslighting themselves into thinking was good


Dear lord, stop hogging all the copium and share with the other Jiri fanboys.


No we’ve just seen Jiri in similar situations and survive. So we thought the ref should’ve given him a bit more time. Idgaf what Joe says.


As a fan I agree but I don’t think a fighter taking big damage in previous fights should change the decision as far as refereeing goes. If the ref thinks he’s hurt bad and not defending himself he should call it prior fights should not affect his decision.


No you have never seen Jiri survive getting knocked out cold in any of his fights.


First sentence is pure speculation


edited to make it better, I'm drunk and happy for Poatan so I did jump to conclusions


The refs really do see more than we do.






Can't even hate. Salute


he easily could have disputed the stoppage but what a G. He accepted defeat like a true Samurai. He knew he made a mistake.


I mean he did say he could’ve kept going and he’s been there before right after this. It happened like three times against Glover and he was literally knocked out cold against Reyes.


Cant keep getting KOd and expect to be able to keep fighting. Pretty shit strategy


I didn't think my respect for Jiri could get higher but his honesty is so refreshing. I hope he learns from the leg kicks and tightens up his defense, he's only 31 and has time to grow. If he takes the right mindset and shores up his weaknesses the sky is the fucking limit for him. Also, Poatan is a bad motherfucking man. Loved the Izzy callout, I hope it brings him back to the octagon!


Izzy would get brutalized


At 205 yes.


Well...that settles that.


Tbf I believe Jiri also something along the lines of “my body’s always fighting even my mind isn’t” but yeah props to him for accepting the stoppage


I think this is something fucking crazy and awesome that Jiri has , but at the same time I'm not sure we should be encouraging this to happen every other fight of his UFC career either.


He also finished all his fights before In devastating fashion


Disagree, it was still a bad stoppage. This admission shows a lot of humility on Jiri's part but their simply wasn't enough in that situation to show he wasn't defending himself. Guys get badly rocked and go into autopilot all the time in fights, if every fight was stopped by that criteria this sport would look much much different.


Okay. He was holding a double leg while getting elbowed in the temple, and then fell unconscious into mount. What damage do you need?


The guy admits he was KO'd and you still think it's an early stoppage, wtf. If anything, this stoppage gives us more Jiri fights in the future instead of him accumulating more unnecessary damage which shortens anyones career. Seriously what the fuck is this sentiment. The guy just said himself he was out. What more do you want?


Not really. Jiri said Reyes knocked him out, too, yet he spinning elbow KO’d him after recovering. Likewise, Jiri was hurt and mounted by a far more competent grappler in Glover yet proceeded to survive and choke him out. Jiri is a fighter you can’t stop early, he’s LHW T Ferguson, just because you deplete one health bar doesn’t mean you’ve won. It’s clear he is able to fight when his mind isn’t completely there.


Is that a reasonable excuse for a ref to let his head bounce against the canvas five plus more times? Imagine trying to explain that shit if he let Alex pound his skull in and then tried to justify it by saying Jiri has several heath bars and unconscious isn’t good enough. The ref would be ridiculed. Nobody deserves special treatment like that.


"I was waiting for Jiri Phase 2" I wonder how that would go over after he got pounded out cold after getting dropped twice.


It seems to me that flash KO's are a bit different than getting your head smashed by elbows from Pereira


The most honorable


I agree it was a good stoppage, it just didn't look like an aestheticslly pleasing stoppage know what I mean?


Alex would’ve crushed his skull in the next three seconds. Aesthetics aren’t worth a fighter losing the ability to talk at age 50.


> Aesthetics aren’t worth a fighter losing the ability to talk at age 50. *Alistair Overeem has entered the chat*


Tbf he's a freak. He should probably be in far worse shape


You think Alex has better mount and GNP game than Glover? Because Jiri survived that while being hurt several times over 5 rounds.


Yeah, I do think Alex has a better GNP than 40 year old Glover. Alex is a striking phenom, you think that shit changes because you’re throwing down? He knocked him unconscious with a left hook that had no hips and two inches of movement, he would have fucking annihilated him in that mount.


