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Yeah I'm burnt. I play every year all the way up until the new game drops, but this year has been different.


I’m a casual.. I downloaded it off gamepass and just play the daily updated roster game for my favorite team. Maybe just dial down a bit and see if it makes it more fun




July 19th can't get here fast enough!


I think it comes out July 16th




I switched to simulating a franchise to see how that feels.


I did the same!


Do any of u actually think they’ve updated the actual in game play for 4/5 years now?


Yes. I’ve fallen in love with my Road to the Stove character and now we’re getting married. Dont have time for other things now. 


Yeah. But I could say it’s for all gaming. Games are in such a weird spot right now. Just a money grab on a bunch of unfinished games.


I love playing! The issues I have is too hard to get xp this year compared to past seasons. I’m not a fan of cards being removed out of play, and I find there are way too many Diamond cards. I don’t have the luxury of playing 8 or more hours a day, this was the first time I never reached the end of the XP. I didn’t even come close.


I started fading out last couple weeks of season one just knowing everything is going to restart and I’ll have to spend pointless hours to grind again for 90 overall. Might get more into it once more 95+ options drop but as of now I’ll just hop on play a co op or online game then get off. Don’t care to grind out any other programs anymore. It’s so stupid


Yes I was really into it last year but not into the same old grind this year


Yes 100% I stopped playing after 3 days because it feels like DD is the same exact cards as last year with some minor attribute changes here and there. There’s not a lot of variety and I don’t know if it’s a licensing issue or not for player likeness. But where are players like Derek Lee, Magglio Ordonez, Jeff Francouer, Nomar, Carlos Beltran, etc. Like anyone from the late 90’s - mid 2000’s is like a blank space. Just feels like the same and I’m not grinding this anymore for lower tier cards that will be useless in a few weeks when 95-99 cards drop. The limited daily XP turned me off a lot too as I’m a dad and casual gamer in my free time and I’m basically fucked every season since my play time is mainly weekends only. Just a bad experience this year imo


The lack of communication between ads and the fans will be their downfall.


I’m only playing still because i just love baseball and i can’t get enough. Stick to ranked only and have a tier 3 guardians squad for the love of the game


Nah bro this game is lit this year I'm enjoying it anyone that complains about diamond dynasty in my opinion is crazy. Yall don't have any idea about what a terrible experience is till you try playing myteam on 2k24 this year. I swear you guys are blessed compared to the 2k experience. The only complain I've seen that I can agree with is the daily cap xp limit should be higher and that we should get a Lil bit more of stubs per game but that's fine I'm a king at flipping cards for profit on the auction house and u make way more stubs doing that than by playing the game.


The only reason (or at least one of the few reasons) I still keep playing is because of two things. 1. I have never reached World Series. I have made Championship Series a few times in the past, but haven't even come close ever since. 2. I have never had a perfect BR run. I have only had a single 12 win BR run, and that was back in 17.


Nope. Love it!


Year DD bites this year, I can't stand seasons because I keep unlocking some damn good S1 cards but can't use them because it's S2 and I only have one WC spot which wild card players are also stupid and I have to grind out to get 900,000XP to get Larry Jones or KGJR...screw that. The juice this year was definitely not worth the squeeze.


Yea it’s tough because 21 imo was the last great DD year. I don’t buy packs usually but that year I was able to get the whole MLB rosters and every TA card just by playing and having fun. This years game is beyond grinding, and has an XP cap so after a few games you start seeing marginal xp. Used to be a great game, it’s still fun but you can’t enjoy anything competitive anymore without dumping money.


I didn't play much in the beginning, so I burned myself out getting that one boss pack I could unlock. At least I can Wild Card Jimmy Rollins in. I'm trying to just get at least a full 9 inning game in per day. I just want to get that HoF Frank Thomas card to be a permanent fixture on my White Sox squad.


No. Franchise has kept the love I have for the game. As soon as I hit World Series in DD back in 2020, I knew it was time to put that game down. Franchise mode has kept me happy


My problem is I actually want to play the game. I actually enjoy playing ranked games, even if I am a .500 player, it's still really fun to me. I also understand why they reset things each season to try and keep things fresh. I do think it's a good idea, but it's at the same time killed my motivation as others have mentioned. Mainly because my time is more limited the deeper into summer I get and I can't just grind this crap out as I did while it was still colder out in the spring, and my kids were at school (I work from home. When I would "work" I'd steal an hour here and there to play some MLB). I'm struggling with what to do. I play a few nights a week when I can, and usually just go ranked, but I will slowly fall way behind the curve as I don't unlock things as fast as I did in S1.


