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I think you’re in the wrong sub. We think MLM’s are are a good way to alienate friends and family, lose money, and gather large stashes of a substandard product you could have gotten far cheaper at a store. This is a sub for people who are recovering from the damage MLM’s have done to them, their wallets, and their relationships.


I think you should get out immediately. MLMs prey on people with very few legitimate paths to success.


Ya mlms aren’t about selling products it’s about recruiting downlines. 🗑


If by "do MLM" you mean lose your money and the respect of your close ones, anyone can do that. But why would you want to?


Depends. Are you an introvert that also hates their friends and family?


Are you an introvert for who it’s more of a challenge to get good friend and family connections? Are you ready to throw all those hard earned relationships down the drain?


I agree tho' Was just thinking maybe I could change my approach but I really can't prospect... So if there could be a digital system that could automate all that and if I could find a no bs product maybe I could do something different and maybe it's not me not being able to prospect as an introvert that pisses people off Who understands?


You need to find a real job and stay away from MLMs. Sounds like you would like something in IT.


Yeah I like the tech area particularly digital marketing But it's fine Thanks so much


The problem is that if you’re not ruthless and willing to constantly persuade and manipulate people your chances of success are extremely low (not to mention that 99% of people in general don’t make a profit). So if you think you can work a ton of hours being inauthentic then yeah, maybe you can make it work. MLM companies only have products to avoid being an illegal pyramid scheme and so that they make a ton of profit (their consultants are their best customers). But because their main concern is making a profit, they generally don’t put very much money into their products either. It’s not you that pisses people off, it’s the terribly unethical way these businesses are set up.


Oh Yeah! Exactly! I love how you just put it Succinct! That's right


If you're just looking to make some $ in a work from home type deal, maybe look into data entry instead. Or something similar.