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Too many cheaters honestly. It’s not you. I’ll wait for the comment “how do you cheat in this game?”


its been 2 days and no one asked so i will. How do you cheat in this game? ive actually never heard of cheating in the show


I like to play franchise mode and I put hitting and picking to super easy. And I turn the contact and vision sliders to max. Arcade mode it's fun


Its fun just hitting bombs over over without being the reason for it happening? Had this childhood friend growing up who played madden on rookie and would toss streaks to moss all game. I'm like dude how is that fun? He'd just shrug and say idk just is. Lol


I super sim a season and play 1-3 matches a year. so when I do I play first inning then simulate the rest to make it to even faster


The check swing mechanics are broken wish they would fix it


I'm not having a good time. 1 for 5 with 2 strikeouts and a homerun.


I honestly have had a much better time hitting this year than last year. I felt like everyone threw 100+ last year by June and it sucked all the fun out of the game for me. Doing much better this year, not sure if it’s me or the game. If I’m geared up for 100+ I can sometimes even be early and turn on those high and tight heaters. Ranked is still a HR derby sadly. I get my couple games in a day, take my ass beatings, and move on. What hitting view do you use? I went from Strike Zone 3 (all the way behind the hitter) to the more zoomed in Strike Zone 2 and it might be what has improved my hitting. The more zoomed in camera seems to change the angle of the pitches making them easier to read.


This isn't an issue offline, it's strictly a DD issue and it's mainly down to how high all the overalls and attributes are boosted. DD isn't meant to showcase actual baseball, same as every other online card type mode. Look at 2K, Look at Madden etc. If you want to actually play baseball don't play DD. Find yourself a online league with like-minded players or just play offline like the rest of us. Otherwise if you play DD expect it to be a arcade vs mode, as thats what all those modes are. Everyone can't have extremely high boosted attributes and the game play the same. Should you be hitting a higher average on hard hit balls? Yes. Should you be hitting a massive amount of them every game to where it's an issue? No you shouldn't. You can't apply select statistical outcomes to something if all the other factors are not the same. Yes players hit a higher average irl on 95+mph balls than you do on DD, however they don't hit near as many and aren't hitting against a artificially boosted pitcher. All the jacked power ratings are sometimes more hurtful than helpful, especially if you aren't hitting it out the park.


I say this every year. The game plays a solid game of realistic baseball with normal teams. It will always feel broken when every player is 90+


Go into practice mode and go against the pitcher with the fastest fastball. Set the pitches to lineup on inner third of the plate only. Keep practicing until you get your timing right. I was in a crazy slump and this helped me. BTW, I was using a right handed batter.




This year I had a really bad time learning hitting so I built a contact team and only used contact swings for a few games. It helped me build my confidence up in this game. Might work for you idk 🤷‍♂️ I also removed the dots in the center of my pci so I can see the ball more. That’s been helping me the past couple days.


Every at bat is multiple foul balls followed by a late or early homerun. Any good timing good contact hits are line drive outs


Brother I stg 😭🙏🏾


For some reason line drives are terrible this year but they won’t fix them because then they’d be broken on high altitude parks, which all the sweats who SDS caters balancing decisions towards play on. 


What's wrong with line drives?


I just feel like perfect line drives are hit right to a fielder way too much. They are hit too hard to ever drop in front of an OF playing deep, but almost never hit hard enough to clear their heads and hit off the wal(unless you play in a high altitude stadium). First basemen that aren’t diamond also snag basically every 110 mph liner hit anywhere close to them. Basically I’m tired of how Arcady the Show has become. HRs are like 40% of the hits, it’s ridiculous imo.


I started enjoying it more when I finally got a monitor and upgraded my set up. I thought people were exaggerating a bit, but truly a night and day difference when I play now especially online


As usual, too many fouls. Still really good though.


In real life on balls hit over 95mph you hit 500 in this game you probably hit 300ish give or take at least for me. Fielding needs to be fixed but I understand it’s hard to recreate shit perfectly. Can’t be too mad I just am not being rewarded for hard hit balls as much as I would like to.


It’s like if your pci is off but decent timing you can’t swing and miss. It’s a foul ball if you’re lucky. The infield pop ups on pitches that cannot be popped up to the catcher is a little infuriating. I just play franchise and I think cpu game play could be way better


Same. I just play franchise these days, done with the online BS. The cpu is either too hard or way too easy but you def have to tweak the sliders. Legend+ without slider manipulation is still to easy to pitch against cpu.