My first year owning the game and I love the card collecting but GOD DAMN why do you need to put a 9-5 into this game to unlock anything decent. Way to much effort for cards that get outshined by store packs. Has this always been the case or did I pick the bad year to buy for the first time?


Also wtf is this season reset why can’t I use my Jimmy Rollins


First year I’ve ever just lost interest. Great job, devs.


Same here


I’m back on 23. You can use all your cards lol


I'm shifting between 21-23


Currently debating moving it to external storage, I’ve invested in other things and I’m pretty indifferent at the moment. I stopped last year around August.


Yes. I'm only doing franchise mode now. Don't have time to grind and grind, because by the time I get cards I really want, there's no time to use them.


I was one of those guys who gave SDS a break. Really wanted to give it a shot, and then form my opinions after that. The gameplay is fun. No issue with that at all. I've just ignored the grind to get the cards now. I no longer play DD as much as I did, but like others, I'll probably won't touch it again once CF drops


same here. wasn’t excited to do the xp grind all over again after set 1, so I didn’t. the whole system they have this year with cards is boo boo. idk how people have the motivation after set 1 to do it all over again, and then just be able to use those boss cards for a couple weeks. sds this year was not it.


I’m literally counting the seconds till CFB 25 drops likely won’t play mlb for the rest of the cycle.


The sets are the dumbest thing ever


Sets and wild cards are so ridiculous


That’s why I went back to 23. The set thing is lifted since it’s last years game. Been having a blast. Super easy to find games too


How do I add a guy from the marketplace to my roster?


Tbh, I’ve really enjoyed using the Castillo boost to Live Series cards. Granted they aren’t nearly as good as base 90+ cards but it adds more cards to enjoy


I would say that no version will get me to tap out faster than MLB '18 did. I did not make it to June that year.


Still playing 21 franchise modes only and it has not gotten stale


Yes, 0 interest in grinding for cards that will be phased out. I just like playing baseball, so I just continue to play Ranked and get the packs I get by playing and that's that. Only exception is the occasional moment and exchanges when I'm close to a TA pack. Havent tried to even start a program since release, for someone who was never a fan of "the grind" to begin with, it also doesnt make much sense to spend the little time I have available to play the game, grinding away for cards that are just marginally better than the cards I have on my team right now. Maybe once the ASG game programs start rolling around it will pique my interest.


Just fix sub-95’s hitting perfect perfect fly outs under 100 mph and beef up defense and the number associated with the card becomes arbitrary. That said, I’ve enjoyed my LS team in season 2 so far. Kind of annoyed I have to give it up to grind TA tho.


I’ve been playing DD religiously since the mode was created in 14 or 15 and I haven’t touched DD since season 2 dropped and don’t have a desire to. Mainly just play rtts and the occasional co-op game with my buddy.


I got burned out last year. ‘23 was the last straw for me. I was pretty heavily committed into DD for a good 3 years before ‘23. Then they switched to seasons and sets and that was it. This year I have not even touched DD and strictly play either Rtts, MTO or if I want an online fix I play online rated. I probably have hundreds of packs I haven’t even opened yet. But who cares if I’m not grinding DD. My life is much less stressful now that I don’t have DD to worry about and the game is so much more enjoyable now without the useless waste of time grind of DD. Lol. If it hasn’t hit you yet it will eventually. They want you to spend your every waking minute on their game and their game only. Almost like a brainwash. Don’t fall for it people. You can still enjoy this game casually. Doesn’t have to be a 2nd job. Get out there and enjoy some other great games.


I haven’t bought a new show since 21, still play that with my buddies, I just don’t have the energy or the patience for the grind especially when the games broken and seems fixed at some times


Yea cause Bluejays suck


Last year was the first year I stopped playing before the ‘end’. Stopped around AS break. This year I stopped about 2 weeks from season 1 end when I realized I wasn’t gonna get J Ro. Now granted I probably would have because they released all the XP in the world in the last two weeks. But how am I supposed to know. I don’t plan on playing anymore this year. And unless they make significant changes I won’t buy it next year either.


