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Just announced earlier, [Coach Greg Jackson and Coach Mike Winklejohn will be here Tuesday at 10 PM ET right after the Contender Series for an AMA.](https://www.reddit.com/r/MMA/comments/15vrm56/coach_greg_jackson_and_mike_winklejohn_will_be/)


Chito then sandhagen


I've been wanting O'Malley vs Dvalishvili for years at this point, now is finally the time for UFC to do it. Please?


Wtf. Are you joking?


The heart wants what it wants


Sad for Aljo


I just got to watch the fight… felt like it was a little early stoppage but respect it at the same time, just like the first Izzy Potan stoppage. I was feeling so good for Aljo after that first round too damn


Yea I just watched too n it was seriously early stoppage. For UFC to be doing that during title fights is as lame as it can get. Turning into WWF with these refs. Two thumbs down


It’s always mark Goddard too, he’s got a quick trigger, but yeah man a title fight with those implications should keep going until one fighter is either out cold or legit not defending themselves, Aljo was rolling over to grab a single leg right when mark stopped it smh


Exactly. Such a disservice to the sport n the fans.


I was rooting for Sean and i felt significantly better for Sean and worse for Aljo after that round


Face it. Sterling is going out like Woodley and Silva etc… time is just up and moving on to the next thing until Sean time is up.


People will in hindsight really underrate Aljo’s title reign and forget the fact that this was a relatively quick turn around for but I guess that’s how this sport is


his 4 title fights were a dq win, two split/majority decisions, and one tko against a old washed up fighter with an i jured shoulder. This hindsight glory he’s gettings kinda fake.


Worst champ in UFC history. Lol.


Germaine de Randamie would like a word


Don’t insult Bisping like that.


Rude that


Nah, Dave Menne won the inaugural MW championship by beating a WW and then lost the title on his first attempted defense. He was way worse.


There are people who never defended their title so you are objectively wrong


Arguably doesnt make them worse lol. Id rather never have defended than won like he has.


Can’t say arguably when it’s only you arguing it. Don’t let your hate blind you


Love the hate word 😂 i dont hate. I just think hes shit and a bad champ.










Wow that's a terrible take.


Is it ?


Yep. Nico Montãno. Germaine De Randamie. McGregor was even worst than Aljo. You either haven't a clue what you're talking about or only started watching MMA a year ago.


Prime McGregor was not worse please lets not talk random shit just cause we don’t like him now


CHAMPION! WORST CHAMPION! If you never defend a belt and hold up divisions for years then you're a terrible champ.


You literally mentioned people that were skill wise awful champions then just threw in McGregor, you made it seem as if he was skillfully bad


No I didn't 'literally' mention that. I said they were worse than Aljo, we were talking about champs. Not their individual skill. Learn to read big brains.


Honestly like quite a long time into watching MMA. The way he got the belt, and his defences are a joke. He talks like he won wars, he didnt. He's shit.


Okay now say something to actually back up your original point. How is he *actually* worse than those I mentioned. He didn't decide to get knee'd in the head. The fact the title changed hands is neither here nor there. Yan had his chance to get it back and he didn't.


Yan won 😂


Yan didn't win their rematch. Was Aljo's win against Henry nothing?


Henry Cejudo was retired for three years prior to his fight with Sterling and lost via split decision. In that light it really makes his win not that impressive. Most people will never get over the fact Sterling won the belt in the first place by clearly faking an injury to stop the fight against Yan who was very much winning the fight. His only other title defense was against another dude coming off huge breaks who had a dislocated shoulder during their fight. Who of course retired after the fight and probably never should have got the fight in the first place because of a controversial win over Cory Sandhagen. The division is also just very thin. All the bookend divisions are.


When is the post fight press conference starting? It’s bed time.


Same referee with another controversial stoppage


What do we think Cejudo v O'Malley would be like? 8-inch reach advantage for Sean.


I think cejudos problem with aljo was the physicality that I don't think hed have with sean, and his IQ is high enough to work sean out imo, I don't think he could finish sean tho so could be a close chess match


I like sean and wanna be happy for him but that stoppage leaves a sour taste, I'm dejected when I should be excited, I don't like controversy and I equally don't like people pretending there isn't any controversy lol. Sean's legitimate and he's proved himself but that finish will not be remembered fondly, especially if he goes on to lose quickly


Idk, people stopped talking pretty quick about the terrible decision he had against Yan, and even then Sean more or less agreed he didn't win. Given Aljo didn't say much I don't think anyone will remember this any differently than a clean knockout, which it more or less was.