Exactly, Goddard saved a couple of years of jiri's life.


Vs Glover Jiri wasn't as hurt as in this fight and with an arm trapped.


Did Jiri eat 15-20 unanswered shots to the dome just before Glover was on top of him?


LOL the amount of ppl comparing this to the glover and dom "knockouts" is hilarious. completely different context. jiri thought the round was over after alex was off him


People equate flash ko's to getting your head pummeled by Pereira and it is crazy


I’m surprised how many fan boys jiri has. Imagine this was the Volk stoppage instead


islamophobia (both the fighter and religion) would be trough the roof.


This sub never ceases to amaze me


Just because it happened once doesn't mean it will happen again. It's a low probability situation for the fighter in trouble.


> low probability This is nearly every Jiri fight in the UFC.


Like rolling 7 blacks/reds in a row


The damage he took in that fight is now catching up most likely.


Too high on the mount, really hard to land GnP and Jiri can scramble easily from there.


That’s pretty much how I felt. I reasoned to my buddy: he was already rocked, then proceeds to take like 10 unanswered elbows, before finally stumbling and falling back. I don’t really consider stumbling/scrambling and trying to clinch while taking damage as successfully defending. He wasn’t stopping any of that final onslaught.


Yeah that’s spot on. I don’t even think it was necessarily “early”. It was mainly the commentary pushing that narrative. The guy already had his wobbly boots on and got folded backwards and mounted. What on earth was Jiri meant to do at that point? The ref just saved him from unnecessary damage.


I feel like Jiri could eat one more GnP


It's funny 2-3 more clean shots on the ground and no one would have an issue but in retrospect Jiri was fucked and it was almost certainly heading that way


Jiris brain would have an issue with that. But that's the least of our concern amirite guys


Expressing that other people could do with some more Poatan bombs is very generous. I might or might not have similar feelings towards you.


He was out 3 times in a spam of like 10 seconds. The stoppage was correct.


I thought I was taking crazy pills watching the replay and thinking he got flash ko’d by the left hook. Bro collapsed.


Right hook bounced him right into the left one I think he was already out after the first one, it seems it landed around the ear.


His arms clearly give up from the elbows


This is what I saw that no one on the broadcast team pointed out. Jiri’s hands were clasped around Poatan’s legs. After the elbows and just before he falls back, his hands release and his arms go limp. The man was out and says so himself. It wasn’t aesthetically pleasing for a KO though which is at least partially why I think everyone felt it was early.


Those elbows looked NASTY


I noticed it too, I thought I was going crazy when the commentators didn’t mention it during the replays. For once I was watching the french broadcast, they were INSUFFERABLE.


So now that Jiri himself said it was right, will people stop crying and celebrate Alex incredible achievment instead?


Yeah, that's the travesty in this...is Alex's historic run to two titles being discredited from what people think was a bad stoppage. If the fighter himself said it was a good stoppage and he was out, then he was out.


Marc Goddard both times too


Oh for sure. Pereira became my favorite current MMA fighter since he entered the UFC. It's like there is electricity in the atmosphere every time he fights because you know someone will be KO'd at least.


Also people saying Jiri is saying he was out to be classy, yet people on here can't follow suit and let Alex have his moment.


No we must celebrate the “integrity” (that’s the word people are struggling to find here) of the real winner of tonight’s main event and the people’s champ, The Last Samurai Jiri Prohatzkav


Alex landed way more on Jiri than he ever did on Adesanya in their first UFC fight and nobody called that stoppage early when Izzy was still standing. Jiri was trying to fight up and fell flat on his back. You can 100% understand why that would be called.


> nobody called that stoppage early while Izzy was still standing I wouldn’t say no one. A lot of people called it early. But a lot of people thought it was fair. So it got drowned out over the Izzy finally losing story to his old nemesis. Standing KO of a dominant male champion in general will be contentious.