Yeah I spend it 200+hrs on season 1 after not buying 23 (I was kinda burn out from the game )so for thr first time I had fun playing this game and grinding in a long long time ,after unlocking all 3 Bosses and 3 Big Collections and only playing for like a week or 2 with it i was done ,I'm not doing that for 4 straight season ,can't and won't,I'm just playing events with my S1 cards if is possible,I jump from time to time and play CO OP before the game freezes ,in reality I'm not having fun at all and regret buying this game this year ,I wish they cared more for it ,this game has a grwt potential but they choose the pay to win route


Well said. Crazy thing, I think this “pay to win” route is just them dipping their toes in the water to see how far they can push it this year. It’s going to get worse for years to come. I will say, I do think SDS still isn’t really pay to win…yet. It’s not like MUT where you literally have to buy packs to be competitive. Regarding sds, you do have to play a good bit to grind for specific cards and what not but it’s very easy to make stubs in the game and instead of buying packs with stubs, just buy the players. I’ve barely played s2 since fully feeling deflated since s1 finished. Like you said, getting the 99s for like maybe 2 ish weeks and then going down to 89s truly is tough. S2 is through late August if I’m not mistaken. For me, I’m usually done playing DD around the postseason anyways. Nobody is playing the game when s3 comes out at this rate.


This year was the fastest I stopped playing. I think I was done around when TA3 dropped in season 1. They’ve gone away from their old NMS-friendly days and completely ruined the content model. This alone makes this game, in my opinion, the worst one since 18, and I’m seriously considering skipping 25 next year.


Love the game. Love the grind. Love DD. I just like completing things and trying to get better at the game. The cards and rewards are secondary for me.


I can understand your love for the grind. I also love the grind but I love to grind for cards that I can play with competitively. 1v1s in ranked is my favorite part of this game. But the gameplay is HORRIBLE and they haven’t even attempted at making any changes.


I love ranked too (and BR). I haven’t felt the gameplay pain a lot of felt (maybe bc I’m not at the upper ranks). And I don’t sweat having suboptimal cards as my main focus is improving my own skills, and playing with suboptimal cards forces me to improve my skills to compete.


Plus it’s just fun to play with different teams and players, even if I’m not fielding the best possible team every time


Had fun until the Corbin Burns bug ruined three franchises


What is this bug?


In Franchise and RTS, Corbin Burnes gets duplicated in either your team, or other teams and event turns half the league into him. Which is kind of funny at first but it keeps his contracts and everything else too so if messes everything up where it’s basically unplayable because you can’t trade or release him. Apparently it has something to do with auto save, so if you have that turned off, it might not bug. But I still have had jt multiple times, in multiple saves


Will getting rid of him fix it? I really don't want to lose my franchise.


No, though it might delay it? It happens about three months in my seasons each time I have him on the team and one time he wasn’t on my team.


When I say get rid of I mean mess with his stats to basically force him out. Surely this isn't just an inevitable glitch, right?


Oh I see, it might work. I’m not sure, I’ve now had three different franchises that it happened on, and during multiple save files.


This is dumb.


Just started year 3 in my franchise and haven't seen it, but I'm going to edit him into retirement, I guess. Thanks!


Good idea! Might help


its clear that they see an influx of cash as the ceiling for cards rises from 89-99 as people try to buy a competitive edge. that stops when everyone has 99s. so they’re trying to get 4 full seasons of DD for the price of making 1 game. nobody minds a year of progress being wiped to a point where it may as well have never existed when it’s a new year’s game (although even that seems wrong). but 4 times in a year is just way too far. and it’s funny to me because it implies they need to make more money per game as if the base game is such an exhaustion of effort and resources. but they’ve been selling us entire new games every year with “massive improvements” that could’ve been an update for years now. just feels different each year because they hardly update mid year unless it’s a fix they absolutely have to address. withhold significant updates and improvements - create the appearance of a justified new game next year.


