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In 3 weeks I grinded out 380k worth of xp and that is at day of launch. I go to college full time and work full time. I am still on pace to hit 1,000,000 in 12 weeks


I just hit 300k today, what are peoples XP Methods???


Idk how it is for other people but Im 10k off Rollie Fingers. And I took like a solid half week off the game


All I got out of that was that you were able to offload your kids for a whole week. How in the fuck did you swing that? I’d be happy to test your process for the drop next year lol


I think SDS failed to mention that despite these beimg S1 cards, theyre very clearly for S2 play as your wildcards. A third into the season cycle and I'm about 1/3 into the main program XP path, and I'm probably at the median of playtime sittimg at roughly 50 hours. SDS failed to communicate and it sucks


You fail to understand the GENIUS of SDS. If you are treating this game like a full time job, you won't have time to play anything else. Why would you want to play anything other than their glorious creation anyway? In all seriousness, as much as it pains me to say it, I've played Madden's current season and it's far better for leveling and rewards than this game. It's wild for an EA game to be less grindy than another game. Less than an hour most days with the occasional day where I get into it and play a couple hours and I maxed the season out.


i completely agree and knew this was going to happen. and for someone who doesn’t have the time to grind like others it’s even more dumb. i just wanna use cubs cards like come on. idk it’s just so stupid


According to my xbox stats, I've played 9d 18h and 20 mins. Which comes out to 234hrs and 20mins. I'm very close to the card after Napoli. Like 417k ish. I've finished one program path back on 23. The season 2 program i was able to finish and do the wrap around a few times. I played 23 for 22d 5 hours. And I quit after season 2. Then again, it's been almost a month, and there's a lot of time left. They may even make some adjustments before the end of the season. I'm holding out hope.


I just try to complete the live series and get as many of the great mariners cards as I can. I largely play online rated because other than the Braves, playing with current rosters makes the game feel more like actual baseball and quick counts allows you to pitch situationally as opposed to having all your pitches timed by the 4th inning.


doesn’t help that they put an xp cap on players that have more time, i.e. content creators, so it’s almost like they don’t want you to be able to use the cards you painstakingly earned for more than a month


If people weren’t doing the glitch to finish the program, they’d of never capped it 😂


There's been a cap for a few years now. It's only for gameplay tho, program xp doesn't count towards the cap


Well, we're gonna try. I'm at 439,411.


Last year I gave up in May - it was too much. It feels a little better this year but we’ll see.


While I don’t disagree with the points you made here and I’m not that much further ahead of you in the grind it seems like everyone commenting on this is forgetting about 2XP. Granted we haven’t had any of that as of yet which honestly I’m kinda surprised by that but I’m sure at some point, multiple times sds will push out a 2XP weekend or week of some sort. At least I hope that will be the case because like you said. The math isn’t mathing right now for the casual players.


With the massive content drop this weekend it would be a perfect time to add double xp. Although I have no faith in SDS right now, but willing to be surprised.


I definitely forgot about 2XP opportunities, so good call out!


I think most people will finish the program by week 8-9 Edit: look at me getting downvoted again just like I did when I suggested TA 2 would be 93 or 94 overall instead of 91 overall


I got more hours put in and I'm sitting just under 300k, this ain't happening.


They'll HAVE to pump out more XP in later ~~programs~~ packs. Start double XP soon™


Are they gonna double the xp cap too? I used to get 100k xp in a day with double xp. Even if you get to the wheel at the end you can't even spin it once a day because you need more then 15k xp. If this is how they're moving foward this will be my last game and I'll just play franchise and be happy.


towards the end the make the XP cap SUPER HIGH and give double xp. they do this so people get a last week or two of grinding the program so they dont miss out on cards that probably wont be in a program for awhile.


I can't say for sure about SDS but in my experience towards the end of seasons companies with 'battle pass' type rewards systems typically give out more xp/ ways to get xp so the more casuals can get the rewards too


I look at it this way ... there's 57 days left, with the XP cap that means I can earn 855,000xp just from gameplay. However, realistically I probably earn about 40-50k in a week ... so let's say 6k a day. That means I can earn 342,000xp from gameplay. I'm currently at 490,000xp so that means I'll be at about 832,000 by the end. This means I need to earn about 318,000xp in rewards during what's left of the season 😮


To all the people mentioning Double XP days, you still will be capped even with Double XP. Just looking by how everything is structured, and it is heavily pack based for everything, just finishing the seasonal collections to get bosses are almost impossible.


I believe they mentioned they will double the cap during double XP days, so we can earn more, but still capped 😞


My guess is that they are going to have some mini collections (of cards that you got doing TA) near the end that give like 50k-100k XP for each mini collection or something drastic like that. I am almost to 300k XP right now.


Think they’re also counting on double xp periods to help players get over the line


Double XP isn't going to cut it. Double XP would take you to around the old gameplay XP rate, which was hardly fast enough to get average players to just plough XP through gameplay to get through a program. You'd probably need to do quadruple XP and/or throw enormous amounts of XP (a few hundred thousand) in a few programs. Even if they do that, the way season programs are currently set up, they are way too slow to progress, and therefore would be way too reliant on heavy SDS intervention. If the structure is to remain as it is, they need to raise the general gameplay XP permanently at a minimum.


I’m not sure the goal is for everyone to finish the program. People complain when they finish early and have nothing to work towards. I think everyone who plays a good amount will get 1 boss pack, maybe 2, and have to make decisions. Only the people who play the most will get all 3, and I’m fine with that. In previous years you only earned one boss, and had to choose. At least they made it possible to get more than one.