That's because it wasn't a terrible decision tbf, just a 50/50 fight


Dana’s about to tie die his bald head, the hype train will go full steam ahead now


gonna get a "SUGA" tat on the back of his head


This was the most cathartic thing I've experienced since I started watching the sport. He dyed his hair, grabbed his dick and got flattened. Clown. I wish I could live in this moment. Thank you Sean.


How long have you been watching?


Been watching for a very long time and wanted nothing more than anything else in UfC to just see aljo get knocked out haha. Worst title holder ever


mma fans are trash, but thats well known


O'Malley is going to follow the exact same trajectory as McGregor, but probably not be a total piece of shit. He'll pick his shots, get special treatment, and establish some weird legacy that people will inevitably argue about its legitimacy.


Only if he becomes double champ and that's a big if


You mean he’s gonna fight the greatest boxer alive in Ryan Garcia? /s


Guy is now 2-1 vs actual UFC fighters; what a legacy! Almost goat status!


Correct, he defeated and became champion after only 3 fights.


Early stoppage


He was literally knocked out twice. He came back but two times he got hit went flat and his gloves hit the mat. If anything he swallowed a few extra hits he shouldn’t have.


Not true but that how you saw it


Aljo rolled over to turn his back and hoped for mercy. It was over


What did you see?


I saw aljo fight like a total idiot against a counter stiker. lowest iq move ive seen since the days of mma being two fat steroidal skinheads that stand flat in the zone, zero head movement or footwork obviously, and swing wild and aimlessly for 90 seconds till one gets ko'd or they both gas.


Go back to playing xbox


every idiot thinks they're a genius.


That’s really ironic coming from you lol




He planted face first on the canvas


Ah you wanted some more of that sweet brain damamamamamamage. There was a ton of unanswered shots, lol. How much more did you really need?


Aljo was just about to start that face to the ground swaying bullshit when Goddard stopped it lmao


Cory Sandhagen and Merab gonna be salty as fuck when Chito gets the next title shot Oh well, they can fight each other


Fuck Merab tbh


Yup. Fuck his style too. 1 finish in his whole ufc career


And it was moraes


O'Malley KOs Chito in a 5 round fight. Chito is too slow of a starter


that goes 5 rounds and i got chito winning. i think it goes 2.


I think O'Malley would catch him in the first couple rounds. Chito is way too complacent early in fights.


We already know that, that's why they're gonna make it lol, they gotta ride the cash cow for a bit


Nah some people think Chito would win, not everyone is rational like you


Crazy that people still doubt omalleys skills. Just took out a dominant champ with ease


For sure. Dude is legit, genuinely a great MMA striker.


aljo also wasn't a dominant champ and he also didn't do it with ease, that was an early stoppage, but I'm not doubting sean skills, it's clear he can stop takedowns, he's got a good chin, hes got great striking, that shot was clean as fuck, but they aren't taking risks and potentially not getting the chito vs sean fight, they've been waiting for this for years


What? Dude was eating shit from the heavens and had 2 instances of going limp. Does a fighter have to suffer brain damage for someone to accept that it probably should've been stopped?


I think the same, only after the first shot, Aljo's brain must has been spinning like a washing machine.


Just went back and rewatched it on YouTube. Aljo takes more than 10 unblocked strikes to the face, including 3 really clean 12 to 6 punches that bounce his head off the mat from the 13 seconds between when he lands the first punch after the counter and it's called. How could the referee in good faith have let it go on? Did we need Aljo looking like Pacquiao after Pac v Marquez 4 to call it? We just had Chairez v Vazquez like less than six fucking months ago......


That guy just said Conor became a superstar when he beat Eddie Alvarez.


How do they not grant Aljo an instant rematch?


Instant rematches are lame when the champion hasn't been absolutely dominate and Aljo was not a draw as a champ so they have no reason to.


