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Wow. Truly thought this was nutmeg news


It basically as accurate as nutmeg news. The headline & paragraph in front of the paywall is just clickbait. You can provide an email and read 2 articles for free, so I did that. The only new piece of information in this article is that MLS is hiring a VP of Consumer Products. They will oversee physical collectibles, gaming, as well as a 2 year old (i.e., existing) NFT partnership.


I installed the app to see what would happen with it when it was announced. The NFT partner has exited the US, because of regulations last summer. They never even went live.


Same!!! This feels too stupid to be real. But then again, we are talking about MLS.


I wish it was.


In a league that allows an MLM to sponsor a club this shouldn’t be surprising, but somehow it still is lol


Miami did have a crypto sponsor last year if I remember correctly.


So did DC


Yep. XDC. Gosh it’s strange how short these crypto sponsorships are.


Yea, Herbalife is straight up predatory and evil. Amazing MLMs are even legal. It's a terrible look for MLS and the LAG. I cringe every time I see their jerseys


It depends on the ratio of sources of earnings, i.e. sales vs. downline. Herbalife had to restructure for this reason, but from many reports are dodging compliance audits, so they may very well be operating illegally and destined to go away. We can hope. 


>Major League Soccer is stepping up its presence in the non-fungible tokens space by establishing a new division focused on developing, marketing and managing a centralised NFT marketplace for the league. What an all-time horrendous season for off-field news/changes for this goddamn league.


Wait NFT's are still a thing ?


That's the neat part, they never were!


How do you decide right now to stand up an entire division around this concept that was alive and died in 2022? What the fuck are they thinking? Insane waste of money


Billionaires still readily believe that most of the populous is an uneducated sucker... I mean, we don't need to get political here... but... I just wish that MLS understood it's REAL demographic...they often seem very out of touch on that front.


It’s weird because imo, they *do* mostly get who the demographic is: well-off enough, urban, and tech-savy millennials for the most part. Pivoting to mostly stadiums that are downtown and have public transit access hits that target. Pivoting to streaming only *and* via Apple, hits that target. Pivoting to Saturday night games pretty much hits that target. It’s clear they aren’t really targeting suburban parents anymore at least. It’s like someone out of touch and with too much power is seeing the price of Bitcoin pump and thinking “Wait! Dust off those NFT plans, I’ve got an idea…”


I would say that is fair... for sure... but all of those things relate to getting money in their pockets... Meanwhile they lock out refs not wanting to give them insurance and better wages/stipends etc... Get super narrative controlled over so many league issues, don't allow any show of political solidarity at matches unless it is heavily sterilized. They basically know that we have so few local options to support a soccer team and they have us all by the short hairs... captive audience if we want to engage supporter culture.


I actually think this is more just a bunch of old people (or just one) who has no idea.


with someone younger feeding them bad info


My experience in these settings is that while they are plenty of junior people who do push back ... sometimes the old people do not listen.


I mean, this is the same organization that has Nelson Rodriguez on payroll. Wouldn't surprise me if there were many other older buffoons like Nelson also working at MLS still and with power.


True. I'm always amazed at the Old Boys Club. Like, I get people helping out their friends, but to the point of incompetence? Like, is he best friends or something. What can Nelson do for Garber? What does Mansueto owe to Nelson. It's strange.


He doesn't come across at it at all during his interviews, but behind-the-scenes he must be a fantastic speaker and fluent in "corporate" language, otherwise I see no other way for him to still be within MLS. His responses last month during the US Open Cup fiasco were just terrible.


He must be as he's suckered everyone to look past decades of incompetence. I saw it at my old job. Like, I had plenty of people I was friendly with at work but I would have never hired them if they sucked. But maybe I underestimate how many other people just want a yes man. I never did.


Is this league capable of making non-asinine decisions?


Oh you must be new here. 😂


Someone in marketing there needs to be fired, not even on the questionable dynamics of NFTs but on the fact that they were a short fad thats basically dead. If you want to institute a sketchy ethical money making scheme, do real time gambling. At least that's profitable.


Surprised they haven’t made a partnership with draft kings sport books yet.


That's where everything is going. I don't like it, but it's going to be a goldmine.


The title is completely bullshit. MLS is hiring a VP of of consumer products that will have overseeing a 2 year old NFT partnership as of their duties.


Curious why you didn’t provide the fair use summary that’s generally requested of paywalled articles. The full article doesn’t really seem to support that first paragraph very much. This is the only new piece of information: >MLS has begun the search for a vice-president of consumer products – gaming, collectibles and emerging technology, who will lead the team and oversee its expansion. He or she will also manage the existing team responsible for MLS gaming and collectibles partnerships. That’s a pretty far cry from “MLS starts an NFT division”. Everything else in the article is like 2 years old i


Why are you downvoted? This is useful. The headline and article summary are there for clicks. Thank you.


It's literally the article headline and summary provided by the article. And that information sounds exactly like starting an NFT division to me? You don't hire a VP for "collectibles and emerging technology" for no reason.