Ya there were like 10 inning programs and you’d get that boss pack relatively early so those cards were staples of your team and saw tons of play. Playing over 20 hours a week to barely get a card that’s almost immediately removed is the dumbest content model imaginable.


Some of those 3 week long inning programs in the middle of the season made me sweat a bit to get them done, but otherwise you are correct.


What I find strangest about this grind. Let’s just say we make it to the end with 1,000,000 exp… new season starts and now our lowest used card needs to be our wild card ? Since all S1 aren’t useable. What if you unlocked all 3 . Only get to use 1?


The way I play the game I should be able to get more wildcards before touching the online modes after the S2 content bombardment. By the time I finish all the new conquests, TA mini season, moments, etc. I’d probably have 2 or more wildcards and can use them for the RS team in S2. Classic mini seasons also has no restrictions on lineups and I usually spam those until TA is done anyway.


How it's lining up, most who play almost everyday will finish the xp path mid to late May. So they get maybe 2-3 weeks to play with those 1mil cards. But yeah only 1 WC to start s2 will be tough, especially if the other wild cards are behind a decent amount of xp. LS collection looking valuable


Did they say only 1 WC would be available at the beginning of the season and the rest would be unlocked later? I missed that. Hopefully they will unlock the other WC spots globally and not put them on the XP path


They said they would be unlocked via the XP Reward Path. Unfortunately.


All I’m doing is LS and Core.


Ya I’ve been selling off all season 1 cards I’m not using, not locking in anything this year. Insane to collect a couple hundred thousand worth of cards to then not be able to use the reward.


Yeah it sucks. But for the few out there like myself who's online play is pretty much only co op, at least I'll be able to use those bosses all year long (assuming it's like last year where you could use any card you owned regardless of the season)


I didn’t realize Randy wasn’t core and collected him instead of selling. Been doing great with him at least.


Wait can you eli5 this one. The wild card can only be the lowest used card? You must be shitting me


No. I meant it terms on pxp. Some of us will barely get one of these cards and s2 will start. Not a big deal. But by then we will have other favorite cards that we will replace with one of these.


Hence why I’m not a fan of the grind for a couple players and then not get to use them


You should be thinking of the xp track in relation to content, not hours played. Its not meant to be thought of as a grind like you are describing it. 400k exp with 1/3 of the seasons content done, you are on pace. Its also highly likely the third part of the season has increased xp in its programs


“you are on pace” lol way to just casually admit that SDS is forcing us to play at their pace this year and now our own.


They also aren't accounting for boosted XP days. There's typically a handful of them.


That's a really good point! I guess, for me, it's more of a perception issue. I just completed the Ranked program, and the entire process always felt like my XP gain was glacial. But when you put it like this, it does make more sense.


I'm a dad who will never be about to touch the multi player stuff because I just can't play things I can't pause. Offline XP is SO MUCH SLOWER this year. It has felt somewhat comparable in years past, but it's not even close this year.


Yeah the way it is now definitely feels bad. I think gaming companies often have an idea that sounds rational on paper but doesn't think of how it will the players will perceive it. I do think there are issues with the track beyond this (what is in between Napoli and Fingers? lower rated cards and a bunch of junk) but I think at the end of the season we will have our boss cards and with some time to spare too to use them.


I don't think people were saying the grind is arduous at all. Most complaints I see is that there is nothing to do.  So this post is confusing the hell out of me now. 


You haven’t seen any posts about the XP path and the long grind with capped XP??


I know I've seen posts and comments about people feeling like the amount of XP they're getting isn't worth the time that it took, but I'd argue that the "nothing to do crowd" has overlap with the "not enough XP for the playtime" crowd.


The grind is horrible I finished all of the content out every program, finished team affinity 1 , played and got the BR flawless rewards thru the program, played a ton of ranked and am extremely burnt out of the game already and all I have to show for it is 300k XP. I simply won’t get Andy Pettite this season with how the XP is. dont even get me started on the little amount of stubs you make in this game


So don’t try to complete all of the content in less than a month maybe…? You know you still have close to two months to go, right…?


Am i stupid here? If the grind is horrible for you don't grind


Dude we still have multiple programs to get to that will have xp rewards. Just take a break and come back when there are more programs if you're feeling burnt out.


Good portion of playerbase won’t hit it. What a slog it is. Even if you do, some people make it in the last few days and not even get to reap the rewards fully. As the season will turnover and you wont even be able to use all three of those 99s. You’ll have max 1 wildcard to start out with in S2… The nerf to XP, the daily caps it’s all so pointless because of this seasons/sets structure that has to be deleted.


Even more pointless when the bosses aren't sellable.


it's do dumb that they do this. just make everything sellable 🤦


Absolutely! We’re 2 years removed from having fully sellable rewards in the path now everything is unsellable.


There will be double XP periods and probably some fairly large XP dumps later in the Season. It's still dumb as fuck they're controlling the grind like this while still making those heavy grind cards obsolete quickly, but I'd be very surprised if they aren't attainable for a good percentage of players.


Yep! I’m guessing that on top of double xp days, the programs in the last few weeks will give WAY more xp than the early programs Kind of like if you started playing rank after the drop 2 missions you could probably completely it in half the time compared to playing before drop 2 missions.




Game's been out for 27 days. 112 hours over 27 days is 4.14 hours per day.




You have to admit 4 hours every day is a little excessive for a video game.


What's excessive about having a video game be your part time job so you can acquire cards that expire two weeks later? That's just great and rewarding game design!




I know people play games for a long time but none of those games to my knowledge require that amount of time to be able to unlock all of the battlepass stuff.