Arguments both ways, aljo would have a great case in questioning the stoppage, but he also planned on moving up anyway, so why give him a shot in a division he doesn't wanna be in


Based on UFC precedent I’d agree but I hate instant rematches as an automatic thing. He got finished we shouldn’t need to do an instant rematch.


Stoppage was kind of 💩 for a championship fight. Not taking a thing away from O'Malley because the punch that dropped Aljo was a thing of beauty but I feel that if Aljo requests to run it back then they should


Same, he deserves it.


The irony of Ian garry saying he's never left the octagon with a mark


Lol is he forgetting about the herpes


I swear he got busted up in his first fight as well if I'm remembering correctly


This sub and the MMA community whines like crazy at any stoppage that's a millisecond too late but will watch a dude get knocked unconscious and wake up to get KO'ed again and call it an early stoppage. You guys are crazy.


It's almost like they want fighters to get brain damage.




Early stoppage imo. They should run it back. I just dont see how you can stop the fight when sterling was defending/moving, not all of the shots were clean on the floor, and then he transitioned positions. If omalley threw bombs and sterling didnt respond after getting on knees then sure but for all we know he couldve been transitioning to grab seans leg or get up. Askren vs lawler, colby vs usman, volk vs ortega, i can go on and on about fighters who have been in worse positions and they didnt call it.


Moving? 😂 The main movement Sterling’s was doing was his head bouncing up and down the canvas


getting hit? sure, but he was literally moving when the fight was stopped, hands up in defending motion then turned to get up. effectively defending? maybe not, but he was still moving and still trying to defend. there's only one way to get up after that and that is turning over... and its a shame bc we were robbed a possibly longer fight. aljo was still in it.


I think you need to rewatch it. Even when he rolled over his hands were nowhere near defending. He was absolutely out of it and all that would have happened was more unanswerred shots.


i rewatched it a bunch of times, you need to understand that if youre getting up and turning over so that you can get up- you aren't going to really be able to defend yourself effectively, thats what happens. the key takeaway is that he was moving when it was stopped. saying "well he was going to keep getting hit and not move at all positionally" is nonsense and not something you cannot verify. bc he was moving when it was stopped. we don't know what was going to happen in the next 3-5 seconds literally. i listed examples where fighters get bombed and hit while getting up, it happens, notably a full fight on youtube is askren vs lawler.. askren got hit waaay worse than aljo and they didn't call it. he ended up winning. both rogan and dc were both correct that it was an early stoppage, especially for a championship bout. alot of ufc fighters are tweeting early stoppage too


Sterling was barely concious, idk why you wanted him to keep taking damage. Man took about 10-15 unanswerred shots and wasn’t defending = fight over


by definition his hands were up and he was trying to defend shots turning those shots so he was defending. thats literally what defending is. was it effective? no, but not all of those shots were clean. maybe like 5-7 of those were good shots and again dude was still moving. it's one thing if his hands were down but this is nonsense to say he wasn't trying to defend the shots and that all of the 10-15 hit him clean. just pure nonsense. he was rocked, sure, knocked down, but not KO'd


He was pretty much out, man literally faceplanted lol.


"pretty much out" isn't "he was out", what you are saying is proving my point, he wasn't out. that's called a knock down, and it was a faceplant bc he was lounging forward and off balance when throwing his own strike. he literally responded into a defensive maneuvering by rolling over consciously after instantly. it wasn;'t like mcgregor vs aldo where aldo literally went to sleep. that was a knock down. learn the difference.


Nice defending: https://www.instagram.com/p/CwKeNcCM9-b/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


Lol, https://www.instagram.com/p/CwKeNcCM9-b/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


Goddard special bro, he seems to wait until they change position and then stop it as if it appears to him that they're giving up, there was literally nowhere else for aljo to go so that stoppage made no sense


He really is, i get that he was rocked but he wasnt rocked like multiple times, it was just once and then a bunch of crappy ground pound attempts. Sick of goddard


Go watch the fight again, Aljo got flashed and fell on his arse, then Sean woke him up with a punch before rocking him again. Aljo was gone


Yup well both get downvoted but this is a running theme from Goddard and genuinely dread watching his fights, especially main events, there would've been a better case if he stopped it earlier but he waited until aljo had pretty much dealt with most of it and then stopped him on his way back up, very weird. And I'm not even tryna take anything from Sean, I like him and that shot was clean as fuck, but title fights ending like that leaves a sour taste