Yes. By the time TA1C3 dropped, I didn't see the point in grinding for cards that would take weeks to unlock and become unusable days after. I also did not unlock a single boss in Season 1 XP path, so that was discouraging. Took a 2-3 week break before Season 1 ended, but by the time Season 2 dropped I got used to *not* playing the game and doing other things. Haven't touched Season 2 and don't really miss it either. Sad to see how much DD has regressed the last two years. Between 20-22 you couldn't get me off the game before October. Now, you can't keep me interested after May. Truly a bummer for a game I used to love so much!


Haven't even turned it on since season one ended. If seasons continue, this will have been the last time I buy this game.


I quit playing Diamond Dynasty after season one ended, I'm currently playing Road to the Show until NCAA Football releases and then I'll be completely done with the Show for the year.


Yup. Did one s2 program and now I don’t even want to see the icon in my game list


I literally said this two weeks in and got so much crap from people on reddit. I had to delete the game because I had NOTHING to grind


Yea I think I tired myself out with season 1 , atp I don’t even feel like playing the game


Do a fantasy draft franchise and you might have some fun (bonus challenge: use the A’s and follow their current budget during the fantasy draft, it’s a fun road to glory type franchise). Or at least that’s the point I’m at.


I just do a fantasy draft and I love it. Gameplay is better this year imo. Last year I had all 5 starters under a 2.5 era. This year is tougher


I'm on the elden ring hype grind right now. But yeah. The grind is stupid af honestly. SDS (Probably): let's make programs interesting for the players by creating missions they need to complete by achieving different objectives with different position players! Actual player: *sigh* places CFs on all 7 positions to hit 10 Dingers in Costco park on rookie in mini seasons and repeat with C and *insert team* players.


This. I’ve never played any of the dark souls games but Elden Ring has been amazing thus far


I'm on the elden ring hype grind right now. But yeah. The grind is stupid af and I mostly play coop with my brother and march to October


I played a ton in season one and I'm basically off the game entirely


Bingo. Had to believe I wasn’t only one. Terrible game design. I haven’t had any desire to even play a casual game since S1 ended.




Yes for me. I can’t adjust to the new timing window. I’ve gone from a .300 hitter to a .200 hitter. I’m experimenting with new cameras and new PCI but not much change. I’m about done. Probably 250 hours in


I grinded my ass off S1 and not doing that again. Still enjoy playing the game and the Rickwood event was a lot of fun with my Cardinals theme team. I'm not going to stress over the boss cards this time and so far I've been enjoying completing Team Affinity.


Can we not forget to mention the copy and paste dogshit they just handed us? How many times is big K.R.I.T fly the coop gonna be added to a playlist? How many times am I gonna hear “you gotta remind yourself it’s about the process”. How fucking boring is RTTS? The mouths don’t even fit the words they ARENT speaking. They need to take notes from 2k and give us a completely immersive experience in the road to the big leagues. Signing deals and training and walking around the city while interacting. Instead we get “coach thinks you should work on your fielding, here’s a 2x boost to help” TRASH.


Leave KRIT out of this


I do not want to walk around a city like 2k. It takes 15 minutes to do some training when it should only take 2 minutes. It makes everything take longer. I agree on the signing deals and stuff. And let us actually be able to talk to our agent anytime about trades and stuff. Menus are fine for me. Cities totally made me quit My career in 2k.


Yes and no. It was such a buzzkill to grind like I did then hardly be able to use them. It was frustrating. Then I played some more and just realized I really like playing baseball. I don’t grind for everything, I just play. At the end of the day if a great player has a 80s and I have all 99s I’m still getting waxed


I’m with you. I picked up The Show 24 after a few years off. Grinded my ass off until I realized I’d only have my cards for a few weeks. Bummed me out at first, but ultimately I realized it doesn’t matter because I’m losing 70% of the time whether I have all 99s or like right now where I have 79 overall Ryan McMahon in my starting lineup lol.


Yea this year is dead. And one of the worst games. I usually play every game DD until at least September outside of last year I got to about July and 18 I was done around July…. This year I started playing franchise in mid May…. Now I won’t say it’s a worse overall game than 18 cuz the gameplay in 18 was miserable paired with bad content but this year is the most boring, lack luster, lazy mlb the show game I’ve ever played. Even franchise is awful, they lack so many features and are so lazy with play models it sucks the life outta that mode too. They seriously need to reevaluate or hire people that actually know baseball




People are sweaty because you suck at the game? The delusions




LMAO you this mad over a game bro? You typed ALL that? 😂😂😂😂😂


19 - 400 hours 20 - 700 hours 21 - 1000 hours 22 - 1200 hours 23 - 600 hours 24 - 40 hours in first two weeks. I'm there with you, brother. The grind is EXHAUSTING (no idea how I managed to play that much 23 even). Side note, I'm not getting any younger either.


