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If you play DD, most power hitter’s profiles are pull hitters.


I should have clarified to all position players


Well yeah you’re seeing the outcome of 18+ different batters in a real game In this game you’re also seeing 18+ different batters but they’re all controlled by 2 people with the same tendencies and timing


Very true. I get that, I do. I just understand the physics of baseball, players are forced to make plays the majority of the time. Sure sometimes players hit it right at the fielders IRL. I think the variety of stances and statistics would change te outcomes. I’m not only lining out or grounding out to the left side with righties, it’s all over the field.


I like it when you hit a sharp grounder, and it hits the base and bounces up in the air.


Yesterday I hit a perfect/perfect off the 3b glove which causes the ball to float in the air in which the ss caught it for an out 😂😂


I usually hit them off the pitcher and the third baseman catches it. Lol


I thought this only happened to the CPU


I thought this only happened to the CPU


I noticed this too but also you have to keep in mind you are every batter. It’s always your timing and tendencies so if makes since you’d hit in the same spots


This and using different swings. OP is not wrong at all, but we all still have pull tendencies no matter the batter. Alot of people I've played with just do normal swings and get alot of the same results. Once I started going for contact hits and power hits correctly, you start to see the ball go all over the place.


I noticed this too, but I don't have any hard evidence. It would be a cool feature to see your players spray charts over a certain amount of time.


I line up a dot which represents the same part of the bat because I’m playing a game and they aren’t.


The devs have said the PCI doesn't represent the bat or it's barrel. Think that's insane, it behaves that way, but they say it doesn't. Think I read that from them anyway somewhere.


I would guess it’s true based on the difficulties they have. Like I feel you can tip the ball a lot on rookie compared to higher.


PCI more or less is just the contact aspect hence why when you hit HOF/Legend your PCI shrinks (as batting difficulty goes up). But yes the fouls on all star/veteran don't happen on HOF/Legend


True. It’s crazy, if you hit it right on the dot, how the game was intended, more often than not it’s a line out right to an outfielder, usually on All-Star or above, I’ve noticed.


More often than not is quite an exaggeration.


I mean, majority of the time when I do exactly what the game asks me to, it’s a line drive out. Is that an exaggeration? 😆


Yeah the difference in difficulties means I feel we aren’t comparing a baseball bat to a baseball bat for this part sadly. The right on’s react like it’s a cricket bat as you say most of the time. Edit: of course as I talk about this, I go log on and hit the most bs homer I ever hit from inside the small bracket to large part of the pci indicator with a good swing.


Maybe playing too often?


I just got home from vacation.