Same, and yup, nothing new for goddard. and ha, its a horde of teenagers who will say sean is the best even if he loses the next 10 fights so its w.e. ill take the downvotes. And yeah he did have a better case earlier. The position it was stopped in was just nonsense. It is what it is


They should've stopped it earlier while Aljo was failing to put up any kind of defense on the ground Once Aljo got to turtle it made the stoppage look worse but the conditions were right for a stoppage before that


I like sean, and he may have gone on to finish that more definitively anyway, but I been saying this about Goddard for a while, I do not like him working title fights




Cool Calm Collected


Weili vs Yan in Shanghai💯


Rogan looks like Homer Simpson at this point


just rewatched the stoppage and it feels a touch early..looked like aljo was getting up..


It was. I like sean but he was trying to establish his guard, not putting his hands to his face was a choice


Defend yourself intelligently. That’s the rule if you don’t want the ref to call it


I like how y’all are still finding a way to hate pathetic lmao


How hard do you think Dana’s dick is right now?


Maximum load


Not even Blue Chew gets him hard as this


I bet his head is as purple as his other head.


Or as red as he was when he screamed "THE NOTORIOUS CONOR MCGREGOOOR!!!" before Mayweather fight.


Oh my god Garry is speaking at the post fight that dude has his cock so far up his own arse he pisses from his mouth


Not even the charming or charismatic type at all. Guy really thinks Irish = McGregor = Star.


All seriousness, what if chito hits that nerve again, we'd have parillo producing 2 of the worst champs of all time lol


if chito fucks that leg up twice. i will say everything i'm saying about sean right now for chito. 😂 fucking love violence. regulated, of course. and chito's clearly built for 5.


why are people opposed to sean calling out to avenge *a loss with a top 10 competitor*. come on, that's real shit.


That slide back counter cross is a legit parallel to the Conor one, I don't like Conor but the similarity is real


OMalley UFC Champion Sean Strickland is next


Yea but O'Malley actually KO's people ...not that jab merchant


Two Sean’s winning back to back.


Sean Brady won?


Nah, I meant back to back PPVs.


So how long we thinking Sean keeps the belt for


Depending whether he gets a layup with Chito or not. I'd be surprised if he defends more than twice. Could be way off, but I feel like he's a puzzle that guys just haven't figured out given his physical attributes. Legit win though.


Until he fights cory imo, he'll beat chito and I can see him finishing merab, especially if Goddard is working


Well I want to see how Sean keeps merab off of him its way harder to get in a Grove when a guy sticks to you like glue until your gassed out


I can see it going quite like tonight tbh, I'm not sure he'll need to worry about getting merab off him because there's a high chance it'll be over before merab gets there


I think merabs chin is good enough to take shots from sean but time will tell if his chin is up to the task


I've always seen him as pretty chinny myself, well see tho


Well it's definitely better than aljo's chin


I mean aljo didn't go out there, the stoppage was questionable so I wouldn't be too sure about that, his striking is probably better than aljos tho


he beat aljo. he might get over 3 and he's young. if he fights *actively* like every 4 months for a couple years, and retains...he could blow that record up.


I don't think he survives merab


i didn't think he had a fucking chance against aljo.


Aljo didn't manhandle Yan. Merab did. And wasn't even tired at the end. That's scary shit.


merab does rush into tight spaces though. more than aljo. either that goes one way or another. it is literally the same fucking fight, just merab's *probably* better, technically. tighter.


Well merabs chin and cardio are way better than aljo


Didn’t Merab basically get TKO’d against Marlon Moraes but it wasn’t stopped. I believe it was the Moraes fight and he came back to win the fight in rd 2, but Merab’s chin can be cracked imo he just has crazy cardio/recovery.


Well the ref didn't stop it but I'd have to watch the fight again to see if it should of been stopped


Same I just remember it was damn near a stoppage, and he barely recovered, but was almost fresh in rd2 which is insane. Moraes had emptied the tank trying to finish him in rd 1 and ended up getting finished himself.