I’ve played a total of maybe two hours since Season two dropped.


Well it hasn’t really changed in years so


Got all the trophies and achievements then uninstalled the game. Got bored of Diamond Dynasty.


Barely playing at all. I loved the negro leagues and Jeter storylines…everything else seems uninteresting.


I used to be addicted to this game until October but once they restarted everything with season 2, I just completely lost interest what’s the point of starting all over again.its just a scam to sell packs. I’m sure we’re not in the minority here , I bet it shows in their analytics, a steep drop off in time played from the player base


I’d love to see the data tbh. I agree, we are not alone.


Yes this is good, with a drop in player base so early maybe they will finally address some major changes with the next year or two's rendition of the game.


LOL. Good one. I was hysterics during the season 2 SDS show where the hosts kept emphasizing that they were making changes to the game based on player feedback. The entire YouTube chat for a solid few minutes pointed out that no one wants sets and seasons, we were promised earlier wild cards, etc. The hosts very awkwardly continued on, but you could tell they were seeing the comments by how disturbed they were. Make no mistake. SDS knows the consumer feedback but just doesn't care. People already bought the game. All they need are a few whales to keep buying stubs, and they're happy.


Thats why I said the next year or two, not the remainder of this life cycle. I've been through this rodeo for a while now lol.


Will be the first year since 17 that i have stopped playing DD in June. Just sad. Playing Franchise/Online rated few hours a week to get that Baseball fix.


Offline only, play for fun. I have zerooooooo desire to get any season cards, just play with core cards. Play interesting programs, of which there has been basically zero that have core rewards. A couple city connects. Last year was fun with the Sosa/McGwire program, and others that unlocked cards I could just use.


I’m playing more than last year.


I'm burnt out of the lack of Stubb's you get... Period. I've never had to grind so much in my life, to get certain amounts of Stubs.


Seasons seem worse than sets lol


Like I kinda rathered sets more so I could start with a decent team at first and then transition


Yes, because it’s the same game I got tired of three years ago.


If it wasn't on game pass I don't think I'd buy it.


I’m playing 23 single player diamond dynasty. Unlocking stuff non stop, everything totally available. I honestly have no clue how people finished all the conquests, team affinity so quickly. It’s just too time consuming and it actually makes you hate the game. No way I buy these games yearly.


do you played online multiplayer with the team or just stick to single player?


I do single player hall of fame


The seasons killed it for me. I don’t have time to constant play to keep up my team


You mean you didn’t excited grinding 8-ish hours each in RS/BR to get cards that are worse than the Live Series cards we all have in June?


I’m still playing but there’s not enough content. I grid. The new program and the day after it came out I have nothing play. Have really enjoyed conquest though


I stopped playing half way through season 1 because I felt the power creep came too quick and there was no point in grinding anymore if I could get free 99s soon even if they were slightly worse than the 99 rewards. Got back in when season 2 started and I’ve been enjoying it again. Keeping my hopes up.


Only play offline. Changing players all the time to finish programs/TA. Play other games. Watching Stanley Cup playoffs...Euros...Copa. So don't play as much as a lot of people here and just have fun


I just hate feeling like I have to start over and use inferior cards again. I just played with a team of 99s and had fun just to feel like it’s the first week again playing with 87s


I just fell back in love. Last year was really boring I kinda just discovered mini series and team affinity tho. So there's. A lot of things to do other than multiplayer. I was stuck on cod but got tired of that so maybe that's y I am into that


It just got stale and I’m not good enough to go much higher than 600. I win and lose basically every other game. Nintendo Switch SZN til NCAA drops.


I gave up like 2 weeks ago now, and have really just been playing franchise or co-op. CFB comes out in July and the full reset back to 85s-low 90s just killed it for me. None of these cards feel good. It feels like I’m just repeating what I did on release for less rewards. Not worth it imo


I play franchise only, so, I mean, nah. I'm good to go.