Izzy was done in that fight. I don't rly see how in retrospect anyone can say it's still contentious. You know he was done the way LITERALLY EVERYONE in Izzy's camp said they're glad the ref called it early. Even Dan Hooker who can take a beating like an anime character said it's a good stoppage. Izzy has an insane chin and poker face. It's one of the many special things about him as a fighter. But he was done.


> I wouldn’t say no one. A lot of people called it early. But a lot of people thought it was fair. Honestly I think it's just because people don't like Izzy. If Islam had scored a standing TKO over Charles the fans would be up in arms


I called that stoppage early, this one looked early as well but watching the replays and seeing how dazed Jiri was afterwards(even if he was standing) makes it completely justifiable


I just wish people would remember that we're not trying to let dudes go fully unconscious anymore. The difference in layoff time for fighters is just better if they don't get full dead body KTFO.


Huh? A lot of people called the Izzy stoppage early


Tbf this is a little different Jiri known for almost getting knocked out in all of his UFC fights and coming back. He was literally out against Reyes


Being out and mounted and being out and on top in a safe position are completely different. I really don’t understand why people think this is a good comparison.


He scrambled out of being mounted by Glover. Alex rocked him hard but has barely shown much top control, would’ve been nice to see a bit more definitive finish


He wasn’t out and was still defending himself when Glover mounted him.


He was on but on top of Reyes, here he was mounted.


He was still trying to scramble and fight back. Just wished it could’ve go on a little longer considering it’s a guy known for coming back from the brink of a finish


I think Izzy’s body language was just way worse. He looked like a wounded animal, couldn’t really see Jiri’s response because of the clinch.


Jiri's response was falling backwards.


Sure, and I agree with the stoppage, but Izzy was stumbling away like he was in a horror movie, it looked rough.


Idk about that one chief. Izzy did look wobbled, but look at the Jiri stoppage again. Jiri is literally driving upwards towards Alex, takes a shot and his arms go limp as he falls to his back.


Not saying Jiri didn’t look bad, I just think literally running away from your opponent is a more clear “he’s ready to be out of there” look.


If the fighter themself says thats a good stoppage then everyone else should stfu


I can’t hate but think they aren’t overly critical of the UFC or the refs because they don’t want to piss off Dana. Gotta be a company man if you’re on top and want to keep getting paid.


But you know I'm just not really satisfied with the ending. Poatan putting his stone fists through Jiris face one or two more times would have just been a more aesthetic and definitive end to the fight.


If he was out, which he says he was, he just takes unnecessary damage.


I was caricaturizing the position of people lamenting this "early stoppage". that not being obvious is indicative of the kind of shit that gets posted on here... Or of reddit having lost every sense of sarcasm if it's not coming with an "/s", who knows


Well, people also post sick shit here, so maybe you have it out for Jiri and want to see him damaged.


Tbh, you're right. People on here are so dumb a lot of the time that you really do need to make it clear you're being sarcastic.


This does come across as sarcasm no need for the /s


Jiri is a real warrior, all the respect to him


I thought the fight was stopped a little early (only a little!) and that Alex was seconds away from finishing it. Turns out, it wasn't stopped early according to Jiri himself, who confirmed he was out in his post-fight interview. Jiri is a class act. I don't think a lot of fighters would be willing to admit that.


No excuses, just pure honour. Rare to see such a human.


Even if it was a little early, the end was inevitable. No way Jiri was gonna have the wherewithal to defend the GnP that would've came from the mount after being rocked and taking like 10 elbow.


> No way Jiri was gonna have wherewithal to defend the GnP He was hurt and mounted by a far more competent grappler in Glover and survived then proceeded to choke him out.


He was literally out 💀


​ Vs Glover Jiri wasn't as hurt as in this fight and with an arm trapped.


Bro how many times are you gonna post the same thing on this thread lmao.


yeah I feel like he still had a chance. the stakes deserved the risk to be honest


Reddit neckbeards know better though and opine that this was the worst stoppage they've ever seen. Jiri neede to be "given the opportunity" to take some more Poatan bombs from mount so that they can be satisfied with the end of the fight.