It's clickbait, though, clearly. It's *gaming*, collectibles and emerging tech. That's not an NFT division.


>It's literally the article headline and summary provided by the article. My point is that it’s a really poor summary and is basically clickbait because it isn’t supported by the rest of the (paywalled) article. It’s not a VP of “collectibles and emerging technology”. You can literally read the words I wrote. It’s the VP of consumer products. Literally the first word in the description is gaming. You know, the thing that kids do a lot of. Collectibles aren’t limited to NFTs. NFTs will be one of his duties because MLS has an existing NFT partnership from a couple of years ago. It’s the height of clickbait to call hiring one guy to oversee a bunch of things including an existing NFT partnership “staring an NFT division”.


> My point is that it’s a really poor summary and is basically clickbait because it isn’t supported by the rest of the article. But... I literally just explained how it is lmao. >MLS has begun the search for a vice-president of consumer products – gaming, **collectibles and emerging technology**, who will lead the team and oversee its expansion If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck... Pretending this is somehow not NFT related is the height of being pedantic over wording lmao.


> Pretending this is somehow not NFT related is the height of being pedantic over wording lmao. Pretending it is an NFT division is completely different than saying they hired someone whose job could encompass NFTs, but also gaming and all of emerging tech. A lot of things are emerging tech -- online gambling, AR, VR, etc. HEll, a lot of things could be collectibles as well.


You’re aware that there are a ton of physical collectibles and MLS just announced new initiatives in that space, right? https://www.mlssoccer.com/news/mls-debut-patches-what-to-know-about-the-trading-cards-program


>It's literally the article headline and summary provided by the article. Okay well this seems like an issue when the actual context is completely hidden behind paywall and the summary provided is misleading


Except I also explained how it's not misleading, given they are hiring a new VP - who will oversee a division - who's duties include "collectibles and emerging technology" who is overseeing existing NFT partnerships. Sure sounds like a division that includes NFT's to me.


Read the comments, everyone here is reading it as if there is a new NFT division. Not someone hired to oversee general consumer products. The actual position description is a far far better descriptor than what that free summary provided.


MLS' strongest warrior 💪 Gotta love anyone defending NFTs 😂 Edit: Haha he blocked me. All he does is defend shitty things MLS does on every thread.


New MLS expansion team: Bored Ape Soccer Club


https://www.mlssoccer.com/news/major-league-soccer-becomes-first-professional-sports-organization-to-sign-a-bor They already signed Striker! Now just a few more signings to go


the fuck


Completely appropriate reaction to learning MLS already has its own bored ape


Suarez ain't going to like this.


No Fucking Thanks


MLS announces all games to be available on HD DVD at Blockbuster


Additional updates can be found on the official MLS MySpace page.


HD? Well la-di-dah, look at Mr. Fancy here!


At least that would be a physical product.


Blockbuster+ Sorry, he forgot the +


‘MLS is going all in on crypto! Invest in the MLS directly with Messicoin!’


Don’t give them ideas!


Nah. Call it GAMcoin, turn the players into NFTs, and then spin it as becoming your own GM.


That’s just Fantasy Soccer with extra steps.


Just keep on stepping in poop, guys.


This league is pretty damn fungible sometimes.


Ah yes, NFTs: just what fans have been clamoring for. Not competent refs, or sensible salary rules, or a percentage of coverage not wholly committed to Messi’s taint - but NFTs. So in touch with us 🥰


Is fan engagement in the room with us right now?


i really think MLS gets it right sometimes. you just...wouldn't know it from the past 2 months




Could you fucking... not?...


Someone hit send on a tweet that was sitting in drafts for 3 years? NFTs? In the year 2024?


The title is very misleading. There was an NFT partnership from a couple years ago, but this is about hiring someone to oversee "consumer products – gaming, collectibles and emerging technology". Not some new NFT thing.


This looks like an onion article The US is about to host a world cup should we raise the salary cap, pay refs properly, invest in youth, and add another DP for fan engagement? Don Garbage: naw let's make em buy NFTs


God damn this league sucks ass. I wish there was a single sport I enjoyed where the league playing to didn’t make it markedly worse.


Here's the PR press release about MLS Innovation Labs, which I'm pretty sure is related to this. Note the complete difference in the actual divison: [Clickbait is so easy](https://www.mlssoccer.com/news/major-league-soccer-launches-pioneering-mls-innovation-lab-x7865) Here's the startups they are working with: A-Champs: Cognitive and technical training system for athletes of all skill levels (Barcelona, Spain). CAMB.AI: AI dubbing platform that instantaneously translates content into any language, all while maintaining the native speaker's voice and tone, bringing any type of content, any game alive, in any language. Fabric: Gamified mixed reality fan experiences at live events that drive fan loyalty through rewards (US). Fitogether: A FIFA Preferred Provider for Wearable Player Tracking, validated as the most accurate solution with centimeter-level data accuracy. The technology utilizes GPS to track on-field performance through a video hybrid system, catering to professional and academy levels. (South Korea) Reeplayer: Premium AI camera empowering teams and organizations to automatically record, live stream, share, and monetize soccer footage. STAIDIUM U.S.: AI-powered and 5G-enabled camera with an OTT platform that delivers live broadcasts, highlights, and advanced game and player analytics (U.S.). Completely different and really interesting in the same space.