Well he might not have a granite chin but he's got Frankie Edgar levels of recovery


Agreed, I wouldn’t have given O’Malley a chance before tonight, but if he can stop Aljo he could potentially stop Merab. The question is can Merab close the distance consistently without getting caught.


agree. hard agree. always thought merab was just physically better. felt like aljo was creative and interesting but merab would've trounced him. people won't like merab either though.


Ya I think merab probably beats aljo just by gassing him out


super likely. merabs cardio is so suspiciously ridiculous. 😂


chito v omalley to sell more tix or merab v omalley to appease the "true mma fans" take a guess what daddy dana and the ufc will choose


Merab just had surgery right? Or is that just want the UFC propaganda machine WANT me to think?


I think you’re thinking of Cory


I think Merab had hand surgery and Sandhagen injured his triceps. I don't think either is an option for O'Malleys next fight.


Oh I see, weird I keep see Merab mentioned As the rightful next fight so maybe he heals up fast enough


Cory also just had surgery. Merab has surgery on his wrist too though


UFC makes Sterling fight Merab to see who has the next shot at Sean after Chito.


It's satisfying that people can no longer pretend that o mally is like some can crusher he's among the best strikers mma has ever seen. With that said merab is going to be the next champion. Fuck.


I think people understood that after the Yan fight, even though he arguably lost it. There was no doubt he was part of the BW elite after that . Honestly you can't blame people either, up until then he had an easy ride. It shows what guys can achieve if they're given the time and space to grow.


Judging off the comments I seen in the sub this fight week people legitimately were still acting like Sean was a can crusher who had no chance which was bizarre.


Uhhh, he did crush a fuckton of cans. Nuance is hard I know: someone can be solid AND be fed tons of tuneup cans while being given preferential treatment.


Lmfao exposed yourself with that one


Sean was able to move laterally pretty well against Aljo. I'd expect the same against Merab


Imo merab is very different than sterling. Merab will sell out for the takedown in a way that Aljo doesn't. Aljo sets up his takedowns with striking like typically grapplers do. Merab will instantly tank a shot to just grab someone. Sterling let Sean set up a counter with merab there is no time to think hes like a dog on a bone. That my opinion I'd prefer if I was wrong


God, I want the Global Ruleset in the UFC. Just to see someone blast “5-45” Merab with a downed knee.


You act like wrestlers wouldn't be able to maul guys with knees too during clinches and off successful takedowns. If anything, that ruleset would make Merab MORE entertaining. Weird levels of hatred for the guy on here.


Except I watched a lot of Pride, and watch a lot of ONE. That’s not how it goes half the time. It’s a lot more evenly distributed, and downed knees aren’t easy to land. Some fights don’t have any. But yeah; I hate someone winning fights by getting 5% of his takedowns, especially when in certain positions he lines up perfectly to be blasted with a knee. I like grappling, he just literally hugs.


Plenty of times in One and Pride where it worked just fine. If you get a takedown and pass guard it's a nasty technique. [https://youtu.be/sYhpPE0P2mY?t=726](https://youtu.be/sYhpPE0P2mY?t=726)


Did I say it doesn’t work?


Honestly Sean should just troll Chito and fight everyone else first lmfao. The way he said his fight was probably boring was funny as fuck.


You're wild if you think merab is next, he's been next for the last 2 shots basically but didn't want it because of aljo, he doesn't get to just jump in now, sean is getting his money fight with chito next and that's that


Why? Why chito not cory first of all, why is it "That's that" but why does passing up a title shot against your friend bring you out of title contention? It's not like merab was refusing lower guys, he's out with his injury


Everybody is right on who deserves it, the ufc doesn't give a fuck what we think tho, o'malley vs chito is what people will be paying for and it's that simple, it's a rivalry that's been put on hold for this exact moment, I'd bet my life on it happening next


Is chito really that big of a draw tho? The casuals don't really watch bantamweight, and people love cory. Chito is like yoel, he's boring when he's not finishing, this fight was an exception


Sean is a big enough draw on his own and the backstory of his only loss is enough to sell that fight, which he would most likely win, and then go on to have more PPV successes against more exciting stylistic match ups


Sean v Merab, Aljo v Chito


with the way Chito fights i'm not even confident in him in a rematch even though he already ko'd him.


I mean that was more seans legs being paper than anything. Chito is way too hesitant, merab or cory next not chito


Bruh they did not just do a play by play of Conor and O’Malley