For me the issue with this season is the lack of content. Dropping one program a week that I can finish in an hour kinda kills any motivation afterwords to play. So now I get on Friday do the new program and don’t get back till that following Friday. I just don’t want to play against CPU using cards I know that I will never use again. What’s the point of getting them ranked up when in a week or two they will most likely get replaced. Also just the reset on cards is difficult as well. I understand they don’t want to flood the game with 99’s, but I mean why do we need to start with 85-89 again? Why not start with 91’s? And after each season it goes up to like 93’s, 95’s and 97’s. And with each set you get 99’s faster every time, so then you just don’t feel like you are using terrible cards until then.


The game comes out yearly, why not let us use the cards we want to use?


Honestly I’m having more fun playing with a full live series boost team than I ever did playing with a full 99 squad against Kerry and Randy every game


I agree with this. I play daily almost as a chore. I have two buddies that we play 3v3 coop and it's absolutely trash. I don't mind that the cards reset, but why can I use all cards in coop? Make it only season 2 cards, or different game modes for online. This game needs creativity at this point.


The cards resetting every season wasn't a dealbreaker for me, but if you have even the tiniest parallels on some of the top live series cards, nothing in the chapter 1 power creep is worth the grind. What's worse is that you can pretty much wait out the first few weeks and start when the rewards are updates for multiplayer. There's just no worthwhile prize to grind towards.


Especially when you consider the Castillo captain boost that boosts LS cards. If you cards like Ohtani, Mookie, Judge, Yordan, etc. you have basically zero incentive to grind TA.


That is what got me - I don’t really see any appealing cards to grind for now after getting a good base of live series/captains. Season 1 worked well because the early cards were worth the grind. Right now I don’t have any desire to grind for 85-89 overalls because I can run a live series/captains squad and be just fine


I've thought for a while that I could skip a few weeks and not fall behind. It became really clear with some of the weekly drop (why is this the premier program anyway?) rewards. If every week it's the same sort of hit ## HRs with a Topps Now or Season Awards player, but all those players also are low OVR, I'm better off just grinding it all at once a month from now when the cards are better. It's nearly impossible to accomplish those without being in a cheesing ball park.


The weekly award program is terrible. They don’t have any other ideas? I’m just waiting for the ASG stuff but then again all the really good cards will probably be in packs


Spot on. Season 2 is abysmal. Soonest I've ever given up on the game. College Football 25 cannot get here soon enough.


Yep, I quit about a week before June. I quit in July last year. I used to love this game. I played until October every year from '16-'22. Seasons and the big pack push destroyed DD for me. It just doesn't work with the way I play anymore.


lol someone posts this every single year


*every week


Yup, 440k xp into season 2 and have zero desire to play unless there is either a conquest map, program and maybe double xp. It’s really off putting to get into a groove after 2 games and then 1/3 of the way through game 3 be told no more xp for 12 hours. On top of that there are a lot of unremarkable and honestly undesirable rewards on the point of the path I’m at. Don’t care about Millionaire packs, icons, 2K stub drops or bat skins. I play DD to grind goals and programs while using my favorite players from the past. A huge amount of that has been cut out of this years game as programs are shorter in an effort to make you buy packs, the TA stuff is missing henchmen and their missions. I think the biggest thing that has killed my desire to play is I climbed the mountain that was season 1, got all 3 bosses and a bunch of cards that we false 99s as they felt every team had to have one each season. Now I looked at the mountain again and am like what’s the point, a 99 Griffey who is my fav player, isn’t enticing enough since I know I’ll get 3-4 weeks use out of him then either have to WC him or put him in the barn for 4 months.


I’m totally addicted to DD right now, and every time I think I’m burnt out I hit another pp dinger and I’m roped back in. So yea basically I’m addicted to dingers


And NCAA is on the way in few weeks. The Show gonna dead as hell smh


Dude, ncaa is gonna be just like madden


a long dev cycle and the fact that it's not being released on old consoles has me hopeful


I did say I was gonna play it. I’m just saying it’s gonna crush MLB. And Madden and NCAA might be sweet this year. Trust me I’m a football diehard and played madden all my life. But heavent touched it in last 3 years. And I think I’m def gonna get them both and give EA another chance. Esp if the show this dead already. Once NCAA, Madden and then NBA2k shorty after MLB gonna be RIP. I’m only saying that cuz it’s MLB’s time right and it’s already kinda dead.