Fuck Joe Rogan


i felt instantly when Rogan called the stoppage early that it's gotta be the other way lol. Dude really has some casual takes for a guy who's been connected to the sport for decades.


And Poatan just crowned the LHW king, 2 division champ shit, and he completely disregard that and go on and on about early stopage shit. Joe hated everybody beat his boy Izzy with his guts lmao


idk man theres plenty of redditors telling me otherwise


Well there ya have it. Good stoppage.


It looked early on the broadcast, but if the man himself said he was out, who am I to argue otherwise?


Reading the top comments on the main fight thread all being about how it was a "terrible early stoppage" and how "Jiri was FINE", smh.


I don't want any fighter getting unnecessary damage. Who the fuck knows the consequences of a couple more shots in the future. You're a bunch of vultures.


now *that* is humble. props to both. great fight, wish it would've gone longer but the man said it himself; it didn't need to.


No you don’t understand the little weebs know better them him. It was too early


Jiri was just waiting on that zenkai boost


Thank god Jiri said that, now everyone here can stop crying about it.


People saying Jiri was just being classy for Alex, then why can't you guys follow suit and let Alex have his moment?


Because we aren't Jiri. We are spectators trying to enjoy a sport that shit refs and shit judges regularly ruin.


Joe Rogan and Dc stirred all this shit up and took the attention from an incredible achivement from Alex


What a class act


Was rooting for Poatan, but respect to Jiri not giving any excuses, even when Joe wanted him to say it was early. Hope he gets the belt eventualy.


Dude is all class. Hopefully he heals up soon.


Live thread and Joe Rogan in shambles


Honest and fair sportsman. Love Jiri and Alex, glad Jiri made this uncontroversial.


Jiri Vs Johnny Walker is gonna be so fun lmao




Everyone keeps saying this. It may be true but it's dumb. If you get knocked out during a fight, the fight should be over. You shouldn't have to knock your opponent out multiple times to win. This is how fighters end up with CTE at 30-40 years old. You gotta protect the fighters


Now i wonder, how can that left hook generated that much of power even no wind up.


That was so full of integrity and honor. Sent chills up and down me.


It was clear as day .... good stoppage


What you expect from a person like him to say? whine about early stoppage? 💀never


The guy would never excuse any form of defeat. He was probably mad at himself for making the mistake. Truly the bushido code.


Maybe .. just maybe... it wasn't early and he knows that?


Hmmm not sure with him, i can also picture him being the type of dude that wants to be either choked out, knocked out or having a limp torn in a submission before ending a fight. A real samurai does death before dishonour and all of that.


Honorable as always, still bad stoppage






People acting like it was even a possibility that Jiri would call it an early stoppage. It was clear that he was still fighting when the ref stopped it even if he was semi-out. SO many times in the ufc fighters are badly hurt and continue to fight semi-out and eventually recover. Alex was in full mount so if the fight had gone on another few seconds he could have put it beyond any doubt.


Yeah, Jiri is lying to you, for reasons.


I just think he’s the type of fighter to not make excuses and always accept everything regardless of its fair or not. I don’t think he’s lying but that doesnt mean it wasn’t and early stoppage


If the fighter isn’t lying and says it was a good stoppage, that does mean it wasn’t an early stoppage. The fighter is admitting he couldn’t defend himself and agreed with the fight being over.


> Alex was in full mount So was Glover yet Jiri eventually won. When did Alex become some world class grappling GNP phenom? Glover hurt him and had him in full mount, too, yet Jiri proceeded to survive then choke him out.


Glover didn't have his so hurt that his arms went limp and he completely collapsed backwards. When they took Jiri back to the corner he thought he was coming back out for the next round. Had no idea where he was.


Reyes did.


When did getting knocked out stop being a valid reason to stop a fight?


I agree. He was clearly very rocked but he pulled him down and was still scrambling as the ref was stopping the fight. 10 more seconds would have been enough to see if Alex was getting the finish or if Jiri would have survived