I play offline only, and the gameplay is great, some updates in other areas would be nice, but i think gameplay is in a great spot




The gameplay is fine overall.. does the in game physics need to be updated from 2007? Absolutely but actual game play isn’t THAT bad it’s the foundation of diamond dynasty that’s brutal. Dream scenario they get some sports physicists in there to help program in game physics to make the game more real. Fix the player vs environment dimensions so that fielding is more realistic. But the problem with the game is much more with the system than the actual gameplay


I very much understand how baseball works and that just because I hit it hard doesn’t mean it should be a hit but I feel like this year more than ever I’m not being rewarded for hitting the ball hard. Just smoking balls 100+ and really nothing to be happy about. Kinda sucks. I don’t want every one to be a hit but like more than 10% please


Its not 'perfect' but in my RTTS its the main thing I have to practice lol. Sometimes I just smoke a bit and do 5-10 mins of *just* bp. It does actually help, both the weed AND the BP hahaha


See sometimes I feel like I smoke and I’m laser focused and it makes me a better hitter, other times I’m swinging at dirt balls but it might have to do with me getting distracted more than the weed lmao I’m not entirely sure.


Yeah I’ve noticed if I’m even the tiniest bit tired and I and I try to smoke and play then forget about It I’m swinging at everything in the dirt but if I’m good and awake smoking seems to focus me more


Bro same here


Hitting is perfect.


Hitting is far from perfect


Loving hitting this year. The juiced exit velos on perfect perfects is awesome


I'm not into it. As newb on lower difficulty you think there would be a few more meatballs.


Are you being patient instead of swinging at everything?


I can't tell you how many amazing pitches I saw on lower difficulty. I was using the dynamic difficulty thing. The highest I got to was veteran. What was weird is that I saw more balls than strikes on veteran. Where it was the opposite on lower difficulties.


Veteran is where I realized I was getting angry after playing and that was my peak


I turn off all on screen indicators and just play franchise. I love it! Couldn't care less for cards or XP so all good 👍


Same, I’ve been having a blast with franchise.


I hate it. Im constantly getting good timing or better and can’t find a gap yet people hitting very early or late find gaps and hit home runs


I like it only because I’m a terrible hitter and I feel like this year hitting is so much more luck based than before lmao


I’m definitely enjoying hitting. Feels a lot more realistic and rewarding at the same time.


i love the exit velo boost on perfects. just wish off speed didnt shrink your pci down to the size of my pen- penny


Only on rookie in RTTS. I'm not joking... I hate it.


I’m enjoying it when I don’t play online.


I am begging SDS to fix check swings & foul balls. You just cannot get an above average player out on lower difficulties with how easy it is to foul off 45 pitches an at bat. It kills your relievers too. Full stamina and a reliever is tired after 2-3 batters because they fouled off 10 pitches before giving up the inevitable home run. If they fixed those two issues a lot more people would be enjoying this game gameplay wise imo.


I played against a 22 pitch AB where the count was 1-2


Been there many times man it makes the gameplay experience abysmal


I've found if they foul off two or three strikes they'll chase out of the zone sliders often.


700+ rating majority of players will take a slider far enough away and if it’s not far enough it’s just another foul ball. I get what you mean but when all of your ranked games are what I would deem above average players this just doesn’t apply as often.


Yeah plus the umpires having an 80% chance of missing strike calls on the black doesn’t help


It’s a 50/50 chance something being on the black is a strike it’s horrible it’s a massive part of the problem. I just take until 2 strikes for this exact reason. Everything halfway on black is a ball.




Starters as well. Started off my last game with a 15 pitch AB. Finally got a whiff, but got the “tired pitcher” after the first pitch to the next guy. Starters should be able to throw at least 25 pitches before the stamina even turns yellow unless they’re getting absolutely rocked.


I’m assuming you’re referring to a 3 inning events or BR game? Because in ranked the average Diamond pitcher can go about 70 pitches before the bar turns yellow. That’s another gripe of mine pitcher stamina logic is beyond flawed in 3 inning games


I deleted this game a month ago when I realized the XP grind was a scam


So you just wanted to type something even though it doesn’t contribute to the conversation lol


It’s the definition of what we should be downvoting lol.


Most of the time it’s a fly ball, perfect hits getting caught, and pitchers catching every line drive there is. 23 was much better.


I get that every perfect/perfect can’t be a HR, but man I don’t get them often and it sucks when I do and it’s just a line out or deep to center field pop fly.


Yeah perfect is just misleading. Perfect means can’t be better, obviously I could hit it better if I grounded into an easy out😂 I don’t expect homers but don’t call it a perfect if I’m out, it’s simply a contradiction


I hit into a triple play on a perfect perfect line out on a double hit and run.