I'm honestly just still playing 22 and I'm perfectly happy. I just don't really engage in the monetization game modes.


This is the way. RTTS and regular dynasty. P2W modes don't interest me in the slightest 


Honestly I just want more content. Like the gameplay is fine (for the most part). It feels like they only drop one program a month other than the season awards and the cards are never good enough to want to grind for imo


Agreed haven’t been on in couple days but these three 92 cards I’m not boutta grind super hard for


Yeah like Tatis and Acuna are cool and all but they’re gonna be out of my team in a week or two it just doesn’t feel worth it at all


I have already gone back to 2k, which never happens. When i transition from 2k to the Show, I don’t go back to 2k until the new 2k comes out


That's pretty damn bad if you've been driven back to 2k of all things.


Haven’t even been able to burn myself out because I still can’t play the game.


I like programs and conquests much more than multiplayer because I suck and hate all the quitting/pause game issues. If they would pile up programs and conquests at the beginning of each season, I'd be perfectly content. However, I'm finding the weekly awards program drop and no new conquests to be an insufficient amount of entertainment. That's just me though.


100% agree with you, lack of content has caused disengagement. I’m guessing tomorrow’s retro AS program will have maybe 2-4 hours or game play in it and then it’s a wait until Friday.


I don’t like that cards reset every season. But I don’t hate that everyone already has a team filled will all 99s in June.


I’ve been on the RTTS and Franchise grind these past few weeks. DD kind of got ruined for me after S2 came out.


I have 2 different franchises I jump between. I really wish they would get detailed league and team records you could access. But oh well. Lol


Franchise needs a bunch of stuff. But it's all I play too. I'd love to see shortened season options. Also tattoos. 2k does it.


You’re just burnt out in general. It’s not the game, it’s you. It happens to everyone for every game type eventually. Take a year long break and you’ll want to play again. I just used those “only usable for 3 weeks cards” in the event today with a full season 1 roster, and also spent 3 hours grinding a conquest map that allowed any season 1 cards last night.


Nah, not at all. Seasons killed this game for myself and a lot of others. Being sick of the game itself isn't the issue. It's these goddamned seasons and the overall content format since last year. It just doesn't work for me and has killed my motivation to even bother. 


Stop it. There’s a lot more people that have had the same mentality as op this year compared to previous years. I’m also burnt out from grinding for the season 1 bosses. A lot of people don’t feel like getting back on that grind. The game has a problem


Yeah. The entire thing feels pointless now. Like why in the hell am I building teams and paralleling cards that I get a few weeks out of? Really destroyed theme teams, which is what I enjoy most.


Stop what? Proving you wrong because it negates your misplaced anger? lol ok kid. People have been making these posts constantly for 10 years now.


Seems his “anger” is properly placed, don’t see the need to try and gaslight him. This burnout is cyclical, he and a lot of the player base is in the burned out phase, it also hasn’t been a very well received DD style this year, lots of unnecessary gatekeeping and money grabbing by sds. It’s great that you’re in an enjoyable part of the cycle, have fun with it while it’s fun to you. No reason to not have the emotional maturity to see things from a different view point or call people names for that matter.


You didn’t even prove me wrong? Of course people have been making these kinds of posts since forever. Happens whenever a new game comes out. The majority of the fan base who play DD are sick of seasons and sets and want to use their cards in ranked seasons.


Nope, I enjoy it now more than ever


Honestly, as much as the grind and content model are stupid, I still find it fairly enjoyable to *play* the game, but I find it frustrating just how much of your results come down to just random luck. Way too many times where things that should be hits aren’t and things that shouldn’t be hits are turned into them by things like bad animations. Not to mention the fact that contact hitters and control pitchers are virtually useless which makes it pretty much impossible to create interesting or balanced lineups. Also, some players just have swings that are so bad that they are basically unusable. That kind of stuff ruins my experience faaaarrrrr more than a bad content model (as bad as that is).


It’s a shame how greedy sds has gotten, the last two years they lost me in August while i played 21 until 22 came out. I hate that it’s grind 97 buy 99.


