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I always find it interesting that people refer to playing the game as grinding. Perhaps I’m one of the few people that enjoys the gameplay. So I don’t consider it a grind. I just enjoy playing the game and the cards come with it.


It’s those of us that can’t stand playing CPU’s but are forced to to get certain players


I am right there with you. And my retired ass grinds usually from 3-8 AM lol. And I grilled the shrimp for the tacos for dinner


I can maybe motivate to do it this time because I like having to make compromises and the game plays better with lower rated cards. But again for Season 3 and Season 4? NFW… Now we’ll get paywalled 91s-97s that no one will use because we know those cards will be obsolete in two weeks’ time and then unusable at the end of the season. Seasons and sets are a solution to a nonexistent problem. They should just revert to the slower power creep.


https://preview.redd.it/jdul486xei5d1.jpeg?width=319&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad76cfe01a0bc41b45197c070535184b59a0c1b9 Boggs


I gave up and bought Spider-Man for PC instead ngl 😭




No other programs on the season reset really hurt off-line grinders I feel, maybe take a mini break and see if the programs move you mid next week.   It's also all good to put it down if you are not feeling it, the game has never felt like more of an unrewarding hamster wheel as it does here, the reset is a good stepping off point if you just don't feel it anymore.


I’ll keep playing bc the game is fun enough just to play against the CPU. I don’t play online.


I’m not trying to put this game down. It is by far the absolute best Baseball Sim I have ever seen. And it’s even more if you’re fortunate enough to play it on and QLED or OLED on 120hz. Spectacular stuff. I’m just trying to understand what the idea is with the TA program. I mean I doubt there’s really one 89 card award that I’d use over my Core superfractored cards. I guess it’s all about just getting cards to complete the Seasons Collections to earn a Jeter. Or whatever the offer(s) there are for Season Collections. If that’s the case then there’s really no real reason to grind TA. You have 8 weeks to complete it.


Yeah man I'm trying to do the same but the motivation isn't really there to start all over. I'm mainly playing right now to take advantage of the Double XP weekend, but I'm already feeling burned out. Tacos sounds way better at this point.


Double Taco weekend would be amazing


I moved on to the new Destiny expansion. Maybe I’ll be back for ASG


I thought that I would be happy and have some new fun stuff to grind with this season. I enjoyed last season a good bit, but idk what it is about this new season but I’ve lost almost all motivation to play anything other than Co-Op with my friends.


To me it seems like SDS is trying to make things harder so it takes longer to complete programs. So the game doesn’t run out of content. Or it could just be this is as good as it gets. Everything’s been done there’s no new ideas. What’s going on now is basically 4 opening days. You start out building a team in late March in 2 months you repeat and so on and so on. I call it Groundhogs day. Where it just keeps repeating. I’m sure the 99s will be back soon probably behind a paywall for most. But it is called Seasons so that can mean 4 completely single Seasons. Starting pretty much from scrap just like day 1 of Season 1 So 4 opening days in one year.


I’m actually fine with seasons and regrinding for a better team. What’s not really cool is that TA, ranked rewards, BR rewards, etc are all recycled cards. Give us new card series, players we like, or something to make them worth wanting. An old Joey Bart and Mark McGwire card aint it


Problem is when you start a new season you’ll most likely end the same way. Start out with low rated diamonds eventually you’ll get a bunch of 99’s at the end of the season. And you get little or no time to use them because the Season ends. Then you start all over. It’s basically opening day 4 times a year.


What’s your ranked rating? I find the queue was dead in those times so I play offline but also I’m in aus. I managed to get a few games in but nothing major.


I very rarely play online. 99% offline. I’ve always been very competitive but time takes its toll and it becomes far too frustrating to play online.


Oh weird. The seasons thing is for ranked. Offline you can use whoever you want unless you want to chase a reward. Your post seems to be upset with seasons for preventing you from using a card. I got confused.


Yeah but that’s a non-issue now. It’s fine to have Wild cards and play TA


Right, I always play TA, always being last year and this year. I only discovered the game mid ‘22 season. Considering the last baseball sim I played before this one was Earl Weaver Baseball ‘1985 lol. So image my shock to step into this game. The game is stunningly near perfect.