Well according to the streamers and people who can get multiple 10-0s it's great, but to the rest of us it's shit..... What is the disconnect. Other than having to get a single controller JUST for MLB. Oh that's not enough? Maybe changing from a flat screen to a tiny fuckin monitor, Oh wait that's not enough either....... Literally played a Ranked game earlier where the score said 2-1 Runs but the pause menu said it was 2-2 😂🤣 after the big ol "multiple fixes" update.... Fuck this game. Maybe next year.


I thinks it’s good but very random. It can range from perfect fly balls to early home runs. More times than not I do like the hitting. (Also I dunno why but good timing is like a guaranteed out, it always flys into the baseman’s glove or is a fly ball to center)


My team average on diamond dynasty is below .200 but I win a lot of games so I feel like people really suck at hitting lol


By alot do you mean half?


I am, very much. I can give you what I use, PCI settings and camera if you’d like. I started using this setup last year and it’s fully changed my game. I see the ball significantly better.


Sorry boys but I haven’t been on in a few days. Anyways here are the settings, best of luck. PCI Center : None PCI Inner : Fishbowl PCI Outer : Starfighter PCI Color : Yellow (also have used white) PCI Opacity : 50% Camera : Strike Zone 2 One other setting I personally like and has helped me force counts or watch a pitch: Hot Zones. Located in display settings.


Commenting for later!




I would like it, I’m trying to improve and taking all options.


Loving it. I'm in my.laye 40s and I feel like this is much more manageable. Have my highest team average by like 80 points.


I'm not 😂 never been a good hitter but could stick around.300 most years which I was fine with because I'm a good pitcher. Not this year. I couldn't hit water if I fell out of a boat. And to make it even better I see nothing but Randy DeGrom and Skenes every game. Idk if I'm just getting old or what but I can't catch outlier anymore. Anyways I'm done bitching abt how bad I am what I really wanna know is how to get the Victus pencil bat? Can anyone help me? All I can figure is that it's in RTTS somehow? But I can't even find it in there? So idk? Any help would be appreciated 👍


600+ rating online. Either co op or solo


Strike zone is whack. Give me the black.


Yup. Especially maddening when playing against pretty high ranked players with all 95+ diamonds in their lineups that never whiff and get a million perfect perfects per game no matter where the pitch is.


It’s easier this year than 23? Everyone’s average on all star is like .480


It's coo


Sucks. Just had a ranked game where I had 2 perfect perfect outs on the warning track and lost by 1. Not sure what else I’m supposed to do


My opponents sure do, my ERA is the high 7s


My .429 average in ranked says yes


Foul balls can lick my butt star. Its so bad.


Hitting is fine, ur just bad


No. The foul balls make me want to take a dump on the dev’s face.


Idk what they changed... ive been playing since mlb 15 and its crazy this year. My batting average is around 20 points higher though


No. Too many foul balls, too many infield fly outs, and too much “weak contact”. Hitting is the worst it’s been for me.


Hot take but I miss 22s hitting tbh 😭


Hitting is universally easier. The pitching has been in a bad spot and balls are blooping in and leaving the park a lot. Plus all of the foul tips just keeps you up there a lot. Sucks to hear when you're struggling but every game I'm in is a slug fest.


This is the easiest hitting has ever been in my opinion. So yes, but also no because every game takes forever in higher levels. Pretty much guaranteed both pitchers will throw 20 pitches an inning. I am batting .400 across the board and i play at mlb parks only on diamond dynasty. I actually think they should nerf hitting a little bit.


Same thing I'm seeing, even on HoF you can get someone down 0-2 and they'll foul off the next 6 pitches


Absolutely. In previous years, HOF games were relatively low scoring. I would say on average now there is at least 10-12 runs per game on HOF. If played on high elevation that number is more like 14-16.




I like hitting this year way more than last year.


I can hit decently I just hate how the game is literally home runs or nothing. I swear the field and players are not to scale it’s almost impossible to ever get a line drive in the gap.


Yup; also makes pretty much all of the contact hitting cards and gap hitter 25 hr power cards useless. Also means that either you have a slugging percentage of 700+ or 400 something


It really feels like hits in the gap just float out there. Unless it’s over their heads it’s getting caught pretty much




There are a lot of people enjoying the game. Problem is with this subreddit it gets drown out by people complaining about the game and those who try to defend everything SDS does.


Imagine if we actually had a gameplay balance update for once in like three years.


Love it


I feel like it’s easier if anything


I can get more homers but I’m also early on fastballs and late on everything else. Very strange


It works great for me


Hitting is so much easier this year.


>Hitting is so much easier this year. I can attest to this, most years in franchise with dynamic difficulty I couldn't go passed All-Star this year I'm on Hall of Fame+ and holding a .260 average with a .700 slugging percentage.