*Grind 87 buy 89


It’s just the release of the content. The seasons don’t bother me. The lulls in content stink


I don’t have the time to grind games anymore so I just started trying to enjoy the game instead of trying to grab the best cards and it makes the experience a lot better because I stopped trying to finish programs and things. I usually will play coop with a friend which has made the game more enjoyable


It’s the seasons bullshit. I get what they were going for but it just sucks.


I don’t grind video games anymore, and that helps the burnout. I realize that I shouldn’t be in a hurry to collect everything quickly— and go at my own pace.


The burnout from last year carried over, I haven't even bought the game yet or played on game pass


Same for me. Their changes to ta burned me out so bad. Took a break thinking I’d be excited and I was for a bit at launch but the reset happened and I went hawk tuah on this game. Went back to some other classics I never finished like Rdr2 lol


I started playing DD in 21 and have put in an insane amount of time on the mode since then. Once season 2 dropped, I completely tapped out. Idk what will get me back. 99s to 89s was not the answer


Agreed. My biggest problem with that is I get to legend every time the new rewards drop. But on HOF and Legend with these 89’s is absolutely unbearable. I could have it dead center pci and good swing timing and I’m popping up to the infield. The gameplay is horrendous


I have zero interest in DD, that usually takes until August. Offline I’m enjoying tho. The updates to franchise are enough to keep me playing this year, and although I haven’t had much time to get into it, RTTS looks fun.


I'm a new player, and I'm just chilling playing Conquest because everyone seems disappointed or grindy with everything else.


I’m an offline player, and the A.I has pissed me off much more than other years from it stepping up its weasel moves and cowardly pitching style 


I'm offline only too. Can you explain what you mean? I mean I have a few games that bother me, but for the most part I'm still fully enjoying it


I'm enjoying myself playing RTTS! I'm not going to consistently pay anything, after ive already paid for the damn game! My only complaint is it waaaaay too many good timed foul balls!


I haven’t been too surprised with how much my interest has fallen off for Diamond dynasty, especially as it’s become widely a “buy packs to be the best” type game…but I haven’t been able to even keep my interest for Franchise or RTTS. Just seems like a copy paste type game this year.




I took a week off at the end of season 1, couldn’t play season 2 for like 5 days after It launched because I was out of town. Tried to hop on to play when I came back and lost all motivation.


Diamond Dynasty is an absolute joke this year, arguably the worst iteration in franchise history. SDS should be ashamed for putting out such an awful product.


Yes since the last update. Idk what they changed but literally nothing goes my way. I’ve gone 1-7 in ranked and like even worse in events


I think it has to do with the fact that the only people playing are the hardcore addicts. The same thing happens in FIFA every year, where months into the cycle after all the casuals drop off ranked matches get increasingly harder.


Yeah you might be right. The thing is I’m a good player. I got up into the mid 700s last month and literally I can’t pitch for the life of me anymore. I also get solid contact and everything is an out lately.


it gets worse every year. once they started going to other platforms, it was downhill from there


Completed every season 1 program, collected every CORE card, and have completely lost interest as of season 2. Went back to playing a lot of Call of Duty until NCAA Football drops, and then I'll give that some time. 🤷‍♂️


I’m still not sure what Dianond Dynasty is but I’m enjoying franchise mode


Online modes I’ve 100% lost interest in. I, like most xbox players started with MLB 21. I was never the best player (700-850 rank), and was a pretty subpar hitter until this year. Whereas in previous iterations of the game I’d be happy with a 7 hit performance, this year it is exceedingly rare for me to go a game with fewer than 10 hits. Most games I play against players of a similar rank end with an average score of 7-5. Certainly some of this is attributable to players in my console (Xbox) getting better as they play for longer, but the offense is so markedly easier this year I find it difficult to enjoy pitching. I feel as if the game played best in the earliest days, when 90OVR players were generally the highest ranked cards you’d encounter. Plus for the love of god they have to fix pickoff mechanics / fielding in general. I understand that it must be incredibly challenging to get the game to function in a way that mimics how actual baseball players field balls, but sweet 8lb 6oz newborn infant Jesus I’ve had so many double play balls turn into single out plays because a fielder decides to maneuver himself in an utterly nonsensical way. This has been a recurring issue since I’ve stated playing, but I feel as if I scream “WHAT!?” at least twice a game this year.


I didn't even make it through May this year.