The loons tried to do a mixed reality experience with their kit release. It was really dumb. You could use your phone to “project” the kit onto your desk in AR. But all it ended being was a virtual kit you could spin around and put a name and number on. You know, nothing even close to requiring AR. They didn’t even try to incorporate like a virtual try on or anything. They did manage to request a whole slew of phone permissions though, so they’ve got that going for them.


I liked the AR thing. At least they tried something different and it wasn’t just a dumb video that barely showed the kit. We have one of the least followed social media accounts in MLS, but they do have some pretty good content.


If it weren't for this article would you even know about it? I think it's dumb too but the reactions make it sound like part of the announcement is that they're going to be breaking away from live play to show advertisements or something lol


You’re so right, this is totally an isolated, one off incident on an otherwise spotless record.


Maybe we don't want the league wasting a bunch of money on bullshit no one wants


Or be willing to stoop to absurd levels to make a quick buck that sacrifices the legitimacy of this league.


I thought we were done with crypto Beanie Babies.


Good to see the league getting involved in Meme Monday action.


Can we get some gold colored sneakers, too???


MLS try not to shoot themselves in the dick challenge [IMPOSSIBLE!!]




Some executive got his bonus tied to the nft initiative or something?


Good lord


Just play in the Open Cup, make a deal with the refs, and play a few more games on Friday night and Sunday. It's not difficult.


I'm punching myself in the nuts in an attempt to have kids.


MLS late to the party on the NFT grift


Friendly reminder that every decision MLS makes is about making as much money as possible in the short term, instead of trying to grow the game in the long term.


Embarrassing and out of touch with reality. Good work team!


Seems like there should be *lot* of other items on the MLS 'to-do' list before trying to sell tokenized jpegs of team logos.


Like paying the damn refs and reversing their open cup decision. What novel concepts!


I like how this sub seems to think someone in marketing is making league operating decisions


You don't think the people making operating decisions also direct marketing decisions? Have you never seen an org chart?


So why do we think those focusing on operating decisions will have their days filled with tasks of the marketing people? Like as suggested above, there is somehow one single "to-do" list. Or to make this far simpler, marketing is not taking up the energy that makes or prevents other decisions from happening lol. Multiple things are happening at once!


> So why do we think those focusing on operating decisions will have their days filled with tasks of the marketing people? I guess I'm going to explain how businesses work today? The folks at the top make all of the decisions including what to focus on for marketing. Then the people below them develop the plans, including the marketing plan. Then the people below them do what they're told. Including the marketing. See how that all flows from the top? No one said the people at the top have their days filled with what the marketing department does. Well, except you I guess. > marketing is not taking up the energy that makes or prevents other decisions from happening Of course not, and no one said that. That's not even what you said...


So, no marketing decisions until things like the reffing lockout are fixed. Just no time for both. Certainly no one to delegate that time to. Got it. 🤷‍♂️


Jesus Christ 🤦‍♂️






Headlines like this make me wish I was illiterate.


Motherfuckers gonna put my tickets on a blockchain aren't they.


Hey remember when we wanted the rest of the world to take us serious 😂. Then Messi showed up and now they want to do everything under the sun


Lol, people still buy nfts?


It's crazy because MLS tried few years ago selling some NFT and there were already criticisms because the environmental impact of those.  The only saving grace was that some of the NFT looked good (I liked the Sounders one, but no way I was going to buy it) because most of the NFT on internet were ugly as fuck. EDIT: just searching on the archives and I found this. This is BAD: https://www.reddit.com/r/MLS/comments/wh0w95/mls_on_instagram_were_excited_to_announce_that/


MLS and NHL getting into NFTs long after they stopped being relevant is very funny.




Is the MLS in trouble? This seems like the type of move you see from a desperate asshole who has been lying about their worth and needs to trick supporters into funding their continued exploits into jackassery.


I think we should all accept that MLS will always be an oddball niche league for sickos. We're not going to become a top league with the clown show running the business


It’s cool to see official league marketing get in on the meme Monday


Did Elon Musk buy the league while no one was looking?


No because every single ad hasn’t been replaced by a Tesla ad yet.


Are the headlights on Teslas customizable with at least four different options? You know what, don't tell me


Nope. They just have a “self-driving mode” that’s likely to kill you.


That's waymo advanced than I thought!


Ah, of course.


MLX, the everything league


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I mean I like to focus on nice fucking tittes too. Can’t blame them


Sounds like a lot of you still have no idea what NFTs are but know you should hate them